969 resultados para Väätäinen, Hanna
Samlingen Juridik omfattar närmast ämnesområdena skatterätt, bolagsrätt, handelsrätt, internationell rätt, avtalsrätt och immaterialrätt. Dessutom tillgång till c. 1000 licensbelagda e-böcker (ebrary, Finlex, Edilex, WSOY...) Kokoelmassa on vero-oikeutta, yhtiöoikeutta, kauppaoikeutta, kansainvälistä oikeutta, sopimusoikeutta, immateriaalioikeutta. Sen lisäksi n. 1000 lisensoitua e-kirjaa (ebrary, Finlex, Edilex, WSOY...)
Samlingen sociologi består av ämnen i anslutning till undervisningen och forskningen vid Hanken: företagskultur, kulturskillnader, arbetssociologi, organisationssociologi, konsumtionssociologi. 25 % av titlarna behandlar forskningsmetoder inom samhällsvetenskaperna. Sådana titlar skaffas aktivt. C. 345 elektroniska böcker (ebrary) och 29 databaser/e-tidskrifter med delvis sociologisk information (licensbelagt material). Sosiologiaan sisältyy kulttuurierojen, yrityskulttuurin, työnsosiologian, organisaatiososiologian, kulutussosiologian aineistoa. 25 % nimekkeistä on yhteiskuntatieteiden tutkimusmenetelmiä, joita hankitaan aktiivisesti. N. 345 e-kirjaa ja 29 tietokantaa (vaatii lisenssin).
Teoksessa: Heinilä H, Kalli P & Ranne K.(Toim.) 2009. Tutkiva oppiminen ja pedagoginen asiantuntijuus
The aim of this thesis was to fractionate wood extracts into pure fractions using membrane technology, to observe membrane behaviour in solvents and to study the effect of conditioning on membrane performance. Four different wood extracts were used in the performed filtrations. In the literature part, the focus was on the effect of different solvent properties on polymeric membranes, especially on their retention and flux. Solute properties, such as shape, polarity and charge, were examined. Transport models, membrane stability and ways to improve the stability, when solvents were filtered, were also discussed. The experimental part consisted of a series of filtrations, where the effect of the wood extracts and solvent concentration on solute retention was observed. Polymeric and ceramic membranes were tested under different conditions and the solute analyses were performed with GC and GC-MS. It was discovered that it is possible to fractionate wood extracts using membrane technology to some extent, but more research must be done to understand the mechanisms behind the various interactions between the solvent and the membrane. Conditioning was also considered as an important part of the membrane pre-treatment.
Samlingen Redovisning omfattar ämnesområdena redovisning, bokföring, budgetering, bokslut, balanser, revision, kostnadsberäkning samt redovisningsstandarder. Dessutom tillgång till ca 90 licensbelagda e-böcker, 37 databaser/e-tidskrifter samt 11 tryckta tidskrifter.