959 resultados para XVI th century


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Eguíluz, Federico; Merino, Raquel; Olsen, Vickie; Pajares, Eterio; Santamaría, José Miguel (eds.)


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This publication captures the outputs of a JISC infoNet conference held in February 2004 in the Royal York Hotel, York. The event was entitled ‘When Worlds Collide’ because it aimed to explore the cultural differences between the different communities involved in developing and supporting learning environments hence the event was promoted in collaboration with ALT and UCISA. We defined learning environment in the broadest sense to encompass all of the structures, systems and processes that impact on the learning experience. For many this is summed up in the term Managed Learning Environment (MLE) although others favour alternative terminologies. The event was thus unusual in that it brought together people, from learning and teaching, MIS, library, administrative and senior management backgrounds, that don’t often get the opportunity to network with one another.


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Increasing investment in estate and learning technologies, combined with the need for more cost-effective space utilisation, is making it increasingly important for senior managers to keep abreast of new thinking about the design of technology-rich learning spaces. Designing Spaces for Effective Learning, one of a series of guides, was launched at the JISC Conference 2006 which helped to meet this need. A visually-rich publication, it was designed to promote better understanding of what makes an effective design for the 21 century and to summarise the key points to consider when approaching a refurbishment or new-build project. The publication takes the reader on a ’walk through’ an educational institution, exploring the relationship between learning technologies and innovative examples of physical space design at each stage of the journey. Discussion of the key points is illustrated by ten case studies from further and higher education, and floor plans from AMA Alexi Marmot Associates, architects and space planners, which provide up-to-date guidelines on the integration of technologies into teaching and learning accommodation.


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Technology for employability: HE case studies


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[ES] En la iglesia de San Miguel Arcángel, en Irura, encontramos uno de los retablos más interesantes de finales del Renacimiento en Gipuzkoa. El altar posee relieves y tallas de estilo romanista de gran calidad, junto con una mazonería manierista. La obra fue realizada en las postrimerías del siglo XVI por los artistas Pedro de Goicoechea y Jerónimo de Larrea, miembros del taller de Tolosa, siguiendo las trazas dadas por escultor Juan de Goicoechea.


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668 p. : il. - Obtuvo por unanimidad la máxima calificación de "apto cum laude" ante el tribunal


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[ES] Esta investigación pretende analizar cómo repercutieron los comunales, su aprovechamiento y explotación en los cambios operados en las instituciones municipales vascas; esto es, el papel que representaron en el desarrollo de la sociedad urbana vasca.


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Reed. in J. A. Lakarra (ed.) 1992, Manuel de Larramendi. Hirugarren mendeurrena (1690-1990), Andoain: Andoaingo Udala [etc], 193-205 & in R. Gómez & J. A. Lakarra (arg.) 1992, Euskalaritzaren historiaz, I: XVI-XIX. mendeak, Donostia-San Sebastián: Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia & UPV/EHU, 261-274.


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[ES]La presente investigación pretende analizar la situación del sector agrario guipuzcoano durante los siglos XVI y XVII, período en el que el sector agropecuario guipuzcoano experimentó una serie de cambios profundos, adoptando una nueva fisionomía, que se consolidó durante los siglos XVIII y XIX, principalmente debido al impacto de la expansión del maíz. Lejos de generalizar a todo el territorio las diferentes dinámicas, se intentará analizar la geografía y ritmo de dichos cambios y transformaciones; la diversidad de situaciones fue importante, teniendo en cuenta que se partía de diferentes condiciones ortográficas, climáticas y económicas.


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Isotope dilution thorium and uranium analyses of the Harleton chondrite show a larger scatter than previously observed in equilibrated ordinary chondrites (EOC). The linear correlation of Th/U with 1/U in Harleton (and all EOC data) is produced by variation in the chlorapatite to merrillite mixing ratio. Apatite variations control the U concentrations. Phosphorus variations are compensated by inverse variations in U to preserve the Th/U vs. 1/U correlation. Because the Th/U variations reflect phosphate ampling, a weighted Th/U average should converge to an improved solar system Th/U. We obtain Th/U=3.53 (1-mean=0.10), significantly lower and more precise than previous estimates.

To test whether apatite also produces Th/U variation in CI and CM chondrites, we performed P analyses on the solutions from leaching experiments of Orgueil and Murchison meteorites.

A linear Th/U vs. 1/U correlation in CI can be explained by redistribution of hexavalent U by aqueous fluids into carbonates and sulfates.

Unlike CI and EOC, whole rock Th/U variations in CMs are mostly due to Th variations. A Th/U vs. 1/U linear correlation suggested by previous data for CMs is not real. We distinguish 4 components responsible for the whole rock Th/U variations: (1) P and actinide-depleted matrix containing small amounts of U-rich carbonate/sulfate phases (similar to CIs); (2) CAIs and (3) chondrules are major reservoirs for actinides, (4) an easily leachable phase of high Th/U. likely carbonate produced by CAI alteration. Phosphates play a minor role as actinide and P carrier phases in CM chondrites.

Using our Th/U and minimum galactic ages from halo globular clusters, we calculate relative supernovae production rates for 232Th/238U and 235U/238U for different models of r-process nucleosynthesis. For uniform galactic production, the beginning of the r-process nucleosynthesis must be less than 13 Gyr. Exponentially decreasing production is also consistent with a 13 Gyr age, but very slow decay times are required (less than 35 Gyr), approaching the uniform production. The 15 Gyr Galaxy requires either a fast initial production growth (infall time constant less than 0.5 Gyr) followed by very low decrease (decay time constant greater than 100 Gyr), or the fastest possible decrease (≈8 Gyr) preceded by slow in fall (≈7.5 Gyr).


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As enchentes se constituem em um dos mais freqüentes e complexos problemas nas áreas urbanas em todo o mundo, causando danos à população e às atividades econômicas a estas associadas. A cidade do Rio de Janeiro possui um longo histórico de inundações, outrora ligadas sobretudo às suas características topográficas e climáticas, que, em virtude dos processo de ocupação e urbanização, iniciados no século XVI, foram potencializas pelas interferências no meio físico, através das políticas públicas. Esta dissertação visa analisar as causas das inundações, bem como suas implicações na organização do espaço, na área central da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, evidenciando formas e processos pretéritos e presentes. As enchentes no centro da cidade foram mapeadas, com diferenciação entre os setores análogos, nos quais destacam-se as áreas mais críticas de ocorrências, em virtude dos danos decorrentes das inundações. Para tanto foram feitos levantamentos bibliográficos e trabalhos de campo. São feitas também recomendações que se originaram dos resultados dos levantamentos e das análises realizadas, visando contribuir para iniciativas que busquem soluções efetivas para o velho problema de enchentes na área central do Rio de Janeiro. Como resultado, pode-se concluir que uma série de fatores conjugados contribuem para as ocorrências atuais, àqueles inseridos em uma escala mais local, como nivelamentos de ruas, que ainda hoje remontam antigas feições da cidade ou a ineficiência da rede de drenagem atual, como também fatores mais abrangentes, ligados aos divisores topográficos e drenagem associada.


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This thesis consists of three papers studying the relationship between democratic reform, expenditure on sanitation public goods and mortality in Britain in the second half of the nineteenth century. During this period decisions over spending on critical public goods such as water supply and sewer systems were made by locally elected town councils, leading to extensive variation in the level of spending across the country. This dissertation uses new historical data to examine the political factors determining that variation, and the consequences for mortality rates.

The first substantive chapter describes the spread of government sanitation expenditure, and analyzes the factors that determined towns' willingness to invest. The results show the importance of towns' financial constraints, both in terms of the available tax base and access to borrowing, in limiting the level of expenditure. This suggests that greater involvement by Westminster could have been very effective in expediting sanitary investment. There is little evidence, however, that democratic reform was an important driver of greater expenditure.

Chapter 3 analyzes the effect of extending voting rights to the poor on government public goods spending. A simple model predicts that the rich and the poor will desire lower levels of public goods expenditure than the middle class, and so extensions of the right to vote to the poor will be associated with lower spending. This prediction is tested using plausibly exogenous variation in the extent of the franchise. The results strongly support the theoretical prediction: expenditure increased following relatively small extensions of the franchise, but fell once more than approximately 50% of the adult male population held the right to vote.

Chapter 4 tests whether the sanitary expenditure was effective in combating the high mortality rates following the Industrial Revolution. The results show that increases in urban expenditure on sanitation-water supply, sewer systems and streets-was extremely effective in reducing mortality from cholera and diarrhea.


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O tema desta pesquisa abrange a penetração e a repressão inquisitorial portuguesa à chamada heresia luterana. Antes de qualquer comentário, é necessário dizer que o termo luterano, na Época Moderna, era utilizado pelos inquisidores como termo genérico para identificar os estrangeiros protestantes. É um tema inédito e original, no âmbito das pesquisas históricas especializadas em Inquisição, com o foco direcionado para os processos inquisitoriais do Santo Ofício Lisboeta contra réus em terra brasílica. Trata-se de uma investigação a respeito da introdução e da difusão do luteranismo no Brasil colonial entre os séculos XVI e XVII. Processos da Inquisição portuguesa são as fontes primárias de maior relevância nesta tese. Além de que, há documentos administrativos e jurídicos que aprimoram a exploração da temática. O luteranismo no Brasil Colonial apresentou várias facetas: desde um luteranismo das naus, quando os portugueses expandiam-se para o além-mar e eram tomados por luteranos ingleses e franceses ao luteranismo da terra firme com seus conflitos e guerras coloniais, contando, também, com aquele tipo de luteranismo por adesão voluntária. O crime perseguido e processado pelo Tribunal da Inquisição Portuguesa no Brasil foi um luteranismo articulado com as profundas mudanças sociais, políticas e culturais da Europa Moderna e com as singularidades da sociedade colonial.