872 resultados para TOW IMPREGNATION
Os óxidos de enxofre (SOx) são um dos maiores poluentes atmosféricos e um dos precursores da chuva ácida. Um levantamento feito na Petrobrás mostrou que cerca de 17% dos SOx emitidos numa refinaria são oriundos do processo de FCC. Com o avanço dos controles ambientais, traduzido numa legislação mais restritiva, a técnica de incorporação de aditivos para remoção de SOx em UFCCs apresenta-se como a alternativa de menor custo frente outras tecnologias de abate das emissões de SOx. No presente trabalho, foram estudados aditivos constituídos por compostos derivados de hidrotalcitas com a substituição parcial do magnésio e do alumínio por cobre e/ou manganês, sendo estes impregnados ou não por dióxido de cério. Estes aditivos foram submetidos a testes de desempenho em uma unidade multi-propósito acoplada a um micro-GC/TCD. Em todos os testes, a corrente gasosa para a etapa de adsorção oxidativa foi de 1700 ppm de SO2 e 1,5% O2 em He e, para a etapa de regeneração, 30% H2/He. No primeiro conjunto de testes, realizou-se uma adsorção a 720C de 10 min e regeneração com um patamar a 530C, seguido de um TPR até 800C. Observou-se que as amostras impregnadas com cério apresentaram o melhor desempenho na remoção de SO2, indicando que o cério pode ter um papel de promotor da oxidação de SO2 a SO3. Os resultados do TPR mostram que as amostras com cério e com manganês parecem apresentar menores temperaturas de redução dos sulfatos, apesar das maiores liberações de H2S serem identificadas nas amostras com cobre. No segundo conjunto de testes, a adsorção foi a 720C durante 35 min e a regeneração a 650C por 5 minutos em um patamar de 5 minutos, seguida de um TPR até 800C. Para os tempos de sulfatação curtos (5 e 10 min), os resultados confirmaram o efeito positivo que a incorporação de CeO2 apresenta sobre a adsorção oxidativa do SO2. Todavia, para tempos de reação maiores (35 min), não se observou uma correlação clara entre a composição química do catalisador e a quantidade total de SOx removida. Os aditivos foram ainda testados em ciclos de reação-regeneração em condições equivalentes ao segundo conjunto de testes descrito. De um modo geral, os aditivos que contêm cobre têm uma vida útil superior aos demais, possivelmente, pelo fato do cobre ter importante papel na regeneração do aditivo
Body length measurement is an important part of growth, condition, and mortality analyses of larval and juvenile fish. If the measurements are not accurate (i.e., do not reflect real fish length), results of subsequent analyses may be affected considerably (McGurk, 1985; Fey, 1999; Porter et al., 2001). The primary cause of error in fish length measurement is shrinkage related to collection and preservation (Theilacker, 1980; Hay, 1981; Butler, 1992; Fey, 1999). The magnitude of shrinkage depends on many factors, namely the duration and speed of the collection tow, abundance of other planktonic organisms in the sample (Theilacker, 1980; Hay, 1981; Jennings, 1991), the type and strength of the preservative (Hay, 1982), and the species of fish (Jennings, 1991; Fey, 1999). Further, fish size affects shrinkage (Fowler and Smith, 1983; Fey, 1999, 2001), indicating that live length should be modeled as a function of preserved length (Pepin et al., 1998; Fey, 1999).
Shore whaling along North America’s California and Baja California coasts during 1854–99 was ancillary to the offshore and alongshore American whale fishery, which had begun in the North Pacific in the early 1800’s and was flourishing by the 1840’s. From its inception at Monterey, Calif., in the mid 1850’s, the shore fishery, involving open boats deployed from land to catch and tow whales for processing, eventually spread from Monterey south to San Diego and Baja California and north to Crescent City near the California–Oregon border. It had declined to a relict industry by the 1880’s, although sporadic efforts continued into the early 20th century. The main target species were gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus, and humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, with the valuable North Pacific right whale, Eubalaena japonica, also pursued opportunistically. Catch data are grossly incomplete for most stations; no logbooks were kept for these operations as they were for high-seas whaling voyages. Even when good information is available on catch levels, usually as number of whales landed or quantity of oil produced, it is rarely broken down by species. Therefore, we devised methods for extrapolation, interpolation, pro rationing, correction, and informed judgment to produce time series of catches. The resulting estimates of landings from 1854 to 1899 are 3,150 (SE = 112) gray whales and 1,637 (SE = 62) humpback whales. The numbers landed should be multiplied by 1.2 to account for hunting loss (i.e. whales harpooned or shot but not recovered and processed).
A necessidade de redução da emissão de poluentes, visando diminuir os sérios problemas de poluição atmosférica enfrentados atualmente, é hoje uma das principais preocupações mundiais, provocando o surgimento de leis mais rígidas, que restringem o teor de enxofre na gasolina e no diesel. Assim, o desenvolvimento de tecnologias mais eficazes na remoção de enxofre nestes combustíveis tem recebido atenção crescente. Estas tecnologias incluem a extração física com solvente, a adsorção seletiva, processos de redução/oxidação microbiológicos e a dessulfurização oxidativa (ODS). A dessulfurização oxidativa converte os compostos de enxofre em sulfonas que podem ser facilmente separadas por processos físicos. Portanto, a ODS apresenta grande potencial para tornar-se um processo complementar a processo de hidrodessulfurização tradicional na produção de combustíveis altamente dessulfurizados. Neste contexto, este trabalho visou o estudo do desempenho de catalisadores de V2O5 suportados em alumina, sílica e sílica-alumina frente à reação de ODS do dibenzotiofeno em presença do peróxido de hidrogênio, como oxidante, e da acetonitrila, como solvente polar aprótico. Os catalisadores foram preparados por impregnação ao ponto úmido e caracterizados por difração de raios-X (DRX), análise textural, redução à temperatura programada (TPR-H2), dessorção de amônia à temperatura programa (TPD-NH3) e espectroscopia Raman. O efeito de parâmetros reacionais como quantidade de solvente, relação O/S e concentração de catalisador foram investigados, utilizando a alumina como suporte, visando estabelecer as condições reacionais que levassem a maiores valores de conversão do dibenzotiofeno (DBT). Uma vez estabelecidas estas condições, foi analisado o efeito do teor de V2O5 presente no catalisador e, posteriormente, o efeito do suporte catalítico. Os resultados obtidos mostraram a 70 C razão molar H2O2/Sde 16,6, razão carga/solvente igual a 1:1 e 100 mg do catalisador 15 % V2O5/SiO2, a conversão obtida foi de 95%
Plankton and larval fish sampling programs often are limited by a balance between sampling frequency (for precision) and costs. Advancements in sampling techniques hold the potential to add considerable efficiency and, therefore, add sampling frequency to improve precision. We compare a newly developed plankton imaging system, In Situ Ichthyoplankton Imaging System (ISIIS), with a bongo sampler, which is a traditional plankton sampling gear developed in the 1960s. Comparative sampling was conducted along 2 transects ~30–40 km long. Over 2 days, we completed 36 ISIIS tow-yo undulations and 11 bongo oblique tows, each from the surface to within 10 m of the seafloor. Overall, the 2 gears detected comparable numbers of larval fishes, representing similar taxonomic compositions, although larvae captured with the bongo were capable of being identified to lower taxonomic levels, especially larvae in the small (<5 mm), preflexion stages. Size distributions of the sampled larval fishes differed considerably between these 2 sampling methods, with the size range and mean size of larval fishes larger with ISIIS than with the bongo sampler. The high frequency and fine spatial scale of ISIIS allow it to add considerable sampling precision (i.e., more vertical sections) to plankton surveys. Improvements in the ISIIS technology (including greater depth of field and image resolution) should also increase taxonomic resolution and decrease processing time. When coupled with appropriate net sampling (for the purpose of collecting and verifying the identification of biological samples), the use of ISIIS could improve overall survey design and simultaneously provide detailed, process-oriented information for fisheries scientists and oceanographers.
Jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) and purpleback squid (Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis) (Teuthida: Ommastrephidae) are thought to spawn in the eastern tropical Pacific. We used 10 years of plankton tow and oceanographic data collected in this region to examine the reproductive habits of these 2 ecologically important squid. Paralarvae of jumbo squid and purpleback squid were found in 781 of 1438 plankton samples from surface and oblique tows conducted by the Southwest Fisheries Science Center (NOAA) in the eastern tropical Pacific over the 8-year period of 1998–2006. Paralarvae were far more abundant in surface tows (maximum: 1588 individuals) than in oblique tows (maximum: 64 individuals). A generalized linear model analysis revealed sea-surface temperature as the strongest environmental predictor of paralarval presence in both surface and oblique tows; the likelihood of paralarval presence increases with increasing temperature. We used molecular techniques to identify paralarvae from 37 oblique tows to species level and found that the purpleback squid was more abundant than the jumbo squid (81 versus 16 individuals).
Adaptive cluster sampling (ACS) has been the subject of many publications about sampling aggregated populations. Choosing the criterion value that invokes ACS remains problematic. We address this problem using data from a June 1999 ACS survey for rockfish, specifically for Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus), and for shortraker (S. borealis) and rougheye (S. aleutianus) rockfish combined. Our hypotheses were that ACS would outperform simple random sampling (SRS) for S. alutus and would be more applicable for S. alutus than for S. borealis and S. aleutianus combined because populations of S. alutus are thought to be more aggregated. Three alternatives for choosing a criterion value were investigated. We chose the strategy that yielded the lowest criterion value and simulated the higher criterion values with the data after the survey. Systematic random sampling was conducted across the whole area to determine the lowest criterion value, and then a new systematic random sample was taken with adaptive sampling around each tow that exceeded the fixed criterion value. ACS yielded gains in precision (SE) over SRS. Bootstrapping showed that the distribution of an ACS estimator is approximately normal, whereas the SRS sampling distribution is skewed and bimodal. Simulation showed that a higher criterion value results in substantially less adaptive sampling with little tradeoff in precision. When time-efficiency was examined, ACS quickly added more samples, but sampling edge units caused this efficiency to be lessened, and the gain in efficiency did not measurably affect our conclusions. ACS for S. alutus should be incorporated with a fixed criterion value equal to the top quartile of previously collected survey data. The second hypothesis was confirmed because ACS did not prove to be more effective for S. borealis-S. aleutianus. Overall, our ACS results were not as optimistic as those previously published in the literature, and indicate the need for further study of this sampling method.
In trawl surveys a cluster of fish are caught at each station, and fish caught together tend to have more similar characteristics, such as length, age, stomach contents etc., than those in the entire population. When this is the case, the effective sample size for estimates of the frequency distribution of a population characteristic can, therefore, be much smaller than the number of fish sampled during a survey. As examples, it is shown that the effective sample size for estimates of length-frequency distributions generated by trawl surveys conducted in the Barents Sea, off Namibia, and off South Africa is on average approximately one fish per tow. Thus many more fish than necessary are measured at each station (location). One way to increase the effective sample size for these surveys and, hence, increase the precision of the length-frequency estimates, is to reduce tow duration and use the time saved to collect samples at more stations.
In India, the fishing industry alone incurs an annual loss of over 120 million rupees on account of biodeterioration of wooden fishing craft. None of the timber species, currently in demand for boat-building, possesses an natural bioresistance and will be completely destroyed within 6 to 12 months. Preventive measures against biodeterioration range from application of several indigenous formulations to metallic sheathings and pressure impregnation of wood with preservative chemicals. These methods do not provide lasting protection, as each has its own short-comings and inadequacies. The need for long-term research in the field of marine biodeterioration for improving the efficiency of currently known control measures, with emphasis on application of non-polluting biological methods, is stressed.
To ensure a greater vertical opening while under tow, a trawl net with a bulged belly was made and compared with a conventional design under actual fishing conditions. It was found that the new design landed 31.8% more fish. Since the percentage lateral spread was relatively less for the bulged belly net, it was inferred that this net had higher head line height, while under operation and this was further substantiated by a greater catch of off—bottom fishes. Further, half the quantity of twine can be saved by changing the conventional trawl to that of bulged belly type.
A new large mesh demersal trawl of 32 m head rope length is found more efficient for the exploitation of demersal fishes off Veraval. Increased catch with a proportionate increase of demersal fishes was obtained when compared to a standard bottom trawl of 32 m head rope length with small meshes, suggesting the possibility of increasing the mesh size of trawl nets in the forepart. This increases the mouth area of net which enhances the fishing power by covering a large area per tow. The net is simple in construction, easy to repair and maintain and fewer in the number of meshes.
Twin trawling; a new concept in shrimp trawling is described in this paper. It essentially involves towing of two trawls of equal size connected in sequence at the inner head and foot rope legs and using a pair of outer otter boards and central neutral door or dummy door with triple bridles and single tow warp. A comparative study with conventional stern trawling using a standard 13.7 m four seam shrimp trawl and two 6 8 m standard four seam trawls as twin-rig has shown considerable reduction in the utilization of power (20 %) with better efficiency in shrimp fishing.
It is shown that filling the holes of a drilled bulk high-temperature superconductor (HTS) with a soft ferromagnetic powder enhances its trapping properties. The magnetic properties of the trapped field magnet are characterized by Hall probe mapping and magnetization measurements. This analysis is completed by a numerical model based on a 3D finite-element method where the conductivity of the superconducting material is described by a power law while the permeability of the ferromagnetic material is fixed to a given value and is considered uniform. Numerical results support the experimental observations. In particular, they confirm the increase of trapped flux that is observed with Hall probe mapping after impregnation. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd.
The infraciliature and myoneme system of Campanella umbellaria were revealed using the protargol impregnation technique. The main characteristics of the infraciliature are the peristomial ciliary rows (haplokinety and polykineties), which make four and a half turns around the peristomial disc before plunging into the infundibulum, and the aboral infraciliature, which is made up of the aboral ciliary wreath (trochal band) and the scopula. The myoneme system is composed of: 1) longitudinal fibers, which include 60-84 (mean 72.3) short longitudinal fibers, 40-56 (mean 45.8) medium-length longitudinal fibers, and numerous long longitudinal fibers; and 2) circular fibers, which include 8-12 (mean 9.3) peristomial ring fibers, linking fibers, support fibers, and peristomial disc fibers. The various fibers in C. umbellaria are interconnected to form a single myoneme system that may act as a cell skeleton as well as providing the mechanism by which the zooid contracts and relaxes. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
MoNi/gamma-Al2O3 catalysts were prepared by the impregnation method. The catalyst samples were characterized by XRD and TPR. The effects of Mo promoter content and the catalyst reducing temperature Oil hydrotreatment activity of the catalyst were studied under 200 degrees C and 3 MPa hydrogen pressure using acetic acid as the model compound. The XRD results indicate that the addition of Mo promoter is beneficial to the uniformity of nickel species on the catalyst and decreases the Interaction between nickel species and the support Which results in the decrease the of NiAl2O4 spinel formation. The addition of Mo promoter also decreases the reducing temperature of the catalyst. After the catalyst of 0.06 MoNi/gamma-Al2O3 being reduced Under the atmosphere of H-2/N-2(5/95, V/V), nickel oxide was reduced to Ni-0. The reaction was promoted obviously upon the addition of the MoNi/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst reduced at 600 degrees C. The Mo-modified Ni/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst reduced at 600 degrees C displayed the highest activity during the reaction, the conversion of acetic acid reached the highest point of 33.2%. The products included ethyl acetate and water.