947 resultados para The Voyage Out


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Although one would expect the unemployed to be the population most likely affected by immigration, most of the studies have concentrated on investigating the effects immigration has on the employed population. Little is known of the effects of immigration on labor market transitions out of unemployment. Using the basic monthly Current Population Survey from 2001 and 2013 we match data for individuals who were interviewed in two consecutive months and identify workers who transition out of unemployment. We employ a multinomial model to examine the effects of immigration on the transition out of unemployment, using state-level immigration statistics. The results suggest that immigration does not affect the probabilities of native-born workers finding a job. Instead, we find that immigration is associated with smaller probabilities of remaining unemployed, but it is also associated with higher probabilities of workers leaving the labor force. This effect impacts mostly young and less educated people.


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Anuran species diversity and abundance were evaluated in different farming status of cocoa plantation in Ore, Ondo State, Nigeria. Applying the combination of visual encounter survey (VES) and acoustical survey (AES), the different farms surveyed were categorized as; 1) pure cocoa farms with pesticides applied (PCWP); 2) pure cocoa farms without pesticides application; 3) intercropped cocoa farms with pesticides applied (ICWP); and 4) intercropped cocoa farms without pesticides application (ICNP). The surrounding primary/secondary forest (PSFV) was sampled applying the transect method. A mean total of 690±2.6 anurans belonging to 28 species, 14 genera and 9 families were recorded during the study. Out of these, 10, 19, 17, 22 and 26 species were recorded respectively from PCWP, PCNP, ICWP, ICNP and PSFV. The anuran species richness was significantly different between the different cocoa plantation status and the forest sites (F4, 10 = 20.55, P< 0.01). The highest mean number of individuals (190±9.5) was observed at ICNP followed by PSFV (183±5.7), while the least was at PCWP (77±8.0). There was also significant difference (F4, 10 = 150.48, P< 0.01) between the abundance of anuran species at the various sites. Diversity indices (Shannon and Margalef) showed that the forest sites had the greatest (3.204 and 4.799) respectively while the pesticide using pure cocoa farms had the least (1.853 and 2.072). Generally, the result of the study clearly indicated that pesticide use cocoa farms were significantly lower compared to other sites. Farmers are encouraged to engage in intercropping (polyculture) especially with food and economic crops in a biodiversity friendly manner which could have similar characteristics of a natural ecosystem, thereby enhancing the biological diversity of agro-ecosystems.


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The Amazon river prawn (Macrobrachium amazonicum) is a native species with great potential for aquaculture, based on promising results obtained from experimental culture trials in Brazil. The influence of different stocking densities on the development of prawns reared in cages in the nursery phase as well as on their growth when transferred to grow-out net pens at lower densities was evaluated. In the nursery phase, juveniles I (0.157 +/- 0.014 g, 47 days old) were stocked in 0.5 m(-2) cages at densities of 400, 800 and 1200 m(-2). After 71 days, prawns were transferred to grow-out net pens of 2.0 m(-2), at a density of 20 juveniles II m(-2). The treatments were determined by the mean weights registered for the prawns (118 days old) previously stocked at 400, 800 and 1200 juveniles I m(-2) in the nursery phase: 0.94 +/- 0.07 g (T1), 0.61 +/- 0.04 g (T2) and 0.48 +/- 0.07 g (T3), respectively. In the nursery phase, mean survival was above 96%, whereas mean weights were significantly higher (P<0.05) for the density of 400 prawns m(-2). The highest biomass (276.7 g) and productivity (1152 juveniles II m(-2)) were registered at the density of 1200 prawns m(-2), differing significantly (P<0.05) from the lower densities. One month after the transfer of the animals to the net pens, there was recovery in the specific growth rate (SGR) of prawns in all treatments which was significantly higher (P<0.05) in T3 (4.01 +/- 0.36% day(-1)) and T2 (3.60 +/- 0.18% day(-1)). The feed conversion efficiency (FCE) in the first month after the transfer was also significantly higher (P<0.05) in T3 (78.2 +/- 19.1%) when compared to T1 (39.8 +/- 9.5%). These results suggest the occurrence of a compensatory growth in M. amazonicum after transferring them to lower densities, which can point out high densities for nursery cages as a viable practice. After 277 days of grow-out phase in net pens in the cold season, survival, mean weight and biomass did not differ significantly among the treatments, indicating the viability of using net pens in stocking prawns during autumn and winter, since the minimum temperature does not drop below 17 degrees C. Influence of stocking density during the nursery phase on the grow-out of prawns was not observed. The population structure in prawns reared in net-pens was similar to that observed in earthen ponds. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The debate about the relationship between social capital the welfare state has produced contradictory results for a long time. The crowding out hypothesis states that the growth of the welfare state would erode social capital, as the action of the state leave no room for non-regulated spontaneous cooperation. In sharp contrast, the crowding in hypothesis states that there is virtuous circle between the size of the welfare state and the stock of social capital in a particular country, since generous welfare states (specially those relying on universalistic programs) will produce a particular sense of fairness and solidarity toward fellow citizens. Yet, the empirical evidence testing the explanatory power of these theories is mostly inconclusive. To further our knowledge of this puzzle, in this paper I focus specifically on the relationship between social trust and preferences for redistribution at the individual level in a sample of European countries belonging to different welfare state regimes.


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In this paper we analyze the effect of welfare policies oriented toward the elderly on solidarity toward the elderly in a sample of European countries. The research question is whether more generous welfare policies crowd out solidarity. For this purpose, we analyze four waves of the SHARE database. We use multilevel analysis to estimate the effect of national variables on transfers toward the elderly, controlling for individual level variables. At the national level we focus on the effect of public spending on policies oriented toward the elderly after controlling for some other relevant variables, such as the proportion of elderly people, female labor force participation and unemployment. Our results indicate that expenditure in social protection toward the elderly has a positive and significant (albeit moderate) effect on the economic support received by the elderly (which is in line with the Crowding-in hypothesis). However, in the case of time transfers, we find that expenditure in social protection toward the elderly has a negative and significant impact on the time transfers received by the elderly (which is consistent with the Crowding-out hypothesis).


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Background: It has been argued that the alcohol industry uses corporate social responsibility activities to influence policy and undermine public health, and that every opportunity should be taken to scrutinise such activities. This study analyses a controversial Diageo-funded ‘responsible drinking’ campaign (“Stop out of Control Drinking”, or SOOCD) in Ireland. The study aims to identify how the campaign and its advisory board members frame and define (i) alcohol-related harms, and their causes, and (ii) possible solutions. Methods: Documentary analysis of SOOCD campaign material. This includes newspaper articles (n = 9), media interviews (n = 11), Facebook posts (n = 92), and Tweets (n = 340) produced by the campaign and by board members. All material was coded inductively, and a thematic analysis undertaken, with codes aggregated into sub-themes. Results: The SOOCD campaign utilises vague or self-defined concepts of ‘out of control’ and ‘moderate’ drinking, tending to present alcohol problems as behavioural rather than health issues. These are also unquantified with respect to actual drinking levels. It emphasises alcohol-related antisocial behaviour among young people, particularly young women. In discussing solutions to alcohol-related problems, it focuses on public opinion rather than on scientific evidence, and on educational approaches and information provision, misrepresenting these as effective. “Moderate drinking” is presented as a behavioural issue (“negative drinking behaviours”), rather than as a health issue. Conclusions: The ‘Stop Out of Control Drinking’ campaign frames alcohol problems and solutions in ways unfavourable to public health, and closely reflects other Diageo Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity, as well as alcohol and tobacco industry strategies more generally. This framing, and in particular the framing of alcohol harms as a behavioural issue, with the implication that consumption should be guided only by self-defined limits, may not have been recognised by all board members. It suggests a need for awareness-raising efforts among the public, third sector and policymakers about alcohol industry strategies


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The primary aim was to evaluate the effect of 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylamino-propyl) carbodiimide (EDC) on endogenous enzymatic activity within radicular dentin and push-out bond strength of adhesively luted fiber posts, at baseline and after artificial aging. Additionally, the effect of different cementation strategies on endogenous enzymatic activity and fiber post retention was evaluated. The experiment was carried out on extracted human teeth, following endodontic treatment and fiber post cementation. Three cementation strategies were performed: resin cement in combination with etch-and-rinse (EAR) adhesive system, with self-etch (SE) system and self-adhesive (SE) cement. Each of the mentioned strategies had a control and experimental (EDC) group in which root canal was irrigated with 0.3M EDC for 1 minute. The push-out bond strength test was performed 24h after cementation and after 40.000 thermocycles. In order to investigate the effect of EDC and different cementation strategies, in situ zymography analyses of the resin-dentin interfaces were conducted. Statistical analyses were conducted with the software Stata 12.0 (Stata Corp, College Station, Texas, USA) and the significance was set for p<0.05. The results of statistical analysis (ANOVA) showed that the variables “EDC”, “root region” and “artificial aging” significantly influenced fiber posts’ retention to root canal (p<0.05). The highest values were observed in coronal third. The mean values observed after artificial aging were lower when compared to baseline, however EDC was effective in preserving bond strength. The level of enzymatic activity varied between the groups and EDC had a beneficial effect on silencing the enzymatic activity. Within the limitations of the study, it was concluded that the choice of cementation strategy did not influence posts’ retention, while EDC contributed to the preservation of bond strength after artificial aging and reduced enzymatic activity within radicular dentin. In vivo trials are necessary to confirm the results of this in vitro study.


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This PhD dissertation presents a profound study of the vulnerability of buildings and non-structural elements stemming from the investigation of the Mw 5.2 Lorca 2011 earthquake; which constitutes one of the most significant earthquakes in Spain. It left nine fatalities due to falling debris from reinforced concrete buildings, 394 injured and material damage valued at 800 million euros. Within this framework, the most relevant initiatives concerning the vulnerability of buildings and the exposure of Lorca are studied. This work revealed two lines of research: the elaboration of a rational method to determine the adequacy of a specific fragility curve for the particular seismic risk study of a region; and the relevance of researching the seismic performance of non-structural elements. As a consequence, firstly, a method to assess and select fragility curves for seismic risk studies from the catalogue of those available in the literature is elaborated and calibrated by means of a case study. The said methodology is based on a multidimensional index and provides a ranking that classifies the curves in terms of adequacy. Its results for the case of Lorca led to the elaboration of new fragility curves for unreinforced masonry buildings. Moreover, a simplified method to account for the unpredictable directionality of the seism in the creation of fragility curves is contributed. Secondly, the characterisation of the seismic capacity and demand of the non-structural elements that caused most of the human losses is studied. Concerning the capacity, an analytical approach derived from theoretical considerations to characterise the complete out-of-plane seismic response curve of unreinforced masonry cantilever walls is provided; as well as a simplified and more practical trilinear version of it. Concerning the demand, several methods for characterising the Floor Response Spectra of reinforced concrete buildings are tested through case studies.


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Decarbonization of maritime transport requires immediate action. In the short term, ship weather routing can provide greenhouse gas emission reductions, even for existing ships and without retrofitting them. Weather routing is based on making optimal use of both envi- ronmental information and knowledge about vessel seakeeping and performance. Combining them at a state-of-the-art level and making use of path planning in realistic conditions can be challenging. To address these topics in an open-source framework, this thesis led to the development of a new module called bateau , and to its combination with the ship routing model VISIR. bateau includes both hull geometry and propulsion modelling for various vessel types. It has two objectives: to predict the sustained speed in a seaway and to estimate the CO2 emission rate during the voyage. Various semi-empirical approaches were used in bateau to predict the ship hydro- and aerodynamical resistance in both head and oblique seas. Assuming that the ship sails at a constant engine load, the involuntary speed loss due to waves was estimated. This thesis also attempted to clarify the role played by the actual representation of the sea state. In particular, the influence of the wave steepness parameter was assessed. For dealing with ships with a greater superstructure, the wind added resistance was also estimated. Numerical experiments via bateau were conducted for both a medium and a large-size container ships, a bulk-carrier, and a tanker. The simulations of optimal routes were carried out for a feeder containership during voyages in the North Indian Ocean and in the South China Sea. Least-CO2 routes were compared to the least-distance ones, assessing the relative CO2 savings. Analysis fields from the Copernicus Marine Service were used in the numerical experiments.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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This study evaluated comparatively the adhesion of Epiphany and AH Plus endodontic sealers to human root dentin treated with 1% NaOCl and 1% NaOCl+17% EDTA, using the push-out test. Sixty root cylinders obtained from maxillary canines had the canals prepared and were randomly assigned to 3 groups (n=20), according to root dentin treatment: GI - distilled water (control), GII - 1% NaOCl and GIII - 1% NaOCl+17% EDTA. Each group was divided into 2 subgroups (n=10) filled with either Epiphany or AH Plus. Bond strength push-out test data (kN) were obtained and analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test. There was statistically significant difference between sealers (AH Plus: 0.78 ± 0.13; Epiphany: 0.61 ± 0.19; p<0.01) and among root dentin treatments (distilled water: 0.58 ± 0.19; 1% NaOCl: 0.71 ± 0.12; 1% NaOCl+17% EDTA: 0.80 ± 0.17; p<0.05). In conclusion, AH Plus sealer presented greater adhesion to dentin than Epiphany, regardless of the treatment of root canal walls.


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OBJECTIVES: to study the information contained in Stillbirth Registers (SBRs) in the Municipality of São Paulo. METHODS: the adequacy of the filling out of SBR forms was assessed on the basis of the SBRs (6722) made available by the FSEADE (Foundation for Statistical Data Analysis System), using a Data Completion Index (DCI), making it possible to compare the three years studied (2001-3). Variables relating to the mother and the fetus were included where the DCI was greater than 10%. Education, parity, place of residence, birth type, for the mother and weight, gestational age and underlying cause of death, for the fetus. RESULTS: the absolute stillbirth component changed little in the first two of the three years, falling slightly in the third. The variable most frequently registered was sex (98%), followed by place of residence (82.9%) and parity (70%). The data least often registered were those relating to the mother's age and schooling, 20.0% and 16.7%, respectively. The underlying cause was recorded in 46.7%, fetal weight in 37% and type of birth in 25.3%. CONCLUSIONS: the data demonstrate that the difficulty encountered in incorporating this health indicator into the traditional set of indicators is in part due to the inadequacy of the data provided on the SBR form.


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Os Centros de Atenção Psicossociais Infantojuvenis (CAPSi) são elementos estratégicos da atenção pública em saúde mental ofertado para população infantojuvenil com sofrimento psíquico intenso e persistente. São articulados numa rede de atenção que extrapola o campo da saúde e interage com os recursos do território de determinada comunidade para promover inclusão social de crianças e adolescentes e conta para tanto também com a co-responsabilização das famílias, escolas e outros setores sociais. No rol de suas condutas terapêuticas há espaço reservado para o atendimento de familiares quando essa medida for necessária para aquela dirigida à clientela em foco. OBJETIVO: identificar condutas terapêuticas oferecidas às famílias de crianças e adolescentes atendidos nos CAPSi. MÉTODO: estudo transversal em crianças e adolescentes provenientes dos prontuários ativos, selecionados aleatoriamente, de 19 CAPSi do Estado de São Paulo no período de setembro de 2008 a fevereiro de 2009. A análisedescritiva foi apresentada por meio de tabelas de número e porcentagem. RESULTADOS: a mãe se revelou a principal cuidadora dessa população fora dos serviços. Contudo, há de se destacar a importante ausência de registros de atendimento ou propostas realizadas às famílias. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: a principal conduta indicada para as famílias são os atendimentos grupais, as famílias têm sido pouco privilegiadas nas condutas terapêuticas dentro dos projetos terapêuticos da população atendida. As falhas de registro nos prontuários pesquisados podem ser uma limitação do estudo. As ações são preponderantemente institucionais e as ofertas extramuros são raríssimas


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Objective: To evaluate the adhesion of the endodontic sealers Epiphany, Apexit Plus, and AH Plus to root canal dentin submitted to different surface treatments, by using the push-out test. Methods: One hundred twenty-eight root cylinders obtained from maxillary canines were embedded in acrylic resin, had the canals prepared, and were randomly assigned to four groups (n = 32), according to root dentin treatment: (I) distilled water (control), (II) 17% EDTAC, (III) 1% NaOCl and (IV) Er:YAG laser with 16-Hz, 400-mJ input (240-mJ output) and 0.32-J/cm(2) energy density. Each group was divided into four subgroups (n = 8) filled with Epiphany (either dispensed from the automix syringe supplied by the manufacturer or prepared by hand mixing), Apexit Plus, or AH Plus. Data (MPa) were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test. Results: A statistically significant difference (p < 0.01) was found among the root-canal sealers, except for the Epiphany subgroups, which had statistically similar results to each other (p > 0.01): AH Plus (4.77 +/- 0.85), Epiphany/hand mixed (3.06 +/- 1.34), Epiphany/automix syringe (2.68 +/- 1.35), and Apexit Plus (1.22 +/- 0.33). A significant difference (p < 0.01) was found among the dentin surface treatments. The highest adhesion values were obtained with AH Plus when root dentin was treated with Er: YAG laser and 17% EDTAC. Epiphany sealer presented the lowest adhesion values to root dentin treated with 17% EDTAC. Conclusions: The resin-based sealers had different adhesive behaviors, depending on the treatment of root canal walls. The mode of preparation of Epiphany (automix syringe or hand mixing) did not influence sealer adhesion to root dentin.


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The Kallikrein-Kinin System (KKS) has been associated to inflammatory and immunogenic responses in the peripheral and central nervous system by the activation of two receptors, namely B1 receptor and B2 receptor. The B1 receptor is absent or under-expressed in physiological conditions, being up-regulated during tissue injury or in the presence of cytokines. The B2 receptor is constitutive and mediates most of the biological effects of kinins. Some authors suggest a link between the KKS and the neuroinflammation in Alzheimer`s disease (AD). We have recently described an increase in bradykinin (BK) in the cerebrospinal fluid and in densities of B1 and B2 receptors in brain areas related to memory, after chronic infusion of amyloid-beta (A beta) peptide in rats, which was accompanied by memory disruption and neuronal loss. Mice lacking B1 or B2 receptors presented reduced cognitive deficits related to the learning process, after acute intracerebroventricular (i.c.v). administration of A. Nevertheless, our group showed an early disruption of cognitive function by i.c.v. chronic infusion of A beta after a learned task, in the knock-out B2 mice. This suggests a neuroprotective role for B2 receptors. In knock-out B1 mice the memory disruption was absent, implying the participation of this receptor in neurodegenerative processes. The acute or chronic infusion of A beta can lead to different responses of the brain tissue. In this way, the proper involvement of KKS on neuroinflammation in AD probably depends on the amount of A beta injected. Though, BK applied to neurons can exert inflammatory effects, whereas in glial cells, BK can have a potential protective role for neurons, by inhibiting proinflammatory cytokines. This review discusses this duality concerning the KKS and neuroinflammation in AD in vivo.