422 resultados para Wunsch, Sinikka: Punainen uhka
Was bedeutete es, sich einer fremden Kultur anzupassen, um dort ein völlig neues Leben zu beginnen? Mein Wunsch war es hinter die Fassade des ‚störenden ausländischen Kindes blicken, das nicht fehlerfrei deutsch sprechen und sich nicht integrieren kann’. Wie müssen sich die Kinder und Jugendlichen fühlen, die der Entscheidung ihrer Eltern folgen, zuhause alles aufgeben und nach Deutschland auswandern müssen? Was steckt hinter den Schüler/innen mit Migrationshintergrund, die im Unterricht negativ auffallen oder überfordert sind? Was bedeutet es, sich in eine fremde Kultur und Gesellschaft zu integrieren und eine neue Sprache zu erlernen, um überhaupt in der Lage zu sein, sich zu verständigen? Als ich von einer Bekannten vom Modell der Intensivklassen erfuhr, welches in der Stadt X an der Schule X eingerichtet ist, wurden meine Neugier und mein Interesse geweckt, dieses genauer zu untersuchen. Mich interessierte, in welcher Form dort Kindern und Jugendlichen begegnet wurde, die neu nach Deutschland einwanderten und welche Maßnahmen ergriffen wurden, um ihnen die Integration und das Sprachenlernen zu erleichtern. Die Untersuchung im Rahmen dieser Arbeit fand schließlich in besagter Intensivklasse statt und es wurde folgende Fragestellung zugrunde gelegt: Ist die Intensivklasse ein geeignetes Instrument, um Seiteneinsteiger in das deutsche Schulsystem und die deutsche Gesellschaft zu integrieren, sowie ihren Spracherwerb bestmöglich zu fördern? Um eine Grundlage für die Untersuchung zu schaffen und in das Thema einzuführen, wurde die theoretische Auseinandersetzung – gemäß des Titels – in zwei Themenkomplexe eingeteilt: ‚Deutschland als Einwanderungsland’ und ‚Migration und Spracherwerb’. Der erste Teil befasst sich mit der Geschichte der Immigration nach Deutschland nach 1945, da die heutige multikulturelle Situation in der BRD auf diese Zeit zurückzuführen ist bzw. ihren Ursprung darin hat. Abgerundet wird das erste Kapitel durch die Darlegung der aktuellen politischen Diskussion zum Thema Integration in Deutschland. Es folgt eine Betrachtung der bildungspolitischen Reaktionen auf die Einwanderer, die ab 1945 nach Deutschland immigrierten. Es wird beschrieben, wie sie in das deutsche Schulsystem eingegliedert wurden und welche Absichten die Verantwortlichen mit den entsprechenden Maßnahmen verfolgten. Am Ende wird ein kurzer Überblick über die erziehungswissenschaftlichen Überlegungen und Entwicklungen in der zweiten Hälfte des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts gegeben. Um das Ausmaß der Migrantenpopulation in Deutschland adäquat darzustellen, wird im nächsten Kapitel eine detaillierte Auflistung aktueller Zahlen und Fakten zu Migrant/innen in der Bundesrepublik gegeben. Neben dem Anteil der verschiedenen Zuwanderergruppen, liegt ein Schwerpunkt auf der Bildungsbeteiligung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund, stellen sie doch das Schülerklientel dar, mit welchem ich mich in der Untersuchung beschäftigte. Der zweite Themenkomplex befasst sich mit dem Spracherwerb von Migrant/innen, indem zunächst die Mehrsprachigkeit als ein modernes Phänomen in Einwanderungsgesellschaften herausgestellt wird. Es folgt eine Beschreibung der Theorien zum Zweitspracherwerb und wahrscheinlicher Einflussfaktoren. Da es in der Untersuchung um den Erwerb der Zweitsprache deutsch geht, wird zudem ein knapper Überblick über Eigenarten und Fehlerschwerpunkte dieser Sprache gegeben. Als letztes werden Modelle zur Sprachförderung von Seiteneinsteiger/innen mit Migrationshintergrund in der Sekundarstufe I in Deutschland vorgestellt, einschließlich der hessischen Maßnahme der Intensivklasse. Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass die Untersuchung in Form von Beobachtungen und Interviews in einer Intensivklasse stattfand, werden im Schulportrait zunächst Einzugsgebiet, Schulprogramm, Modell der Intensivklasse und Zusammensetzung der Klasse vorgestellt, um die Kontextbedingungen darzulegen. Der methodische Teil befasst sich mit Fragestellung und Ziel der Untersuchung, Methodenwahl und Auswertungsdesign. In Kapitel fünf sollen schließlich die Ergebnisse der Erhebung mit Hilfe von selbst gefundenen Kategorien und einer daraus folgenden Gliederung dargestellt werden. Eine Zusammenfassung unter Rückbezug auf die Forschungsfragen, sowie Fazit und Ausblick runden die gesamte Arbeit ab.
Zunehmend mehr Menschen wünschen sich ein selbstbestimmtes Leben, neue Formen eines sozialen Miteinanders und mehr zwischenmenschliche Verbindlichkeit im Alltag. Die Möglichkeiten zur Mitsprache bei der Entwicklung und in der Organisation des alltäglichen Wohnens bleiben jedoch in der Regel nur einer kleinen Gruppe von BauherrInnen vorbehalten. Doch was ist mit jenen, die zwar gemeinschaftliche Lebensmodelle suchen, sich jedoch aufgrund ihrer Lebensplanung oder ihrer fnanziellen Situation nicht langfristig binden wollen oder können? Etwa siebzig Prozent der deutschen Haushalte mit geringem Einkommen wohnen zur Miete – viele von ihnen in anonymen Mietverhältnissen, in denen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit hinsichtlich einer guten und verlässlichen Nachbarschaft weit auseinander liegen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit gehe ich der Frage nach, wie nachbarschaftliches Wohnen in klassischen Mietshäusern organisiert werden kann. Welche Motivationen haben die BewohnerInnen? Wie kann unterstützend in die Entwicklung der Projekte eingegrifen werden? Wo liegen die natürlichen Grenzen des Konzeptes? Und wie kann verhindert werden, dass die Projekte nach einer euphorischen Phase des Neubaus oder der Sanierung entweder an inneren Widersprüchen oder an äußeren Zwängen scheitern? Als Forschungsansatz wählte ich eine Einzelfallstudie. Das Untersuchungsobjekt ist ein Mietshaus mit siebenundzwanzig Wohneinheiten und zweiundvierzig BewohnerInnen im Berliner Stadtteil Wedding. Ich habe das Projekt und die beteiligten Akteure während der Projektentwicklung, der Sanierungs- und der Wohnphase über einen Zeitraum von insgesamt zehn Jahren aktiv als Planer, Bewohner und Beobachter begleitet. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung wurden die unterschiedlichen Projektphasen, die Entwicklung des nachbarschaftlichen Miteinanders, sowie besondere Ereignisse in deren Verlauf beschrieben. Dabei wurden vor allem die eingesetzten Werkzeuge und Methoden, sowie wesentliche Faktoren, die zu der Entwicklung beigetragen haben, herausgestellt und analysiert. Anhand von Einzelinterviews, Gruppengesprächen und teilnehmenden Beobachtungen wurden die Wünsche, Bedürfnisse und Ängste der BewohnerInnen, sowie deren Auswirkungen auf das alltägliche Miteinander erfasst. Die Ergebnisse der Beobachtungen wurden interpretiert und abschließend in Empfehlungen zusammengefasst. Da sich das Projekt auch zehn Jahre nach der Gründung ständig weiter entwickelt, kann und soll in dieser Arbeit nur der Prozess beschrieben und analysiert, jedoch kein Endergebnis der Projektentwicklung präsentiert werden. Die vorliegende Studie soll vielmehr dazu beitragen, das Mietshausprojekt als alternatives Wohn- und Lebensmodell weiterzuentwickeln und zu seiner weiteren Verbreitung beitragen.
Actualmente se considera que las organizaciones con resultados positivos y rendimientos crecientes tienen aspectos y características particulares que las diferencian de aquellas organizaciones que no obtienen los mejores resultados en el mercado. Para que las organizaciones sean saludables deben garantizar el bienestar del empleado y comprometerse con el mejoramiento continuo del mismo. Es así como surgen las escalas de medidas de bienestar, las cuales contribuyen directamente al bienestar del empleado y sus resultados positivos dentro de la organización. Este estudio hace referencia a las medidas de bienestar más utilizadas en un periodo de diez años (2002-2012), con el propósito de establecer la relación entre las medidas de bienestar, el bienestar de los empleados y las organizaciones saludables. Para determinar dicha relación, se llevó a cabo un análisis detallado de los estudios realizados sobre las escalas de medidas de bienestar utilizadas durante el periodo de tiempo 2002 y 2012. Los resultados arrojados señalan que las medidas de bienestar más utilizadas durante este periodo son: Satisfacción laboral, Clima organizacional, Engagement y Calidad de vida laboral, mientras que las cuatro medidas de bienestar menos utilizadas son: Remuneración y Bienestar subjetivo.
The new tech has introduced the traits of the hypermedia, interactivity and convergence in the journalism field. Moreover, it has involved the emergence of new media and changes in the informative contents. In 2006 Al Jazeera in English was created for covering the underreported regions, inasmuch as new media arise, new contents do so, thus, the research examines the agendas of The Stream, the TV show from Al Jazeera that relies heavily on social networks.
In this paper, the available potential energy (APE) framework of Winters et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 289, 1995, p. 115) is extended to the fully compressible Navier– Stokes equations, with the aims of clarifying (i) the nature of the energy conversions taking place in turbulent thermally stratified fluids; and (ii) the role of surface buoyancy fluxes in the Munk & Wunsch (Deep-Sea Res., vol. 45, 1998, p. 1977) constraint on the mechanical energy sources of stirring required to maintain diapycnal mixing in the oceans. The new framework reveals that the observed turbulent rate of increase in the background gravitational potential energy GPEr , commonly thought to occur at the expense of the diffusively dissipated APE, actually occurs at the expense of internal energy, as in the laminar case. The APE dissipated by molecular diffusion, on the other hand, is found to be converted into internal energy (IE), similar to the viscously dissipated kinetic energy KE. Turbulent stirring, therefore, does not introduce a new APE/GPEr mechanical-to-mechanical energy conversion, but simply enhances the existing IE/GPEr conversion rate, in addition to enhancing the viscous dissipation and the entropy production rates. This, in turn, implies that molecular diffusion contributes to the dissipation of the available mechanical energy ME =APE +KE, along with viscous dissipation. This result has important implications for the interpretation of the concepts of mixing efficiency γmixing and flux Richardson number Rf , for which new physically based definitions are proposed and contrasted with previous definitions. The new framework allows for a more rigorous and general re-derivation from the first principles of Munk & Wunsch (1998, hereafter MW98)’s constraint, also valid for a non-Boussinesq ocean: G(KE) ≈ 1 − ξ Rf ξ Rf Wr, forcing = 1 + (1 − ξ )γmixing ξ γmixing Wr, forcing , where G(KE) is the work rate done by the mechanical forcing, Wr, forcing is the rate of loss of GPEr due to high-latitude cooling and ξ is a nonlinearity parameter such that ξ =1 for a linear equation of state (as considered by MW98), but ξ <1 otherwise. The most important result is that G(APE), the work rate done by the surface buoyancy fluxes, must be numerically as large as Wr, forcing and, therefore, as important as the mechanical forcing in stirring and driving the oceans. As a consequence, the overall mixing efficiency of the oceans is likely to be larger than the value γmixing =0.2 presently used, thereby possibly eliminating the apparent shortfall in mechanical stirring energy that results from using γmixing =0.2 in the above formula.
BACKGROUND: Previous pooled analyses have reported an association between magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia. We present a pooled analysis based on primary data from studies on residential magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia published after 2000. METHODS: Seven studies with a total of 10 865 cases and 12 853 controls were included. The main analysis focused on 24-h magnetic field measurements or calculated fields in residences. RESULTS: In the combined results, risk increased with increase in exposure, but the estimates were imprecise. The odds ratios for exposure categories of 0.1-0.2 mu T, 0.2-0.3 mu T and >= 0.3 mu T, compared with <0.1 mu T, were 1.07 (95% Cl 0.81-1.41), 1.16 (0.69-1.93) and 1.44 (0.88-2.36), respectively. Without the most influential study from Brazil, the odds ratios increased somewhat. An increasing trend was also suggested by a nonparametric analysis conducted using a generalised additive model. CONCLUSIONS: Our results are in line with previous pooled analyses showing an association between magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia. Overall, the association is weaker in the most recently conducted studies, but these studies are small and lack methodological improvements needed to resolve the apparent association. We conclude that recent studies on magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia do not alter the previous assessment that magnetic fields are possibly carcinogenic. British Journal of Cancer (2010) 103, 1128-1135. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6605838 www.bjcancer.com (c) 2010 Cancer Research UK
The objective of this paper was to assess sex and socioeconomic inequalities in lung cancer mortality in two major cities of Europe and South America. Official information on mortality and population allowed the estimation of sex- and age-specific death rates for Barcelona, Spain and Sao Paulo, Brazil (1995-2003). Mortality trends and levels were independently assessed for each city and subsequently compared. Rate ratios assessed by Poisson regression analysis addressed hypotheses of association between the outcome and socioeconomic covariates (human development index, unemployment and schooling) at the inner-city area level. Barcelona had a higher mortality in men (76.9/100000 inhabitants) than Sao Paulo (38.2/100 000 inhabitants); although rates were decreasing for the former (-2%/year) and levelled-off for the [after. Mortality in women ranked similarly (9.1 for Barcelona, 11.5 for Sao Paulo); with an increasing trend for women aged 35-64 years (+ 7.7%/year in Barcelona and + 2.4%/year in Sao Paulo). The socioeconomic gradient of mortality in men was negative for Barcelona and positive for Sao Paulo; for women, the socioeconomic gradient was positive in both cities. Negative gradients indicate that deprived areas suffer a higher burden of disease; positive gradients suggest that prosmoking lifestyles may have been more prevalent in more affluent areas during the last decades. Sex and socioeconomic inequalities of lung cancer mortality reinforce the hypothesis that the epidemiologic profile of cancer can be improved by an expanded access to existing technology of healthcare and prevention. The continuous monitoring of inequalities in health may contribute to the concurrent promotion of well-being and social justice.
O presente trabalho de pesquisa objetivou avaliar os teores dos principais minerais (cálcio, fósforo, magnésio, sódio, manganês, zinco, cobre, ferro e enxofre), nas pastagens naturais características desta região, em diferentes meses do ano, e relacionar o perfil mineral destas pastagens com as necessidades nutricionais recomendadas pela pesquisa científica para as diferentes categorias de bovinos de corte, a fim de estabelecer a necessidade ou não de suplementação dos minerais analisados.
Que fatores influenciam a variedade de sequências de tarefas componentes de rotinas organizacionais? Este estudo está focado em analisar como fatores antecedentes das execuções influenciam a variedade sequencial de rotinas organizacionais. Rotinas organizacionais conferem eficiência e coordenação aos processos organizacionais por meio da padronização e especialização das tarefas e de seus encadeamentos. A literatura suscita que altos níveis de variabilidade podem ser importantes para manter a flexibilidade nos processos organizacionais (Feldman e Pentland, 2003). A variedade sequencial é tida como a expressão mais fidedigna da diversidade de configurações das sequências de tarefas componentes de uma rotina organizacional. Este estudo propõe uma metodologia qualitativa de análise das fontes de variedade sequencial. Utiliza-se o quadro de referência proposto em Becker (2005b) que contempla os antecedentes complexidade da tarefa, interdependência da tarefa, pressão de tempo, incerteza pertencente à tarefa e mudança de agentes além de características e resultados. Para atingir este objetivo foram empreendidas duas observações em prontos-socorros de organizações paulistanas. A rotina organizacional de atendimento a pacientes em prontos- socorros é um processo relevante de ser estudado pois é principal forma de acesso dos pacientes a tratamentos nos dois hospitais analisados. Além disso, a rotina se mostra bastante eficiente e é caracterizada por atender padrões internacionais de qualidade de processo. Os dados foram sistematizados por uma análise de conteúdo adaptada ao estudo da variedade sequencial. Graças à essa análise foi possível identificar as fontes de variedade sequencial e discuti-las no contexto da literatura de rotinas organizacionais, foram identificadas quatro fontes principais: definição de prioridade ligada à pressão de tempo; necessidade de especialistas ligada à complexidade da tarefa; incremento de informações para diagnóstico e tratamento ligada à incerteza da tarefa; e, prolongar o tratamento ligada à incerteza e interdependência da tarefa. Não há evidências que a mudança de agentes influencia a variedade sequencial. Este estudo propõe que os antecedentes constituem dois grupos: antecedentes externos derivam de questões relativas à multiplicidade de condições dos pacientes como pressão de tempo e incerteza da tarefa. Antecedentes internos estão ligados à regras e recursos organizacionais como complexidade e a interdependência da tarefa.
Incluye Bibliografía
Incluye Bibliografía
Cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) are common forms of malignancy associated with tobacco and alcohol exposures, although human papillomavirus and nutritional deficiency are also important risk factors. While somatically acquired DNA methylation changes have been associated with UADT cancers, what triggers these events and precise epigenetic targets are poorly understood. In this study, we applied quantitative profiling of DNA methylation states in a panel of cancer-associated genes to a case-control study of UADT cancers. Our analyses revealed a high frequency of aberrant hypermethylation of several genes, including MYOD1, CHRNA3 and MTHFR in UADT tumors, whereas CDKN2A was moderately hypermethylated. Among differentially methylated genes, we identified a new gene (the nicotinic acetycholine receptor gene) as target of aberrant hypermethylation in UADT cancers, suggesting that epigenetic deregulation of nicotinic acetycholine receptors in non-neuronal tissues may promote the development of UADT cancers. Importantly, we found that sex and age is strongly associated with the methylation states, whereas tobacco smoking and alcohol intake may also influence the methylation levels in specific genes. This study identifies aberrant DNA methylation patterns in UADT cancers and suggests a potential mechanism by which environmental factors may deregulate key cellular genes involved in tumor suppression and contribute to UADT cancers.
Abstract Background The implication of post-transcriptional regulation by microRNAs in molecular mechanisms underlying cancer disease is well documented. However, their interference at the cellular level is not fully explored. Functional in vitro studies are fundamental for the comprehension of their role; nevertheless results are highly dependable on the adopted cellular model. Next generation small RNA transcriptomic sequencing data of a tumor cell line and keratinocytes derived from primary culture was generated in order to characterize the microRNA content of these systems, thus helping in their understanding. Both constitute cell models for functional studies of microRNAs in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), a smoking-related cancer. Known microRNAs were quantified and analyzed in the context of gene regulation. New microRNAs were investigated using similarity and structural search, ab initio classification, and prediction of the location of mature microRNAs within would-be precursor sequences. Results were compared with small RNA transcriptomic sequences from HNSCC samples in order to access the applicability of these cell models for cancer phenotype comprehension and for novel molecule discovery. Results Ten miRNAs represented over 70% of the mature molecules present in each of the cell types. The most expressed molecules were miR-21, miR-24 and miR-205, Accordingly; miR-21 and miR-205 have been previously shown to play a role in epithelial cell biology. Although miR-21 has been implicated in cancer development, and evaluated as a biomarker in HNSCC progression, no significant expression differences were seen between cell types. We demonstrate that differentially expressed mature miRNAs target cell differentiation and apoptosis related biological processes, indicating that they might represent, with acceptable accuracy, the genetic context from which they derive. Most miRNAs identified in the cancer cell line and in keratinocytes were present in tumor samples and cancer-free samples, respectively, with miR-21, miR-24 and miR-205 still among the most prevalent molecules at all instances. Thirteen miRNA-like structures, containing reads identified by the deep sequencing, were predicted from putative miRNA precursor sequences. Strong evidences suggest that one of them could be a new miRNA. This molecule was mostly expressed in the tumor cell line and HNSCC samples indicating a possible biological function in cancer. Conclusions Critical biological features of cells must be fully understood before they can be chosen as models for functional studies. Expression levels of miRNAs relate to cell type and tissue context. This study provides insights on miRNA content of two cell models used for cancer research. Pathways commonly deregulated in HNSCC might be targeted by most expressed and also by differentially expressed miRNAs. Results indicate that the use of cell models for cancer research demands careful assessment of underlying molecular characteristics for proper data interpretation. Additionally, one new miRNA-like molecule with a potential role in cancer was identified in the cell lines and clinical samples.
Abstract Background Current evidence implicates aberrant microRNA expression patterns in human malignancies; measurement of microRNA expression may have diagnostic and prognostic applications. Roles for microRNAs in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) are largely unknown. HNSCC, a smoking-related cancer, is one of the most common malignancies worldwide but reliable diagnostic and prognostic markers have not been discovered so far. Some studies have evaluated the potential use of microRNA as biomarkers with clinical application in HNSCC. Methods MicroRNA expression profile of oral squamous cell carcinoma samples was determined by means of DNA microarrays. We also performed gain-of-function assays for two differentially expressed microRNA using two squamous cell carcinoma cell lines and normal oral keratinocytes. The effect of the over-expression of these molecules was evaluated by means of global gene expression profiling and cell proliferation assessment. Results Altered microRNA expression was detected for a total of 72 microRNAs. Among these we found well studied molecules, such as the miR-17-92 cluster, comprising potent oncogenic microRNA, and miR-34, recently found to interact with p53. HOX-cluster embedded miR-196a/b and miR-10b were up- and down-regulated, respectively, in tumor samples. Since validated HOX gene targets for these microRNAs are not consistently deregulated in HNSCC, we performed gain-of-function experiments, in an attempt to outline their possible role. Our results suggest that both molecules interfere in cell proliferation through distinct processes, possibly targeting a small set of genes involved in cell cycle progression. Conclusions Functional data on miRNAs in HNSCC is still scarce. Our data corroborate current literature and brings new insights into the role of microRNAs in HNSCC. We also show that miR-196a and miR-10b, not previously associated with HNSCC, may play an oncogenic role in this disease through the deregulation of cell proliferation. The study of microRNA alterations in HNSCC is an essential step to the mechanistic understanding of tumor formation and could lead to the discovery of clinically relevant biomarkers.
Il presente lavoro nasce dall’obiettivo di individuare strumenti statistici per indagare, sotto diversi aspetti, il flusso di lavoro di un Laboratorio di Anatomia Patologica. Il punto di partenza dello studio è l’ambiente di lavoro di ATHENA, software gestionale utilizzato nell’Anatomia Patologica, sviluppato dalla NoemaLife S.p.A., azienda specializzata nell’informatica per la sanità. A partire da tale applicativo è stato innanzitutto formalizzato il workflow del laboratorio (Capitolo 2), nelle sue caratteristiche e nelle sue possibili varianti, identificando le operazioni principali attraverso una serie di “fasi”. Proprio le fasi, unitamente alle informazioni addizionali ad esse associate, saranno per tutta la trattazione e sotto diversi punti di vista al centro dello studio. L’analisi che presentiamo è stata per completezza sviluppata in due scenari che tengono conto di diversi aspetti delle informazioni in possesso. Il primo scenario tiene conto delle sequenze di fasi, che si presentano nel loro ordine cronologico, comprensive di eventuali ripetizioni o cicli di fasi precedenti alla conclusione. Attraverso l’elaborazione dei dati secondo specifici formati è stata svolta un’iniziale indagine grafica di Workflow Mining (Capitolo 3) grazie all’ausilio di EMiT, un software che attraverso un set di log di processo restituisce graficamente il flusso di lavoro che li rappresenta. Questa indagine consente già di valutare la completezza dell’utilizzo di un applicativo rispetto alle sue potenzialità. Successivamente, le stesse fasi sono state elaborate attraverso uno specifico adattamento di un comune algoritmo di allineamento globale, l’algoritmo Needleman-Wunsch (Capitolo 4). L’utilizzo delle tecniche di allineamento applicate a sequenze di processo è in grado di individuare, nell’ambito di una specifica codifica delle fasi, le similarità tra casi clinici. L’algoritmo di Needleman-Wunsch individua le identità e le discordanze tra due stringhe di caratteri, assegnando relativi punteggi che portano a valutarne la similarità. Tale algoritmo è stato opportunamente modificato affinché possa riconoscere e penalizzare differentemente cicli e ripetizioni, piuttosto che fasi mancanti. Sempre in ottica di allineamento sarà utilizzato l’algoritmo euristico Clustal, che a partire da un confronto pairwise tra sequenze costruisce un dendrogramma rappresentante graficamente l’aggregazione dei casi in funzione della loro similarità. Proprio il dendrogramma, per la sua struttura grafica ad albero, è in grado di mostrare intuitivamente l’andamento evolutivo della similarità di un pattern di casi. Il secondo scenario (Capitolo 5) aggiunge alle sequenze l’informazione temporale in termini di istante di esecuzione di ogni fase. Da un dominio basato su sequenze di fasi, si passa dunque ad uno scenario di serie temporali. I tempi rappresentano infatti un dato essenziale per valutare la performance di un laboratorio e per individuare la conformità agli standard richiesti. Il confronto tra i casi è stato effettuato con diverse modalità, in modo da stabilire la distanza tra tutte le coppie sotto diversi aspetti: le sequenze, rappresentate in uno specifico sistema di riferimento, sono state confrontate in base alla Distanza Euclidea ed alla Dynamic Time Warping, in grado di esprimerne le discordanze rispettivamente temporali, di forma e, dunque, di processo. Alla luce dei risultati e del loro confronto, saranno presentate già in questa fase le prime valutazioni sulla pertinenza delle distanze e sulle informazioni deducibili da esse. Il Capitolo 6 rappresenta la ricerca delle correlazioni tra elementi caratteristici del processo e la performance dello stesso. Svariati fattori come le procedure utilizzate, gli utenti coinvolti ed ulteriori specificità determinano direttamente o indirettamente la qualità del servizio erogato. Le distanze precedentemente calcolate vengono dunque sottoposte a clustering, una tecnica che a partire da un insieme eterogeneo di elementi individua famiglie o gruppi simili. L’algoritmo utilizzato sarà l’UPGMA, comunemente applicato nel clustering in quanto, utilizzando, una logica di medie pesate, porta a clusterizzazioni pertinenti anche in ambiti diversi, dal campo biologico a quello industriale. L’ottenimento dei cluster potrà dunque essere finalmente sottoposto ad un’attività di ricerca di correlazioni utili, che saranno individuate ed interpretate relativamente all’attività gestionale del laboratorio. La presente trattazione propone quindi modelli sperimentali adattati al caso in esame ma idealmente estendibili, interamente o in parte, a tutti i processi che presentano caratteristiche analoghe.