973 resultados para Surrealism -- Colorado -- Denver. Watercolor painting
Surréalisme Sous-L’Eau : science and surrealism in the early films and writings of Jean Painlevé
A French biologist who moved in Surrealist circles, Jean Painlevé began making films about underwater creatures in 1927, and by 1982 had created over two hundred films on a broad range of natural, scientific, and political subjects. His underwater films remain the most ethereal and poetic works in his oeuvre, and he specifically used cinema to capture the mystery and wonder of nature.
Discovering a History: The School of Art at the University of Denver explores the early history of art education in Denver, and the significance of visual art education at the University of Denver within that history beginning in 1865, when the first classes in art were offered, and ending in 1929 when the University acquired the Chappell School of Art—an independent art school—and appointed Vance Kirkland as director. This paper also explores competing art institutions, which at times posed great hindrances to the University. Further, it illustrates how the artists who taught at the University of Denver School of Art, such as Ida De Steiguer, Preston Powers, Emma Richardson Cherry, and Henry Read, were amongst the great contributors to Denver’s burgeoning artistic culture.
The current study evaluated the State Juvenile Diversion Program, managed by the District Attorney’s (DA) office in Denver Colorado. The purpose of this study was to review factors, which potentially contribute to success or failure in diversion. Research in diversion programing typically focuses on recidivism rates, but fails to examine which factors contribute to program completion. The analysis was conducted using data from 57 juveniles who entered the DA diversion program in 2015. This represents the majority of juveniles in the diversion program rather than a sample. The current study confirmed prior research findings that those juveniles who do not successfully complete a diversion program are more likely to reoffend. Additionally, the factors which were significantly correlated with successful completion of the diversion program were grade point average (GPA) and number of municipal tickets. The number of behavior reports in school before and after the Diversion program was significantly lower for both groups. Non-significant findings are also discussed as they may help guide future research.
The Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries has launched the Alliance Shared Print Trust and is in the process of developing a shared print analysis tool. The system allows libraries to compare themselves with other libraries that have added their MARC records so that they can easily and quickly determine what records are unique or held in common with other libraries. The comparison system is built on open source tools and has been embedded in the Gold Rush framework. The author provides a brief overview of other shared print analysis tools.
Many of the educational structures in public education today have their roots in the educational reforms of the industrial and Cold War eras. These educational structures served the United States well in a time of industrialization and two-state global superpowers. However, society has rapidly become more interconnected and globalized. K-12 education has not required that students develop the new skills and habits of mind needed for success in the twenty-first century. This study proposes three curricular and instructional changes to help students meet the needs of a global society in Adams Twelve Five-Star Schools located in Thornton, Colorado. These curricular and instructional reforms, while intended to address globalization, will also help the district stay competitive among local districts.
How Does the Denver Public Library System Respond to its Customer's Requests for Global Information?
The interaction between globally available information and public library users is a changing one. Global information is readily available yet provider and user struggle to find efficiencies of time and resources. As a primary resource of global information the Denver Public Library (DPL) is approaching this challenge by providing changing technology to a changing user and by providing a customized approach to immigrant populations. DPL provides global information to library users through collections, programs and Internet. Internet and collections global information usage cannot be directly measured due to privacy restrictions. Only 12.5% of general user programs focus on global information. Four percent of budget serves the immigrant users. This is greater than national averages.
Conventional residential construction results in a variety of local, regional, and global environmental impacts. It also may lead to unhealthy interior environments for building inhabitants. Green building, on the contrary, is a practice that reduces the environmental impacts of residential development, that produces healthier indoor environments, and that yields better long-term financial investments. This Capstone Project applies empirical research and analysis to identify the history and benefits of green building, to support the hypothesis that Colorado Front Range communities benefit most from municipal green-build programs, and to make subsequent program recommendations. Ultimately, this project may assist communities with implementing their own municipal green-build programs.
Nonnative aquatic species are invasive worldwide. These species adversely affect natural aquatic ecosystems in a variety of ways and can negatively affect agriculture, recreation and industry. This study addresses identification and control of aquatic plant species of concern in Colorado State Parks. Seventeen species identified as potential threats to the parks and safe, effective chemical control methodologies were determined for each species. A matrix was developed to include the plants, appropriate chemical controls and the type of aquatic habitat where chemical use would be safe and effective. The matrix and recommendations for its use will be provided to the Colorado Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation to develop a management plan under Section 1204 of the National Invasive Species Act.
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, and the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986 strengthen roles of the community in the CERCLA process. Many layers of bureaucracy and the complexity of regulations make the implementation and enforcement of environmental policy a burdensome process. Local government, the public and private corporations have a critical role in the CERCLA decision-making process by implementing a comprehensive public participation process. This paper examines a case study in which a local Colorado health department implemented a successful public participation process in order to positively affect the remediation decision-making process.
Highways can be effective barriers to animal migration. Where highways cross over streams, a passageway, typically a culvert, not designed for fish access can cut off an organism from miles of habitat. Traditional methods of culvert design, to convey floodwaters, reduced access to aquatic and riparian range. The Colorado Department of Transportation likely has numerous culverts that restrict aquatic passage. This paper provides guidance to CDOT for assessment of stream geomorphic conditions affecting culvert performance for fish passage, understanding aquatic organism habitat requirements, and incorporating ecological parameters into culvert designs that benefit fish and other organisms. A case study illustrates culvert problems in a difficult geomorphic setting including a fish passage assessment to evaluate stream stability for long-term culvert reliability.
This capstone reviews uses of the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail. Policies governing use of the trail appear to be ambiguous, especially regarding mountain bicycles. Mountain biking has grown since the trail was created, but is not fully addressed in existing or proposed policy. 382 people on five segments of the trail in Colorado were interviewed for this capstone. Mountain bikes, hiking, and motorized recreation were observed uses. User conflict, overcrowding, degraded recreation experiences, or user displacement was not reported. User satisfaction was high and most would return. Interviewees requested increased public involvement and recognition of user needs in setting policy. Trail degradation occurs, but is unassociated with any particular use. Recommendations for trail improvement and maintenance are presented.