995 resultados para Tooth extractions
Teeth are brittle and highly susceptible to cracking. We propose that observations of such cracking can be used as a diagnostic tool for predicting bite force and inferring tooth function in living and fossil mammals. Laboratory tests on model tooth structures and extracted human teeth in simulated biting identify the principal fracture modes in enamel. Examination of museum specimens reveals the presence of similar fractures in a wide range of vertebrates, suggesting that cracks extended during ingestion or mastication. The use of ‘fracture mechanics’ from materials engineering provides elegant relations for quantifying critical bite forces in terms of characteristic tooth size and enamel thickness. The role of enamel microstructure in determining how cracks initiate and propagate within the enamel (and beyond) is discussed. The picture emerges of teeth as damage-tolerant structures, full of internal weaknesses and defects and yet able to contain the expansion of seemingly precarious cracks and fissures within the enamel shell. How the findings impact on dietary pressures forms an undercurrent of the study.
Lucas and colleagues recently proposed a model based on fracture and deformation concepts to describe how mammalian tooth enamel may be adapted to the mechanical demands of diet (Lucas et al.: Bioessays 30[2008] 374-385). Here we review the applicability of that model by examining existing data on the food mechanical properties and enamel morphology of great apes (Pan, Pongo, and Gorilla). Particular attention is paid to whether the consumption of fallback foods is likely to play a key role in influencing great ape enamel morphology. Our results suggest that this is indeed the case. We also consider the implications of this conclusion on the evolution of the dentition of extinct hominins.
A comparative study has been made of human and great ape molar tooth enamel. Nanoindentation techniques are used to map profiles of elastic modulus and hardness across sections from the enamel–dentin junction to the outer tooth surface. The measured data profiles overlap between species, suggesting a degree of commonality in material properties. Using established deformation and fracture relations, critical loads to produce function-threatening damage in the enamel of each species are calculated for characteristic tooth sizes and enamel thicknesses. The results suggest that differences in load-bearing capacity of molar teeth in primates are less a function of underlying material properties than of morphology.
The clinical diagnosis 'erosion' is made from characteristic deviations from the original anatomical tooth morphology, thus, distinguishing acid induced tissue loss from other forms of wear. Primary pathognomonic features are shallow concavities on smooth surfaces occurring coronal from the enamel-cementum junction. Problems from diagnosing occlusal surfaces and exposed dentine are discussed. Indices for recording erosive wear include morphological as well as quantitative criteria. Currently, various indices are used making the comparison of prevalence studies difficult. The most important and frequently used indices are described. In addition to recording erosive lesions, the assessment of progression is important as the indication of treatment measures depends on erosion activity. A number of evaluated and sensitive methods for in vitro and in situ approaches are available, but the fundamental problem for their clinical use is the lack of re-identifiable reference areas. Tools for clinical monitoring are described.
Dental erosion is often described solely as a surface phenomenon, unlike caries where it has been established that the destructive effects involve both the surface and the subsurface region. However, besides removal and softening of the surface, erosion may show dissolution of mineral underneath the surface. There is some evidence that the presence of this condition is growing steadily. Hence, erosive tooth wear is becoming increasingly significant in the management of the long-term health of the dentition. What is considered as an acceptable amount of wear is dependent on the anticipated lifespan of the dentition and, therefore, is different for deciduous compared to permanent teeth. However, erosive damage to the permanent teeth occurring in childhood may compromise the growing child's dentition for their entire lifetime and may require repeated and increasingly complex and expensive restoration. Therefore, it is important that diagnosis of the tooth wear process in children and adults is made early and adequate preventive measures are undertaken. These measures can only be initiated when the risk factors are known and interactions between them are present. A scheme is proposed which allows the possible risk factors and their relation to each other to be examined.
AIM: The purpose of this randomized split-mouth clinical trial was to determine the active tactile sensibility between single-tooth implants and opposing natural teeth and to compare it with the tactile sensibility of pairs of natural teeth on the contralateral side in the same mouth (intraindividual comparison). MATERIAL AND METHODS: The hypothesis was that the active tactile sensibilities of the implant side and control side are equivalent. Sixty two subjects (n=36 from Bonn, n=26 from Bern) with single-tooth implants (22 anterior and 40 posterior dental implants) were asked to bite on narrow copper foil strips varying in thickness (5-200 microm) and to decide whether or not they were able to identify a foreign body between their teeth. Active tactile sensibility was defined as the 50% threshold of correct answers estimated by means of the Weibull distribution. RESULTS: The results obtained for the interocclusal perception sensibility differed between subjects far more than they differed between natural teeth and implants in the same individual [implant/natural tooth: 16.7+/-11.3 microm (0.6-53.1 microm); natural tooth/natural tooth: 14.3+/-10.6 microm (0.5-68.2 microm)]. The intraindividual differences only amounted to a mean value of 2.4+/-9.4 microm (-15.1 to 27.5 microm). The result of our statistical calculations showed that the active tactile sensibility of single-tooth implants, both in the anterior and posterior region of the mouth, in combination with a natural opposing tooth is similar to that of pairs of opposing natural teeth (double t-test, equivalence margin: +/-8 microm, P<0.001, power >80%). Hence, the implants could be integrated in the stomatognathic control circuit.
Achieving optimal esthetic results: Surgical considerations with regard to single-tooth replacements
Objectives: To assess the ability to predict tooth loss on the basis of clinical and radiographic parameters. Methods: Clinical and radiographic data from a five year prospective cohort were studied to identify cause of progressive tooth loss in older subjects. Results: 363 subjects with a baseline mean age of 67.1 years (S.D. + 4.7, range : 60-75), and 51.4% women were studied including 59.5% never smokers, and 33.0% current smokers. At baseline the subjects had, on average, 22.4 teeth (S.D. + 6.4). Self-assessed tooth loss risk was identified by 16.0 % of subjects while 34% of subjects lost teeth. Tooth loss due to caries was found in 24.7% (178 teeth), periodontitis in 15.4% (133 teeth), peri-apical lesions 5.9% (32 teeth), combined periodontal/peri-apical in 3.4% (18 teeth), and teeth irrational to treat in 7.5% (58 teeth) of the subjects. 122 of the extracted teeth (34%) should have been possible to save but were extracted. At year five severe caries, periodontitis, peri-apical lesions, periodontal/peri-apical, irrational to treat were found in 6.3%, 7.2%, 2.6%, 4.6%, and 1.2% of subjects, respectively. Signs of osteoporosis increased by 11.2 % (Klemetti index). Linear regression analysis failed to include smoking habits as being explanatory. Explanatory factors were researcher prediction of extraction needs, subject self assessment of risk and change in ostoporosis status (r2 = 0.39, ANOVA, F=22.6, p< 0.001). Conclusions: Caries and periodontitis are primary causes for extraction. Progressive osteoporosis is associated with tooth loss. Radiographs, and subjects self-assessment of risk for tooth loss are robust predictors.
The Trial to Enhance Elderly Teeth Health (TEETH) was designed to test the impact of regular rinsing with a 0.12% chlorhexidine (CHX) solution on tooth loss, and the causes of tooth loss (caries, periodontal disease and trauma) were also investigated. This paper reports on the effectiveness of a 0.12% CHX solution for controlling caries using a tooth surface (coronal and root) survival analysis. A total of 1,101 low income elders in Seattle (United States) and Vancouver (Canada), aged 60-75 years, were recruited for a double-blind clinical trial and assigned to either a CHX (n = 550) or a placebo (n = 551) mouth rinse. Subjects alternated between daily rinsing for 1 month, followed by weekly rinsing for 5 months. All sound coronal and root surfaces at baseline were followed annually for up to 5 years. At each follow-up examination, those tooth surfaces with caries, restored, or extracted were scored as 'carious'. The hazard ratio associated with CHX for a sound surface to become filled, decayed, or extracted was 0.87 for coronal surfaces (95% confidence interval: 0.71-1.14, p = 0.20) and 0.91 for root surfaces (95% confidence interval: 0.73-1.14, p = 0.41). These findings suggest that regular rinsing with CHX does not have a substantial effect on the preservation of sound tooth structure in older adults.
Early implant placement is one treatment option for implant therapy following single-tooth extraction in the anterior maxilla. The surgical technique presented here is characterized by tooth extraction without flap elevation, a 4- to 8-week soft tissue healing period, implant placement in a correct three-dimensional position, simultaneous contour augmentation on the facial aspect with guided bone regeneration using a bioabsorbable collagen membrane combined with autogenous bone chips and a low-substitution bone filler, and tension-free primary wound closure. The surgical step-by-step procedure is presented with a case report. In addition, the biologic rationale is discussed.
BACKGROUND: The concept of early implant placement is a treatment option in postextraction sites of single teeth in the anterior maxilla. Implant placement is performed after a soft tissue healing period of 4 to 8 weeks. Implant placement in a correct three-dimensional position is combined with a simultaneous guided bone regeneration procedure to rebuild esthetic facial hard and soft tissue contours. METHODS: In this retrospective, cross-sectional study, 45 patients with an implant-borne single crown in function for 2 to 4 years were recalled for examination. Clinical and radiologic parameters, routinely used in implant studies, were assessed. RESULTS: All 45 implants were clinically successful according to strict success criteria. The implants demonstrated ankylotic stability without signs of a peri-implant infection. The peri-implant soft tissues were clinically healthy as indicated by low mean plaque (0.42) and sulcus bleeding index (0.51) values. None of the implants revealed a mucosal recession on the facial aspect as confirmed by a clearly submucosal position of all implant shoulders. The mean distance from the mucosal margin to the implant shoulder was -1.93 mm on the facial aspect. The periapical radiographs showed stable peri-implant bone levels, with a mean distance between the implant shoulder and the first bone-implant contact of 2.18 mm. CONCLUSIONS: This retrospective study demonstrated successful treatment outcomes for all 45 implants examined. The mid-term follow-up of 2 to 4 years also showed that the risk for mucosal recession was low with this treatment concept. Prospective clinical studies are required to confirm these encouraging results.
BACKGROUND: Limited evidence exists on the significance of residual probing pocket depth (PPD) as a predictive parameter for periodontal disease progression and tooth loss. AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of residual PPD >or=5 mm and bleeding on probing (BOP) after active periodontal therapy (APT) on the progression of periodontitis and tooth loss. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this retrospective cohort, 172 patients were examined after APT and supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) for 3-27 years (mean 11.3 years). Analyses were conducted using information at site, tooth and patient levels. The association of risk factors with tooth loss and progression of periodontitis was investigated using multilevel logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: The number of residual PPD increased during SPT. Compared with PPD
BACKGROUND: Early implant placement is one of the treatment options in postextraction sites in the anterior maxilla. Implant placement is performed after a soft tissue healing period of 4 to 8 weeks. Implant placement is combined with a simultaneous guided bone regeneration (GBR) procedure to rebuild esthetic facial hard and soft tissue contours. METHODS: In this prospective case-series study, 20 consecutive patients treated with an implant-borne single crown were prospectively followed for 12 months. Clinical, radiologic, and esthetic parameters were recorded to assess treatment outcomes. RESULTS: At the 12-month examination, all 20 implants were successfully integrated, demonstrating ankylotic stability and healthy peri-implant soft tissues as documented by standard parameters. The esthetic outcomes assessed by a pink esthetic score (PES) and a white esthetic score (WES) demonstrated pleasing results overall. The WES values were slightly superior to the PES values. The periapical radiographs showed minimal crestal bone loss around the used bone level implants, with mean bone loss of 0.18 mm at 12 months. Only one implant showed >0.5 mm bone loss, combined with minor mucosal recession of 0.5 to 1.0 mm. CONCLUSIONS: This prospective case series study evaluating the concept of early implant placement demonstrated successful tissue integration for all 20 implants. The short-term follow-up of 12 months revealed pleasing esthetic outcomes overall, as assessed by objective parameters. The risk for mucosal recession was low; only one patient showed minor recession of the facial mucosa. These encouraging results need to be confirmed with 3- and 5-year follow-up examinations.