856 resultados para TENDER OFFER SYSTEM LAW


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La te si doctoral tracte d' una causa d' exempció de la responsabilitat penal reconeguda a l'article 20.6 del vigent codi penal: la por insuperable. L' objectiu principal de la tesi és donar un contingut a aquesta eximent per tal de que trobi l'adient reconeixement als tribunals, que tradicionalment han ignorat aquesta eximent. El primer capítol de la tesi tracta del seu fonament, és a dir, de la raó o raons que han portat al legislador a reconèixer la por insuperable com a una causa de exempció de la responsabilitat penal. L'anàlisi del fonament de la por insuperable s'estudia a l'àmbit de les doctrines de justificació del dret penal (teories de la pena). Partint d' aquestes doctrines de justificació trobem que la doctrina utilitarista no pot fonamentar sòlidament l'eximent de por insuperable, doncs aquesta eximent no té a veure amb la maximització de la felicitat col·lectiva sinó més aviat amb qüestions de responsabilitat personal. Per això, en la tesi el fonament de la por insuperable es situa al marc de les doctrines retribucionistes i mixtes. Per a aquestes doctrines el fonament de l'exempció de pena en el cas de la por insuperable és l'afecció a la voluntat o llibertat d'elecció que es dóna en les situacions de por insuperable. Però aquesta afecció de la llibertat d' elecció no es pot interpretar com una pèrdua de les facultats psíquiques de la persona, tal i com, erròniament interpreten els nostres tribunal s, doncs la persona que es veu amenaçada no perd les seves facultats per valorar la situació. Per tant, "insuperable" no vol dir insuperable psicològicament, sinó que amb aquest adjectiu el legislador està fent referència a una avaluació normativa: es tracta d'una situació en la que no es pot exigir a la persona que superi la por que pateix i s'enfronti al amenaça. A la tesi es defensa aquesta reconstrucció normativa de l'eximent, posant de relleu, però, que el fonament de l'exempció de pena és la preferència legítima pels propis interessos. La base del principi d'inexigibilitat o raonabilitat és la legitimitat d'una valoració parcial del conflicte en el que es troba la persona, quan l' amenaça afecta als seus bens o als d'aquells pels que se sent afectivament lligat. Al segon capítol s' analitza el problema de la naturalesa jurídica de l'eximent de por insuperable. El cert és que la doctrina penal majoritària considera que la por insuperable és una causa d'inculpabilitat, malgrat que no han tampoc faltat autors que hagin catalogat a aquesta eximent com una causa de justificació. A la tesi s'analitzen els arguments tradicionalment utilitzats per la doctrina penal per a concloure que la por insuperable pertany a la categoria de la culpabilitat, posant de relleu que aquests arguments no semblen convincents. Això no obstant, no vol dir que l'eximent de por insuperable sigui en realitat una causa de justificació, però cal trobar una explicació més solida pel fet que aquesta eximent es consideri una causa d'inculpabilitat. Aquesta explicació pren com a punt de partida la diferència entre la valoració imparcial d'un conflicte (és a dir, la valoració que faria una persona no implicada en el conflicte) i la valoració parcial (és a dir, la valoració que fa la persona que es troba en aquell conflicte) del mateix. A la tesi es defensa que en las situacions d'amenaça i conflicte de bens jurídics, quan ambdós es troben en la mateixa situació enfront el dret, la justificació de la conducta necessita una fonamentació més forta que la valoració parcial del conflicte, doncs a nivell d' antijuridicitat, on el legislador valora els conflictes, s' ha de donar el mateix valors als bens jurídics de tots els ciutadans, sense que es pugui aquí apel·lar a preferències personals. La valoració parcial del conflicte queda amb això reservada per a un altre nivell de la teoria del delicte: la culpabilitat, on no és tracte ja de valorar un conflicte d'interessos com de decidir si la persona mereix un càstig pel seu fet. El tercer capítol tracta de la qüestió relativa als requisits que cal exigir per poder aplicar l'eximent de por insuperable. Certament, la llei penal no demana cap requisit concret per aplicar l'eximent, però les exigències normatives es troben en realitat resumides en l'adjectiu "insuperable" que acompanya i defineix a la por. La doctrina penal ha utilitzat tradicionalment el paràmetre del "home mig en la posició de l'autor" per a determinar quan la por és insuperable. Però aquest criteri de determinació de la insuperabilitat de la por té greus problemes, que porten que a la tesi es rebutgi i en el seu lloc es presentin tota una sèrie de requisits normatius que han de servir per determinar quan es pot considerar que la por és (normativament) insuperable. Aquests requisits es poden dividir en dos grans grups: per una part els requisits referents al mal que amenaça a la persona. Es tracta aquí de determinar com ha de ser aquest mal per tal de que es pugui aplicar l'eximent. Per altra banda, en segon lloc els requisits referents a l'acció defensiva duta a terme per la persona. Per últim, el quart capítol de la tesi es dedica a la delimitació de la por insuperable davant la resta d' eximents reconegudes pel codi penal. Es tracta aquí de determinar si la por insuperable té un àmbit reservat d' aplicació que justifiqui el seu manteniment al codi penal. La dificultat d'aquest tema és que l'eximent de por insuperable té relacions amb tota la resta d'eximents penals. En primer lloc amb les causes d'inimputabilitat reconegudes a l'art. 20.1 del codi penal: alienació mental i trastorn mental transitori. Però aquests casos no pertanyen en realitat a l'eximent de por insuperable sinó a les eximents d'alienació o trastorn mental transitori En segons lloc, l'eximent de por insuperable està relacionada amb les causes de justificació de legítima defensa, estat de necessitat i exercici legítim de un dret, ofici o càrrec i compliment del deure. A la tesi es defensa que l'eximent de por insuperable només es podrà aplicar quan, per no donar-se tots el requisits necessaris per aplicar alguna d'aquestes eximents, no es pugui justificar la conducta, però, malgrat això, hi hagin raons per no castigar la conducta, considerant-la inculpable. A la tesi s'analitzen detingudament aquests supòsits. Amb tot es pot afirmar que l'eximent de por insuperable és una eximent necessària que pot complir el paper d'eficaç clàusula de tancament del sistema de causes d'exempció de la responsabilitat penal.


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Este ensayo examina la naturaleza jurídica y política del imperio español en América y sus orígenes medievales. Con el fin de ofrecer un nuevo enfoque para estudiar la relación entre España y sus posesiones americanas, este trabajo propone una revisión de la tradición jurídica española. El estudio de la evolución de los conceptos de soberanía, representación y jurisdicción permite dilucidar los elementos constitutivos de las relaciones entre las diversas entidades políticas como mecanismo de comprensión del desarrollo de la cultura política de América Latina. De acuerdo a las características del sistema jurídico político en la época virreinal, la dispensación de la justicia y la práctica judicial constituyeron el eje de las relaciones entre la autoridad imperial y sus periferias. El artículo sostiene que la práctica judicial estuvo llena de sentido político y se convirtió en un medio de inclusión y representación.


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When assessing hypotheses, the possibility and consequences of false-positive conclusions should be considered along with the avoidance of false-negative ones. A recent assessment of the system of rice intensification (SRI) by McDonald et al. [McDonald, A.J., Hobbs, P.R., Riha, S.J., 2006. Does the system of rice intensification outperform conventional best management? A synopsis of the empirical record. Field Crops Res. 96, 31-36] provides a good example where this was not done as it was preoccupied with avoiding false-positives only. It concluded, based on a desk study using secondary data assembled selectively from diverse sources and with a 95% level of confidence, that 'best management practices' (BMPs) on average produce 11% higher rice yields than SRI methods, and that, therefore, SRI has little to offer beyond what is already known by scientists.


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Investigating agroforestry systems that incorporate poultry is warranted in Northern Europe as they may offer benefits including: improved welfare and use of range; reduced feed costs; price premia on products; reduced payback periods for forests; and, greater returns on investment. Free-range egg production accounts for 27% of the United Kingdom egg market and demand for outdoor broilers is increasing. No research has been conducted recently on the economic viability of agroforestry systems with poultry. An economic model was constructed to: assess economic viability of a broiler agroforestry system; and, investigate the sensitivity of economic performance to key factors and interactions, and identify those which warrant attention in research and management. The system modelled is a commercial trial established in Southern England in 2002 where deciduous trees were planted and broilers reared in six- or nine-week periods. The model uses Monte Carlo simulation and financial performance analyses run for a 120-year period. An Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 15.5% is predicted for the six-week system which remains viable under a 'worst case' scenario (IRR of 12.6%). Factors which affect financial performance most (decreasing in magnitude) are prices achieved for broilers, costs of brooding houses, chicks, arks, feed and timber prices. The main anticipated effects of biological interactions on financial performance (increased ranging on feed conversion and excess nutrient supply on tree health) were not supported by analysis. Further research is particularly warranted on the welfare benefits offered by the tree component and its relation to price premia.


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Competitive Dialogue (CD) is a new contract award procedure of the European Community (EC). It is set out in Article 29 of the 'Public Sector Directive' 2004/18/EC. Over the last decades, projects were becoming more and more complex, and the existing EC procedures were no longer suitable to procure those projects. The call for a new procedure resulted in CD. This paper describes how the Directive has been implemented into the laws of two member states: the UK and the Netherlands. In order to implement the Directive, both lawmakers have set up a new and distinct piece of legislation. In each case, large parts of the Directive’s content have been repeated ‘word for word’; only minor parts have been reworded and/or restructured. In the next part of the paper, the CD procedure is examined in different respects. First, an overview is given on the different EC contract award procedures (open, restricted, negotiated, CD) and awarding methods (lowest price and Most Economically Advantageous Tender, MEAT). Second, the applicability of CD is described: Among other limitations, CD can only be applied to public contracts for works, supplies, and services, and this scope of application is further restricted by the exclusion of certain contract types. One such exclusion concerns services concessions. This means that PPP contracts which are set up as services concessions cannot be awarded by CD. The last two parts of the paper pertain to the main features of the CD procedure – from ‘contract notice’ to ‘contract award’ – and the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure. One advantage is that the dialogue allows the complexity of the project to be disentangled and clarified. Other advantages are the stimulation of innovation and creativity. These advantages are set against the procedure’s disadvantages, which include high transaction costs and a perceived hindrance of innovation (due to an ambiguity between transparency and fair competition). It is concluded that all advantages and disadvantages are related to one of three elements: communication, competition, and/or structure of the procedure. Further research is needed to find out how these elements are related.


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Following a number of major food safety problems in Europe, including in particular the issues of BSE and dioxin, consumers have become increasingly concerned about food safety. This has led authorities in Europe to revise their systems of food control. The establishment of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is one of the main structural changes made at the moment within the European Union, and similar action at national level has been or is being taken by many EU member states. In Spain a law creating the Spanish Agency of Food Safety has been approved. This has general objectives that include the promotion of food security and offering guarantees and the provision of objective information to consumers and food businesses in the Spanish agrifood sector. This paper reviews the general structure of the current food control system in Spain. At a national level this involves three different Ministries. Spain however also has a devolved system involving Autonomous Communities the paper considers Castilla y Leon as an example. In conclusion the paper recognises that Spain has a complex system for food control. and considers that it will take time before a full evaluation of the new system is possible. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present a conceptual architecture for a Group Support System (GSS) to facilitate Multi-Organisational Collaborative Groups (MOCGs) initiated by local government and including external organisations of various types. Multi-Organisational Collaborative Groups (MOCGs) consist of individuals from several organisations which have agreed to work together to solve a problem. The expectation is that more can be achieved working in harmony than separately. Work is done interdependently, rather than independently in diverse directions. Local government, faced with solving complex social problems, deploy MOCGs to enable solutions across organisational, functional, professional and juridical boundaries, by involving statutory, voluntary, community, not-for-profit and private organisations. This is not a silver bullet as it introduces new pressures. Each member organisation has its own goals, operating context and particular approaches, which can be expressed as their norms and business processes. Organisations working together must find ways of eliminating differences or mitigating their impact in order to reduce the risks of collaborative inertia and conflict. A GSS is an electronic collaboration system that facilitates group working and can offer assistance to MOCGs. Since many existing GSSs have been primarily developed for single organisation collaborative groups, even though there are some common issues, there are some difficulties peculiar to MOCGs, and others that they experience to a greater extent: a diversity of primary organisational goals among members; different funding models and other pressures; more significant differences in other information systems both technologically and in their use than single organisations; greater variation in acceptable approaches to solve problems. In this paper, we analyse the requirements of MOCGs led by local government agencies, leading to a conceptual architecture for an e-government GSS that captures the relationships between 'goal', 'context', 'norm', and 'business process'. Our models capture the dynamics of the circumstances surrounding each individual representing an organisation in a MOCG along with the dynamics of the MOCG itself as a separate community.


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This paper discusses the requirements on the numerical precision for a practical Multiband Ultra-Wideband (UWB) consumer electronic solution. To this end we first present the possibilities that UWB has to offer to the consumer electronics market and the possible range of devices. We then show the performance of a model of the UWB baseband system implemented using floating point precision. Then, by simulation we find the minimal numerical precision required to maintain floating-point performance for each of the specific data types and signals present in the UWB baseband. Finally, we present a full description of the numerical requirements for both the transmit and receive components of the UWB baseband. The numerical precision results obtained in this paper can then be used by baseband designers to implement cost effective UWB systems using System-on-Chip (SoC), FPGA and ASIC technology solutions biased toward the competitive consumer electronics market(1).


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Studies have shown that natural ultraviolet (UV) radiation increases secondary products such as phenolics but can significantly inhibit biomass accumulation in lettuce plants. In the work presented here, the effect of UV radiation on phenolic concentration and biomass accumulation was assessed in relation to photosynthetic performance in red and green lettuce types. Lettuce plants in polythene clad tunnels were exposed to either ambient (UV transparent film) or UV-free conditions (UV blocking film). The study tested whether growth reduction in lettuce plants exposed to natural UV radiation is because of inhibition of photosynthesis by direct damage to the photosynthetic apparatus or by internal shading by anthocyanins. Ambient levels of UV radiation did not limit the efficiency of photosynthesis suggesting that phenolic compounds may effectively protect the photosynthetic apparatus. Growth inhibition does, however, occur in red lettuce and could be explained by the high metabolic cost of phenolic compounds for UV protection. From a commercial perspective, UV transparent and UV blocking films offer opportunities because, in combination, they could increase plant quality as well as productivity. Growing plants continuously under a UV blocking film, and then 6 days before the final harvest transferring them to a UV transparent film, showed that high yields and high phytochemical content can be achieved complementarily.


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Video:35 mins, 2006. The video shows a group of performers in a studio and seminar situation. Individually addressing the camera they offer personal views and experiences of their own art production in relation to the institution, while reflecting on their role as teachers. The performance scripts mainly originate from a series of real interviews with a diverse group of artist teachers, who emphasise the collaborative, performative and subversive nature of teaching. These views may seems symptomatic for contemporary art practices, but are ultimately antagonistic to the ongoing commodification of the system of art education.


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We present an outlook on the climate system thermodynamics. First, we construct an equivalent Carnot engine with efficiency and frame the Lorenz energy cycle in a macroscale thermodynamic context. Then, by exploiting the second law, we prove that the lower bound to the entropy production is times the integrated absolute value of the internal entropy fluctuations. An exergetic interpretation is also proposed. Finally, the controversial maximum entropy production principle is reinterpreted as requiring the joint optimization of heat transport and mechanical work production. These results provide tools for climate change analysis and for climate models’ validation.


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Advances in weather and climate research have demonstrated the role of the stratosphere in the Earth system across a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. Stratospheric ozone loss has been identified as a key driver of Southern Hemisphere tropospheric circulation trends, affecting ocean currents and carbon uptake, sea ice, and possibly even the Antarctic ice sheets. Stratospheric variability has also been shown to affect short term and seasonal forecasts, connecting the tropics and midlatitudes and guiding storm track dynamics. The two-way interactions between the stratosphere and the Earth system have motivated the World Climate Research Programme's (WCRP) Stratospheric Processes and Their Role in Climate (SPARC) DynVar activity to investigate the impact of stratospheric dynamics and variability on climate. This assessment will be made possible by two new multi-model datasets. First, roughly 10 models with a well resolved stratosphere are participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5), providing the first multi-model ensemble of climate simulations coupled from the stratopause to the sea floor. Second, the Stratosphere Historical Forecasting Project (SHFP) of WCRP's Climate Variability and predictability (CLIVAR) program is forming a multi-model set of seasonal hindcasts with stratosphere resolving models, revealing the impact of both stratospheric initial conditions and dynamics on intraseasonal prediction. The CMIP5 and SHFP model-data sets will offer an unprecedented opportunity to understand the role of the stratosphere in the natural and forced variability of the Earth system and to determine whether incorporating knowledge of the middle atmosphere improves seasonal forecasts and climate projections. Capsule New modeling efforts will provide unprecedented opportunities to harness our knowledge of the stratosphere to improve weather and climate prediction.


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Green roof plants alter the microclimate of building roofs and may improve roof insulation. They act by providing cooling by shading, but also through transpiration of water through their stomata. However, leaf surfaces can become warmer when plants close the stomata and decrease water loss in response to drying substrate (typically associated with green roofs during summers), also reducing transpirational cooling. By using a range of contrasting plant types (Sedum mix – an industry green roof ‘standard’, Stachys byzantina, Bergenia cordifolia and Hedera hibernica) we tested the hypothesis that plants differ in their ‘cooling potential’. We firstly examined how leaf morphology influenced leaf temperature and how drying substrate altered that response. Secondly, we investigated the relationship between leaf surface temperatures and the air temperatures immediately above the canopies (i.e. potential to provide aerial cooling). Finally we measured how the plant type influenced the substrate temperature below the canopy (i.e. potential for building cooling). In our experiments Stachys outperformed the other species in terms of leaf surface cooling (even in drying substrate, e.g. 5 oC cooler compared with Sedum), substrate cooling beneath its canopy (up to 12 oC) and even - during short intervals over hottest still periods - the air above the canopy (up to 1 oC, when soil moisture was not limited). We suggest that the choice of plant species on green roofs should not be entirely dictated by what survives on the shallow substrates of extensive systems, but consideration should be given to supporting those species providing the greatest eco-system service potential.


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This article analyses the results of an empirical study on the 200 most popular UK-based websites in various sectors of e-commerce services. The study provides empirical evidence on unlawful processing of personal data. It comprises a survey on the methods used to seek and obtain consent to process personal data for direct marketing and advertisement, and a test on the frequency of unsolicited commercial emails (UCE) received by customers as a consequence of their registration and submission of personal information to a website. Part One of the article presents a conceptual and normative account of data protection, with a discussion of the ethical values on which EU data protection law is grounded and an outline of the elements that must be in place to seek and obtain valid consent to process personal data. Part Two discusses the outcomes of the empirical study, which unveils a significant departure between EU legal theory and practice in data protection. Although a wide majority of the websites in the sample (69%) has in place a system to ask separate consent for engaging in marketing activities, it is only 16.2% of them that obtain a consent which is valid under the standards set by EU law. The test with UCE shows that only one out of three websites (30.5%) respects the will of the data subject not to receive commercial communications. It also shows that, when submitting personal data in online transactions, there is a high probability (50%) of incurring in a website that will ignore the refusal of consent and will send UCE. The article concludes that there is severe lack of compliance of UK online service providers with essential requirements of data protection law. In this respect, it suggests that there is inappropriate standard of implementation, information and supervision by the UK authorities, especially in light of the clarifications provided at EU level.


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In Hobbesian terminology, ‘unwritten laws’ are natural laws enforced within a polity, by a non-sovereign judge, without some previous public promulgation. This article discusses the idea in the light of successive Hobbesian accounts of ‘law’ and ‘obligation’. Between De Cive and Leviathan, Hobbes dropped the idea that natural law is strictly speaking law, but he continued to believe unwritten laws must form a part of any legal system. He was unable to explain how such a law could claim a legal status. His loyalty to the notion, in spite of all the trouble that it caused, is a sign of his belief that moral knowledge is readily accessible to all.