924 resultados para Ultrasonic transducers.
The halobacterial phototaxis receptors sensory rhodopsin I and II (SRI, SRII) enable the bacteria to seek optimal light conditions for ion pumping by bacteriorhodopsin and/or halorhodopsin. The incoming signal is transferred across the plasma membrane by means of receptor-specific transducer proteins that bind tightly to their corresponding photoreceptors. To investigate the receptor/transducer interaction, advantage is taken of the observation that both SRI and SRII can function as proton pumps. SRI from Halobacterium salinarum, which triggers the positive phototaxis, the photophobic receptor SRII from Natronobacterium pharaonis (pSRII), as well as the mutant pSRII-F86D were expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Voltage-clamp studies confirm that SRI and pSRII function as light-driven, outwardly directed proton pumps with a much stronger voltage dependence than the ion pumps bacteriorhodopsin and halorhodopsin. Coexpression of SRI and pSRII-F86D with their corresponding transducers suppresses the proton transport, revealing a tight binding and specific interaction of the two proteins. These latter results may be exploited to further analyze the binding interaction of the photoreceptors with their downstream effectors.
Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SE) stimulate T cells expressing the appropriate variable region beta chain of (V beta) T-cell receptors and have been implicated in the pathogenesis of several autoimmune diseases. Depending on costimulatory signals, SE induce either proliferation or anergy in T cells. In addition, SE can induce an interleukin-2 (IL-2) nonresponsive state and apoptosis. Here, we show that SE induce dynamic changes in the expression of and signal transduction through the IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) beta and gamma chains (IL-2R beta and IL-2R gamma) in human antigen-specific CD4+ T-cell lines. Thus, after 4 hr of exposure to SEA and SEB, the expression of IL-2R beta was down-regulated, IL-2R gamma was slightly up-regulated, while IL-2R alpha remained largely unaffected. The changes in the composition of IL-2Rs were accompanied by inhibition of IL-2-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the Janus protein-tyrosine kinase 3 (Jak3) and signal transducers and activators of transcription called Stat3 and Stat5. In parallel experiments, IL-2-driven proliferation was inhibited significantly. After 16 hr of exposure to SE, the expression of IL-2R beta remained low, while that of IL2R alpha and IL2R gamma was further up-regulated, and ligand-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Jak3 and Stat proteins was partly normalized. Yet, IL-2-driven proliferation remained profoundly inhibited, suggesting that signaling events other than Jak3/Stat activation had also been changed following SE stimulation. In conclusion, our data suggest that SE can modulate IL-2R expression and signal transduction involving the Jak/Stat pathway in CD4+ T-cell lines.
Ciliary neurotrophic factor, oncostatin M, leukemia-inhibitory factor, and interleukin 6 are related cytokines that initiate signaling by homodimerizing the signal-transducing receptor component gp130 or by heterodimerizing gp130 with a gp130-related receptor component. Receptor dimerization in turn activates receptor-associated kinases of the Jak/Tyk family, resulting in the rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of several intracellular proteins, including those of two members of the signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) family--STAT1 and STAT3. Here we show that all cytokines that utilize gp130 sequentially induce two distinct forms of STAT3 in all responding cells examined, with the two forms apparently differing because of a time-dependent secondary serine/threonine phosphorylation involving an H7-sensitive kinase. While both STAT3 forms bind DNA and translocate to the nucleus, the striking time-dependent progression from one form to the other implies other important functional differences between the two forms. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, which utilizes a receptor highly related to gp130, also induces these two forms of STAT3. In contrast to a number of other cytokines and growth factors, all cytokines using gp130 and related signal transducers consistently and preferentially induce the two forms of STAT3 as compared with STAT1; this characteristic STAT activation pattern is seen regardless of which Jak/Tyk kinases are used in a particular response, consistent with the notion that the receptor components themselves are the primary determinants of which STATs are activated.
Considerando que o petróleo quando extraído dos poços em águas profundas chega a ter teor de água superior a 50% e que antes de ser enviado à refinaria deve ter uma quantidade de água inferior a 1%, torna-se necessário o uso de técnicas de redução da quantidade de água. Durante a extração do petróleo formam-se emulsões de água em óleo que são muito estáveis devido a um filme interfacial contendo asfaltenos e/ou resinas ao redor das gotas de água. Nesse trabalho é apresentada a utilização de ondas estacionárias de ultrassom para realizar a quebra dessas emulsões. Quando gotículas de água com dimensões da ordem de 10m, muito menores que o comprimento de onda, são submetidas a um campo acústico estacionário em óleo, a força de radiação acústica empurra as gotículas para os nós de pressão da onda. Uma célula de coalescência com frequência central ao redor de 1 MHz, constituída por quatro camadas sendo uma piezelétrica, uma de acoplamento sólido, uma com o líquido e outra refletora, foi modelada empregando o método da matriz de transferência, que permite calcular a impedância elétrica em função da frequência. Para minimizar o efeito do gradiente de temperatura entre a entrada e a saída da cavidade da célula, quando está em operação, foram utilizados dois transdutores piezelétricos posicionados transversalmente ao fluxo que são excitados e controlados independentemente. Foi implementado um controlador digital para ajustar a frequência e a potência de cada transdutor. O controlador tem como entrada o módulo e a fase da corrente elétrica no transdutor e como saída a amplitude da tensão elétrica e a frequência. Para as células desenvolvidas, o algoritmo de controle segue um determinado pico de ressonância no interior da cavidade da célula no intervalo de frequência de 1,09 a 1,15 MHz. A separação acústica de emulsões de água em óleo foi realizada em uma planta de laboratório de processamento de petróleo no CENPES/PETROBRAS. Foram testados a variação da quantidade de desemulsificante, o teor inicial de água na emulsão e a influência da vazão do sistema, com uma potência de 80 W. O teor final de água na emulsão mostrou que a aplicação de ultrassom aumentou a coalescência de água da emulsão, em todas as condições testadas, quando comparada a um teste sem aplicação de ultrassom. Identificou-se o tempo de residência no interior da célula de separação como um fator importante no processo de coalescência de emulsões de água e óleo. O uso de desemulsificante químico é necessário para realizar a separação, porém, em quantidades elevadas implicaria no uso de processos adicionais antes do repasse final do petróleo à refinaria. Os teores iniciais de água na emulsão de 30 e 50% indicam que o uso da onda estacionária na coalescência de emulsões não tem limitação quanto a esse parâmetro. De acordo com os resultados obtidos em laboratório, essa técnica seria indicada como uma alternativa para integrar um sistema de processamento primário em conjunto com um separador eletrostático.
Possible drawbacks of microreactors are inefficient reactant mixing and the clogging of microchannels when solid-forming reactions are carried out or solid (catalysts) suspensions are used. Ultrasonic irradiation has been successfully implemented for solving these problems in microreactor configurations ranging from capillaries immersed in ultrasonic baths to devices with miniaturized piezoelectric transducers. Moving forward in process intensification and sustainable development, the acoustic energy implementation requires a strategy to optimize the microreactor from an ultrasound viewpoint during its design. In this work, we present a simple analytical model that can be used as a guide to achieving a proper acoustic design of stacked microreactors. An example of this methodology was demonstrated through finite element analysis and it was compared with an experimental study found in the literature.
This paper studies the fracturing process in low-porous rocks during uniaxial compressive tests considering the original defects and the new mechanical cracks in the material. For this purpose, five different kinds of rocks have been chosen with carbonate mineralogy and low porosity (lower than 2%). The characterization of the fracture damage is carried out using three different techniques: ultrasounds, mercury porosimetry and X-ray computed tomography. The proposed methodology allows quantifying the evolution of the porous system as well as studying the location of new cracks in the rock samples. Intercrystalline porosity (the smallest pores with pore radius < 1 μm) shows a limited development during loading, disappearing rapidly from the porosimetry curves and it is directly related to the initial plastic behaviour in the stress–strain patterns. However, the biggest pores (corresponding to the cracks) suffer a continuous enlargement until the unstable propagation of fractures. The measured crack initiation stress varies between 0.25 σp and 0.50 σp for marbles and between 0.50 σp and 0.85 σp for micrite limestone. The unstable propagation of cracks is assumed to occur very close to the peak strength. Crack propagation through the sample is completely independent of pre-existing defects (porous bands, stylolites, fractures and veins). The ultrasonic response in the time-domain is less sensitive to the fracture damage than the frequency-domain. P-wave velocity increases during loading test until the beginning of the unstable crack propagation. This increase is higher for marbles (between 15% and 30% from initial vp values) and lower for micrite limestones (between 5% and 10%). When the mechanical cracks propagate unstably, the velocity stops to increase and decreases only when rock damage is very high. Frequency analysis of the ultrasonic signals shows clear changes during the loading process. The spectrum of treated waveforms shows two main frequency peaks centred at low (~ 20 kHz) and high (~ 35 kHz) values. When new fractures appear and grow the amplitude of the high-frequency peak decreases, while that of the low-frequency peak increases. Besides, a slight frequency shift is observed towards higher frequencies.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.
Report of pre and post road test ultrasonic inspection results on 134 passenger tires: final report.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
"Project no. NM 008 015.08"
Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, Transportation Planning Division, Austin
"July 2004."
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.