858 resultados para Tanner, Riikka
Verkostojen toimintaa on tutkittu viime vuosina paljon ja useat tutkijat ovat myöntäneet verkostojen merkityksen olevan suuri nykypäivän liiketoiminnassa. Verkostoyhteistyö voi tarjota yritykselle huomattavaa kilpailuetua, turvata yrityksen toimintaa, sekä auttaa yritystä pääsemään tavoitteisiinsa. Erityisen tärkeää verkostoituminen on pienille ja keskisuurille (pk-) yrityksille, joiden voimavarat on usein varsin rajalliset. Yhteistyön avulla yritykset voivat hankkia lisää resursseja käyttöönsä, sekä kehittää liiketoimintaansa. Verkostotutkimukset ovat yleisesti keskittyneet raskaan teollisuuden tai IT-teknologian yrityksiin, kun taas elintarvikealan verkostoitumista ja kansainvälistymistä on tutkittu varsin vähän. Tämä tutkielma päätyi yhdistämään kolme osa-aluetta: verkostoitumisen, pk-yritysten kansainvälistymisen, sekä suomalaisen elintarvikealan. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, millainen rooli verkostoilla on suomalaisten elintarvikealan pk-yritysten kansainvälistymisessä. Tutkimuksen tavoite jaettiin kolmeen eri osakysymykseen, joista ensimmäinen pyrki selvittämään, miten yritykset verkostoituvat edistääkseen liiketoimintaansa. Toisen osakysymyksen tavoitteena oli arvioida erilaisten verkostojen hyödyllisyyttä yritysten kansainvälistymisessä ja tuoda esiin yrityksen tavoitteita edesauttavat verkostot. Kolmas osakysymys sen sijaan keskittyi verkostojen negatiivisiin puoliin ja etsi tekijöitä, jotka vaikeuttavat yritysten verkostoitumista. Tutkimuksen luonne on kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen ja tutkimusaineistona toimi aikaisempi tutkimustieto aihealueesta, sekä asiantuntijahaastatteluiden kautta saatu tieto. Haastatteluita oli yhteensä neljä kappaletta ja ne suoritettiin teemahaastatteluina. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että verkostoituminen koetaan suomalaisella elintarvikealalla tärkeäksi mutta haasteelliseksi. Yritykset ovat aktiivisia etsimään ja hankkimaan uusia yhteistyökumppaneita mutta erityisesti suhteen luominen ja ylläpitäminen on vaikeaa. Yritykset korostavat liikesuhteessa ammattimaisuutta, sillä liiketoiminta halutaan pitää erillään sosiaalisesta elämästä. Solmitut verkostot ovat pääasiassa virallisia. Vertikaalista yhteistyötä alan toimijoiden kanssa ei harrasteta muun muassa liikesalaisuuksien leviämisen pelossa. Lisäksi yritysten verkostoitumista estävät taloudelliset rajoitteet, kulttuurierot, sekä erinäiset yrittäjäsidonnaiset tekijät.
De nationellt värdefulla landskapsområdena är landsbygdens mest representativa kulturlandskap. Deras värde baserar sig på en mångformig kulturpåverkad natur, ett vårdat odlingslandskap och ett traditionellt byggnadsbestånd. Med hjälp av utsedda landskapsområden tryggas bevarandet av representativa och livskraftiga landsbygdslandskap. En uppdaterings- och kompletteringsinventering av nationellt värdefulla landskapsområden pågår som bäst vid miljöministeriet. Uppdaterings- och kompletteringsinventeringarna genomförs landskapsvis under åren 2010-2014. De nationellt värdefulla områdena samt områdena som är värdefulla på landskapsnivå i landskapen Södra och Mellersta Österbotten samt Österbotten inventerades under åren 2012-2013. Inventeringsobjekten är nationellt värdefulla landskapsområden (statsrådets principbeslut 1995) och objekt som fallit bort eller beskurits vid värderingen av bebyggda kulturmiljöer av riksintresse (RKY 2009), och som nu inventeras med avseende på landskapsvärdena. I landskapen Södra och Mellersta Österbotten samt Österbotten finns för närvarande totalt 15 nationellt värdefulla landskapsområden eller landskapssevärdheter. I den nu genomförda uppdateringsinventeringen granskades områdesurvalet, värdeklassificeringen och avgränsningarna.
Backround of this master thesis is previously recognized possibility to build housing units by a new modular building method. This master thesis aims to examine how modular building method influences to business process in the case organization: how will the process change and to whom will the change influence. To examine this, there is a need to declare as-is and to-be processes and find out the changes of the process. Modular building method is a radical change when comparing it to existing. The findings are that modular building method will produce utility by repeating. It needs time and repeating to achieve the utilities. Ability to repeat demands working with more several phases than currently. Modular building method influences also to customer and his/her choices and because of that, it has influences to financial equation.
Witchcraft, Magic and Popular Religion – XI Gustav Vasa Seminar 11.-12.6.2013 Jyväskylän yliopistossa.
This study discusses the importance of diasporas’ knowledge with regard to the national competitive advantage of Finland. The purpose of this study is to suggest an interaction framework, which illustrates how diasporas can benefit the host country via intentional knowledge spillovers, with two sub-objectives: to seek which features are crucial for productive interaction between a host government and diasporas, and to scrutinize the modes of interaction currently effective in Finland. The theoretical background of the study consists of literature relating to the concepts of diaspora and knowledge. The empirical research conducted for this study is based on expert interviews. The interview data was collected between September and November 2013. Eight interviews were made; five with representatives of expert organizations, and three with immigrants. Thematic analysis was used to categorize and interpret the interview data. In addition, thematic networks were built to act as a basis of analysis. This study finds that knowledge, especially new combinations of knowledge, is a significant input in innovation. Innovation is found to be the basis of national competitive advantage. Thus the means through which knowledge is transferred are of key importance. Diasporas are found a good source of new knowledge, and thus may aid the innovative process. Host country stance and policy are found to have a major impact on the ability of the host country to benefit from diasporas’ knowledge. As a host country, this study finds Finland to have a very fragmented strategy field and a prejudiced attitude, which currently make it difficult to utilize the potential of diasporas. The interaction framework based on these findings suggests ways in which Finland can improve its national competitive advantage through acquiring the innovative potential of diasporas. Strategy revision and increased promotion are discussed as means towards improved interaction. In addition, the importance of learning is emphasized. The findings of this study enhance understanding of the relationship between the concepts of diaspora and knowledge. In addition, this study ties the relationship to economic benefit. Future research is, however, necessary in order to fully understand the meaning of the relationship, as well as to increase understanding of the generalizability of the interaction framework.
Professions are a special category of occupations that possesses exclusive rights over its domain of expertise. Professions apply expert knowledge in their work by using professional discretion and judgment to solve their clients’ problems. With control over their expert knowledge base, professions are able to control the supply of practitioners in their field and regulate the practice in their market. Professionalization is the process during which occupations attempt to gain the status of a profession. The benefits of becoming a profession are extensive – professional autonomy, social and financial rewards, prestige, status, and an exclusive community are only a few of the privileges that established professions possess. Many aspiring occupations have tried and failed to gain the status of a profession and one of these groups is the occupation of controllers in Finland. The objective of this study to uncover, why controllers have not professionalized, which properties of the occupation correspond with the elements generally regarded to pertain to professions, and which aspects of the occupational group may hinder the professionalization project. The professionalization project of controllers is analyzed using a multi-actor model of professionalization, in which practitioners, clients, the state, training institutions, and employing organizations are considered to affect the project. The properties of the occupation of controllers are compared to features generally associated with professions. The research methodology for this thesis is qualitative, and the study is conducted as an exploratory research. The data is primarily gathered using semi-structured interviews, which were conducted between March and May 2013 lasting from 40 minutes to an hour. In total, four controllers were interviewed, who worked for different companies operating in different industries, and whose experience of working as a controller varied between a few years to nearly 15 years. The data in this study indicates that although controllers possess qualities that distinguish professions from other occupational groups, the professionalization of controllers may not be plausible. Controllers enjoy considerable autonomy in organizations, and they possess a strong orientation towards serving their clients. The more profound problem with the occupation is its non-exclusive, indistinct knowledge base that does not rely solely on a single knowledge base. Controllers’ expertise is relatively organization-specific and built on several different fields of knowledge and not just management accounting, which could be considered as their primary knowledge base. In addition, controllers have not organized themselves, which is a quintessential, but by no means a sufficient prerequisite for professionalization.
Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.
Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.
Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.
Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.
Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.