998 resultados para Turgenev, Ivan


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão das Instituições Financeiras


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OBJETIVO: Validar o instrumento do estudo World Health Organization Violence Against Women (WHO VAW) sobre violência psicológica, física e sexual por parceiros íntimos contra mulheres. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado em vários países entre 2000 e 2003, inclusive Brasil. Selecionaram-se amostras aleatórias e representativas de mulheres de 15-49 anos com parceiros íntimos, residentes na cidade de São Paulo, SP, (n = 940) e na Zona da Mata de Pernambuco (n = 1.188). Realizou-se análise fatorial exploratória das perguntas sobre violências (quatro psicológicas, seis físicas e três sexuais), com rotação varimax e criação de três fatores. Calculou-se alfa de Cronbach para análise da consistência interna. Para a validação por grupos extremos, médias de escores (zero a 13 pontos) de violência foram testadas em relação aos desfechos: auto-avaliação de saúde, atividades diárias, presença de dor ou desconforto, ideação e tentativa de suicídio, grande consumo de álcool e presença de transtorno mental comum. RESULTADOS: Foram definidos três fatores com variância acumulada semelhante (0,6092 em São Paulo e 0,6350 na Zona da Mata). Para São Paulo, o primeiro fator foi determinado pela violência física, o segundo pela sexual e o terceiro pela psicológica. Para a Zona da Mata, o primeiro fator foi composto pela violência psicológica, o segundo pela física e o terceiro pela sexual. Coeficientes de alfa de Cronbach foram 0,88 em São Paulo e 0,89 na Zona da Mata. As médias dos escores de violência foram significativamente maiores para desfechos menos favoráveis, exceto tentativa de suicídio em São Paulo. CONCLUSÕES: O instrumento mostrou-se adequado para estimar a violência de gênero contra a mulher perpetrada por seu parceiro íntimo e pode ser utilizado em estudos sobre o tema. Ele tem alta consistência interna e capacidade de discriminar as formas de violência psicológica, física e sexual, perpetrada em contextos sociais diversos. O instrumento também caracteriza a mulher agredida e sua relação com o agressor, facilitando análises de gênero.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre a exposição à violência por parceiro íntimo (VPI) contra a mulher com desajustes comportamentais e problemas escolares entre os filhos. MÉTODOS: Inquérito populacional participante do WHO Multicountry Study on Violence Against Women, com 790 mulheres que coabitam com filhos de cinco a 12 anos, residentes no Município de São Paulo, SP, e na Zona da Mata de Pernambuco. Foram realizados três modelos múltiplos para estimar a força da associação entre variáveis explanatórias de apoio social e comunitário, eventos de vida estressantes, fatores sociodemográficos e gravidade da VPI, entre outras. Os modelos incluíram três respectivos desfechos: número de problemas de comportamento; agressividade; e interrupção abandono ou repetência escolar. RESULTADOS: A exposição à VPI física e/ou sexual grave esteve associada à ocorrência de problemas escolares, de problemas de comportamento em geral e de comportamentos agressivos na análise de regressão logística univariada. A exposição à VPI grave manteve-se associada à ocorrência de três ou mais problemas de comportamento entre seus filhos, independentemente do transtorno mental comum, da baixa escolaridade, de a mãe (avó) ter sido vítima de VPI física e do apoio social e comunitário nos modelos de regressão logística múltiplos. A VPI grave esteve associada ao comportamento agressivo e aos problemas escolares, depois do ajuste por outras variáveis sociodemográficas, entre outras. O estado de saúde mental materna constituiu-se em fator mediador da relação entre a exposição à VPI e os problemas de comportamento, sobretudo agressividade. CONCLUSÕES: A VPI grave afeta o comportamento dos filhos e deve ser incluída na assistência à saúde das crianças em idade escolar, por meio de intervenções conjuntas entre crianças e mães.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre a violência por parceiro íntimo contra mulheres e a infecção ou suspeita de infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV). MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com base em dados de questionários aplicados face-a-face e de prontuários médicos de 2.780 mulheres de 15 a 49 anos, atendidas em unidades do sistema único de saúde da Grande São Paulo, SP, em 2001-2002. As mulheres foram categorizadas em: usuárias em tratamento por serem "soropositivas para o HIV", com "suspeita de HIV" e aquelas que procuraram os serviços por outros motivos. A violência por parceiro íntimo contra mulheres na vida foi categorizada por gravidade e recorrência dos episódios de violência. A associação com o desfecho foi testada pelo modelo de Poisson com variância robusta e ajustada por variáveis sociodemográficas, sexuais e reprodutivas. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de violência foi de 59,8%. Sofrer violência reiterada e grave apresentou maior associação de infecção confirmada pelo HIV (RP = 1,91). A violência independente da gravidade e da recorrência dos episódios apresentou maior associação para a suspeita de infecção por HIV (RP = 1,29). CONCLUSÕES: A violência por parceiro íntimo contra mulheres tem papel relevante nas situações de suspeita e confirmação da infecção pelo HIV, sendo essencial incluir sua detecção, controle e prevenção como parte da atenção integral à saúde das mulheres.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Coupling five rigid or flexible bis(pyrazolato)based tectons with late transition metal ions allowed us to isolate 18 coordination polymers (CPs). As assessed by thermal analysis, all of them possess a remarkable thermal stability, their decomposition temperatures lying in the range of 340-500 degrees C. As demonstrated by N-2 adsorption measurements at 77 K, their Langmuir specific surface areas span the rather vast range of 135-1758 m(2)/g, in agreement with the porous or dense polymeric architectures retrieved by powder X-ray diffraction structure solution methods. Two representative families of CPs, built up with either rigid or flexible spacers, were tested as catalysts in (0 the microwave-assisted solvent-free peroxidative oxidation of alcohols by t-BuOOH, and (ii) the peroxidative oxidation of cydohexane to cydohexanol and cydohexanone by H2O2 in acetonitrile. Those CPs bearing the rigid spacer, concurrently possessing higher specific surface areas, are more active than the corresponding ones with the flexible spacer. Moreover, the two copper(I)-containing CPs investigated exhibit the highest efficiency in both reactions, leading selectively to a maximum product yield of 92% (and TON up to 1.5 x 10(3)) in the oxidation of 1-phenylethanol and of 11% in the oxidation of cydohexane, the latter value being higher than that granted by the current industrial process.


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In these experiments the ratio of male to female S. mansoni larvae in D. glabrata from Belo Horizonte and Ribeirão das Neves Minas Gerais, Brazil, either reared in laboratoty or collected in the field, varied from 1:1 to 1:1.3 or 1.4:1. Cercariae of LE strain of Schistosoma mansoni, shed by 39 snails maintained at 25±0.5ºC were used to infect mice on a weekly basis. Subsequent perfusion resulted in 76.6% male and 23.4% female worms. The cercariac produced by 32 infected snails maintained at 27+0.5°C were inoculated into mice and produced 43.4% male and 56.6% female worms (p<0.05). Cercariae eliminated by snails collected in Barreiro and Ressaca, Belo Horizonte, during hot months, produced 45.7 to 47.7% male and 52.3 to 54.3% female worms. A lower number of cercariae shed by snails collected in Gorduras, Belo Horizonte, at 20+3.0°C, produced 51.6% male and 48.4% female worms. Thus, in this region the infection of vertebrate hosts with S. mansoni cercariae would be more severe in the summer due to the higher level of parasites and the number of eggs.


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The MN strain of HIV-1 is known to be more prevalent in Brazil, the BRU strain is more prevalent in Europe, and the NDK strain in Africa. It has been suggested in the literature to include different strains in the same vaccine against HIV-1. To contribute to the studies for the development of a universal vaccine, the occurrence of antibodies (Ab) against three HIV-1 strains (MN, BRU and NDK) was determined in serum samples from 85 HIV-1-positive patients, adult volunteers seen at the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto-USP. One-hundred tissue culture infective unit (TCIU) of the viruses reacted with serial dilutions of the sera (2x) and with MT4 cells added at a final concentration of 0.3 × 106 cells/ml, and a cytopathic effect was observed on the 7th and 11th days of incubation. Titres of less than 1/50 were considered to be negative. In 129 tests, the sera were negative for one of the three strains: 40 for MN, 29 for BRU and 60 for NDK. There was a predominance of strains MN and BRU, most of them presenting titres from 1/50 to 1/200. Titres for NDK were detected in 25 sera. We conclude that there seems to be a predominance of strains MN and BRU among the individuals from the region tested; however, the detection of sera with positive NKD titres indicates the need for further studies of this strain in other populations and regions of Brazil


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In view of the scarce references concerning the histological data in congenital parvovirus human B19 infection, we intend to provide a description of the pathological features observed in six autopsies.The virus was detected by DNA hybridization (ISH-DBH),PCR and electronmicroscopy (EM) in paraffin-embedded feto-placentary tissues.These cases constitute a subset from 86 Non Immunologic Hydrops Fetalis (NIHF) cases, in which a systemic complex of inflammatory/degenerative lesions of unknown etiology was visualized by optical microscopy. In one case a syphilitic process was detected, typefying a double infection. All fetuses showed a similar pathology - hydrops, hepato-splenomegaly, lung hypoplasia and erythroblastemia, the specific histological feature being the presence of intranuclear inclusions in the erythroid progenitors, in the erythropoietic visceral tissue and in blood marrow. Complex cardiopathy allied to abnormal lung lobulation and polisplenia were observed once; in 2 cases endocardial fibroelastosis was diagnosed. The pulmonary lesions were represented by dysmaturity allied to interstitial mononuclear infiltration. The hepatic consisted of cholestasis, portal fibrosis, canalicular proliferation, hemossiderosis, focal necroses and giant cell transformation. The central nervous system lesions were predominantly anoxic although the autolysis impaired a correct diagnosis.


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Lesions observed in chronic chagasic cardiopathy frequently produce electrocardiographic alterations and affect cardiac function. Through a computerized morphometrical analysis we quantified the areas occupied by cardiac muscle, connective and adipose tissues in the right atrium of dogs experimentally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. All of the infected dogs showed chronic myocarditis with variable reduction levels of cardiac muscle, fibrosis and adipose tissue replacement. In the atrial myocardium of dogs infected with Be78 and Be62 cardiac muscle represented 34 and 50%, fibrosis 28 and 32% and adipose tissue 38 and 18%, respectively. The fibrosis observed was both diffuse and focal and mostly intrafascicular, either partially or completely interrupting the path of muscle bundles. Such histological alterations probably contributed to the appearance of electrocardiographic disturbances verified in 10 out 11 dogs which are also common in human chronic chagasic cardiopathy. Fibrosis was the most important microscopic occurrence found since it produces rearrangements of collagen fibers in relation to myocardiocytes which causes changes in anatomical physiognomy and mechanical behavior of the myocardium. These abnormalities can contribute to the appearance of cardiac malfunction, arrythmias and congestive cardiac insufficiency as observed in two of the analyzed dogs. Strain Be78 caused destruction of atrial cardiac muscle higher than that induced by strain Be62.


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Bartonellosis (Carrion's Disease) during pregnancy is associated with high rates of maternal and perinatal mortality. We report the immunological patterns in two cases of human bartonellosis during pregnancy. One patient had an uncomplicated course while the second patient developed life threatening anasarca and cardiac tamponade. The patient with a complicated course had a Th1 response with a higher elevation of IL-10. This elevation has been associated with poor outcome pregnancies during bacterial infections.


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Postsurgical acute suppurative parotitis is a bacterial gland infection that occurs from a few days up to some weeks after abdominal surgical procedures. In this study, the authors analyze the prevalence of this complication in Hospital das Clínicas/São Paulo University Medical School by prospectively reviewing the charts of patients who underwent surgeries performed by the gastroenterological and general surgery staff from 1980 to 2005. Diagnosis of parotitis or sialoadenitis was analyzed. Sialolithiasis and chronic parotitis previous to hospitalization were exclusion criteria. In a total of 100,679 surgeries, 256 patients were diagnosed with parotitis or sialoadenitis. Nevertheless, only three cases of acute postsurgical suppurative parotitis associated with the surgery were identified giving an incidence of 0.0028%. All patients presented with risk factors such as malnutrition, immunosuppression, prolonged immobilization and dehydration. In the past, acute postsurgical suppurative parotitis was a relatively common complication after major abdominal surgeries. Its incidence decreased as a consequence of the improvement of perioperative antibiotic therapy and postoperative support. In spite of the current low incidence, we believe it is important to identify risks and diagnose as quick as possible, in order to introduce prompt and appropriate therapeutic measures and avoid potentially fatal complications with the evolution of the disease.


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Human Bartonellosis has an acute phase characterized by fever and hemolytic anemia, and a chronic phase with bacillary angiomatosis-like lesions. This cross-sectional pilot study evaluated the immunology patterns using pre- and post-treatment samples in patients with Human Bartonellosis. Patients between five and 60 years of age, from endemic areas in Peru, in the acute or chronic phases were included. In patients in the acute phase of Bartonellosis a state of immune peripheral tolerance should be established for persistence of the infection. Our findings were that elevation of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 and numeric abnormalities of CD4+ and CD8+ T-Lymphocyte counts correlated significantly with an unfavorable immune state. During the chronic phase, the elevated levels of IFN-γ and IL-4 observed in our series correlated with previous findings of endothelial invasion of B. henselae in animal models.