990 resultados para Vigarani, Carlo, 17th century
This doctoral thesis entitled “Miguel Botelho de Calvalho‟s Poetry. Study and edition of Fábula de Píramo y Tisbe (1621) and Rimas Varias (1646)” is born to approach Miguel Botelho de Carvalho‟s (1595-?) life and works. He was a Portuguese poet that lived during the Spanish monarchy reign (1580-1668) and is inexorably referred to in the works of Portuguese poets who wrote in Spanish during the 17th century. The works by this author of which we are certain were written from 1621 to 1646 – namely: an epyllion about the love affairs between Píramo and Tisbe (Fábula de Píramo y Tisbe, Madrid, 1621), a pastoral novel (Prosas y versos del pastor de Clenarda, Madrid 1621), as well as the works printed after his travel to India. This last period includes his narrative poem divided into six cantos, La Filis (1641) and another publication containing two works: a poetic anthology entitled Rimas varias and his approach to drama in Tragicomedia del martir d’Ethiopía (Ruán, 1646). Botelho de Carvalho is constantly being referred to among the critics, above all in general studies about that period. Few of them have delved into the author, nonetheless. The treatment given to writers who are included both in Portuguese and Spanish philosophical streams is still a niche to be explored nowadays and that highly contributes to a deeper knowledge of reality, which is on many occasions not looked at...
In Impresos madrileños de 1626 a 1636 a study on the printing carried on in Madrid is done in the period referred above. This Doctoral thesis is a typobibliography with its methodological introduction, bibliographic repertoire and their indices. The work is divided in three main areas. In the first of them, the introduction, I speak about the current state of preliminar typobibliographic investigation about printing in Madrid, including the rewiew of previous bibliographies by Cristóbal Pérez Pastor, Antonio Sierra Corella, Yolanda Clemente San Román and Justa Moreno Garbayo. This investigation is justified on the existing needing of completing the knowledge about these books printed in the 17th century from 1626. The typobibliographies dealing with the works performed in Madrid are uncompleted and imperfect so that, with this doctoral stablishes that the almost definitive corpus of those books printed in Madrid from 1626 to 1636. The last year of this period is explained because of the enormous amount of printed matter that were produced during the previous years, so completing the study of the decade would have been an impossible task. The abridget objetives of this dissertation are: - To stablish the definitive corpus of the printed matter from 1626 to 1636. - To present an analytical description of this printed matter based on the material bibliography rules. - To find new editions and issue and states variants in the already known editions. - To determine the view of the existing presses in Madrid in that time with a tipographic research about each press...
This article reports the preliminary results of a technical and material study carried out on a 17th century panel painting located at the Chapel of the Souls in the main church of Vila Nova da Baronia (30 km away from Evora city, in southern Portugal). This painting is attributed to Jose the Escovar, a painter that worked for Evora Archiepiscopate between 1583 and 1622. Jose the Escovar is known by his mural paintings all across the Alentejo region. This is the first time that a panel painting made by this artist was studied. Analytical methods used included in situ technical photography (visible (Vis), raking light (RAK), infrared (IR), and ultraviolet (UV)), optical microscopy of cross sections, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDS), micro Raman spectroscopy, and micro Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (m-FT-IR). The goal was to ascertain the techniques and colored materials used by Escovar on this painting so that the data can be used in future comparisons with others works attributed to this painter based on stylistic aspects.
ResumenEste trabajo analiza las actitudes ante la muerte del grupo de personas que testaron en la ciudad de Cartago en el siglo XVII.AbstractThis work discusses examines attitudes towards death through the wills of individuals in 17th century Cartago.
Fondato nel 1423 per decisione del Maggior Consiglio di Venezia, il Lazzaretto Vecchio, è la prima struttura permanente in Europa destinata al ricovero degli ammalati di peste e alla quarantena preventiva di coloro che erano entrati in contatto con infetti o che provenivano da zone epidemiche. Questo studio si pone come obiettivo quello di analizzare antropologicamente una parte dei resti umani rinvenuti e comparare i risultati ottenuti con le fonti edite riguardanti la composizione dei ricoverati all’interno della struttura. Sono stati selezionati 110 individui provenienti da 9 comuni appartenenti a due diversi archi cronologici, il 1575-1577 e il 1630-1631. Gli individui sono stati sottoposti a diverse analisi antropologiche tradizionali e indagini più dettagliate di stampo biomolecolare. Parallelamente, è stata vagliata la letteratura prodotta da studi popolazionistici editi. Le analisi antropologiche hanno rivelato un quadro popolazionistico con normale presenza di maschi e femmine, e attestazione di tutte le classi di età, dagli 0 agli oltre 50 anni. Le analisi chimico-fisiche hanno rivelato la presenza di sette individui non locali. Con riguardo all’alimentazione non vi sono particolari differenze in termini di periodi cronologici o di sesso degli individui, quanto invece si possono individuare schemi relativi alla qualità del cibo ingerito in relazione all’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro. Per quanto riguarda le indagini di carattere documentale, nonostante alcuni degli studi popolazionistici individuati non siano considerabili recenti, ci forniscono un quadro dell’andamento della popolazione a Venezia a partire dal 1500 fino al 1700, coprendo in questo modo le cronologie d’interesse del progetto, legate agli episodi di maggiore mortalità della peste. Si riscontra una sostanziale coerenza tra i dati riportati nei diversi resoconti e la sex ratio e le fasce di età alla morte riscontrate, anche se non mancano casi specifici di forte discostamento tra i dati.
Le radici del monoteismo israelitico come riflesso dell'idea di regalita divina in epoca pre-esilica
Questa tesi è un contributo al dibattito meta-terminologico sull'uso scientifico del termine "monoteismo" in relazione alla religione dell'Israele antico. L'attenzione è rivolta principalmente a un tema specifico: l'esplorazione della nozione teistica di "esistenza" divina (implicita nell'uso di "monoteismo" come lente di osservazione) e il problema della sua applicazione alle concettualizzazioni della divinità che emergono nella Bibbia ebraica. In primo luogo, il "monoteismo" come termine e concetto viene ricondotto alle sue origini storiche nell'ambiente intellettuale del platonismo di Cambridge nell'Inghilterra del XVII secolo. Poi, si affronta il dibattito contemporaneo sull'uso del termine "monoteismo" in relazione alla religione dell'Israele antico e si evidenzia il ruolo dell'"esistenza" teistica come lente distorcente nella lettura dei testi biblici. La maggior parte della tesi sostiene questo assunto con una lettura esegetica dettagliata di tre passi biblici scelti come casi di studio: Sal 82; 1Re 18,20-40* e Zc 14,9. Queste analisi mostrano come la nozione teistica di un'esistenza divina astratta non sia in grado di spiegare la rappresentazione del divino che emerge da questi testi. Allo stesso tempo, il potere divino come categoria euristica viene proposto come un'alternativa più adatta a spiegare queste concettualizzazioni della divinità. L'ultima sezione elabora ulteriormente questi risultati. Qui la regalità di YHWH, come immagine metaforica del suo potere, viene utilizzata per descrivere i cambiamenti nella concettualizzazione di questa divinità. L'argomentazione finale è che in nessuna parte del materiale biblico affrontato in questa tesi si trova una nozione simile a quella di esistenza divina astratta. Poiché tale nozione è implicita nell'uso del termine "monoteismo", questi risultati richiedono una considerazione ancora più attenta del suo uso nel dibattito scientifico.
The Camposanto of Pisa is an extraordinarily complex and evocative monument, which has captured the imagination of pilgrims, both religious and secular, for centuries. The late Medieval and early Renaissance wall paintings that line the perimeter of the portico surrounding a vast inner courtyard, are unparalleled in early Italian art, not only for their striking variety of composition and narrative complexity, but also for the sheer grandeur of their proportion. However, the passage of time has scarred the structure of the Camposanto and inflicted terrible damage on its wall paintings. This thesis explores the material reality of the Camposanto as experienced over three centuries through the eyes of British travelers. In order to situate the Camposanto mural cycle within an historical and cultural context, the first chapter provides an overview of the construction and decoration of the monument. Notably, Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574), the Italian Humanist often recognized as the father of art history, included numerous descriptions of the Camposanto murals in his highly influential text Vite de' più eccellenti pittori, scultori, ed architettori. Accordingly, the second chapter provides an analysis of Vasari’s descriptions and reflects upon the influence that the Renaissance author may have had upon the subsequent British reception of the Camposanto murals. The third chapter utilizes three centuries of travel writing in order to investigate the aesthetic impact of the Camposanto mural cycle upon British tourists from the seventeenth through to the nineteenth century.
Mode of access: Internet.
The modern understanding of the pathogenesis of migraine, based on the concept that it is a neurovascular disorder, is often thought to have emerged from the work of Harold Wolff in the period 1932-1962. However, over the preceding 300 years, from William Harvey onwards, various hypotheses of the pathogenesis of migraine had been proposed, a few bearing reasonably strong resemblances to Wolff's ideas, though based on less adequate evidence. Many of these earlier hypotheses regarded migraine either primarily as a vascular (e.g., Willis, Wepfer, Latham) or as a neural disorder (e.g., Harvey, Lieving and his 'nerve storms'). There were also variations around these two major themes and in the 19th Century a number of neurovascufar type hypotheses emerged assigning a major role in migraine pathogenesis to the autonomic nervous system. In addition, during the three centuries there were a number of other hypotheses based on different postulated pathogenic mechanisms, some quite ingenious, which had relatively brief vogues. No hypothesis has yet proved capable of explaining all the features of migraine satisfactorily. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper attempts to prove that in the years 1735 to 1755 Venice was the birthplace and cradle of Modern architectural theory, generating a major crisis in classical architecture traditionally based on the Vitruvian assumption that it imitates early wooden structures in stone or in marble. According to its rationalist critics such as the Venetian Observant Franciscan friar and architectural theorist Carlo Lodoli (1690-1761) and his nineteenth-century followers, classical architecture is singularly deceptive and not true to the nature of materials, in other words, dishonest and fallacious. This questioning did not emanate from practising architects, but from Lodoli himself– a philosopher and educator of the Venetian patriciate – who had not been trained as an architect. The roots of this crisis lay in a new approach to architecture stemming from the new rationalist philosophy of the Enlightenment age with its emphasis on reason and universal criticism.