996 resultados para Von-willebrand-factor
El problema fundamental de Brasil actual es la colonización, la cual es estudiada por el geógrafo bajo dos puntos: i) las áreas que deben ser pobladas, y ii) el tipo de aprovechamiento de la tierra que debe ser adoptado…El primero es un problema de geografía física; el otro, de geografía económica y economía rural. Dependiendo la utilización de la tierra, en gran parte, de la distancia al centro de consumo o exportación, el estudio de esa dependencia especial significación para el Brasil. Fue Johan Heinrich von Thunen, en 1826, quien por primera vez estudió el influjo que la distancia del mercado ejerce sobre la economía agraria, en su libro: Der Isolierte Staat. La teoría del Estado aislado admite tres consideraciones: una, cuanto al espacio , pues el estado tiene forma circular y está aislado del mundo por una floresta impenetrable; otra , cuanto a la naturaleza , pues está localizada en una planicie cuyas condiciones físicas son uniformes, y no está atravesada por ningún rio o canal navegable; otra, finalmente , cuanto a la economía, toda su población se dedica a la agricultura y a la silvicultura del tipo adoptado en la región central de Europa y tiene una un nivel de educación tan alto que dirige sus haciendas de la manera más eficiente y puede cambiar con facilidad de un sistema económico a otro, en conformidad con la conveniencia. El único mercado es una gran ciudad localizada exactamente en el centro del Estado, para donde son llevados todos los productos del campo, en carros o carreteras, por los caminos. La ciudad, a su vez, ofrece al campo todos los productos industriales necesarios. Así, la producción está distribuida en anillos o fajas concéntricas que, del centro a la periferia, producen primero las mercancías predecibles y, en seguida, sucesivamente, las que son susceptibles de tarifas de transporte cada vez más altas. J. Heinrich von Thunen distinguió seis sistemas agrícolas locales en las diferentes fajas. La faja que se halla más al centro, produce mercancías fácilmente predecibles: verduras, frutas, leche y flores. La explotación es muy intensiva, pues el abono puede ser traído de la ciudad. La segunda faja está destinada a la silvicultura, pues no sólo la leña sino también la madera de construcción son muy voluminosas. En la tercera faja establécese un sistema rotativo de cereales y tubérculos. Los cereales son sembrados en el otoño o en la primavera. Los tubérculos son la remolacha, el nabo, la papa, etc. En este sistema es muy importante el cultivo de plantas forrajeras para el ganado. Utilizarse el abono una vez al año. El sistema es de origen inglés y se ha sido introducido en Europa en los comienzos de la era industrial, el siglo pasado. En la cuarta faja utilizarse el sistema rotativo de cultivos y pastos (Fields System). En menos intensivo, ya apareciendo en él los pastos y las tierras incultas. En la quinta faja adoptándose el sistema de tres campos (Three Fields System) que fue en otro tiempo empleado en toda Europa. La sexta faja es aprovechada para la cría de ganado y también para la producción de mantequilla. Más allá de esta faja, sólo la caza y la producción de pieles son económicas. El autor hace, después, consideraciones sobre las modificaciones introducidas en el esquema de von Thuenen por un río navegable y por los medios de comunicación ferroviaria. Al hacer la escrituración de su hacienda durante varios años, von Thuenen llegó a la conclusión de que la localización de la hacienda es el principal factor determinante de su administración. Los puntos que siguen, tornan la doctrina de von Thuenen en algo muy importante para la geografía agrícola. i) von Thuenen expuso y demostró que en dos lugares de condiciones naturales semejantes, el aprovechamiento de la tierra puede ser completamente diverso. Dio así un golpe mortal a la tesis del determinismo geográfico; ii) el principal factor que determina los varios tipos de utilización de la tierra es la distancia existente entre la región productora y consumidora; iii) los sistemas agrarios y los tipos de agricultura son los asuntos más importantes de la geografía agrícola, pues ellos determinan no solo el aspecto general del paisaje agrícola, sino también su estructura económica y social; iv) los sistemas de agrícola no están irregularmente distribuidos en tierra , pero su conformación es más o menos circular, que dando las grandes ciudades localizadas en los centros de los círculos. En la segunda parte de su estudio, el autor se ocupa de las fajas económicas de la Meseta Central de Costa Rica según la teoría de von Thunen, basándose en los trabajos de campos hechos por él, en marzo de 1938. Costa Rica aseméjese al Estado aislado sobre todo porque su población se concentra en la Meseta Central que está rodeada de selva, manteniendo escasas comunicaciones con el exterior. El otro fenómeno que hace a la Meseta Central semejante al Estado aislado de von Thunen, es el alto nivel de educación de sus habitantes, lo que ha permitido el cambio del sistema agrícola dos veces en los últimos cien años. El autor distinguió fajas de sistemas agrarios: a) Faja de mono cultura del café. Está localizada en las proximidades de las grandes ciudades de la Meseta Central. En ella el café es cultivado intensivamente en pequeñas haciendas, el suelo es abandonado y cuidadosamente labrado. El cafetal está sombrado de árboles, presentado, a veces, el aspecto de floresta. Los granos de café se cogen uno a uno y son llevados para las maquinas de beneficio en carros tirados por bueyes. Ahí el café es trabajado por el método húmedo, esto es, el método empleado en las Indias Occidentales. Esto aumenta mucho la calidad del producto aunque el pueblo atribuye su alta calidad solamente del suelo. b) Faja del café y de la caña de azúcar. En esta faja son cultivados café, caña, y secundariamente, maíz, mandioca (yuca), piña y se encuentran muchos potreros todos cerrados. La caña es utilizada, principalmente, para la producción de azúcar no refinada, de consumo muy difundido. Hay pocos ingenios grandes de azúcar refinada. Esta faja circunda a la primera por todos los lados, formando una zona oval irregular de 50km de existiendo del S.E al N.O., existiendo también, además, siete pequeñas áreas aisladas de esta faja. c) Faja del sistema de cultivos y pastos. Las principales zonas de esta faja son: los declives meridionales de los volcanes y el lado oeste de la meseta centro occidental. El paisaje de esta faja asemejase a la región N.O de Europa, caracterizada por pequeños campos separados por cercas de alambre de púas o por setos vivos altos. En algunas zonas de esta faja está muy desarrollada la producción de derivados lácteos (en la tierra fría de los volcanes) , en las otras la producción más importante está constituida por los cereales y raíces( parte de la tierra fría ), finalmente hay que señalar la región oeste de la meseta centro occidental . El autor divide después esta faja en: i) áreas que se está especializando la producción de leche, ii) áreas en esa especialización está hecha actualmente con cereales y raíces. Describe y localiza cada una de ellas. d) Rotación cultivo – floresta. Este es el primitivo sistema de la agricultura nómada. En él son cultivados no solo el maíz y la habichuela, sino también el banano y la caña de azúcar. Este sistema de cultivo es empleado en los declives escarpados, sobre todo en el valle de Reventazón. e) Faja de cría de ganado. Esta faja se localiza en los declives del Atlántico (Caribe) y el Pacifico, en la región al norte de los volcanes. El sistema de cría es primitivo y las haciendas son, en gran parte, autosuficientes. En conclusión, el autor declara que, aunque sea un país pequeño, Costa Rica ofrece a la América tropical las siguientes lecciones: No efectuar rotación de tierras, pero sí de cultivos.Establecer pequeñas fincas, que serán confiadas a las familias.Proporcionar a estos pequeños propietarios un nivel de educación tan elevado que les sea posible cambiar con facilidad fe un sistema agrícola a otro; y Adaptar estos sistemas agrícolas no sólo a las condiciones naturales, sino también a las de orden económico, considerando, sobre todo, la distancia existente entre las haciendas y el mercado.
The reconstruction of the external ear to correct congenital deformities or repair following trauma remains a significant challenge in reconstructive surgery. Previously, we have developed a novel approach to create scaffold-free, tissue engineering elastic cartilage constructs directly from a small population of donor cells. Although the developed constructs appeared to adopt the structural appearance of native auricular cartilage, the constructs displayed limited expression and poor localization of elastin. In the present study, the effect of growth factor supplementation (insulin, IGF-1, or TGF-β1) was investigated to stimulate elastogenesis as well as to improve overall tissue formation. Using rabbit auricular chondrocytes, bioreactor-cultivated constructs supplemented with either insulin or IGF-1 displayed increased deposition of cartilaginous ECM, improved mechanical properties, and thicknesses comparable to native auricular cartilage after 4 weeks of growth. Similarly, growth factor supplementation resulted in increased expression and improved localization of elastin, primarily restricted within the cartilaginous region of the tissue construct. Additional studies were conducted to determine whether scaffold-free engineered auricular cartilage constructs could be developed in the 3D shape of the external ear. Isolated auricular chondrocytes were grown in rapid-prototyped tissue culture molds with additional insulin or IGF-1 supplementation during bioreactor cultivation. Using this approach, the developed tissue constructs were flexible and had a 3D shape in very good agreement to the culture mold (average error <400 µm). While scaffold-free, engineered auricular cartilage constructs can be created with both the appropriate tissue structure and 3D shape of the external ear, future studies will be aimed assessing potential changes in construct shape and properties after subcutaneous implantation.
This clinical study has investigated the antigenic activity of bacterial contents from exudates of acute apical abscesses (AAAs) and their paired root canal contents regarding the stimulation capacity by levels of interleukin (IL)-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) throughout the root canal treatment against macrophage cells. Paired samples of infected root canals and exudates of AAAs were collected from 10 subjects. Endodontic contents were sampled before (root canal sample [RCS] 1) and after chemomechanical preparation (RCS2) and after 30 days of intracanal medication with calcium hydroxide + chlorhexidine gel (Ca[OH]2 + CHX gel) (RCS3). Polymerase chain reaction (16S rDNA) was used for detection of the target bacteria, whereas limulus amebocyte lysate was used to measure endotoxin levels. Raw 264.7 macrophages were stimulated with AAA exudates from endodontic contents sampled in different moments of root canal treatment. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were used to measure the levels of TNF-α and IL-1 beta. Parvimonas micra, Porphyromonas endodontalis, Dialister pneumosintes, and Prevotella nigrescens were the most frequently detected species. Higher levels of endotoxins were found in samples from periapical exudates at RCS1 (P < .005). In fact, samples collected from periapical exudates showed a higher stimulation capacity at RCS1 (P < .05). A positive correlation was found between endotoxins from exudates with IL-1 beta (r = 0.97) and TNF-α (r = 0.88) production (P < .01). The significant reduction of endotoxins and bacterial species achieved by chemomechanical procedures (RCS2) resulted in a lower capacity of root canal contents to stimulate the cells compared with that at RCS1 (P < .05). The use of Ca(OH)2 + CHX gel as an intracanal medication (RCS3) improved the removal of endotoxins and bacteria from infected root canals (P < .05) whose contents induced a lower stimulation capacity against macrophages cells at RCS1, RCS2, and RCS3 (P < .05). AAA exudates showed higher levels of endotoxins and showed a greater capacity of macrophage stimulation than the paired root canal samples. Moreover, the use of intracanal medication improved the removal of bacteria and endotoxins from infected root canals, which may have resulted in the reduction of the inflammatory potential of the root canal content.
Phoneutria nigriventer spider accidental envenomation provokes neurotoxic manifestations, which when critical, results in epileptic-like episodes. In rats, P. nigriventer venom (PNV) causes blood-brain barrier breakdown (BBBb). The PNV-induced excitotoxicity results from disturbances on Na(+), K(+) and Ca(2+) channels and glutamate handling. The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), beyond its angiogenic effect, also, interferes on synaptic physiology by affecting the same ion channels and protects neurons from excitotoxicity. However, it is unknown whether VEGF expression is altered following PNV envenomation. We found that adult and neonates rats injected with PNV showed immediate neurotoxic manifestations which paralleled with endothelial occludin, β-catenin, and laminin downregulation indicative of BBBb. In neonate rats, VEGF, VEGF mRNA, and Flt-1 receptors, glutamate decarboxylase, and calbindin-D28k increased in Purkinje neurons, while, in adult rats, the BBBb paralleled with VEGF mRNA, Flk-1, and calbindin-D28k increases and Flt-1 decreases. Statistically, the variable age had a role in such differences, which might be due to age-related unequal maturation of blood-brain barrier (BBB) and thus differential cross-signaling among components of the glial neurovascular unit. The concurrent increases in the VEGF/Flt-1/Flk-1 system in the cerebellar neuron cells and the BBBb following PNV exposure might imply a cytokine modulation of neuronal excitability consequent to homeostatic perturbations induced by ion channels-acting PNV neuropeptides. Whether such modulation represents neuroprotection needs further investigation.
G-CSF has been shown to decrease inflammatory processes and to act positively on the process of peripheral nerve regeneration during the course of muscular dystrophy. The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of treatment of G-CSF during sciatic nerve regeneration and histological analysis in the soleus muscle in MDX mice. Six-week-old male MDX mice underwent left sciatic nerve crush and were G-CSF treated at 7 days prior to and 21 days after crush. Ten and twenty-one days after surgery, the mice were euthanized, and the sciatic nerves were processed for immunohistochemistry (anti-p75(NTR) and anti-neurofilament) and transmission electron microscopy. The soleus muscles were dissected out and processed for H&E staining and subsequent morphologic analysis. Motor function analyses were performed at 7 days prior to and 21 days after sciatic crush using the CatWalk system and the sciatic nerve index. Both groups treated with G-CSF showed increased p75(NTR) and neurofilament expression after sciatic crush. G-CSF treatment decreased the number of degenerated and regenerated muscle fibers, thereby increasing the number of normal muscle fibers. The reduction in p75(NTR) and neurofilament indicates a decreased regenerative capacity in MDX mice following a lesion to a peripheral nerve. The reduction in motor function in the crushed group compared with the control groups may reflect the cycles of muscle degeneration/regeneration that occur postnatally. Thus, G-CSF treatment increases motor function in MDX mice. Nevertheless, the decrease in baseline motor function in these mice is not reversed completely by G-CSF.
Isatin, an indole alkaloid has been shown to have anti-microbial, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory effects. Due to its findings, we evaluated whether this alkaloid would have any effect on TNBS-induced colitis. Animals (male Unib:WH rats, aged 8 weeks old) were induced colitis through a rectal administration of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid using a catheter inserted 8 cm into the rectum of the animals. The rats were divided into two major groups: non-colitic and colitic. The colitic group was sub-divided into 6 groups (10 animals per group): colitic non-treated, Isatin 3; 6; 12.5; 18.75 and 25 mg/kg. Our main results showed that the oral treatment with Isatin 6 and 25 mg/kg were capable of avoiding the increase in TNF-α, COX-2 and PGE₂ levels when compared to the colitic non-treated group. Interestingly, the same doses (6 and 25 mg/kg) were also capable of preventing the decrease in IL-10 levels comparing with the colitic non-treated group. The levels of MPO, (an indirect indicator of neutrophil presence), were also maintained lower than those of the colitic non-treated group. Isatin also prevented the decrease of SOD activity and increase of GSH-Px and GSH-Rd activity as well as the depletion of GSH levels. In conclusion, both pre-treatments (6 and 25 mg/kg) were capable of protecting the gut mucosa against the injury caused by TNBS, through the combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which, together, showed a protective activity of the indole alkaloid Isatin.
Mutations in the FGFR3 gene cause the phenotypic spectrum of FGFR3 chondrodysplasias ranging from lethal forms to the milder phenotype seen in hypochondroplasia (Hch). The p.N540K mutation in the FGFR3 gene occurs in ∼70% of individuals with Hch, and nearly 30% of individuals with the Hch phenotype have no mutations in the FGFR3, which suggests genetic heterogeneity. The identification of a severe case of Hch associated with the typical mutation c.1620C > A and the occurrence of a c.1150T > C change that resulted in a p.F384L in exon 10, together with the suspicion that this second change could be a modulator of the phenotype, prompted us to investigate this hypothesis in a cohort of patients. An analysis of 48 patients with FGFR3 chondrodysplasia phenotypes and 330 healthy (control) individuals revealed no significant difference in the frequency of the C allele at the c.1150 position (p = 0.34). One patient carrying the combination `pathogenic mutation plus the allelic variant c.1150T > C' had a typical achondroplasia (Ach) phenotype. In addition, three other patients with atypical phenotypes showed no association with the allelic variant. Together, these results do not support the hypothesis of a modulatory role for the c.1150T > C change in the FGFR3 gene.
Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common neoplasm of the larynx, and its evolution depends on tumor staging. Vascular endothelial growth factor is a marker of angiogenesis, and its expression may be related to increased tumor aggressiveness, as evidenced by the presence of cervical lymphatic metastases. To evaluate the expression of the vascular endothelial growth factor marker in non-glottic advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx (T3/T4) and correlate it with the presence of cervical lymph node metastases. Retrospective clinical study and immunohistochemical analysis of vascular endothelial growth factor through the German scale of immunoreactivity in products of non-glottic squamous cell carcinomas. This study analyzed 15 cases of advanced non-glottic laryngeal tumors (T3/T4), four of which exhibited cervical lymphatic metastases. There was no correlation between vascular endothelial growth factor expression and the presence of cervical metastases. Although vascular endothelial growth factor was expressed in a few cases, there was no correlation with the spread of cervical lymph metastases.
Sunlight exposure causes several types of injury to humans, especially on the skin; among the most common harmful effects due to ultraviolet (UV) exposure are erythema, pigmentation and lesions in DNA, which may lead to cancer. These long-term effects are minimized with the use of sunscreens, a class of cosmetic products that contains UV filters as the main component in the formulation; such molecules can absorb, reflect or diffuse UV rays, and can be used alone or as a combination to broaden the protection on different wavelengths. Currently, worldwide regulatory agencies define which ingredients and what quantities must be used in each country, and enforce companies to conduct tests that confirm the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) and the UVA (Ultraviolet A) factor. Standard SPF determination tests are currently conducted in vivo, using human subjects. In an industrial mindset, apart from economic and ethical reasons, the introduction of an in vitro method emerges as an interesting alternative by reducing risks associated to UV exposure on tests, as well as providing assertive analytical results. The present work aims to describe a novel methodology for SPF determination directly from sunscreen formulations using the previously described cosmetomics platform and mass spectrometry as the analytical methods of choice.
A retrospective cohort. To report the incidence rates of shoulder injuries diagnosed with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in tetraplegic athletes and sedentary tetraplegic individuals. To evaluate whether sport practice increases the risk of shoulder injuries in tetraplegic individuals. Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Ten tetraplegic athletes with traumatic spinal cord injury were selected among quad rugby athletes and had both the shoulders evaluated by MRI. They were compared with 10 sedentary tetraplegic individuals who were submitted to the same radiological protocol. All athletes were male with a mean age of 32.1 years (range 25-44 years, s.d.=6.44). Time since injury ranged from 6 to 17 years, with a mean value of 9.7 years and s.d. of 3.1 years. All sedentary individuals were male with a mean age of 35.9 years (range 22-47 years, s.d.=8.36). Statistical analysis showed a protective effect of sport in the development of shoulder injuries, with a weak correlation for infraspinatus and subscapularis tendinopathy (P=0.09 and P=0.08, respectively) and muscle atrophy (P=0.08). There was a strong correlation for acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) and labrum injuries (P=0.04), with sedentary individuals at a higher risk for these injuries. Tetraplegic athletes and sedentary individuals have a high incidence of supraspinatus tendinosis, bursitis and ACJ degeneration. Statistical analysis showed that there is a possible protective effect of sport in the development of shoulder injuries. Weak evidence was encountered for infraspinatus and subscapularis tendinopathy and muscle atrophy (P=0.09, P=0.08 and P=0.08, respectively). Strong evidence with P=0.04 suggests that sedentary tetraplegic individuals are at a greater risk for ACJ and labrum injuries.Spinal Cord advance online publication, 17 March 2015; doi:10.1038/sc.2014.248.
Disorders of sex development (DSD) involve several conditions that result from abnormalities during gonadal determination and differentiation. Some of these disorders may manifest at birth by ambiguous genitalia; others are diagnosed only at puberty, by the delayed onset of secondary sexual characteristics. Sex determination and differentiation in humans are processes that involve the interaction of several genes such as WT1, NR5A1, NR0B1, SOX9, among others, in the testicular pathway, and WNT4, DAX1, FOXL2 and RSPO1, in the ovarian pathway. One of the major proteins in mammalian gonadal differentiation is the steroidogenic nuclear receptor factor 1 (SF1). This review will cover some of the most recent data on SF1 functional roles and findings related to mutations in its coding gene, NR5A1.
A avaliação da dor em animais necessita da utilização de escalas de avaliação, que dependem da interpretação realizada por observadores. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a correlação entre a escala visual analógica (EVA), escala de Melbourne e os filamentos de Von Frey, na avaliação da dor pós-operatória em 42 cadelas adultas e saudáveis, submetidas à ovariossalpingohisterectomia (OSH). A dor pós-operatória foi avaliada por dois observadores cegos aos tratamentos analgésicos, em intervalos de uma hora, utilizando a EVA, a escala de Melbourne e os filamentos de Von Frey, aplicados ao redor da incisão cirúrgica. Foram considerados como critérios para realização da analgesia resgate uma pontuação de 50mm na EVA ou de 13 pontos na escala de Melbourne. A EVA revelou-se a escala mais sensível, uma vez que 100% dos animais receberam resgate seguindo esse método. Os valores obtidos na EVA e na escala de Melbourne determinaram boa correlação, com r=0,74, o que não ocorreu com os filamentos de Von Frey (r=-0,18). Já a correlação entre a escala de Melbourne e os filamentos de Von Frey foi de -0.37. Apesar de a EVA e a escala de Melbourne apresentarem boa correlação, sugere-se que se considere uma pontuação menor na escala de Melbourne como critério para administração de analgesia resgate.
A modified version of the intruder-resident paradigm was used to investigate if social recognition memory lasts at least 24 h. One hundred and forty-six adult male Wistar rats were used. Independent groups of rats were exposed to an intruder for 0.083, 0.5, 2, 24, or 168 h and tested 24 h after the first encounter with the familiar or a different conspecific. Factor analysis was employed to identify associations between behaviors and treatments. Resident rats exhibited a 24-h social recognition memory, as indicated by a 3- to 5-fold decrease in social behaviors in the second encounter with the same conspecific compared to those observed for a different conspecific, when the duration of the first encounter was 2 h or longer. It was possible to distinguish between two different categories of social behaviors and their expression depended on the duration of the first encounter. Sniffing the anogenital area (49.9% of the social behaviors), sniffing the body (17.9%), sniffing the head (3%), and following the conspecific (3.1%), exhibited mostly by resident rats, characterized social investigation and revealed long-term social recognition memory. However, dominance (23.8%) and mild aggression (2.3%), exhibited by both resident and intruders, characterized social agonistic behaviors and were not affected by memory. Differently, sniffing the environment (76.8% of the non-social behaviors) and rearing (14.3%), both exhibited mostly by adult intruder rats, characterized non-social behaviors. Together, these results show that social recognition memory in rats may last at least 24 h after a 2-h or longer exposure to the conspecific.
Instalado em um edifício-Monumento, data de 1895 a inauguração do Museu Paulista. Seu primeiro diretor, o zoólogo Hermann Von Ihering (1895-1916), teve a tarefa de organizar suas vastas coleções, as quais possuíam objetos de diversos ramos do conhecimento, entre eles, a História. Este artigo tem a intenção de entender a dimensão, dinâmica e concepção desta coleção de História, que recebeu pouca atenção da Historiografia relativa ao tema.