955 resultados para Transgenic organisms
Im Laufe der Evolution müssen Sauerstoff-metabolisierende Organismen eine Reihe von Anpassungen entwickelt haben, um in der zytotoxischen oxidativen Umgebung der sauerstoff-haltigen Erdatmosphäre überleben zu können. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführten vergleichenden Analysen mitochondrial kodierter und kern-kodierter Proteome mehrerer hundert Spezies haben ergeben, dass die Evolution eines alternativen genetischen Codes in Mitochondrien eine moderne Adaptation in diesem Sinne war. Viele aerobe Tiere und Pilze dekodieren in Abweichung vom genetischen Standard-Code das Codon AUA als Methionin. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass diese Spezies dadurch eine massive Akkumulation der sehr leicht oxidierbaren Aminosäure Methionin in ihren Atmungskettenkomplexen erreichen, die generell ein bevorzugtes Ziel reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies sind. Der gewonnene Befund lässt sich widerspruchsfrei nur unter Annahme einer antioxidativen Wirkung dieser Aminosäure erklären, wie sie erstmals 1996 von R. Levine anhand von Oxidationsmessungen in Modellproteinen postuliert worden war. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird diese Hypothese nun direkt mittels neuartiger Modellsubstanzen in lebenden Zellen bestätigt. Die durchgeführten bioinformatischen Analysen und zellbiologischen Experimente belegen, dass kollektive Proteinveränderungen die Triebkraft für die Evolution abweichender genetischer Codes sein können.rnDie Bedeutung von oxidativem Stress wurde darüber hinaus auch im Referenzrahmen einer akuten oxidativen Schädigung im Einzelorganismus untersucht. Da oxidativer Stress in der Pathogenese altersassoziierter neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen wie der Alzheimerschen Krankheit prominent involviert zu sein scheint, wurden die Auswirkungungen von Umwelt-induziertem oxidativem Stress auf den histopathologischen Verlauf in einem transgenen Modell der Alzheimerschen Krankheit in vivo untersucht. Dabei wurden transgene Mäuse des Modells APP23 im Rahmen von Fütterungsversuchen einer lebenslangen Defizienz der Antioxidantien Selen oder Vitamin E ausgesetzt. Während die Selenoproteinexpression durch die selendefiziente Diät gewebespezifisch reduziert wurde, ergaben sich keine Anzeichen eines beschleunigten Auftretens pathologischer Marker wie amyloider Plaques oder Neurodegeneration. Es war vielmehr ein unerwarteter Trend hinsichtlich einer geringeren Plaquebelastung in Vitamin E-defizienten Alzheimermäusen zu erkennen. Auch wenn diese Daten aufgrund einer geringen Versuchstiergruppengröße nur mit Vorsicht interpretiert werden dürfen, so scheint doch ein Mangel an essentiellen antioxidativen Nährstoffen die Progression in einem anerkannten Alzheimermodell nicht negativ zu beeinflussen.rn
The objective of this theses is to contribute to the wide discussion about the biological control level on the biomineralization operated by calcifying organisms. In particular the intra-crystalline organic matrix associated with different coral species was studied and its role in the process was investigated. The main goals obtained from the research on corals included: (i) the discovery of the species specific role of the intra-crystalline organic matrix molecules in the precipitation of calcium carbonate; (ii) the definition of the role of magnesium ions in the control of the macromolecules assembly/aggregation and in the consequent calcium carbonate polymorphic selectivity; (iii) the discovery that in corals the biomineralization process is not affected by the sea water acidity, as consequence corals are able to construct their skeletons independently from the environmental conditions as far they survive. At the same time, investigations on different kind of vaterite, biogenic and synthetic, were also carried out and confirm the importance of the organism control on the biomineralization process and in particular on the co-existence of different crystalline structures of vaterite for enabling optimization of specific functions, through the employment of OM and acidic macromolecules.
Der Transkriptionsfaktor Hypoxie-induzierbarer Faktor (HIF) gibt dem Organismus die Möglichkeit, sich auf zellulärer Ebene an unterschiedliche Sauerstoffverhältnisse anzupassen. Vor allem Tumorzellen weisen aufgrund ihres ungeregelten Wachstums und der daraus resultierenden unzureichenden Durchblutung (hypoxisches Milieu) eine erhöhte HIF-Expression auf. Die erhöhte HIF-Expression stellt somit ein interessantes Ziel in der Tumortherapie dar. Dendritische Zellen (DCs) besitzen eine bedeutende Rolle in der Generierung und Modulierung von Antitumor-Immunantworten. Aus diesem Grund ist es überaus wichtig zu wissen, welche Effekte Antitumor-Agenzien, im Besonderen HIF-Inhibitoren, auf DCs und somit auch auf die Generierung von adäquaten Immunantworten besitzen.rnIm ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde aus diesem Grund der Einfluss der Antitumor-Agenzien Geldanamycin (GA) und Topotecan (TPT) auf den Phänotyp und die Funktion von DCs untersucht. Hierfür wurden Monozyten aus humanen, mononukleären, peripheren Blutzellen isoliert und unter DC-differenzierenden Konditionen kultiviert. Diese immaturen monozytenabgeleiteten DCs (Mo-DCs) wurden mithilfe eines Reifungscocktails ausgereift. Die Applikation der Antitumor-Agenzien erfolgte während der Differenzierungs- bzw. Ausreifungsphase. Abhängig vom Reifungsgrad der Mo-DCs konnte ein differentieller Einfluss von GA bzw. TPT auf die DC-Aktivierung beobachtet werden. Eine Behandlung von unstimulierten Mo-DCs mit GA resultierte in einer partiellen DC-Aktivierung basierend auf einem noch unbekannten Mechanismus. Ebenso führte eine Behandlung von unstimulierten Mo-DCs mit TPT zu einer funktionellen Aktivierung der DCs, die mit einer vermehrten AKT-Expression korrelierte. Die jeweilige Koapplikation der Antitumor-Agenzien mit dem DC-Reifungscocktail führte zu einer reduzierten DC-Aktivierung, die sich in einer verminderten NF-κB-Aktivierung, einer verringerten Oberflächenexpression der getesteten kostimulatorischen Moleküle, einer verringerten Migrationsfähigkeit und einem reduzierten Zellstimulierungspotential widerspiegelte.rnDie autosomal dominant vererbte Tumorerkrankung von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) wird häufig durch genetische Mutationen des als HIF-Negativregulator fungierenden VHL-Gens hervorgerufen. Patienten, die an dem VHL-Syndrom erkrankt sind, weisen oft benigne oder maligne Tumore und Zysten in den verschiedensten Organsystemen auf. Wie schon zuvor erwähnt, besitzen DCs eine essentielle Rolle in der Initiierung und Aufrechterhaltung von Antitumor-Immunantworten. Deshalb wurde im zweiten Abschnitt der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht, inwieweit ein partieller Verlust von VHL Auswirkungen auf die Ausprägung desrnPhänotyps und der Funktion von DCs hat. Mittels Cre/lox-Technologie wurden transgene Mäuse mit einem heterozygoten Verlust von Exon 1 bzw. Exon 2 des VHL-Gens generiert. Aus diesen Mäusen wurden Knochenmarkszellen isoliert und unter DC-differenzierenden Konditionen kultiviert. Die immaturen knochenmarkabgeleiteten DCs (BM-DCs) wurden mit LPS ausgereift. Weder der heterozygote Verlust von Exon 1 noch von Exon 2 des VHL-Gens bewirkte eine Veränderung der Oberflächenmarkerexpression, der in vitro-Migrations- undrnEndozytosekapazität, sowie der allogenen T-Zellstimulierungskapazität. Allerdings zeigten Mäuse mit einem partiellen Verlust von Exon 2 im Vergleich zu Kontrollmäusen nach Immunisierung und Provokation mit dem Modellallergen OVA eine verminderte Atemwegshyperreaktion, die möglicherweise auf die beobachtete Abnahme der Migrationsfähigkeit in vivo und die verminderte OVA-spezifische T-Zellstimulierungskapazität der DCs zurückzuführen ist.
Bei den Pflanzen sind viele Fragen bezüglich der Organisation und Regulation des bei der Zellteilung und differenzierung wichtigen Auf-, Ab- und Umbaus des Mikrotubuli-Netzwerkes noch immer offen, insbesondere was die Rolle des γ-Tubulins betrifft. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Etablierung von BY-2 Modell-Zelllinien (Nicotiana), die verschiedene mit fluoreszierenden Proteinen (FP) markierte Elemente des Cytoskeletts exprimieren, um eine fluoreszenzmikroskopische Detektion in vivo zu ermöglichen.rnAls Grundlage für alle weiteren Versuche wurde eine zuverlässige Methode zur A. tumefaciens vermittelten stabilen Transfektion von BY-2 Zellen erarbeitet. Für die Expression von FP-markierten Cytoskelettproteinen, wurden entsprechende Fusionskonstrukte kloniert und via A. tumefaciens in BY-2 Zellen transferiert. So gelang zunächst die Herstellung transgener Zelllinien, die GFP-markiertes α- bzw. γ-Tubulin exprimierten. Diese sollten später als Basis für die Untersuchung des dynamischen Mikrotubuli-Netzwerkes bzw. dessen Regulation dienen. In beiden Zelllinien standen die Konstrukte zunächst unter Kontrolle eines doppelten 35S-Promotors, was zu einer starken, konstitutiven Expression der Transgene führte. Fluoreszenzmikroskopisch konnten Strukturen, an deren Aufbau Mikrotubuli beteiligt sind, detektiert werden. Aufgrund einer starken Hintergrundfluoreszenz, vermutlich bedingt durch die konstitutive Überexpression, war die Darstellung feinerer Bereiche, wie sie im Cytoskelett häufig auftreten, jedoch äußerst schwierig. Deshalb wurde eine schwächere bzw. adäquate Expressionsrate angestrebt. rnPhysiologische Expressionsraten sollten vor allem durch den endogenen γ-Tubulin-Promotor ermöglicht werden. Da die entsprechende Sequenz noch unbekannt war, wurde sie zunächst bestimmt und in ein passendes Konstrukt integriert. Fluoreszenzmikroskopische Untersuchungen der resultierenden Zelllinie ließen auf eine stark reduzierte Expressionsrate schließen. Tatsächlich war die Detektion von Cytoskelettstrukturen, wenn überhaupt, erst bei deutlich längeren Belichtungszeiten möglich. Bedingt durch die langen Belichtungszeiten wurde die Dokumentation durch eine latente pflanzentypische Autofluoreszenz der Zellen erschwert. Auch wenn hier keine detailreicheren Aufnahmen der Cytoskelettstrukturen möglich waren, ist die Zellkultur für weiterführende Untersuchungen, z.B. in Studien bezüglich des zeitlichen Expressionsmusters des γ-Tubulins, potentiell geeignet. Der Einsatz eines sensibleren Mikroskopsystems ist allerdings erforderlich. rnUm klären zu können, inwieweit γ-Tubulin mit den Mikrotubuli co-lokalisiert, wurden Zelllinien benötigt, bei denen die entsprechenden Elemente unterschiedlich markiert waren. Zu diesem Zweck wurde der Einsatz von RFP-markiertem Tubulin getestet. Eine deutliche Überexpression von RFP alleine war möglich. Trotz mehrfacher Wiederholung der Versuche war aber keine Expression von RFP-markiertem α-Tubulin in BY-2 Zellen zur Visualisierung der Mikrotubuli detektierbar. Die DNA-Sequenzen waren im Genom nachweisbar, eine Transkription jedoch nicht. Möglicherweise spielten hier gene silencing Effekte eine Rolle. Das verwendete RFP (TagRFP) und GFP stammten aus unterschiedlichen Organismen, aus einer Seeanemone bzw. einer Qualle. Eine Lösung könnte der Austausch des TagRFP durch ein Quallen-Derivat, das in einer von grün unterscheidbaren Farbe fluoresziert, bringen. Da bereits BY-2 Zelllinien vorliegen, die GFP-markiertes α- bzw. γ-Tubulin exprimieren, sollte es, nach Klonieren eines entsprechenden Konstruktes, zeitnah möglich sein, eine doppelt transfizierte Zelllinie herzustellen.
Portal hypertension (PH) is a common complication and a leading cause of death in patients with chronic liver diseases. PH is underlined by structural and functional derangement of liver sinusoid vessels and its fenestrated endothelium. Because in most clinical settings PH is accompanied by parenchymal injury, it has been difficult to determine the precise role of microvascular perturbations in causing PH. Reasoning that Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is required to maintain functional integrity of the hepatic microcirculation, we developed a transgenic mouse system for a liver-specific-, reversible VEGF inhibition. The system is based on conditional induction and de-induction of a VEGF decoy receptor that sequesters VEGF and preclude signaling. VEGF blockade results in sinusoidal endothelial cells (SECs) fenestrations closure and in accumulation and transformation of the normally quiescent hepatic stellate cells, i.e. provoking the two processes underlying sinusoidal capillarization. Importantly, sinusoidal capillarization was sufficient to cause PH and its typical sequela, ascites, splenomegaly and venous collateralization without inflicting parenchymal damage or fibrosis. Remarkably, these dramatic phenotypes were fully reversed within few days from lifting-off VEGF blockade and resultant re-opening of SECs' fenestrations. This study not only uncovered an indispensible role for VEGF in maintaining structure and function of mature SECs, but also highlights the vasculo-centric nature of PH pathogenesis. Unprecedented ability to rescue PH and its secondary manifestations via manipulating a single vascular factor may also be harnessed for examining the potential utility of de-capillarization treatment modalities.
The cultivation of genetically modified (GM) plants has raised several environmental concerns. One of these concerns regards non-target soil fauna organisms, which play an important role in the decomposition of organic matter and hence are largely exposed to GM plant residues. Soil fauna may be directly affected by transgene products or indirectly by pleiotropic effects such as a modified plant metabolism. Thus, ecosystem services and functioning might be affected negatively. In a litterbag experiment in the field we analysed the decomposition process and the soil fauna community involved. Therefore, we used four experimental GM wheat varieties, two with a race-specific antifungal resistance against powdery mildew (Pm3b) and two with an unspecific antifungal resistance based on the expression of chitinase and glucanase. We compared them with two non-GM isolines and six conventional cereal varieties. To elucidate the mechanisms that cause differences in plant decomposition, structural plant components (i.e. C:N ratio, lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose) were examined and soil properties, temperature and precipitation were monitored. The most frequent taxa extracted from decaying plant material were mites (Cryptostigmata, Gamasina and Uropodina), springtails (Isotomidae), annelids (Enchytraeidae) and Diptera (Cecidomyiidae larvae). Despite a single significant transgenic/month interaction for Cecidomyiidae larvae, which is probably random, we detected no impact of the GM wheat on the soil fauna community. However, soil fauna differences among conventional cereal varieties were more pronounced than between GM and non-GM wheat. While leaf residue decomposition in GM and non-GM wheat was similar, differences among conventional cereals were evident. Furthermore, sampling date and location were found to greatly influence soil fauna community and decomposition processes. The results give no indication of ecologically relevant adverse effects of antifungal GM wheat on the composition and the activity of the soil fauna community.
To allow classification of bacteria previously reported as the SP group and the Stewart-Letscher group, 35 isolates from rodents (21), rabbits (eight), a dog and humans (five) were phenotypically and genotypically characterized. Comparison of partial rpoB sequences showed that 34 of the isolates were closely related, demonstrating at least 97.4 % similarity. 16S rRNA gene sequence comparison of 20 selected isolates confirmed the monophyly of the SP group and revealed 98.5 %-100 % similarity between isolates. A blast search using the 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that the highest similarity outside the SP group was 95.5 % to an unclassified rat isolate. The single strain, P625, representing the Stewart-Letscher group showed the highest 16S rRNA gene similarity (94.9-95.5 %) to members of the SP group. recN gene sequence analysis of 11 representative strains resulted in similarities of 97-100 % among the SP group strains, which showed 80 % sequence similarity to the Stewart-Letscher group strain. Sequence similarity values based on the recN gene, indicative for whole genome similarity, showed the SP group being clearly separated from established genera, whereas the Stewart-Letscher group strain was associated with the SP group. A new genus, Necropsobacter gen. nov., with only one species, Necropsobacter rosorum sp. nov., is proposed to include all members of the SP group. The new genus can be separated from existing genera of the family Pasteurellaceae by at least three phenotypic characters. The most characteristic properties of the new genus are that haemolysis is not observed on bovine blood agar, positive reactions are observed in the porphyrin test, acid is produced from (+)-L-arabinose, (+)-D-xylose, dulcitol, (+)-D-galactose, (+)-D-mannose, maltose and melibiose, and negative reactions are observed for symbiotic growth, urease, ornithine decarboxylase and indole. Previous publications have documented that both ubiquinones and demethylmenaquinone were produced by the proposed type strain of the new genus, Michel A/76(T), and that the major polyamine of representative strains (type strain not included) of the genus is 1,3-diaminopropane, spermidine is present in moderate amounts and putrescine and spermine are detectable only in minor amounts. The major fatty acids of strain Michel A/76(T) are C(14 : 0), C(16 : 0), C(16:1)omega7c and summed feature C(14 : 0) 3-OH/iso-C(16 : 1) I. This fatty acid profile is typical for members of the family Pasteurellaceae. The G+C content of DNA of strain Michel A/76(T) was estimated to be 52.5 mol% in a previous investigation. The type strain is P709(T) ( = Michel A/76(T) = CCUG 28028(T) = CIP 110147(T) = CCM 7802(T)).
We describe how high-pressure freezing of infectious biological material can safely be accomplished with the help of membrane carriers. The method described is easy to perform; however, careful manipulations are required. Existing safety regulations must still be followed. However, the procedure reduces the risk of dissemination of infectious material.
Induction of protein expression in a tissue-specific manner by gene transfer over-expression techniques has been one means to define the function of a protein in a biological paradigm. Studies with retinoid reporter constructs transfected in mammary cell lines suggests that lactoferrin (Lf) affects retinoid signaling pathways and alters apoptosis. We tested the effects and interactions of over-expressed mammary-specific human lactoferrin (hLf) and dietary retinol palmitate on lactation and mammary gland development in mice. Increased retinol palmitate in the diet increased daily retinol equivalents (RE) to 2.6-fold over the normal mouse control diet. Transgene (Tg) expression in the dam fed control diet depressed pup weight gain. Severe depression of pup weight gain was observed when homozygote TgTg dams were fed the RE diet. Normal weight gain was restored when pups were placed with a wild type dam fed the RE diet; conversely, normal growing pups from the wild type dams showed declining weight gains when fostered to the TgTg RE-fed dams. Northern analysis of mammary tissue extracts showed a reduction in WAP and an increase in IGFBP-3 mRNA that was associated with the presence of the transgene. Histological evaluation of 3 days lactating mammary tissue showed mammary epithelial cells from TgTg animals contained excessive secretory products, suggesting a block in cellular secretion mechanisms. In addition, the mammary cells displayed a cellular apical membrane puckering that extended into the alveoli lumens. These studies demonstrate an in vivo interaction of Tg-hLf expression and dietary retinoids in mouse mammary glands. While normal mammary gland physiology may not be representative by these experiments because high Lf concentrations during early lactation are abnormal, the demonstrated biological interaction suggests that typical periods of high Lf concentrations may have impact upon developing and involuting mammary glands.
TIE2 is a vascular endothelial-specific receptor tyrosine kinase essential for the regulation of vascular network formation and remodeling. Previously, we have shown that the 1.2-kb 5' flanking region of the TIE2 promoter is capable of directing beta-galactosidase reporter gene expression specifically into a subset of endothelial cells (ECs) of transgenic mouse embryos. However, transgene activity was restricted to early embryonic stages and not detectable in adult mice. Herein we describe the identification and characterization of an autonomous endothelial-specific enhancer in the first intron of the mouse TIE2 gene. Furthermore, combination of the TIE2 promoter with an intron fragment containing this enhancer allows it to target reporter gene expression specifically and uniformly to virtually all vascular ECs throughout embryogenesis and adulthood. To our knowledge, this is the first time that an in vivo expression system has been assembled by which heterologous genes can be targeted exclusively to the ECs of the entire vasculature. This should be a valuable tool to address the function of genes during physiological and pathological processes of vascular ECs in vivo. Furthermore, we were able to identify a short region critical for enhancer function in vivo that contains putative binding sites for Ets-like transcription factors. This should, therefore, allow us to determine the molecular mechanisms underlying the vascular-EC-specific expression of the TIE2 gene.
The effect of hypoxic preconditioning (PC) on hypoxic-ischemic (HI) injury was explored in glutathione peroxidase (GPx)-overexpressing mice (human GPx-transgenic [hGPx-tg]) mice. Six-day-old hGPx-tg mice and wild-type (Wt) littermates were pre-conditioned with hypoxia for 30 min and subjected to the Vannucci procedure of HI 24 h after the PC stimulus. Histopathological injury was determined 5 d later (P12). Additional animals were killed 2 h or 24 h after HI and ipsilateral cerebral cortices assayed for GPx activity, glutathione (GSH), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). In line with previous studies, hypoxic PC reduced injury in the Wt brain. Preconditioned Wt brain had increased GPx activity, but reduced GSH, relative to naive 24 h after HI. Hypoxic PC did not reduce injury to hGPx-tg brain and even reversed the protection previously reported in the hGPx-tg. GPx activity and GSH in hGPx-tg cortices did not change. Without PC, hGPx-tg cortex had less H2O2 accumulation than Wt at both 2 h and 24 h. With PC, H2O2 remained low in hGPx-tg compared with Wt at 2 h, but at 24 h, there was no longer a difference between hGPx-tg and Wt cortices. Accumulation of H2O2 may be a mediator of injury, but may also induce protective mechanisms.
Utilizing both the TET-OFF and TET-ON systems in combination with transcriptional control elements of the Tie-2 gene, we have established a series of transgenic activator and responder mice for TET-regulated endothelial cell-specific transgene expression in double transgenic mouse embryos and in adult mice. TET-regulated expression of LacZ reporter genes could be achieved in virtually all endothelia in mid gestation stage mouse embryos. In contrast in adult mice, using the very same Tie-2 tTA activator mouse strain, we observed striking differences of TET-induced gene expression from various inducible expression constructs in different vascular beds. Non-endothelial expression was never detected. The prominent differences in completeness of TET-induced endothelial expression highlight the still underestimated critical role of the responder mouse lines for uniform TET-induced gene expression in heterogeneous cell populations such as endothelial cells. Interestingly, in double transgenic mice inducibly expressing several different adhesion molecules, no adverse effects were observed even though these proteins were robustly expressed on endothelial cells in adult tissues. These transgenic model systems provide versatile tools for the TET-regulated manipulation of endothelial cell-specific gene expression in the entire embryonic vasculature and distinct vascular beds in adult mice.
A key energy-saving adaptation to chronic hypoxia that enables cardiomyocytes to withstand severe ischemic insults is hibernation, i.e., a reversible arrest of contractile function. Whereas hibernating cardiomyocytes represent the critical reserve of dysfunctional cells that can be potentially rescued, a lack of a suitable animal model has hampered insights on this medically important condition. We developed a transgenic mouse system for conditional induction of long-term hibernation and a system to rescue hibernating cardiomyocytes at will. Via myocardium-specific induction (and, in turn, deinduction) of a VEGF-sequestering soluble receptor, we show that VEGF is indispensable for adjusting the coronary vasculature to match increased oxygen consumption and exploit this finding to generate a hypoperfused heart. Importantly, ensuing ischemia is tunable to a level at which large cohorts of cardiomyocytes are driven to enter a hibernation mode, without cardiac cell death. Relieving the VEGF blockade even months later resulted in rapid revascularization and full recovery of contractile function. Furthermore, we show that left ventricular remodeling associated with hibernation is also fully reversible. The unique opportunity to uncouple hibernation from other ischemic heart phenotypes (e.g., infarction) was used to determine the genetic program of hibernation; uncovering hypoxia-inducible factor target genes associated with metabolic adjustments and induced expression of several cardioprotective genes. Autophagy, specifically self-digestion of mitochondria, was identified as a key prosurvival mechanism in hibernating cardiomyocytes. This system may lend itself for examining the potential utility of treatments to rescue dysfunctional cardiomyocytes and reverse maladaptive remodeling.
Heavy metal-rich copper mine tailings, called stamp sands, were dumped by mining companies directly into streams and along the Lake Superior shoreline, degrading Keweenaw Peninsula waterways. One of the largest disposal sites is near Gay, Michigan, where tailings have been moved along the shoreline by currents since mining ceased. As a result, the smallest sand particles have been washed into deeper water and are filling the interstitial spaces of Buffalo Reef, a critical lake trout spawning site. This research is the first to investigate if stamp sand is detrimental to survival and early development of eggs and larvae of lake sturgeon, lake trout, and Northern leopard frogs, and also examines if the presence of stamp sands influences substrate selection of earthworms. This study found that stamp sand had significantly larger mean particle sizes and irregular shapes compared to natural sand, and earthworms show a strong preference for natural substrate over any combination that included stamp sand. Additionally, copper analysis (Cu2+) of surface water over stamp sand and natural sand showed concentrations were significantly higher in stamp sand surface water (100 μg/L) compared to natural sand surface water (10 μg/L). Frog embryos had similar hatch success over both types of sand, but tadpoles reared over natural sand grew faster and had higher survival rates. Eggs of lake sturgeon showed similar hatch success and development over natural vs. stamp sand over 17 days, while lake trout eggs hatched earlier and developed faster when incubated over stamp sand, yet showed similar development over a 163 day period. Copper from stamp sand appears to impact amphibians more than fish species in this study. These results will help determine what impact stamp sand has on organisms found throughout the Keweenaw Peninsula which encounter the material at some point in their life history.