990 resultados para Volume total de treino


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Target of this study was to develop a total cost calculation model to compare all costs from manufacturing and logistics from own factories or from partner factories to global distribution centers in a case company. Especially the total cost calculation model was needed to simulate an own factory utilization effect in the total cost calculation context. This study consist of the theoretical literature review and the empirical case study. This study was completed using the constructive research approach. The result of this study was a new total cost calculation model. The new total cost calculation model includes not only all the costs caused by manufacturing and logistics, but also the relevant capital costs. Using the new total cost calculation model, case company is able to complete the total cost calculations taking into account the own factory utilization effect in different volume situations and volume shares between an own factory and a partner factory.


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Some Ecological Factors Affecting the Input and Population Levels of Total and Faecal Coliforms and Salmonella in Twelve Mile Creek, Lake Ontario and Sewage Waters Near St. Catharines, Ontario. Supervisor: Dr. M. Helder. The present study was undertaken to investigate the role of some ecological factors on sewage-Dorne bacteria in waters near St. Catharines, Ontario. Total and faecal coliform levels and the presence of Salmonella were monitored for a period of a year along with determination of temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, nitrate N, total phosphate P and ammonium N. Bacteriological tests for coliform analysis were done according to APHA Standard Methods by the membrane filtration technique. The grab sampling technique was employed for all sampling. Four sample sites were chosen in the Port Dalhousie beach area to determine what bacteriological or physical relationship the sites had to each other. The sample sites chosen were the sewage inflow to and the effluent from the St. Catharines (Port Dalhousie) Pollution Control Plant, Twelve Mile Creek below the sewage outfall and Lake Ontario at the Lakeside Park beach. The sewage outfall was located in Twelve Mile Creek, approximately 80 meters from the creek junction with the beach and piers on Lake Ontario. Twelve Mile Creek normally carried a large volume of water from the WeIland Canal which was diverted through the DeCew Generating Station located on the Niagara Escarpment. An additional sample site, which was thought to be free of industrial wastes, was chosen at Twenty Mile Creek, also in the Niagara Region of Ontarioo 3 There were marked variations in bacterial numbers at each site and between each site, but trends to lower_numbers were noted from the sewage inflow to Lake Ontario. Better correlations were noted between total and faecal coliform population levels and total phosphate P and ammonium N in Twenty Mile Creek. Other correlations were observed for other sample stations, however, these results also appeared to be random in nature. Salmonella isolations occurred more frequently during the winter and spring months when water temperatures were minimal at all sample stations except the sewage inflow. The frequency of Salmonella isolations appeared to be related to increased levels of total and faecal coli forms in the sewage effluent. However, no clear relationships were established in the other sample stations. Due to the presence of Salmonella and high levels of total and faecal coliform indicator organisms, the sanitary quality of Lake Ontario and Twelve Mile Creek at the sample sites seemed to be impaired over the major portion of the study period.


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Objetivos: Describir si el uso de sangre fresca total (SFT) intraoperatoria en pacientes llevados a procedimientos RACHS 3 y 4 en la Fundación Cardioinfantil, disminuye el sangrado postoperatorio y el volumen de transfusión de elementos sanguíneos, en comparación a aquellos en quienes no se usa SFT. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte histórica, tomando una población menor de 1 año expuesta a la sangre fresca total y comparándola con una población de similares características, llevadas a procedimientos de riesgo similar no expuesta. Los análisis se realizaron mediante pruebas estándar para variables continuas y discretas. Un valor de p menor a 0.05 fue aceptado como signficativo. Resultados: 46 pacientes expuestos a SFT y se compararon con 50 pacientes no expuestos. La principal diferencia entre los grupos fue la edad, siendo mayor en el grupo de no expuestos (3.8 años vs 0.9; p<0.001). El volumen de sangrado postoperatorio fue similar, sin embargo los pacientes expuestos a SFT recibieron mayor volumen de transfusiones, sin ser una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (155cc vs 203cc, P=0.9). No hubo diferencia significativa en complicaciones o mortalidad. Conclusiones: En nuestro estudio no se encontró una disminución en el volumen de sangrado postoperatorio en los pacientes menores de 1 año, sometidos a cirugías catalogadas como RACHS 3 y 4, expuestos a SFT, sin embargo se necesitan estudios clínicos controlados que respondan definitivamente a la pregunta.


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No conjunto das capacidades motoras, a força parece ser uma das que menos se trabalha no âmbito das aulas de Educação Física. Considerando a sua importância ao nível da saúde, bem-estar e qualidade de vida, nos rendimentos motores e desportivos, e na aquisição da aptidão física, temos como objectivo central verificar se um programa de força tem efeitos múltiplos e multilaterais sobre as diferentes manifestações de força. Como tal, pretendemos verificar a treinabilidade da força em jovens pré-pubescentes e pubescentes, testando a eficácia de um protocolo de treino da força, nas condições da aula de Educação Física, durante 10 semanas à razão de 3 unidades semanais de treino integradas na aula, utilizando apenas recursos existentes na maioria das escolas nacionais. A amostra foi constituída por 2 turmas do 7ºano de escolaridade (55 alunos no total, de ambos os sexos e com idades compreendidas entre 12 e 15 anos, pertencentes à Escola EB 2,3 António Gedeão, em Odivelas). Em ambas as turmas aplicou-se o mesmo protocolo de treino de força, diferindo apenas a sua carga. Numa turma aplicou-se uma carga contínua (grupo experimental), enquanto noutra aplicou-se uma carga descontínua e intermitente (grupo de controlo), no que à elevação da capacidade motora força concerne. A partir da análise comparada das médias dos testes, pudemos constatar a existência de ganhos significativos de força em ambos os sexos no grupo experimental; o trabalho contínuo mostrou-se mais efectivo no desenvolvimento da força média, inferior e superior, enquanto o outro grupo não revelou ganhos significativos nas 3 variantes força. Podemos concluir que é possível melhorar a força nas condições da aula de Educação Física, com apenas três unidades semanais de treino e durante 10 semanas; os rapazes são mais fortes que as raparigas e apresentam uma treinabilidade maior do que elas; enquanto os alunos mais velhos e maturacionalmente, segundo Tanner (1962) têm ganhos mais significativos que se revelam no número de testes de força aptos, após a aplicação dos programas de treino de força.


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Background and Purpose-Clinical research into the treatment of acute stroke is complicated, is costly, and has often been unsuccessful. Developments in imaging technology based on computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging scans offer opportunities for screening experimental therapies during phase II testing so as to deliver only the most promising interventions to phase III. We discuss the design and the appropriate sample size for phase II studies in stroke based on lesion volume. Methods-Determination of the relation between analyses of lesion volumes and of neurologic outcomes is illustrated using data from placebo trial patients from the Virtual International Stroke Trials Archive. The size of an effect on lesion volume that would lead to a clinically relevant treatment effect in terms of a measure, such as modified Rankin score (mRS), is found. The sample size to detect that magnitude of effect on lesion volume is then calculated. Simulation is used to evaluate different criteria for proceeding from phase II to phase III. Results-The odds ratios for mRS correspond roughly to the square root of odds ratios for lesion volume, implying that for equivalent power specifications, sample sizes based on lesion volumes should be about one fourth of those based on mRS. Relaxation of power requirements, appropriate for phase II, lead to further sample size reductions. For example, a phase III trial comparing a novel treatment with placebo with a total sample size of 1518 patients might be motivated from a phase II trial of 126 patients comparing the same 2 treatment arms. Discussion-Definitive phase III trials in stroke should aim to demonstrate significant effects of treatment on clinical outcomes. However, more direct outcomes such as lesion volume can be useful in phase II for determining whether such phase III trials should be undertaken in the first place. (Stroke. 2009;40:1347-1352.)


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It is well known that there is a dynamic relationship between cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral blood volume (CBV). With increasing applications of functional MRI, where the blood oxygen-level-dependent signals are recorded, the understanding and accurate modeling of the hemodynamic relationship between CBF and CBV becomes increasingly important. This study presents an empirical and data-based modeling framework for model identification from CBF and CBV experimental data. It is shown that the relationship between the changes in CBF and CBV can be described using a parsimonious autoregressive with exogenous input model structure. It is observed that neither the ordinary least-squares (LS) method nor the classical total least-squares (TLS) method can produce accurate estimates from the original noisy CBF and CBV data. A regularized total least-squares (RTLS) method is thus introduced and extended to solve such an error-in-the-variables problem. Quantitative results show that the RTLS method works very well on the noisy CBF and CBV data. Finally, a combination of RTLS with a filtering method can lead to a parsimonious but very effective model that can characterize the relationship between the changes in CBF and CBV.


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Objetivo: Avaliar a correlação do volume de pulmão com densidade anormal através da Densitovolumetria (DV) com características clínicas e testes de função pulmonar em crianças com Bronquiolite Obliterante (BO). Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo transversal em 19 crianças, com idade entre 7 e 15 anos, com diagnóstico clínico-evolutivo e tomografia de tórax característicos de BO. Foram excluídas ou-tras doenças que cursam com obstrução ao fluxo aéreo. Todas as crianças fizeram o Teste da cami-nhada de seis minutos com monitorização da saturação de oxigênio da hemoglobina. A espirometria foi feita em repouso, após o Teste da caminhada e após a administração de broncodilatador. A Den-sitovolumetria foi realizada em um tomógrafo computadorizado helicoidal de pista simples, marca Toshiba, modelo Xvision EX, com pós-processamento de imagem em estação de trabalho O2 da Si-licon Graphics, com programa de computação Alatoview®. Cada paciente foi submetido a 9 aquisi-ções tomográficas eqüidistantes de alta resolução e a duas varreduras helicoidais, cobrindo toda a extensão do tórax em pausa da respiração no final da inspiração e expiração profundas. Para separar parênquima normal de parênquima com diminuição de atenuação utilizou-se o limiar -950 UH e um outro limiar escolhido de forma subjetiva pelo radiologista Resultados: O volume de parênquima pulmonar com densidade anormalmente baixa na inspiração variou de 0,03 a 8,67 % e, na expiração, de zero a 7,27% do volume pulmonar total. O volume de pulmão hipoatenuado teve boa correlação com os testes de função pulmonar; na inspiração com VEF1% (r= -0,56) e com VEF1/CVF%(r= -0,75). O percentual de zonas hipoatenuadas na inspiração apresentou correlação com VEF1%(r= -0,64) e com VEF1/CVF%(r= -0,71). Na expiração, houve correlação com VEF1% (r= -0,50) e não houve com o VEF1/CVF%. Na comparação com o previsto em adultos, a correlação foi melhor na inspiração. A saturação de oxigênio em repouso não apresentou associação com o volume de áreas hipoatenuadas, enquanto que a saturação mínima durante o exercício apresentou correlação negativa forte com o volume de zonas com hipoatenuação na inspiração (r= -0,60) e na expiração (r= -0,61). Os pacientes com volumes pulmonares maiores percorreram uma distância maior (r=0,53), e a distância percorrida não foi afetada significativamente pelo volume de áreas hipoatenuadas. Conclusão: Em crianças com BO, o volume de zonas hipoatenuadas correlaciona-se com o VEF1% e VEF1/CVF% e com a queda na saturação durante o exercício, mas não se correlaciona com a saturação em repouso e a distância percorrida.


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A produção farmacêutica de preparações estéreis, em especial de Nutrição Parenteral Total (NTP), atinge atualmente graus de importância devido ao grande volume de produção em escala de bancada. Tais características produtivas induzem os operadores a assumirem posturas desfavoráveis do ponto de vista músculo-esquelético, associadas a uma repetitividade importante. Desta forma, este estudo aborda, através de um estudo de caso, a melhoria das condições de trabalho e o resprojeto de uma linha de produção de NPT. Para tal, foi empregada uma metodologia abrangente do ponto de vista de análise postural para melhorar o processo produtivo. esta permitiu a comparação de indicadores anteriores e posteriores à transformação do processo, assegurando a visualização das boas práticas realizadas durante o estudo de melhorias. Como resultados principais, houve uma sensível diminuição das queixas de desconforto e dor de origem postural. Porém, no que concerne à repetitividade são necessários ainda ajustes relacionados com um melhor dimensionamento do processo.


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Diabetes mellitus has been associated with bone metabolism alterations, such as osteopenia and osteporosis. So, the search of new anabolic agents promote bone mass gain can be important to prevent osteoporosis. The aim of this study was evaluate zinc anabolic effect over bone in diabetic and post-menopausal osteopenic models. Diabetes was induced by STZ (45mg/Kg of body weight) administration and post-menopausal by bilateral ovariectomy. Adults female Wistar rats (n=65) were divided in 5 groups: control group (n=15), ovariectomized without (n=15) and with zinc supplementation (n=10) groups, diabetic and ovarioctomized without (n=15) and with zinc supplementation (n=10) groups. Studied periods had been untill 90 days. Diabetic condition was confirmed hiperglicemic state and alterations of state with polyuria, polyphagia, polydipsia and glucosuria. Histomorphometric analysis showed that zinc supplementation increased trabecular thickness and reduced trabecular distance significantly in diabetic groups with similar values to those showed in control group. Correlation analysis of histomorphometric parameters with serum glucose concentration showed that more time in hyperglycemia more bone damage, as well as, zinc supplementation contributed to prevent this damage. Elevated serum glucose caused hyperzincuria, phosphaturia and calciuria. Zinc supplementation promoted increased levels of calcium and phosphorous ions in 90th days diabetic group. No alteration was observed by ovariectomy in mineral (Ca, P and Zn) serum and urine concentrations. Total serum Alkaline Phosphatase activity increased in diabetic groups, supplemented or not, compared with control group. However, Tartarate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase, magnesium and serum zinc did not altered in studied groups. Serum albumin was reduced only in diabetic groups. Serum creatinine was unaltered. These results support the hypotesis that zinc can be used to prevent and treat diabetic and post-menopausal osteopenia


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Quassia amara é arbusto de 3 a 6 metros de altura, tendo sido retirado indiscriminadamente das florestas para extrair do caule as quassinas usadas na indústria farmacêutica e como inseticida em agricultura orgânica. Não se tem muita informação técnica acerca do crescimento desta espécie para subsidiar estratégias de manejo sustentado. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o crescimento de Q. amara L. em cultivo agroecológico na Costa Rica. O trabalho consistiu em realizar avaliações do desenvolvimento de indivíduos de Q. amara em parcelas permanentes de medições, instaladas em meio às plantações desta espécie em consórcio com essências arbóreas. Foram efetuadas medições de diâmetro do caule a 10 cm do solo e altura total. Foi observado que em função das taxas de crescimento vegetal e incrementos médio e corrente anuais (IMA e ICA), mesmo após cinco anos de plantio, a madeira de Quassia amara para extração de quassinas não está pronta para colheita.


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In order to quantify the population of Acromyrmex balzani Emery, 1890 nests and to verify whether the population dynamic of the colony is correlated with the symbiont fungus volume, the principal energy source of the colony, five nests located in grassland areas were evaluated. The nests were sprayed with neutral talcum powder to improve visualization and digging. The symbiont fungus and the entire population existent in the chambers were collected. The mean fungus volume and total nest population in excavated nests were, respectively, 74.76 ml and 1,095 individuals. Simple linear correlation analysis verified that the fungus volume grew proportionally to the number of individuals. Despite the correlation between fungus volume and population dynamic of colonies, the factors that determine this relationship are little known since other microorganisms live in association with the colony.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: The gait automaticity loss difficults realization of concurrent activities - Dual Task (DT). In these situations, individuals with Parkinson`s disease (PD) show a significant reduction in gait velocity and stride length, as strides variability and asymmetry increased, factors predisposing to falls. However, recent studies have shown that training involving DT may cause subsequent improvements in gait variables with DT in individuals with PD. The treadmill use was adopted by this study, by promoting greater regularity in step and enhance training. Objective:To investigate immediate effects of gait training associated with cognitive tasks on gait in individuals with PD. Methods: Twenty-two volunteers were randomly divided into two groups: control group (n = 11), who performed gait training on a treadmill for 20 minutes, and the experimental group (n = 11), who performed treadmill gait training for 20 minutes associated with cognitive tasks of verbal fluency, memory, and spatial planning. Participants were evaluated in phase on of antiparkinsonian medication as the demographic, clinical and anthropometric (identification form), cognitive status (Montreal Cognitive Assessment - MoCA), executive function (Frontal Assessment Battery), level of physical disability (Hoehn and Yahr Modified), motor and functional status (Unified Rating Scale for Parkinson`s Disease - UPDRS), and kinematics (Qualisys Motion Capture System). Results: There were not differences between groups, but both showed improvement after the intervention. The control group had an increase in velocity (p = 0.008), stride length (p = 0.04), step length (p = 0.02) and decreased double support time(p = 0.03). The experimental group showed an increase in speed (p = 0.002), stride length (p = 0.008), step length (p = 0.02) and cadence (p = 0.01), as well as a decrease in the width stride (p = 0.001) and total support time (p = 0.02). As the angular variables, the experimental group had a significant increase in the initial contact angle of ankle (p = 0.01). Conclusion: The gait training combined with cognitive activities didn`t provide significant improvements in gait variables with DT, but this study was the first to demonstrate that gait training on treadmill as simple task minimized the negative interference of DT in PD


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There is no consensus in the literature on the best renal replacement therapy (RRT) in acute kidney injury (AKI), with both hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD) being used as AKI therapy. However, there are concerns about the inadequacy of PD as well as about the intermittency of HD complicated by hemodynamic instability. Recently, continuous replacement renal therapy (CRRT) have become the most commonly used dialysis method for AKI around the world. A prospective randomized controlled trial was performed to compare the effect of high volume peritoneal dialysis (HVPD) with daily hemodialysis (DHD) on AKI patient survival. A total of 120 patients with acute tubular necrosis (ATN) were assigned to HVPD or DHD in a tertiary-care university hospital. The primary end points were hospital survival rate and renal function recovery, with metabolic control as the secondary end point. Sixty patients were treated with HVPD and 60 with DHD. The HVPD and DHD groups were similar for age ( 64.2 +/- 19.8 and 62.5 +/- 21.2 years), gender ( male: 72 and 66%), sepsis ( 42 and 47%), hemodynamic instability ( 61 and 63%), severity of AKI ( Acute Tubular Necrosis-Index Specific Score (ATN-ISS): 0.68 +/- 0.2 and 0.66 +/- 0.2), Acute Physiology, Age, and Chronic Health Evaluation Score (APACHE II) (26.9 +/- 8.9 and 24.1 +/- 8.2), pre-dialysis BUN (116.4 +/- 33.6 and 112.6 +/- 36.8mg per 100 ml), and creatinine ( 5.8 +/- 1.9 and 5.9 +/- 1.4 mg per 100 ml). Weekly delivered Kt/V was 3.6 +/- 0.6 in HVPD and 4.7 +/- 0.6 in DHD ( P<0.01). Metabolic control, mortality rate ( 58 and 53%), and renal function recovery ( 28 and 26%) were similar in both groups, whereas HVPD was associated with a significantly shorter time to the recovery of renal function. In conclusion, HVPD and DHD can be considered as alternative forms of RRT in AKI.


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Objetivo: avaliar os efeitos da histerectomia total abdominal (HTA) sobre o fluxo sangüíneo ovariano, em mulheres no menacme, por meio da dopplervelocimetria e ultra-sonografia transvaginal. Métodos: estudo prospectivo no qual foram incluídas 61 mulheres, com idade igual ou inferior a 40 anos. As pacientes foram divididas em dois grupos: G1, com 31 pacientes submetidas à HTA, e G2, com 30 mulheres normais não submetidas à cirurgia. Somente foram incluídas pacientes eumenorréicas, ovulatórias, não-obesas ou fumantes, sem cirurgias ou doenças ovarianas prévias. Avaliou-se o fluxo sangüíneo das artérias ovarianas, inicialmente e aos 6 e 12 meses, pelo índice de pulsatilidade (IP) na dopplervelocimetria, e o volume ovariano pela ultra-sonografia transvaginal (US). Para análise estatística empregou-se teste t pareado, análise de perfil, teste de Friedman e teste de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: na comparação estatística inicial os grupos foram homogêneos quanto às características epidemiológicas e quanto aos demais parâmetros avaliados neste estudo. Nas pacientes submetidas à histerectomia, observaram-se aos 6 e 12 meses aumento do volume ovariano ao US e diminuição do IP avaliado pela dopplervelocimetria (p<0,05), quando confrontadas ao controle. Aos 12 meses, em 8 das 31 pacientes pós-HTA (25,5%) verificou-se ocorrência de cistos ovarianos de aspecto benigno. No grupo controle não houve alteração de nenhum desses parâmetros. Conclusão: a redução do IP na dopplervelocimetria das artérias ovarianas sugere aumento do fluxo sangüíneo ovariano pós-histerectomia total abdominal em mulheres no menacme.