997 resultados para Vs. Phosphorus Limitation


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Liming is a common practice to raise soil pH and increase phosphorus (P) bioavailability in tropical regions. However, reports on the effect of liming on P sorption and bioavailability are controversial. The process of phosphorus desorption is more important than P sorption for defining P bioavailability. However few studies on the relationship between soil pH and P desorption are available, and even fewer in the tropical soils. The effects of soil pH on P sorption and desorption in an Ultisol from Bahia, Brazil, were investigated in this study. Phosphorus sorption decreased by up to 21 and 34 % with pH increases from 4.7 to 5.9 and 7.0, respectively. Decreasing Langmuir K parameter and decreasing partition coefficients (Kd) with increasing pH supported this trend. Phosphorus desorption was positively affected by increased soil pH by both the total amount of P desorbed and the ratio of desorbed P to initially sorbed P. A decreased K parameter and increased Kd value, particularly at the highest pH value and highest P-addition level, endorsed this phenomenon. Liming the soil had the double effect of reducing P sorption (up to 4.5 kg ha-1 of remaining P in solution) and enhancing P desorption (up to 2.7 kg ha-1 of additionally released P into solution).


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Tiivistelmä: Hidasliukoisten fosforilannoitteiden ominaisuudet ja käyttökelpoisuus suometsien lannoituksessa. Kirjallisuuteen perustuva tarkastelu


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The concentration of orthophosphate ions released from Fe-K-P compounds (Fe3KH8(PO4)6 .6H2O and Fe3KH14(PO4)8 .4H2O) present in superphosphates increases with pH, which initially suggests that the agronomic effectiveness of P fertilizers containing high amounts of these compounds would also increase with soil pH but studies considering activity, instead of concentration, are necessary. With this purpose, both compounds were synthesized under laboratory conditions, characterized by elemental chemical analysis, optical microscopy, X ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and used in a solubility study. Solutions of 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1 mol L-1 NaCl with pH adjusted to 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0 and 7.5 were prepared for the solubility study of H8-syn, H14-syn and a phosphate rock (PR) from Brazil. The orthophosphate activity as H2PO4- and HPO4(2-) was calculated in each situation as related to pH and ionic strength using software MINTEQ. The remaining precipitates after equilibrium were chemically analyzed and subjected to X ray, SEM and EDS. Results of chemical analysis and instrumental techniques confirmed the preparation method. The activity of orthophosphate ions of both compounds tended to decrease under increasing pH and/or ionic strength of the solution, which in turn suggests that an increase in the solution pH does not necessarily promote an increase in the P bioavailability for plant uptake. This can be important when evaluating agronomic data of P fertilizers with high contents of these two Fe-K-P compounds.


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Responses of leaf senescence to P supply could constitute adaptive mechanisms for plant growth under P-limiting conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of soil P supply on leaf senescence of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Eight P levels, ranging from 5 to 640 mg kg-1 P, were applied to pots containing four bean plants of cultivar Carioca in 10 kg of an Oxic Haplustult soil. Attached leaves were counted weekly, abscised leaves were collected every other day, and seeds were harvested at maturity. The number of live leaves increased until 48 days after emergence (DAE) and decreased afterwards, irrespective of applied P levels. At lower applied P levels, the initial increase and the final decrease of leaf number was weak, whereas at higher applied P levels the leaf number increased intensively at the beginning of the growth cycle and decreased strongly after 48 DAE. Dry matter and P accumulated in senesced leaves increased as soil P levels increased until 61 DAE, but differences between P treatments narrowed thereafter. The greatest amounts of dry mass and P deposited by senesced leaves were observed at 48-54 DAE for high P levels, at 62-68 DAE for intermediate P levels and at 69-76 DAE for low P levels. These results indicate that soil P supply did not affect the stage of maximal leaf number and the beginning of leaf senescence of common bean plants, but the stage of greatest deposition of senesced leaves occurred earlier in the growth cycle as the soil P supply was raised.


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Large phasic variations of respiratory mechanical impedance (Zrs) have been observed during induced expiratory flow limitation (EFL) (M. Vassiliou, R. Peslin, C. Saunier, and C. Duvivier. Eur. Respir. J. 9: 779-786, 1996). To clarify the meaning of Zrs during EFL, we have measured from 5 to 30 Hz the input impedance (Zin) of mechanical analogues of the respiratory system, including flow-limiting elements (FLE) made of easily collapsible rubber tubing. The pressures upstream (Pus) and downstream (Pds) from the FLE were controlled and systematically varied. Maximal flow (Vmax) increased linearly with Pus, was close to the value predicted from wave-speed theory, and was obtained for Pus-Pds of 4-6 hPa. The real part of Zin started increasing abruptly with flow (V) >85%Vmax and either further increased or suddenly decreased in the vicinity of V¿max. The imaginary part of Zin decreased markedly and suddenly above 95%Vmax. Similar variations of Zin during EFL were seen with an analogue that mimicked the changes of airway transmural pressure during breathing. After pressure andV measurements upstream and downstream from the FLE were combined, the latter was analyzed in terms of a serial (Zs) and a shunt (Zp) compartment. Zs was consistent with a large resistance and inertance, and Zp with a mainly elastic element having an elastance close to that of the tube walls. We conclude that Zrs data during EFL mainly reflect the properties of the FLE.


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The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Credit Cards vs. Debit Cards: They May Look the Same, But They’re Different!


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Shoot biomass is considered a relevant component for crop yield, but relationships between biological productivity and grain yield in legume crops are usually difficult to establish. Two field experiments were carried out to investigate the relationships between grain yield, biomass production and N and P accumulation at reproductive stages of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivars. Nine and 18 cultivars were grown on 16 m² plots in 1998 and 1999, respectively, with four replications. Crop biomass was sampled at four growth stages (flowering R6, pod setting R7, beginning of pod filling R8, and mid-pod filling R8.5), grain yield was measured at maturity, and N and P concentrations were determined in plant tissues. In both years, bean cultivars differed in grain yield, in root mass at R6 and R7 stages, and in shoot mass at R6 and R8.5, whereas at R7 and R8 differences in shoot mass were significant in 1998 only. In both years, grain yield did not correlate with shoot mass at R6 and R7 and with root mass at R6. Grain yield correlated with shoot mass at R8 in 1999 but not in 1998, with shoot mass at R8.5 and with root mass at R7 in both years. Path coefficient analysis indicated that shoot mass at R8.5 had a direct effect on grain yield in both years, that root mass at R7 had a direct effect on grain yield in 1998, and that in 1999 the amounts of N and P in shoots at R8.5 had indirect effects on grain yield via shoot mass at R8.5. A combined analysis of both experiments revealed that biomass accumulation, N and P in shoots at R6 and R7 as well as root mass at R6 were similar in both years. In 1998 however bean accumulated more root mass at R7 and more biomass and N and P in shoots at R8 and R8.5, resulting in a 57 % higher grain yield in 1998. This indicates that grain yield of different common bean cultivars is not intrinsically associated with vegetative vigor at flowering and that mechanisms during pod filling can strongly influence the final crop yield. The establishment of a profuse root system during pod setting, associated with the continuous N and P acquisition during early pod filling, seems to be relevant for higher grain yields of common bean.


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Die in den 1990er Jahren geschaffenen Fachhochschulen der Schweiz sind verpflichtet, in allen angebotenen Fachbereichen "anwendungsorientierte Forschung und Entwicklung" (aFuE) zu betreiben. Sowohl die Fachhochschulen wie auch die Fachbereiche sind allerdings sehr heterogen. Dieser Werkstattbericht zeigt auf, wie die Fachhochschulen das gesetzlich für alle gültige Rahmenmodell in zwei typologisch unterschiedlichen Geschäftsmodellen umsetzen: In einem am ökonomischen Markt ausgerichteten Modell A und in einem am Wissenschaftssystem und an ,,gesellschaftlichen Problemfeldern" ausgerichteten Modell B. Die beiden Typen stehen in einem Spannungsverhältnis zueinander, sind aber zugleich auch mit ähnlichen Problemen konfrontiert.


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The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Nailing Down Home Repair Rip-Offs & Disputes


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A major constraint to agricultural production in acid soils of tropical regions is the low soil P availability, due to the high adsorption capacity, low P level in the source material and low efficiency of P uptake and use by most of the modern varieties grown commercially. This study was carried out to evaluate the biomass production and P use by forage grasses on two soils fertilized with two P sources of different solubility. Two experiments were carried out, one for each soil (Cambisol and Latosol), using pots filled with 4 dm³ soil in a completely randomized design and a 4 x 2 factorial scheme. The treatments consisted of a combination of four forage plants (Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria brizantha, Pennisetum glaucum and Sorghum bicolor) with two P sources (Triple Superphosphate - TSP and Arad Reactive Phosphate - ARP), with four replications. The forage grasses were harvested at pre-flowering, when dry matter weight and P concentrations were measured. Based on the P concentration and dry matter production, the total P accumulation was calculated. With these data, the following indices were calculated: the P uptake efficiency of roots, P use efficiency, use efficiency of available P, use efficiency of applied P and agronomic efficiency. The use of the source with higher solubility (TSP) resulted, generally, in higher total dry matter and total P accumulation in the forage grasses, in both soils. For the less reactive source (ARP), the means found in the forage grasses, for use efficiency and efficient use of available P, were always higher when grown in Latosol, indicating favorable conditions for the solubility of ARP. The total dry matter of Brachiaria brizantha was generally higher, with low P uptake, accumulation and translocation, which indicated good P use efficiency for both P sources and soils. The forage plants differed in the P use potential, due to the sources of the applied P and of the soils used. Less than 10 % of the applied P was immobilized in the forage dry matter. Highest values were observed for TSP, but this was not reflected in a higher use efficiency of P from this source.


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BACKGROUND: To compare clinical and demographic data between laryngeal cancer patients younger and older than 40 years old. METHODS: Is a matched-paired study, realized from 1989 to 2002. We selected 500 laryngeal cancer patients treated in the National Cancer Institute of Mexico. Fifteen cases of patients younger than 40 years that accomplished inclusion criteria were identified, pair-matched and compared by clinical stage with 33 patients older than 40 years. We analyzed demographic factors and disease-free and Overall Survival by Kaplan-Meier method. RESULTS: We included 9 male and 6 female patients with a mean age of 34 years in contrast to a mean age of 62 years in the comparison group. Four cases in clinical stage I, none clinical stage II, 6 in stage III and 5 in stage IV were included in the younger group and compared to 8 patients in stage I, 15 in stage III and 10 in stage IV in the older group. No differences in demographic variables or lifestyle habits were found. All patients in stage I, are alive in both groups. Disease-free survival not show any differences when comparing stages III and IV (p=NS). Mean disease-free survival was 66 months and mean overall survival was 83 months in the younger group. CONCLUSION: Laryngeal carcinoma is rare in patients younger than 40 years. No gender, clinical or prognostic differences could be identified among the two groups. The prognosis of these patients seems to be only determined by the initial clinical stage.


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Phosphorus fractions were determined in soil samples from areas fertilized or not with farmyard cattle manure (FYM) and in samples of FYM used in the semi-arid region of Paraiba state, Brazil. Soil samples were taken from the 0-20; 20-40 and 40-60 cm layers of 18 cultivated areas, which, according to interviews with farmers, had been treated with 12 to 20 t ha-1 FYM annually, for the past 2 to 40 years. Soil samples were also collected from four unfertilized pasture areas as controls. Phosphorus in the soil samples was sequentially extracted with water (Pw), resin (Pres), NaHCO3 (Pi bic and Po bic), NaOH (Pi hid and Po hid), H2SO4 (Pacid) and, finally, by digestion with H2SO4/H2O2 (Presd). Nine FYM samples were extracted with water, resin, Mehlich-1, H2SO4, NaOH or digestion with H2SO4/H2O2, not sequentially, and the extracts analyzed for P. The sampled areas had homogeneous, sandy and P-deficient soils; increases in total soil P (Pt) above the mean value of the control areas (up to 274 mg kg-1 in the 0-20 cm layer of the most P-enriched samples) were therefore attributed to FYM applications, which was the only external P input in the region. Regression analysis was used to study the relationship between soil P fractions and Pt. The Pacid fraction, related to Ca-P forms, showed the greatest increases (p < 0.01) as a result of FYM applications, rising from 8.4 mg kg-1 in a non-fertilized sample to 43.8 mg kg-1 in the sample with the highest Pt content. The sum of Pw, Pres and Pi bic, considered as labile P, showed comparable increases with Pacid, while Pi hid showed the smallest increase due to FYM applications. Organic P forms also increased, more so the fraction Po hid, considered less labile, than the more labile one, Po bic. The residual P fraction was practically half of Pt, independently of the Pt value. Increases in labile P, Pacid and organic P were justified by the high average concentration of Pw (36 %), Pacid (34 %), and Po hid (30 %) in the FYM. Significant changes in the proportion of P forms among soil layers indicated the downward movement of P in organic forms.


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Selostus: Maan fosforitilan muutos pitkäaikaisessa kenttäkokeessa hietamaalla