908 resultados para Welfare State Models


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In most Western countries, the professional status of social workers is instable and insecure. Of course, most Western countries are themselves instable, ridden with feelings of insecurity and in search of reassurance and promises of control. But social work hardly lends itself as a projection screen for visions of professional control and efficiency in the face of insecurity. On the contrary: within the present cultural and political climate, social work connotes primarily with unpopular social problems, with people unable to cope adequately with the competitiveness and the rate of change of post-industrial societies, that is to say: it connotes more with dependency and helplessness then with autonomy and control. Moreover, whereas public discourse in most Western country is dominated by a neo-liberal perspective and the intricate network of economic, managerial, consumerist and military metaphors connected with it, social work still carries with it a legacy of 'progressive politics' increasingly labeled as outdated and inadequate. Although the values of solidarity and social justice connected with this 'progressive heritage' certainly have not faded away completely, the loudest and most popular voices on the level of public discourse keep underscoring the necessity to adapt to the 'realities' of present-day postindustrial societies and their dependence on economic growth, technological innovation and the dynamics of an ever more competitive world-market. This 'unavoidable' adaptation involves both the 'modernization' and progressive diminishment of 'costly' welfare-state arrangements and a radical reorientation of social work as a profession. Instead of furthering the dependency of clients in the name of solidarity, social workers should stimulate them to face their own responsibilities and help them to function more adequately in a world where individual autonomy and economic progress are dominant values. This shift has far-reaching consequences for the organization of the work itself. Efficiency and transparency are the new code words, professional autonomy is dramatically limited and interventions of social workers are increasingly bound to 'objective' standards of success and cost-effectiveness.


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The last two years a discussion on reforming the public sector has emerged. At its very heart we find important concepts like ‘quality reform’, ‘democracy’, and ‘development’. Recently I have presented an example of the ‘quality reform’ in SocMag, and this leads me to prolong that discussion on central themes on welfare state and democracy. Much energy is invested in arguing about management of the public sector: Do we need more competition from private companies? Do we need more control? Are more contracts concerning outcome needed? Can we be sure about the accountability needed from politicians? How much documentation, effectiveness measurement, bureaucracy, and evidence-based policy and practice are we looking for? A number of interesting questions – but strange enough we do not discuss the purpose of ‘keeping a welfare state’. What sort of understanding is lying behind the welfare state, and what kind of democracy are we drawing upon?


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Social work is experiencing an unprecedented degree of institutional instability, particularly in the advanced industrial nations which, to varying degrees and via differing paths, have abandoned the Keynesian Welfare State. It has been replaced with a fundamentally different workfare regime in which operates on quite different assumptions – all of which pose fundamental challenges to social work. The degree of change is such that it can be understood as institutional change. The profession needs a number of strategies in response the contemporary de-stabilization. Drawing on theoretical and empirical literature about institutional change we show why it is that professional leadership is crucial in the current environment. The paper reviews what in currently know about leadership, both in general and in relation to social work. Referring to the notion of institutional entrepreneurs and on the role played by other non-social work professional associations in situations of change, we articulate what role leadership can play. We conclude with recommendations about how leadership could be promoted, particularly by the professional associations.


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Currently, social work is witnessing a quite polarized debate about what should be the basis for good practice. Simply stated, the different attempts to define the required basis for effective and accountable interventions in social work practice can be grouped in two paradigmatic positions, which seem to be in strong opposition to each other. On the one hand the highly influential evidence based practice movement highlights the necessity to base practice interventions on proven effectiveness from empirical research. Despite some variations, such as between narrow conceptions of evidence based practice (see e.g. McNeece/Thyer, 2004) and broader approaches to it (see e.g. Gambrill, 1999, 2001, 2008), the evidence based practice movement embodies a positivist orientation and more explicitly scientific aspirations of social work by using positivistic empirical strategies. Critics of the evidence based practice movement argue that its narrow epistemological assumptions are not appropriate for the understanding of social phenomena and that evidence based guidelines to practice are insufficient to deal with the extremely complex activities social work practice requires in different and always somewhat unique practice situations (Webb, 2001; Gray & Mc Donald, 2006; Otto, Polutta &Ziegler, 2009). Furthermore critics of evidence based practice argue that it privileges an uncritical and a-political positivism which seems highly problematic in the current climate of welfare state reforms, in which the question ‘what works’ is highly politicized and the legitimacy of professional social work practice is being challenged maybe more than ever before (Kessl, 2009). Both opponents and proponents of evidence based practice argue on the epistemological, the methodological and the ethical level to sustain their point of view and raise fundamental questions about the real nature of social work practice, so that one could get the impression that social work is really at the crossroads between two very different conceptions of social work practice and its further professional development (Stepney, 2009). However, this article is not going to merely rehearse the pro and contra of different positions that are being invoked in the debate about evidence based practice. Instead it aims to go further by identifying the dilemmas underlying these positions which - so it is argued – re-emerge in the debate about evidence based practice, but which are older than this debate. They concern the fundamental ambivalence modern professionalization processes in social work were subjected to from their very beginnings.


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We validate, extend, and empirically and theoretically criticize the cultural dimension of humane orientation of the project GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Program). Theoretically, humane orientation is not just a one-dimensionally positive concept about being caring, altruistic, and kind to others as discussed by Kabasakal and Bodur (2004), but there is also a certain ambivalence to this concept. We suggest differentiating humane orientation toward in-group members from humane orientation toward out-group members. A multicountry construct validation study used student samples from 25 countries that were either high or low in humane orientation (N = 876) and studied their relation to the traditional GLOBE scale and other cultural-level measures (agreeableness, religiosity, authoritarianism, and welfare state score). Findings revealed a strong correlation between humane orientation and agreeableness, welfare state score, and religiosity. Out-group humane orientation proved to be the more relevant subfacet of the original humane orientation construct, suggesting that future research on humane orientation should make use of this measure instead of the vague original scale. The ambivalent character of out-group humane orientation is displayed in its positive correlation to high authoritarianism. Patriotism was used as a control variable for noncritical acceptance of one’s society but did not change the correlations. Our findings are discussed as an example of how rigid expectations and a lack of tolerance for diversity may help explain the ambivalent nature of humane orientation


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The observations of Michel Foucault, noted Twentieth Century French philosopher, regarding modern power relations and orders of discourse, form the framework utilized to analyze and interpret the power struggles of AIDS activists and their opponents--the religious and radical right, and the administrative agencies of the 'Liberal' welfare State. Supported by the tools of sociolinguistic inquiry, the analysis highlights the success of a safer sex campaign in Houston, Texas to illustrate the dynamics of cultural and political change by means of discursive transformations initiated by the gay micro-culture. The KS/AIDS Foundation, allied with both the biomedical community and gay entertainment spheres, was successful in conveying biomedical cautions that resulted in altered personal behavior and modified public attitudes by using linguistic conventions consonant with the discourse of the Houston gay micro-culture. The transformation of discursive practices transgressed not only the Houston gay micro-culture's boundaries, but the city boundaries of Houston as well. In addition to cultural and political change, moderate and confrontational gay activists also sought to change the cognitive boundaries surrounding 'the gold standard' for clinical research trials.^ From a Foucauldian perspective, the same-sex community evolved from the subordinated Other to a position of power in a period of five years. Transformations in discursive practices and power relations are exemplified by the changing definitions employed by AIDS policy-makers, the public validation of community-based research and the establishment of parallel track drug studies. Finally, transformations in discursive practices surrounding the issues of HIV antibody testing are interpreted using Foucault's six points of power relations. The Montrose Clinic provides the case study for this investigation. The clinic turned the technical rationalities of the State against itself to achieve its own ends and those of the gay micro-culture--anonymous testing with pre and post test counseling. AIDS Talk portrays a dramatic transformation in discursive practices and power relations that transcends the historical moment to provide a model for future activists. Volume 2 contains copies of fugitive primary source materials largely unavailable elsewhere. Original documents are archived in the Harris County Medical Archives in the Houston Academy of Medicine located in the Texas Medical Center Library, Houston, Texas. ^


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Blame avoidance behaviour (BAB) has become an increasingly popular topic in political science. However, the preconditions of BAB, its presence and consequences in various areas and in different political systems largely remain a black box. In order to generate a better understanding of BAB and its importance for the workings of democratic political systems, the scattered literature on BAB needs to be assessed and structured. This article offers a comprehensive review of the literature on blame avoidance. It departs from Weaver’s concept of blame avoidance and subsequently differentiates between work on BAB in comparative welfare state research and work on BAB in public policy and administration. It is argued that between these two strands of literature a bifurcation exists since both perspectives rarely draw on each other to create a more general understanding of BAB. Advantages from existing approaches must be combined to assess the phenomenon of blame avoidance in a more comprehensive way.


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Dada la compleja situación de vulnerabilidad del tejido social debido al actual modelo de acumulación, las características que asume el trabajo, la desaparición del Estado Protector, comienzan a plantearse, para y desde los sectores más perjudicados, la necesidad de elaborar nuevas estrategias de supervivencia. En este trabajo se intentará analizar aquellas estrategias que conviven con el sistema capitalista, pero que no corresponden completamente a su lógica, que no son generadas ni por el Estado, ni por el sector privado y que intentan elaborar alternativas de desarrollo- comunitario, local, regional- frente a la situación esbozada anteriormente.


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Los principios de confianza y seguridad (entendida como control del riesgo) aparecen como dos elementos constitutivos de la lógica de las relaciones en el estado providencia, con claras articulaciones con el tema del empleo. El presente trabajo se propone indagar, en la crisis del Estado de Bienestar, qué papel cumple el proceso de radicalización de la modernidad, que conocemos como posmodernidad en la elaboración de la noción de riesgo y consecuentemente de la de seguridad y cómo pueden afectar los institutos que la representan orgánicamente. Se observa la pérdida de certidumbre como una característica de las sociedades actuales, signadas por la complejidad y el consecuente traslado de la confianza a los sistemas expertos con la consecuencia de la despersonalización de las relaciones y el creciente poder de los operadores del sistema.


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La reconfiguración del papel del estado que comienza en la década del 70 y se agudiza en la década del 90, con la retracción de los Welfare State o estados sociales, dan origen a la retracción de las políticas de carácter universal para dar lugar al surgimiento las políticas focalizadas, La agudización en las últimas décadas de una desigualdad de oportunidades y amplia proporción de población excluida, con el agravamiento de los indicadores de sociales, implicaron la necesidad de aplicar políticas sociales particulares, administradas desde diferentes espacios sociales, la educación no quedó excluida de esta situación, debiendo las escuelas y docentes hacerse cargo de la implementación de programas y/o proyectos compensatorios, que por sus características pueden ser clasificados en función de las acciones, beneficio y/o beneficiarios a los que van dirigido, nivel educativo de aplicación, fuente de financiamiento y responsables de la ejecución de los mismos. En el presente artículo se presenta una caracterización de los mismos en la provincia de Misiones Argentina en el periodo 2005-2008. En este artículo además se reproduce la graficación y sus correspondientes reflexiones, efectuada con la técnica del pictograma por docentes que dan cuenta de cómo la década del 90 implicó cambios significativos en las condiciones de trabajo, repercutiendo tanto en el rol como en las actividades sustantivas inherentes a la profesión


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La crisis de representación política en Argentina a fines de los noventa es abordada en esta tesina desde diversas vías de análisis. Se presentan las contradicciones propias de la democracia en un sistema representativo que limita la posibilidad del llamado "gobierno del pueblo", así como los dilemas de la relación entre representante y representado. Los cambios políticos, la crisis del Estado de Bienestar y las transformaciones de los partidos ofrecen el marco general para el análisis de las distintas interpretaciones sobre el problema de la crisis en Argentina. Las teorías utilizadas en este estudio ofrecen una amplia mirada sobre el tema, desde las que consideran que se trata de un problema de representatividad de los partidos hasta las que tratan otras dimensiones tales como el Estado, el régimen político, los políticos, la ciudadanía, los liderazgos, entre otros. Los niveles de análisis abordados permiten configurar el estado de situación del problema de la crisis de representación, se incluyen cuestiones de la democracia per se y se relacionan los problemas políticos generales que han afectado a varios países con aquellos específicos de la crisis de representación en Argentina.


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La crisis de representación política en Argentina a fines de los noventa es abordada en esta tesina desde diversas vías de análisis. Se presentan las contradicciones propias de la democracia en un sistema representativo que limita la posibilidad del llamado "gobierno del pueblo", así como los dilemas de la relación entre representante y representado. Los cambios políticos, la crisis del Estado de Bienestar y las transformaciones de los partidos ofrecen el marco general para el análisis de las distintas interpretaciones sobre el problema de la crisis en Argentina. Las teorías utilizadas en este estudio ofrecen una amplia mirada sobre el tema, desde las que consideran que se trata de un problema de representatividad de los partidos hasta las que tratan otras dimensiones tales como el Estado, el régimen político, los políticos, la ciudadanía, los liderazgos, entre otros. Los niveles de análisis abordados permiten configurar el estado de situación del problema de la crisis de representación, se incluyen cuestiones de la democracia per se y se relacionan los problemas políticos generales que han afectado a varios países con aquellos específicos de la crisis de representación en Argentina.