999 resultados para Vekkelse og vitenskap : Lars Levi L©Œstadius 200 år


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L-R: Martin Woodruff (GBR) 2nd, Carl Robie (USA)1st, John Ferris (USA) 3rd.


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L-R: U-M head coach Mike Bottom, Zachary Turk (freestyle), Miquel Ortiz (backstroke), Sean Fletcher (butterfly), John Wojchiechowski (swam in prelims), Bruno Ortiz (breaststroke), assistant head coach Josh White, assistant coach Mark Hill.


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L-R: Bob Zann, Tim Norlen, Larry Day, Ray McCullough


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Translation of: Lejbe i Sióra.


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Vols. 1-2, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16 are paged continuously.


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Supplements accompany some vols.


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Vol. 1, pt. 1, "udgivet med understøttelse af det Kgl. Norske videnskabers seldkab; Throndhjem." The remainder of the work was published partly at the expense of the Norwegian government.


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Petar Radoev Popivanov was born on April 6, 1946 in Sofia. Traces of this branch of Popivanov’s are found in the late 1700’s in Lyaskovets, a small town near Veliko Tarnovo, the old capital of the second Bulgarian kingdom. In the family tree one finds in the last 200 years or so lawyers, men of learning, men of politics, military officers, physicians, priests. In particular, his father Radoy Popivanov (1913-2010) was a well known Bulgarian scientist in Biology and Immunogenetics and a Full Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS).


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Following the launch of the "Marion Dufresne 1", first supply ship of the Terres Australes and Antarctiques Françaises and part time oceanographic vessel in the Indian Ocean, a new marine geology program was developped at the Laboratoire de Géologie, MNHN. The first oceanographic cruise of the "Marion Dufresne 1" started in 1973 in the Southwestern Indian Ocean (OSIRIS I cruise). Forty piston-cores recovered nearly 200 m of sediments consisting in the first of the 450 cores of the Indian Ocean collection now deposited at the Museum. L. Leclaire being Director from 1980 to 1991, a multidisciplinary team (including sedimentologists and micropaleontologists) was involved in many oceanographic cruises in the Indian Ocean. Marine sedimentology was developped during annual cruises programs in collaboration with geophysicists, geochemists, and biologists. In 1995, the "Marion Dufresne 2" replaced the initial "Marion Dufresne 1".


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We compare a compilation of 220 sediment core d13C data from the glacial Atlantic Ocean with three-dimensional ocean circulation simulations including a marine carbon cycle model. The carbon cycle model employs circulation fields which were derived from previous climate simulations. All sediment data have been thoroughly quality controlled, focusing on epibenthic foraminiferal species (such as Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi or Planulina ariminensis) to improve the comparability of model and sediment core carbon isotopes. The model captures the general d13C pattern indicated by present-day water column data and Late Holocene sediment cores but underestimates intermediate and deep water values in the South Atlantic. The best agreement with glacial reconstructions is obtained for a model scenario with an altered freshwater balance in the Southern Ocean that mimics enhanced northward sea ice export and melting away from the zone of sea ice production. This results in a shoaled and weakened North Atlantic Deep Water flow and intensified Antarctic Bottom Water export, hence confirming previous reconstructions from paleoproxy records. Moreover, the modeled abyssal ocean is very cold and very saline, which is in line with other proxy data evidence.


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Quintus Curtius found in his sources a speech where a Scythian censured Alexander, followed by the King’s reply. Curtius drastically abridged this second discourse in order to highlight the criticism of the Macedonian. The Scythian’s words have a striking rhetorical language and some allusions taken from Greek literature, in addition to possible indirect references to Caligula. Curtius declares that he follows his source word-for-word aiming to justify these inconsistencies, but also trying to hide the manipulations he has done to achieve his own narrative purposes.


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Friluftsliv uppvisar ett uppsving som för många säkert är oväntat men som nog till stor del är i samklang med den skandinaviska tidsandan. Visserligen är det ett i huvudsak urbant fenomen, de senaste årens fokus på fysisk aktivitet, konditionsträning och fitness, aktiviteter som dessutom ofta äger rum inomhus i speciella kommersiellt drivna träningshallar – där är luften inte fri! – men trenden tar sig också uttryck i löpning eller joggning i urbana parkområden eller i lagom tuktad natur i anslutning till städer. Man kan tänka att steget inte skulle vara långt till verkliga naturupplevelser, och, som sagt, det finns ett uppsving. Det nymornade intresset för autentiska naturupplevelser kan säkert också bottna i en civilisationskritisk trend i det tidiga tredje millenniet, vars beståndsdelar spretar på ett sätt som gör det omöjligt att närmare skärskåda företeelsen i detta sammanhang. Istället konstaterar vi att forskningen varit kvick att fånga upp friluftsintresset, vilket inte minst märks i recensionsfloran på den här webbplatsen, som denna gång utvidgas med en recension av Friluftsliv: Natur, samfund og pædagogik av Peter Bentsen, Søren Andkjær och Niels Ejbye-Ernst (Munksgaard Danmark). Erik Backman, som disputerat i ämnet, har läst och recenserar, och han bjuder redaktörerna på många tips till förbättringar inför nästa upplaga av boken.


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El presente trabajo de investigación constituye un aporte de la Universidad de El Salvador, específicamente de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas hacia la sociedad salvadoreña, especialmente al sector Cooperativo; tal es el caso de la Asociación Cooperativa de Producción Agropecuaria “Luz en el Horizonte” de R.L (ACOPALUHO), facilitándoles una herramienta que le permita mejorar el área mercadológica apoyando al proyecto de mujeres emprendedoras. La importancia de la investigación radica en el desempeño de la gestión de comercialización a productos cosméticos y medicamentos de origen natural, luego a 200 familias del sector las cuales serán beneficiadas al contar con un instrumento que dinamice la demanda de los productos en mención. La investigación sintetiza tanto información bibliográfica así como de campo, contrastada con la necesidad de mejorar la demanda; manteniendo una participación activa de los miembros de la Cooperativa en su desarrollo, a efecto de lograr su aprobación. Entre los resultados más significativos se encuentran la inexistencia de planes que contribuyan al establecimiento de objetivos, políticas y estrategias mercadológicas, además se encontraron limitaciones sobre los atributos de los productos tales como: la marca, el eslogan, la viñeta y el empaque; el desconocimiento de técnicas de ventas, promociones, la escasa publicidad, la no utilización de un canal de comercialización idóneo para la comercialización de productos cosméticos y medicamentos de origen natural, y por último la falta de personal especializado en su fuerza de venta que no le permite a la Cooperativa ACOPALUHO a dinamizar la demanda. Se pretende que la Cooperativa ACOPALUHO de R.L se beneficie y se constituya en un pilar de desarrollo en la comercialización de la línea de productos cosméticos y medicamentos de origen natural a nivel nacional.