962 resultados para Yang Zhenzong


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We investigate the strain hardening behavior of various gelatin networks-namely physical gelatin gel, chemically cross-linked gelatin gel, and a hybrid gel made of a combination of the former two-under large shear deformations using the pre-stress, strain ramp, and large amplitude oscillations shear protocols. Further, the internal structures of physical gelatin gels and chemically cross-linked gelatin gels were characterized by small angle neutron scattering (SANS) to enable their internal structures to be correlated with their nonlinear rheology. The Kratky plots of SANS data demonstrate the presence of small cross-linked aggregates within the chemically cross-linked network whereas, in the physical gelatin gels, a relatively homogeneous structure is observed. Through model fitting to the scattering data, we were able to obtain structural parameters, such as the correlation length (ξ), the cross-sectional polymer chain radius (Rc) and the fractal dimension (df) of the gel networks. The fractal dimension df obtained from the SANS data of the physical and chemically cross-linked gels is 1.31 and 1.53, respectively. These values are in excellent agreement with the ones obtained from a generalized nonlinear elastic theory that has been used to fit the stress-strain curves. The chemical cross-linking that generates coils and aggregates hinders the free stretching of the triple helix bundles in the physical gels.


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Early-life stress (ELS) induces long-lasting changes in gene expression conferring an increased risk for the development of stress-related mental disorders. Glucocorticoid receptors (GR) mediate the negative feedback actions of glucocorticoids (GC) in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary and therefore play a key role in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the endocrine response to stress. We here show that ELS programs the expression of the GR gene (Nr3c1) by site-specific hypermethylation at the CpG island (CGI) shore in hypothalamic neurons that produce corticotropin-releasing hormone (Crh), thus preventing Crh upregulation under conditions of chronic stress. CpGs mapping to the Nr3c1 CGI shore region are dynamically regulated by ELS and underpin methylation-sensitive control of this region's insulation-like function via Ying Yang 1 (YY1) binding. Our results provide new insight into how a genomic element integrates experience-dependent epigenetic programming of the composite proximal Nr3c1 promoter, and assigns an insulating role to the CGI shore.


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Es mi intención centrar mis investigaciones en los próximos años en las álgebras de Lie tipo H. Es nuestro objetivo encontrar nuevas familias de álgebras regulares no de tipo H y verificar la existencia o no de irreducibles cumpliendo de estas propiedades. En particular es interesante plantear su cuantización, es decir encontrar estructuras de álgebras de Hopf que sean deformaciones del álgebra envolvente correspondiente al álgebra de Lie en estudio. En particular estudiaremos si existen cuantizaciones quasitriangulares lo que nos llevaría soluciones de la ecuación de Yang-Baxter cuántica. Hasta ahora hemos logrado la cuantización en ciertos casos particulares. Para comprender cómo deben ser hechas las cuantizaciones en forma más general es necesario realizar un estudio sistemático de las estructuras de la biálgebra de las álgebras de Lie de tipo H. En particular se tratarán de detectar estructuras de biálgebra quasitriangulares y por consiguientes soluciones de la ecuación de Yang-Baxter clásica. Es un resultado conocido que las funciones de theta se pueden expresar como coeficiente matricial de la representación de Stone-Von Neumann. De los teoremas de Stone-Von Neumann para álgebras de tipo H surgen entonces funciones que serían una generalización de las funciones theta; es nuestro objetivo encontrar propiedades de estas funciones que puedan ser de interés.


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En medicina, es frecuente encontrar diferencias en la respuesta de una misma droga en distintos individuos. Algunos factores que contribuyen con esta respuesta diferencial incluyen variables como edad, biodisponilidad y absorción gastro-intestinal de los medicamentos, interacción entre fármacos, hábitos alimentarios y factores genéticos. Dentro de los factores genéticos, encontramos polimorfismos genéticos que afectan la absorción, el metabolismo y el transporte de fármacos, como así también receptores de los mismos y/o, la interacción con otros genes. Algunos polimorfismos genéticos que contribuyen a una respuesta farmacológica disminuida han sido descriptos en patologías como, la hipercolesterolemia, artritis reumatoidea, cáncer, diabetes, hipertensión arterial, esquizofrenia, asma, hepatitis C y SIDA, entre otras. Nuestro estudio pretende: I) Identificar polimorfismos en genes que codifican para enzimas metabolizadoras de fármacos, para canales iónicos y, para receptores de fármacos (como por ejemplo polimorfismos en el receptor beta 2 adrenérgico en pacientes tratados con salbutamol que presentan bronquiolitis). II) Identificar la presencia de un polimorfismo en el gen CES 1 que codifica para la enzima carboxilesterasa 1 (en una población hospitalaria), que participa en la activación de la prodroga oseltamivir utilizada en el tratamiento de la Gripe A (H1N1). Los resultados obtenidos podrán ser de gran utilidad en el tratamiento médico, ya que permitirá optimizar el uso de fármacos, disminuir los efectos secundarios causados por los mismos, y proponer el empleo de otros fármacos.


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Phospholipase D2, delta-opioid receptor, mu-opioid recepter, endocytosis


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2014


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Im Rahmen dieser vorliegenden Arbeit wurde im Internet nach Ressourcen für ein E-Learnind-Modul "Terminologielehre und Terminologieverwaltung" rechercheiert. In der Arbeit werden 19 Ressourcen nach Arten von z. B. elektronischen Büchern, online Präsentationen, Tutorial-Filmen, Online-Glossaren oder Software-Anwendungen für Terminologieverwaltung gesammelt. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, dass Menschen, die sich eine Grundkompetenz in der Terminologielehre und Terminologieverwaltung aneignen wollen, mit den Materialien lernen und üben können. Einige Socftwareanwendungen werden vorgestellt, mit denen man selbst Terminologiebestände bearbeiten oder Terminologiedatenbanken erstellen kann.


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Eine Vektoroperation ist die Berechnung von Vektoren. Zum Beispiel Addition, Subtraktion und skalares Produkt. Die Vektoroperation wird meistens für die Berechnung von Signalen, z.B. Faltung verwendet. Ein Programm ist für die Operationen entworfen worden. Mit welchen Methoden kann eine Vektoroperation mit vielen Elementen einfach sein und wie kann die Robustheit des Programms stabil sein? Diese Probleme sollen in dieser Arbeit untersucht und gelöst werden. Hierfür wurde die sichere Programmiersprache SPARK2014 gewählt, um die Robustheit des Programms realisieren zu können. Und das wichtigste Werkzeug, die Vor- und Nachbedingung von SPARK2014, wurde verwendet. Für das Programm ist ein mathematisches Konzept wichtig, es ist die Basis der dynamischen Programmierung. Am Anfang wurden mögliche Vor- und Nachbedingungen geschrieben. Anschließend durch mathematische Kenntnisse ,Notwendig und Hinreichende Bedingung‘ wurden die repräsentativen Vorbedingungen gewählt und die Reihenfolge der Vorgehensweise festgelegt. Danach wurde die Methode durch mathematische Kenntnisse nachgewiesen. Zum Schluss wurden die entworfenen Vor- und Nachbedingungen durch die mathematischen Beispiele getestet.


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Foi conduzido um experimento no Campo Experimental da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", em Piracicaba, SP, com a finalidade de se avaliar a influência do ácido giberélico (GA3) na indução do florescimento e produção de sementes de cenoura (Daucus cavota L.) cultivar Denver, do grupo Nantes. Utilizou-se dos seguintes tratamentos: 0, 50, 100 e 150 ppm de ácido giberélico, e para cada dosagem, aplicações de 1, 3 e 6 vezes consecutivas, espaçadas de 7 dias, iniciando-se a primeira aplicação quando o sistema radicular principal apresentava aproximadamente 1 centímetro de diâmetro. Os resultados permitiram concluir que, o ácido giberélico mesmo em doses pequenas pode substituir o frio na indução floral e produção de sementes de cenoura; e que a melhor concentração de ácido giberélico para a produção de sementes de cenoura "Denver" foi a de 100 ppm. Concentrações maiores induziram a formação de plantas com crescimento vegetativo excessivo, embora houvesse florescimento.


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The fracture risk assessment tool (FRAX(®)) has been developed for the identification of individuals with high risk of fracture in whom treatment to prevent fractures would be appropriate. FRAX models are not yet available for all countries or ethnicities, but surrogate models can be used within regions with similar fracture risk. The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) are nonprofit multidisciplinary international professional organizations. Their visions are to advance the awareness, education, prevention, and treatment of osteoporosis. In November 2010, the IOF/ISCD FRAX initiative was held in Bucharest, bringing together international experts to review and create evidence-based official positions guiding clinicians for the practical use of FRAX. A consensus meeting of the Asia-Pacific (AP) Panel of the ISCD recently reviewed the most current Official Positions of the Joint Official Positions of ISCD and IOF on FRAX in view of the different population characteristics and health standards in the AP regions. The reviewed position statements included not only the key spectrum of positions but also unique concerns in AP regions.


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Adaptive immunity is initiated in T-cell zones of secondary lymphoid organs. These zones are organized in a rigid 3D network of fibroblastic reticular cells (FRCs) that are a rich cytokine source. In response to lymph-borne antigens, draining lymph nodes (LNs) expand several folds in size, but the fate and role of the FRC network during immune response is not fully understood. Here we show that T-cell responses are accompanied by the rapid activation and growth of FRCs, leading to an expanded but similarly organized network of T-zone FRCs that maintains its vital function for lymphocyte trafficking and survival. In addition, new FRC-rich environments were observed in the expanded medullary cords. FRCs are activated within hours after the onset of inflammation in the periphery. Surprisingly, FRC expansion depends mainly on trapping of naïve lymphocytes that is induced by both migratory and resident dendritic cells. Inflammatory signals are not required as homeostatic T-cell proliferation was sufficient to trigger FRC expansion. Activated lymphocytes are also dispensable for this process, but can enhance the later growth phase. Thus, this study documents the surprising plasticity as well as the complex regulation of FRC networks allowing the rapid LN hyperplasia that is critical for mounting efficient adaptive immunity.


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Clinical responses to anticancer therapies are often restricted to a subset of patients. In some cases, mutated cancer genes are potent biomarkers for responses to targeted agents. Here, to uncover new biomarkers of sensitivity and resistance to cancer therapeutics, we screened a panel of several hundred cancer cell lines--which represent much of the tissue-type and genetic diversity of human cancers--with 130 drugs under clinical and preclinical investigation. In aggregate, we found that mutated cancer genes were associated with cellular response to most currently available cancer drugs. Classic oncogene addiction paradigms were modified by additional tissue-specific or expression biomarkers, and some frequently mutated genes were associated with sensitivity to a broad range of therapeutic agents. Unexpected relationships were revealed, including the marked sensitivity of Ewing's sarcoma cells harbouring the EWS (also known as EWSR1)-FLI1 gene translocation to poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors. By linking drug activity to the functional complexity of cancer genomes, systematic pharmacogenomic profiling in cancer cell lines provides a powerful biomarker discovery platform to guide rational cancer therapeutic strategies.


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The classic organization of a gene structure has followed the Jacob and Monod bacterial gene model proposed more than 50 years ago. Since then, empirical determinations of the complexity of the transcriptomes found in yeast to human has blurred the definition and physical boundaries of genes. Using multiple analysis approaches we have characterized individual gene boundaries mapping on human chromosomes 21 and 22. Analyses of the locations of the 5' and 3' transcriptional termini of 492 protein coding genes revealed that for 85% of these genes the boundaries extend beyond the current annotated termini, most often connecting with exons of transcripts from other well annotated genes. The biological and evolutionary importance of these chimeric transcripts is underscored by (1) the non-random interconnections of genes involved, (2) the greater phylogenetic depth of the genes involved in many chimeric interactions, (3) the coordination of the expression of connected genes and (4) the close in vivo and three dimensional proximity of the genomic regions being transcribed and contributing to parts of the chimeric RNAs. The non-random nature of the connection of the genes involved suggest that chimeric transcripts should not be studied in isolation, but together, as an RNA network.


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In the mid-1940s, American film industry was on its way up to its golden era as studios started mass-producing iconic feature films. The escalating increase in popularity of Hollywood stars was actively suggested for its direct links to box office success by academics. Using data collected in 2007, this paper carries out an empirical investigation on how different factors, including star power, affect the revenue of ‘home-run’ movies in Hollywood. Due to the subjective nature of star power, two different approaches were used: (1) number of nominations and wins of Academy Awards by the key players, and (2) average lifetime gross revenue of films involving the key players preceding the sample year. It is found that number of Academy awards nominations and wins was not statistically significant in generating box office revenue, whereas star power based on the second approach was statistically significant. Other significant factors were critics’ reviews, screen coverage and top distributor, while number of Academy awards, MPAA-rating, seasonality, being a sequel and popular genre were not statistically significant.