392 resultados para Zonation


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Modern carbonate sedimentation takes place on the northern Mauritanian shelf (20°N), where typical tropical components (e.g. hermatypic reefs, calcareous green algae) are absent. Such deposits are reminiscent of extratropical sediment in the geological record. The tropical open shelf of Mauritania is influenced by large siliciclastic dust input and upwelling, highly fertilizing the ocean, as well as strongly limiting the light penetration. In this context, temperature does not appear to be the steering factor of carbonate production. This thesis describes the depositional system of the Golfe d'Arguin off Mauritania and focuses on environmental conditions that control the depositional pattern, in particular carbonate production. The description of this modern analogue provides a tool for paleoenvironmental interpretation of ancient counterparts. The Golfe d'Arguin is a broad shallow shelf comprising extensive shoals (<10 m water depth; i.e. the Banc d'Arguin) on the inner shelf where waters warm up. The sediments collected in water depths between 4 and 600 m are characterized by mixed carbonate and siliciclastic (dust) deposits. They vary from clean coarse-grained, almost pure carbonate loose sediments to siliciclastic-dominated fine-grained sediments. The carbonate content and sediment grain size show a north-south decreasing pattern through the Golfe d'Arguin and are controlled by the hydraulic regime influenced by wind-driven surface currents, swell, and tidal currents. The carbonate grain association is heterozoan. Components include abundant molluscs, foraminifers, and worm tubes, as well as barnacles and echinoderms, elements that are also abundant in extratropical sediments. The spatial distribution of the sedimentary facies of the Golfe d'Arguin does not display a depth zonation but rather a mosaic (i.e. patchy distribution). The depth and climatic signatures of the different sedimentary facies are determined by taxonomic and ecological investigations of the carbonate-secreting biota (molluscs and foraminifers). While certain planktonic foraminifers and molluscs represent upwelling elements, other components (e.g. mollusc and benthic foraminifer taxa) demonstrate the tropical origin of the sediment. The nutrient-rich (and thus also low light-penetration) conditions are reflected in the fact that symbiotic and photosynthetic carbonate-producing organisms (e.g. hermatypic corals) are absent. The Mauritanian deposits represent an environment that is rare in the modern world but might have been more common in the geological past when global temperatures were higher. Taxonomic and ecological studies allow for distinguishing carbonate sediments formed under either tropical high-nutrient or extratropical conditions, thus improving paleoclimate reconstruction.


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During Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 93, upper Miocene through Quaternary sediments were continuously cored in Hole 604, located on the upper continental rise of the New Jersey transect (western North Atlantic). A detailed biostratigraphic study of these strata has been made using the vertical distribution of planktonic foraminifers. The Quaternary climatic zonation of Ericson and Wollin (1968) has been tentatively delineated and all the Pliocene zones and subzones (sensu Berggren, 1977) have been recognized. The rate of sedimentation was slow during most of the Pliocene but underwent a significant acceleration in the early Pleistocene. Quantitative variations in the distribution of planktonic foraminifers appear to be influenced by various factors, such as hydrodynamic winnowing resulting from the action of bottom currents and surficial thermal conditions caused by climatic changes. Both dissolution intervals and brief increases in the coarser detrital input seem, most of the time, to be correlated with indications of climatic cooling and may correspond to glacial events or cycles. This chapter delineates a precursor stage in the inception of Northern Hemisphere glaciation at 3 Ma and wide-scale Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles. Data from a detailed study of Hole 604 are briefly compared with the main sedimentary and microfaunal features of contemporaneous series previously drilled along the east American margin in the northwestern Atlantic. One of the striking observations appears to be the intense redistribution of sediments that affected this region in Neogene-Quaternary times.


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Water depth zonation of fifty nine benthonic foraminiferal species in marine sediment surfaces has been described. Some species are combined to groups which mark particular depth zones: an upper and lower shelf-fauna, an upper and lower slope fauna, and a shelf-slope fauna. Dependence on latitude could be ascertained for Textularia panamensis, and submergence effects for Hyalinea balthica.


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The middle-late Campanian was marked by an increase in the bioprovinciality of calcareous microfossil assemblages into distinct Tethyan, Transitional, and Austral Provinces that persisted to the end of the Maastrichtian. The northwestern Australian margin belonged to the Transitional Province and the absence of key Tethyan marker species such as Radotruncana calcarata and Gansserina gansseri has led petroleum companies operating in the area to use the locally developed KCCM integrated calcareous microfossil zonation scheme. The KCCM zonation is a composite scheme comprising calcareous nannofossil (KCN), planktonic foraminiferal (KPF) and benthonic foraminiferal (KBF) zones. This paper presents the definitions and revisions of Zones KCCM8-19, from the highest occurrence (HO) of Aspidolithus parcus constrictus to the lowest occurrence (LO) of Ceratolithoides aculeus, and builds on our previous early-late Maastrichtian study. The presence of a middle-upper Campanian disconformity is confirmed by microfossil evidence from the Vulcan Sub-basin, Exmouth and Wombat plateaus, and the Southern Carnarvon Platform. In the Vulcan Sub-basin and on the Exmouth Plateau (ODP Hole 762C) the hiatus extends from slightly above the LO of common Rugoglobigerina rugosa to above the LO of Quadrum gothicum. On the Wombat Plateau (ODP Hole 761B) it spans from above the LO of Heterohelix semicostata to above the LO of Quadrum gothicum; and in the Southern Carnarvon Platform the disconformity has its longest duration from above the HO of Heterohelix semicostata to above the LO of Quadrum sissinghii. A significant revision of the events which define Zones KCCM18 and 19 was necessary owing to the observation that the LO of Ceratolithoides aculeus occurs below the HOs of Archaeoglobigerina cretacea and Stensioeina granulata incondita and the LO of common Rugoglobigerina rugosa. In the original zonation these events were considered to be coincident.


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87Sr/86Sr ratios of well-preserved early Miocene-Oligocene planktonic foraminifers from Site 744 in the southern Indian Ocean provide the highest southern latitude Sr isotope record of this age. The isotopic data have been calibrated with the site magnetostratigraphy. 87Sr/86Sr ages were also determined using the Sr isotope-age equations of Miller et al. (1988, doi:10.1029/PA003i002p00223) and Hess et al. (1989, doi:10.1029/PA004i006p00655). There is good agreement between the calculated ages from 87Sr/86Sr measurements using these equations and those derived from magnetobiostratigraphy. In addition, these equations were useful for inference of sediment ages in intervals where the paleomagnetic record is not well resolved and the biostratigraphy is inconclusive. The Site 744 87Sr/86Sr record can be used for correlation of Antarctic and low-latitude sequences and biostratigraphical zonation of foraminifers, radiolarians, diatoms, and calcareous nannofossils. This record will assist in the development of the high southern latitude biochronology.


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Two hydraulic piston cores containing the total Quaternary suite were analyzed quantitatively in their planktonic foraminiferal contents. For the Early Pleistocene, the Caribbean standard zonation (BOLLI & PREMOLI-SILVA) can be adopted and refined by the introduction of an additional subzone at its base (the Globorotalia triangula subzone). Local substages are proposed for the Late Pleistocene because index fossils are missing. The use of the transfer-function technique resulted in paleotemperature and paleosalinity curves with a time resolution of cycles of about 4-68,000 years duration. The Early Pleistocene paleoenvironment is characterized by low oscillations of the surface water temperatures, followed by a distinct cooling trend during the Globorotalia viola subzone, a period of smoothed cycles during the Globorotalia hessi subzone and distinctly developed cycles during the late Pleistocene since the oxygen isotope termination III. Grainsize distribution and several dissolution indices gave evidence for current activities on the top of the Walvis Ridge, where the amount of fine grained components in the sediment is reduced in comparison with that of the flanks.


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A reexamination of the agglutinated benthic foraminiferal microfaunas found in the Upper Cretaceous red and brown clays of DSDP Hole 603B and ODP Holes 640A and 641A allows us to refine the initial shipboard biostratigraphic interpretation and to propose a fourfold zonation that can be used with some precautions in the oceanic realm. By means of various calibrations, an attempt is also made to integrate this zonation in a worldwide chronostratigraphic framework. The resulting chronologic control permits us to discern large differences in the rhythm of red clay deposition on either side of the North Atlantic Ocean.


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The chronostratigraphy, the calcareous nannofossil biochronology, and the biostratigraphy of the Miocene and Pliocene sediments retrieved during Leg 115 in the equatorial western Indian Ocean are presented and discussed. Most of the zonal boundaries of the standard 1971 zonation of Martini and the 1973 zonation of Bukry are easily recognized in these low-latitude sediments. We also comment on the secondary events that are proposed in the literature to improve the biostratigraphic resolution provided by the standard zonations. The study of calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and taphonomy of sequences from the Northern Mascarene Plateau area, which was drilled to investigate the Neogene history of carbonate flux and dissolution, indicate that the accumulation of carbonates in this area results from a complex interplay among carbonate bioproductivity, carbonate removal by chemical dissolution and mechanical erosion, and carbonate addition by mass and current transport. In spite of these drawbacks, major changes and trends in carbonate accumulation can be recognized, most of which, if not all, correlate with major steps in the evolution of the Neogene climatic system.


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Apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He (AHe) thermochronology is increasingly used for reconstructing geodynamic processes of the upper crust and the surface. Results of AHe thermochronology, however, are often in conflict with apatite fission track (AFT) thermochronology, yielding an inverted age-relationship with AHe dates older than AFT dates of the same samples. This effect is mainly explained by radiation damage of apatite, either impeding He diffusion or causing non-thermal annealing of fission tracks. So far, systematic age inversions have only been described for old and slowly cooled terranes, whereas for young and rapidly cooled samples 'too old' AHe dates are usually explained by the presence of undetected U and/or Th-rich micro-inclusions. We report apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He results for rapidly cooled volcanogenic samples deposited in a deep ocean environment with a relatively simple post-depositional thermal history. Robust age constraints are provided independently through sample biostratigraphy. All studied apatites have low U contents (< 5 ppm on average). While AFT dates are largely in agreement with deposition ages, most AHe dates are too old. For leg 43, where deposition age of sampled sediment is 26.5-29.5 Ma, alpha-corrected average AHe dates are up to 45 Ma, indicating overestimations of AHe dates up to 50%. This is explained by He implantation from surrounding host U-Th rich sedimentary components and it is shown that AHe dates can be "corrected" by mechanically abrading the outer part of grains. We recommend that particularly for low U-Th-apatites the possibility of He implantation should be carefully checked before considering the degree to which the alpha-ejection correction should be applied.


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The scarcity of records of Early Paleocene radiolarians has meant that while radiolarian biostratigraphy is firmly established as an important tool for correlation, there has been a long-standing gap between established zonations for the Cretaceous and from latest Paleocene to Recent. It has also led to considerable speculation over the level of faunal change across the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary. Consequently, the discovery of rich and diverse radiolarian assemblages in well-delineated K/T boundary sections within siliceous limestones of the Amuri Limestone Group in eastern Marlborough, New Zealand, is of great significance for biostratigraphy and K/T boundary research. This initial report is restricted to introducing a new latest Cretaceous to mid Late Paleocene zonation based on the radiolarian succession at four of these sections and a re-examination of faunas from coeval sediments at DSDP Site 208 (Lord Howe Rise). Three new Paleocene species are described: Amphisphaera aotea, Amphisphaera kina and Stichomitra wero. Six new interval zones are defined by the first appearances of the nominate species. In ascending order these are: Lithomelissa? hoplites Foreman (Zone RK9, Cretaceous), Amphisphaera aotea n. sp. (Zone RP1, Paleocene), Amphisphaera kina n. sp. (RP2), Stichomitra granulata Petrushevskaya (RP3), Buryellaforemanae petrushevskaya (RP4) and Buryella tetradica (RP5). Good age control from foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils permits close correlation with established microfossil zonations. Where age control is less reliable, radiolarian events are used to substantially improve correlation between the sections. No evidence is found for mass extinction of radiolarians at the end of the Cretaceous. However, the K/T boundary does mark a change from nassellarian to spumellarian dominance, due to a sudden influx of actinommids, which effectively reduces the relative abundance of many Cretaceous survivors. An accompanying influx of diatoms in the basal Paleocene of Marlborough, together with evidence for an increase of total radiolarian abundance, suggests siliceous plankton productivity increased across the K/T boundary. Possible causes for this apparently localised phenomenon are briefly discussed.


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During "Meteor"cruise 1965 the author collected 134 samples of surface sediments from the Iranian part of the Persian Gulf. Benthic Foraminifera populations have been analysed for determining their depth zonation. These data are supposed to allow detailed depth interpretation of Pleistocene sediments found in cores. In addition, the ecological information might be usefull to reconstruct the depositional environment of fossil sediments in similar shallow epicontinental seas. The investigation is published in two parts: the present part 1 contains the catalogue of species with short discussions of taxonomic problems, notes on the distribution within the Persian Gulf and 11 plates, partly with scanning electron micrographs. The results of the statistical analysis are given in data tables which include number of species, percentages of 2 (and 5) ranked species, standing crop and foraminiferal numbers. The author used "species groups" to avoid ambiguities with species requiring additional taxonomic studies. However, species numbers within these units are estimated to yield applicable diversity information. - A total of 52 species and 7 "species groups" were separated, 2 new species were described.


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The following data paper summarizes diatom biostratigraphic data from sediments drilled in the Costa Rica accretionary wedge during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 170. Quaternary through lower Miocene diatom zones characteristic of the equatorial Pacific region are recognized in the reference section, Site 1039, which was drilled on the downgoing Cocos plate. At Sites 1040-1043, where the recovered silty clay units are primarily wedge and apron sediments that overlie the underthrust sections, diatoms are generally low in abundance, and complete zonation of the cores was not possible above the décollement surface.