996 resultados para Violência contra o Idoso


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Partindo dos dados referentes à criminalidade e à violência executada pelos policiais civis e militares do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, foi-se em busca do estudo sobre as relações entre a violência e a vitimização policial, bem como as relações entre estes fenômenos e a violência social em geral, onde a polícia não participa. Circulando por caminhos tortuosos, driblando a falta e a inconsistência de alguns dados, chegou-se a conclusões, algumas até surpreendentes, sobre as disparidades das metades norte e sul do Estado, influenciando na forma de (re)agir do policiais. Buscou-se também caracterizar, conectando os dados empíricos com teoria sociológica, as dinâmicas de ação violenta, tanto das polícias quanto dos não-policiais, através do estudo das lesões corporais e homicídios agregados por Coredes do Estado, separando os que tiveram policiais como vítimas e autores, daqueles onde a polícia não participou diretamente.


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A violência doméstica contra as crianças e os adolescentes constitui hoje um dos parâmetros de discussão apresentados pelos movimentos sociais e pela sociedade civil. Reconhecida há poucas décadas como um problema social no país, ela representa um dos componentes relacionados aos debates sobre a operacionalidade da Justiça no Brasil. Reconhecendo a pluralidade de modelos de organização familiar e as formas alternativas de apaziguamento dos embates sociais, procurou-se entender que tipo de tratamento é conferido pelos tribunais àquelas ações litigiosas que convergem para o seu campo de atuação. Por meio de um estudo de caso do sistema de justiça criminal na cidade de Santa Maria, confrontando os tipos de sentença terminativa atribuídas aos processos com os elementos legais e extralegais utilizados pelos operadores do direito, percebeu-se as especificidades do funcionamento destas instâncias judiciais em relação aos conflitos interpessoais vivenciados no âmbito doméstico. Diante de um movimento crescente que procura aumentar a penalização para os crimes que envolvem estas formas de violência, foi possível discutir como estes conflitos são solucionados nas varas criminais comuns e no juizado especial criminal. A partir dos elementos encontrados ao longo do trabalho de campo, apreendeu-se que embora a informalização da justiça viabilize uma participação mais efetiva da vítima e de seu representante legal no processo, em detrimento à justiça comum, tornando mais célere o movimento da ação litigiosa e oportunizando a conciliação entre as partes, ela depara-se, ainda, com os problemas relacionados à interpretação da legislação e à percepção desta temática pelos agentes do aparelho judiciário.


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Reportagem exibida pelo Jornal da Globo News


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A campanha nas redes sociais #TaTudoErrado foi lançada no final do mês de agosto com o propósito de chamar atenção para a questão da violência que os bairros enfrentam há mais de um ano, com tiroteios diários, alguns em plena luz do dia. A ação obteve repercussão e mobilizou diversos apoios nas redes sociais. Além da internet, a campanha convocou a comunidade para participar de atividades na rua contra violência.


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Objetivou analisar a atuação dos enfermeiros da Estratégia Saúde da Família frente à violência intrafamiliar contra a criança, visando identificar ações de prevenção do problema. Pesquisa descritiva e exploratória de cunho qualitativo, cujos dados foram analisados conforme análise de conteúdo. Participaram do estudo 14 enfermeiros da Estratégia de Saúde da Família do município de Mossoró-RN. Dados coletados utilizando-se questionário semiestruturado. As ações de promoção à saúde são atividades educativas desenvolvidas após detecção de casos. O medo de represálias do agente agressor, a sobrecarga de trabalho, a falta de apoio dos gestores e a dificuldade para a materialização da interdisciplinaridade, intersetorialidade e integralidade da atenção foram mencionadas como barreiras ao enfrentamento do problema


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This survey aims to study the importance of the Women's Police Station in gender conflicts resolution and the effectiveness in meeting to the protection and assistance to the woman who suffers domestic and family violence, whereas its relationship with the existence or not of specific programs directed to this problematic. The present work analyzes the process of implementing such public policies from empirical data collected along the Station Specialized women`s defence; focuses on the process of articulation between the plurality of actors and interests. This review is a qualitative research and part of the construction of a theoretical landmark, analyzes data documentary sources and covers a sample of the various participants. Discusses about domestic violence against women, focusing also on the issues relevant to the elucidation of this thematic, demystify the dichotomy between the public and private sphere and explicit symbolic dimension of domestic violence as a violation of the human rights and fundamental freedoms


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The family violence against children became visible, in the context of public health, due to the damage and injuries generated in the lives of children and to the growing need of investment in physical and human resources to fill this demand. In this context, it is believed that intervention could prevent such events and are configured as primary strategies to prevent the corollaries generated by the violence. In this perspective, this study aims to analyze the performance of nurses dealing with the Strategy of Family Health viewing to identify actions based on the paradigm of health distribution. This is a descriptive, exploratory and qualitative research. The data were analyzed based on the content analysis about the method proposed by Bardin. The study was conducted in Mossoró-RN and the participants were 14 nurses working for the Family Health Strategy in Health Units of this town. The instrument for data collection was a semi-structured questionnaire, with questions answered by the participants themselves. It was evident to the study that the nurses believe that health education are the main tool for dealing with domestic violence against children, being developed, however, in its positivist and vertical way. The actions used to develop health performed by the team on their daily lives are limited to educational activities and are carried exactly when cases of family violence against children are notified. Barriers to the practice emerged from fear of reprisals from the agressor, overwork, lack of management support and difficulty for the realization of interdisciplinary, intersectorality and comprehensive care.


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Descriptive exploratory study, with quantitative approach, with data collected from April to May 2009, aiming to identify the types of occupational violence affecting professionals on the nursing and medical staff in an emergency hospital service in Natal/RN, over the last 12 months; to identify emergency sectors where occupational violence episodes took place; to characterize aggressors on each type of occupational violence; to know the procedures adopted after each violent act targeting nursing and medical staff professionals; and to know the consequences of violence suffered by the nursing and medical staff professionals. The sample consisted of 26 nurses, 95 nursing assistants/technicians and 124 physicians, for a total of 245 professionals. The results showed that 50.61% of the professionals were women, aged 41 to 45 (22.45%), with post-graduate studies (51.43%), married (60.82%); 21.22% had 16 to 20 years of experience in the profession and in emergency practice; working 40 weekly hours (86.12%); and working both the day shift and the night shift (70.21%); 27.35% consider violence to be a part of their profession and the patient s companions as an important risk factor (86.53%); couldn t inform whether there was a specific established procedure for reporting occupational violence (45.71%); 73.06% suffered occupational violence in the 12 months; 70.20% verbal assault, 24.08% moral harassment, 6.12% physical assault, and 3.67% sexual harassment; 66.67% of the patients took part in the physical assault; the companions, in verbal assault (58.14%); and the health staff in moral harassment (69.49%); facing episodes violence, 37.65% of the professionals reported the fact to their co-workers; 57.25% uffered from stress as a consequence; on 4.71% of the episodes the professionals had to be bsent from work, resulting in 75 days of occupational violence-related absence. We conclude here was a high rate of occupational violence in the researched population, with verbal ssault and moral harassment as the most frequent violence types. Because factors related to ccupational violence were very diverse, actions seeking to confront this problem shouldn t be limited to the work environment itself. Education ought to be one of the most effective ctions for avoiding or minimizing these events occurrence


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Intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents is a highly complex and serious issue in terms of the damage caused to this population. However, despite the relevance of this discussion, the matter only began to be addressed in the second half of the twentieth century, with its inclusion in academic research from the perspective of damage caused to the victims. Debate on intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents has intensified in recent decades, particularly with the enactment of the Statute on Children and Adolescents (Federal Law 8069/90), which recognizes children and adolescents as rights holders. Open discussion on the issue meant several fields of knowledge began to study the topic. Particularly prominent among these areas is the field of Psychology, promoting theoretical discussions and practical interventions focusing on this type of violence. Given the theoretical and methodological diversity of psychological science and the many possibilities for the production of knowledge, this study aims to map and debate research conducted in the field that discusses intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents in Brazil. To that end, articles published in Psychology journals were analyzed. In order to achieve this objective, a search was conducted of Scielo Brasil using descriptors on the subject, chosen from a list reported by Faleiros (2000). The time frame studied was between 1990 and 2013, therefore included the date of the enactment of the Statute of Children and Adolescents. Qualitative analysis was selected as a data analysis technique around two main themes. The first involved analyzing the concept of intrafamily sexual violence based on its components. The second analytical theme addressed the theoretical and methodological strategies used by the authors. The aim was to identify and discuss the approaches chosen to achieve the proposed objectives as well as the justifications provided by the authors for their research. Analyses of these themes were based on theoretical discussions on intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents. Difficulties were identified in conceptualizing intrafamily sexual violence so as to include all its elements and differentiate it from sexual exploitation. The studies assessed showed substantial diversity in both the theoretical and methodological approaches used, contributing to understanding the phenomenon. It is expected that this study will contribute to reflection on intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents, promoting new studies and/or practical interventions


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This study, done in a master program, evaluated the thematic regarding the domestic physical violence against children. The data was obtained through the SOS children program from Natal municipality. The used methodology involved either recorded date as well as an interview done with a professional who had been working on the SOS program for more than ten years. The study emphasizes violent situations where children were involved, in particular, beaten by their parents. Our goal was to understand the domestic violence phenomena against children, using as parameter the social context where the families were inserted


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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El estudio presenta el problema de la violencia doméstica contra los niños de hasta cinco años en el contexto de los centros municipales de Educación Infantil (CMEI) en la ciudad de Natal-RN. Constituye un análisis bajo el enfoque teórico y metodológico de carácter cualitativo, en vista de la totalidad, con la asunción de la violencia doméstica contra los niños en su guía sociales, legales, históricos y culturales con el tema. Tiene como objetivo investigar si los profesionales que trabajan en Educación Infantil son capaces de identificar las posibles situaciones de violencia doméstica contra los niños que están bajo su responsabilidad, e incluso si, en los casos de los casos sospechosos o reales de la identidad de saber que las referencias deben ser adoptadas. La ruta entre el conocimiento y el método establecido implica el análisis conceptual de la infancia, la educación infantil y violencia doméstica contra los niños, además de la realización de grupos focales con los participantes de la encuesta con sus registros en un diario de campo. Perciben a sí mismos para el estudio de las contradicciones en la lucha contra la violencia doméstica contra los niños. Incluso con los conocimientos teóricos sobre el tema, los profesionales no pueden dar referencias adecuadas para proteger a los niños y detener la violencia. Nos encontramos con que las condiciones objetivas del trabajo de los profesionales que trabajan en CMEI, asociados con poco conocimiento sobre el tema, no contribuyen a las referencias. Llegamos a la conclusión de que es necesario la participación de la Secretaría Municipal de Educación, sin olvidar que todas las acciones tienen limitaciones como la violencia doméstica contra los niños también se relaciona con problemas estructurales de la sociabilidad capitalista.


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This study presents the issue of sexual violence against children and adolescents in the city of Natal RN from a critical approach over the work carried out at the Delegacia Especializada em Defesa da Criança e Adolescente DCA, with the perspective towards guaranteeing their rights. It is constituted of an analysis under a theoretical-methodological focus, both quantitative and qualitative, taking as a premise the sexual violence against children and adolescents in its social, legal, historical, cultural and economical dimensions that are behind this issue. The established course between knowledge and methodology involved: a conceptual analysis of the sexual violence, a research in the official records of the Public Power, the application of questionnaires with the coordinators of social projects and programmes, the accomplishment of interviews with key institutional actors and mothers of victimized children and adolescents, besides the analysis of quantitative indicators from the data made available by the DCA. The research took place within the Delegacia Especializada em Defesa da Criança e Adolescente, and also took for reference the information from institutions that develop actions directed towards children and adolescents victims of sexual abuse. Through this study, the strategies and the contradictions existing in the struggle against sexual violence towards children and adolescents implemented by the Public Power were learnt, the need for a greater articulation was identified to guarantee their rights and it also allowed for the tracing of a panorama of the sexual violence against children and adolescents in the period from 2001 to 2004 in the city of Natal-RN


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This study aimed to investigate the profile of the occurrence of abuse against children and adolescents. We analyzed the data recorded in police reports from the Department of Women's Defense, Araçatuba-SP, in 2008, relating to assault, victim-offender relationship, sociodemographic characteristics of offenders and victims, and victims' demand for health services. Among the accusations, there was a higher prevalence of physical abuse, being the residence the place of higher incidence of aggression. In most cases, the aggressor was the mother of the child, being the subject of aggression not reported, in most cases. Thus, we can define the profile of violent incidents against children, contributing to the visualization, knowledge and to deal with the problem.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC