643 resultados para Wetherell, Margaret
In order to widen the present knowledge on the biology of this species, a study on the resistance to starvation was carried out among all nymphal stages and the adult stage (male and female). All evolutive stages were weighed on precision scale in three different nutritional situations: fed, non-fed and death registered after starvation. This procedure has allowed us to calculate the amount of blood taken in each stage and during the whole cycle, the average loss of weight during starvation and its relations with the initial weight. The insects were fed on mice and after eclosion or ecdisis they were isolated for observation of the starving period. Throuhout the whole experiment they were kept in a B. O. D./DOB incubator (28ºC and 90%R.U.). The resistance to starvation of the insects has grown from the first stage on (average of 15.5 days) to the fifth stage (average of 75.64 days); on the adult stage, the resistance period was equal to the third stage with an average of 41.76 for the males and 44.82 for the females. The amount of ingested blood was greater at the fifth stage worth 34.14 mg, corresponding to 2,04 times its initial weight. The average weight loss during the starvation was greater at the adult stage (23.95 mg), corresponding to 61.52% of the total weight.
In the biological study, the development of the biological cycle of the insect under different feeding conditions was evaluated. The insects were fed on either mouse blood (c) or pigeon blood (p) using two types of rearing techniques (individual or group) at 28(graus) C and 90% relative humidity (which is equivalent to their natural environment). A fifth cycle studied, was fed on mouse blood reared on group, and mantained at laboratory environmental temperature. In the five cycles analyzed, it was found that groups on mouse blood at near natural conditions developed more rapidly (between 60 and 73 days) and had a lower rate of mortality (16.66%). The daily handling and changes in environment, of the individually reared insects, for observation of biological characteristics (no. and duration of bloodmeal, defecation and first fed of each stage) had a negative influence. None of the individuals fed on mouse or pigeon blood reached adult hood. It was found that the longevity and the fertility rate were significantly superior on couples maintained individually on mouse blood. These males had an average lifespan of 110,26 days and the females had an average lifespan of 104,46 days. The average number of eggs laid by each female was 21,26. Four couples kept in groups (five couples in each group) under the same condition, the longevity for males was 51,86 days and for females was 81,06 days. An average of 10,5 eggs were laid by each female. However, the percentage of fertile eggs was higher in couples kept in groups (72.15%) than in the individual couples (57.68%).
Estudos morfológicos de Cavernicola lenti Barrett & Arias, 1985 (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae)
In order to widen the present knowledge of this species, was done a detailed description of eggs and all nymphal stages as well as the external genitalia of the males and females using light and scanning electron microscopy. The characteristics were compared with another species of the same genus C. pilosa Barber, 1937. Observations on the male internal genitalia were also done.
Presentation by Margaret Eames at the Regional meeting on measuring body mass index (BMI) in the child population.
Leprosy remains prevalent in Brazil. ErbB2 is a receptor for leprosy bacilli entering Schwann cells, which mediates Mycobacterium leprae-induced demyelination and the ERBB2 gene lies within a leprosy susceptibility locus on chromosome 17q11-q21. To determine whether polymorphisms at the ERBB2 locus contribute to this linkage peak, three haplotype tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (tag-SNPs) (rs2517956, rs2952156, rs1058808) were genotyped in 72 families (208 cases; 372 individuals) from the state of Pará (PA). All three tag-SNPs were associated with leprosy per se [best SNP rs2517959 odds ratio (OR) = 2.22; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.37-3.59; p = 0.001]. Lepromatous (LL) (OR = 3.25; 95% CI 1.37-7.70; p = 0.007) and tuberculoid (TT) (OR = 1.79; 95% CI 1.04-3.05; p = 0.034) leprosy both contributed to the association, which is consistent with the previous linkage to chromosome 17q11-q21 in the population from PA and supports the functional role of ErbB2 in disease pathogenesis. To attempt to replicate these findings, six SNPs (rs2517955, rs2517956, rs1810132, rs2952156, rs1801200, rs1058808) were genotyped in a population-based sample of 570 leprosy cases and 370 controls from the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) and the results were analysed using logistic regression analysis. However, none of the associations were replicated in the RN sample, whether analysed for leprosy per se, LL leprosy, TT leprosy, erythema nodosum leprosum or reversal reaction conditions. The role of polymorphisms at ERBB2 in controlling susceptibility to leprosy in Brazil therefore remains unclear.
Report to Margaret Thompson, Chief Clerk, about Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks.
Report to Margaret Thompson, Chief Clerk, about Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks.
Interpretations of patient data are complex and diverse, contributing to a risk of low accuracy nursing diagnoses. This risk is confirmed in research findings that accuracy of nurses' diagnoses varied widely from high to low. Highly accurate diagnoses are essential, however, to guide nursing interventions for the achievement of positive health outcomes. Development of critical thinking abilities is likely to improve accuracy of nurses' diagnoses. Newer views of critical thinking serve as a basis for critical thinking in nursing. Seven cognitive skills and ten habits of mind are identified as dimensions of critical thinking for use in the diagnostic process.
Part I of this article, the author explained the difficulties of achieving accuracy of nurses' diagnoses, the relevance of critical thinking to the achievement of accuracy, and newer views of critical thinking. In Part II, the critical thinking dimensions identified as important for nursing practice are applied in the diagnostic process using a case study of a 16 year old girl with type 1 diabetes. Application of seven cognitive skills and ten habits of mind illustrate the importance of using critical thinking for accuracy of nurses' diagnoses. Ten strategies are proposed for self-development of critical thinking abilities.
BACKGROUND: On September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the United States. By coincidence, a North Carolina highway patrol trooper was wearing an ambulatory ECG Holter monitor at this time as part of an air pollution study. METHODS: Heart rate variability parameters were analyzed: standard deviation of normal to normal beat intervals (SDNN) and percentage of interval differences >50 ms (PNN50). RESULTS: The trooper's heart rate variability changed immediately after learning about the terrorist attacks. Heart rate increased and PNN50 decreased, while SDNN increased strongly. CONCLUSIONS: These changes suggest strong emotional sympathetic stress associated with parasympathetic withdrawal in response to the news about the terrorist attack. [Authors]
Report to Margaret Thompson, Chief Clerk, about Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks.
O objetivo foi validar o Fatigue Pictogram para uso no Brasil. Os dados foram coletados em quatro ambulatórios de oncologia de São Paulo (SP) e na Escola de Enfermagem da USP. A amostra de conveniência envolveu 584 pacientes com câncer, 184 acompanhantes e 189 estudantes de graduação enfermagem, que responderam ao Pictograma de Fadiga, ao Inventário de Depressão de Beck (IDB) e Escala de Karnofsky (KPS). Foram feitos testes de validade e confiabilidade. O Teste-reteste mostrou que o instrumento tem boa estabilidade. O primeiro item do Pictograma de Fadiga discriminou estudantes de cuidadores de pacientes, mas não pacientes de cuidadores. O segundo item discriminou todos os grupos. Observou-se adequada validade convergente (fadiga e depressão) e divergente (fadiga e Karnofsky). O Pictograma de Fadiga é válido, confiável e fácil de usar para avaliar fadiga em câncer, mas necessita ajustes para uso em pessoas saudáveis.
La investigación tuvo como objetivo comprender cómo los cuidadores familiares vivencian la depresión de los adultos mayores, en su contexto cultural. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo de trayectoria etnográfica utilizando el referencial de Spradley. El universo cultural se constituyó con familiares, quienes ejercían el rol de cuidador, obteniéndose su participación a través de consentimiento informado. La enfermedad es percibida por los cuidadores como una limitación profunda en la calidad de vida del anciano, sumando soledad, tristeza y dolor. Los sentimientos de los pacientes deprimidos se hacen extensivos a los cuidadores, quienes también corren el riesgo de deprimirse. Las responsabilidades propias del cuidado también generan en los cuidadores sentimientos de culpa, lo cual los expone a un mayor grado de sufrimiento. Los familiares reconocen las formas de inicio de la enfermedad, sus atributos, las formas de tratamiento, y el estigma social asociado a la enfermedad mental y su rol fundamental de apoyo y cuidado en la recuperación.
Report to Margaret Thomson, Chief Clerk, about Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks.
In 1993, Iowa Workforce Development (then the Department of Employment Services) conducted a survey to determine if there was a gender gap in wages paid. The results of that survey indicated that women were paid 68 cents per dollar paid to males. We felt a need to determine if this relationship of wages paid to each gender has changed since the 1993 study. In 1999, the Commission on the Status of Women requested that Iowa Workforce Development conduct research to update the 1993 information. A survey, cosponsored by the Commission on the Status of Women and Iowa Workforce Development, was conducted in 1999. The results of the survey showed that women earned 73 percent of what men earned when both jobs were considered. (The survey asked respondents to provide information on a primary job and a secondary job.) The ratio for the primary job was 72 percent, while the ratio for the secondary job was 85 percent. Additional survey results detail the types of jobs respondents had, the types of companies for which they worked and the education and experience levels. All of these characteristics can contribute to these ratios. While the large influx of women into the labor force may be over, it is still important to look at such information to determine if future action is needed. We present these results with that goal in mind. We are indebted to those Iowans, female and male, who voluntarily completed the survey. This study was completed under the general direction of Judy Erickson. The report was written by Shazada Khan, Teresa Wageman, Ann Wagner, and Yvonne Younes with administrative and technical assistance from Michael Blank, Margaret Lee and Gary Wilson. The Iowa State University Statistical Lab provided sampling advice, data entry and coding and data analysis.