951 resultados para Surface Plasmon, Impedance Spectroscopy


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Effective focusing of electromagnetic (EM) energy to nanoscale regions is one of the major challenges in nano-photonics and plasmonics. The strong localization of the optical energy into regions much smaller than allowed by the diffraction limit, also called nanofocusing, offers promising applications in nano-sensor technology, nanofabrication, near-field optics or spectroscopy. One of the most promising solutions to the problem of efficient nanofocusing is related to surface plasmon propagation in metallic structures. Metallic tapered rods, commonly used as probes in near field microscopy and spectroscopy, are of a particular interest. They can provide very strong EM field enhancement at the tip due to surface plasmons (SP’s) propagating towards the tip of the tapered metal rod. A large number of studies have been devoted to the manufacturing process of tapered rods or tapered fibers coated by a metal film. On the other hand, structures such as metallic V-grooves or metal wedges can also provide strong electric field enhancements but manufacturing of these structures is still a challenge. It has been shown, however, that the attainable electric field enhancement at the apex in the V-groove is higher than at the tip of a metal tapered rod when the dissipation level in the metal is strong. Metallic V-grooves also have very promising characteristics as plasmonic waveguides. This thesis will present a thorough theoretical and numerical investigation of nanofocusing during plasmon propagation along a metal tapered rod and into a metallic V-groove. Optimal structural parameters including optimal taper angle, taper length and shape of the taper are determined in order to achieve maximum field enhancement factors at the tip of the nanofocusing structure. An analytical investigation of plasmon nanofocusing by metal tapered rods is carried out by means of the geometric optics approximation (GOA), which is also called adiabatic nanofocusing. However, GOA is applicable only for analysing tapered structures with small taper angles and without considering a terminating tip structure in order to neglect reflections. Rigorous numerical methods are employed for analysing non-adiabatic nanofocusing, by tapered rod and V-grooves with larger taper angles and with a rounded tip. These structures cannot be studied by analytical methods due to the presence of reflected waves from the taper section, the tip and also from (artificial) computational boundaries. A new method is introduced to combine the advantages of GOA and rigorous numerical methods in order to reduce significantly the use of computational resources and yet achieve accurate results for the analysis of large tapered structures, within reasonable calculation time. Detailed comparison between GOA and rigorous numerical methods will be carried out in order to find the critical taper angle of the tapered structures at which GOA is still applicable. It will be demonstrated that optimal taper angles, at which maximum field enhancements occur, coincide with the critical angles, at which GOA is still applicable. It will be shown that the applicability of GOA can be substantially expanded to include structures which could be analysed previously by numerical methods only. The influence of the rounded tip, the taper angle and the role of dissipation onto the plasmon field distribution along the tapered rod and near the tip will be analysed analytically and numerically in detail. It will be demonstrated that electric field enhancement factors of up to ~ 2500 within nanoscale regions are predicted. These are sufficient, for instance, to detect single molecules using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) with the tip of a tapered rod, an approach also known as tip enhanced Raman spectroscopy or TERS. The results obtained in this project will be important for applications for which strong local field enhancement factors are crucial for the performance of devices such as near field microscopes or spectroscopy. The optimal design of nanofocusing structures, at which the delivery of electromagnetic energy to the nanometer region is most efficient, will lead to new applications in near field sensors, near field measuring technology, or generation of nanometer sized energy sources. This includes: applications in tip enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS); manipulation of nanoparticles and molecules; efficient coupling of optical energy into and out of plasmonic circuits; second harmonic generation in non-linear optics; or delivery of energy to quantum dots, for instance, for quantum computations.


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A major challenge in modern photonics and nano-optics is the diffraction limit of light which does not allow field localisation into regions with dimensions smaller than half the wavelength. Localisation of light into nanoscale regions (beyond its diffraction limit) has applications ranging from the design of optical sensors and measurement techniques with resolutions as high as a few nanometres, to the effective delivery of optical energy into targeted nanoscale regions such as quantum dots, nano-electronic and nano-optical devices. This field has become a major research direction over the last decade. The use of strongly localised surface plasmons in metallic nanostructures is one of the most promising approaches to overcome this problem. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to investigate the linear and non-linear propagation of surface plasmons in metallic nanostructures. This thesis will focus on two main areas of plasmonic research –– plasmon nanofocusing and plasmon nanoguiding. Plasmon nanofocusing – The main aim of plasmon nanofocusing research is to focus plasmon energy into nanoscale regions using metallic nanostructures and at the same time achieve strong local field enhancement. Various structures for nanofocusing purposes have been proposed and analysed such as sharp metal wedges, tapered metal films on dielectric substrates, tapered metal rods, and dielectric V-grooves in metals. However, a number of important practical issues related to nanofocusing in these structures still remain unclear. Therefore, one of the main aims of this thesis is to address two of the most important of issues which are the coupling efficiency and heating effects of surface plasmons in metallic nanostructures. The method of analysis developed throughout this thesis is a general treatment that can be applied to a diversity of nanofocusing structures, with results shown here for the specific case of sharp metal wedges. Based on the geometrical optics approximation, it is demonstrated that the coupling efficiency from plasmons generated with a metal grating into the nanofocused symmetric or quasi-symmetric modes may vary between ~50% to ~100% depending on the structural parameters. Optimal conditions for nanofocusing with the view to minimise coupling and dissipative losses are also determined and discussed. It is shown that the temperature near the tip of a metal wedge heated by nanosecond plasmonic pulses can increase by several hundred degrees Celsius. This temperature increase is expected to lead to nonlinear effects, self-influence of the focused plasmon, and ultimately self-destruction of the metal tip. This thesis also investigates a different type of nanofocusing structure which consists of a tapered high-index dielectric layer resting on a metal surface. It is shown that the nanofocusing mechanism that occurs in this structure is somewhat different from other structures that have been considered thus far. For example, the surface plasmon experiences significant backreflection and mode transformation at a cut-off thickness. In addition, the reflected plasmon shows negative refraction properties that have not been observed in other nanofocusing structures considered to date. Plasmon nanoguiding – Guiding surface plasmons using metallic nanostructures is important for the development of highly integrated optical components and circuits which are expected to have a superior performance compared to their electronicbased counterparts. A number of different plasmonic waveguides have been considered over the last decade including the recently considered gap and trench plasmon waveguides. The gap and trench plasmon waveguides have proven to be difficult to fabricate. Therefore, this thesis will propose and analyse four different modified gap and trench plasmon waveguides that are expected to be easier to fabricate, and at the same time acquire improved propagation characteristics of the guided mode. In particular, it is demonstrated that the guided modes are significantly screened by the extended metal at the bottom of the structure. This is important for the design of highly integrated optics as it provides the opportunity to place two waveguides close together without significant cross-talk. This thesis also investigates the use of plasmonic nanowires to construct a Fabry-Pérot resonator/interferometer. It is shown that the resonance effect can be achieved with the appropriate resonator length and gap width. Typical quality factors of the Fabry- Pérot cavity are determined and explained in terms of radiative and dissipative losses. The possibility of using a nanowire resonator for the design of plasmonic filters with close to ~100% transmission is also demonstrated. It is expected that the results obtained in this thesis will play a vital role in the development of high resolution near field microscopy and spectroscopy, new measurement techniques and devices for single molecule detection, highly integrated optical devices, and nanobiotechnology devices for diagnostics of living cells.


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The synthesis of organic semiconducting materials based on silver and copper-TCNQ (TCNQ = 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane) and their fluorinated analogues has received a significant amount of attention due to their potential use in organic electronic applications. However, there is a scarcity in the identification of different applications for which these interesting materials may be suitable candidates. In this work, we address this by investigating the catalytic properties of such materials for the electron transfer reaction between ferricyanide and thiosulphate ions in aqueous solution, which to date has been almost solely limited to metallic nanomaterials. Significantly it was found that all the materials investigated, namely CuTCNQ, AgTCNQ, CuTCNQF4 and AgTCNQF4, were catalytically active and, interestingly, the fluorinated analogues were superior. AgTCNQF4 demonstrated the highest activity and was tested for its stability and re-usability for up to 50 cycles without degradation in performance. The catalytic reaction was monitored via UV-vis spectroscopy and open circuit potential versus time measurements, as well as an investigation of the transport properties of the films via electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. It is suggested that morphology and bulk conductivity are not the limiting factors, but rather the balance between the accumulated surface charge from electron injection via thiosulphate ions on the catalyst surface and transfer to the ferricyanide ions which controls the reaction rate. The facile fabrication of re-usable surface confined organic materials that are catalytically active may have important uses for many more electron transfer reactions.


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A creep resistant Mg alloy MRI 230D was subjected to laser surface treatment using Nd:YAG laser equipped with a fiber optics beam delivery system in argon atmosphere. The laser surface treatment produced a fine dendritic microstructure and this treatment was beneficial for the corrosion and wear resistance of the alloy. Long-term linear polarisation resistance and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy measurements confirmed that the polarisation resistance values of laser treated material were twice as high as that for the untreated material. This improved behaviour was due to the finer and more homogenous microstructure of the laser treated surface. The laser treatment also increased surface hardness two times and reduced the wear rate by 25% due to grain refinement and solid solution strengthening.


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Polymer nanocomposites containing different concentrations of Au nanoparticles have been investigated by small angle X-ray scattering and electronic absorption spectroscopy. The variation in the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) band of Au nanoparticles with concentration is described by a scaling law. The variation in the plasmon band of ReO3 nanoparticles embedded in polymers also follows a similar scaling law. Sistance dependence of plasmon coupling in polymer composites f metal nanoparticles. (C) 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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In the present study, impedance and Raman spectroscopy are adopted to probe the nature and extent of disorder to correlate with transport properties in doped polypyrrole (PPy) thin-film devices, synthesized electrochemically at different temperatures. A comparative study of the impedance spectroscopy is performed on PPy devices by both experimental and simulation approach with varying extent of disorder. The impedance measurements of PPy devices are well described by introducing a constant phase element (CPE) (Q) in modified RQ circuit, which accounts for frequency dependence of dielectric response. However, for the PPy grown at lower temperature, an equivalent circuit consisting of two such RQ elements in series is used for successful modelling of the impedance results, which accounts for the depletion region near the electrode. Raman spectroscopy and the de-convoluted spectra are successfully studied to probe the variation in C=C bond stretching and distribution of conjugation length, which relates to disorder in PPy films and the interpretation is well correlated to the impedance results.


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Practical phantoms are essential to assess the electrical impedance tomography (EIT) systems for their validation, calibration and comparison purposes. Metal surface electrodes are generally used in practical phantoms which reduce the SNR of the boundary data due to their design and development errors. Novel flexible and biocompatible gold electrode arrays of high geometric precision are proposed to improve the boundary data quality in EIT. The flexible gold electrode arrays are developed on flexible FR4 sheets using thin film technology and practical gold electrode phantoms are developed with different configurations. Injecting a constant current to the phantom boundary the surface potentials are measured by a LabVIEW based data acquisition system and the resistivity images are reconstructed in EIDORS. Boundary data profile and the resistivity images obtained from the gold electrode phantoms are compared with identical phantoms developed with stainless steel electrodes. Surface profilometry, microscopy and the impedance spectroscopy show that the gold electrode arrays are smooth, geometrically precised and less resistive. Results show that the boundary data accuracy and image quality are improved with gold electrode arrays. Results show that the diametric resistivity plot (DRP), contrast to noise ratio (CNR), percentage of contrast recovery (PCR) and coefficient of contrast (COC) of reconstructed images are improved in gold electrode phantoms. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report here the investigations on the size dependent variation of magnetic properties of nickel ferrite nanoparticles. Nickel ferrite nanoparticles of different sizes (14 to 22 nm) were prepared by the sol-gel route at different annealing temperatures. They are characterized by TGA-DTA, XRD, SEM, TEM and Raman spectroscopy techniques for the confirmation of the temperature of phase formation, thermal stability, crystallinity, morphology and structural status of the nickel ferrite nanoparticles. The magnetization studies revealed that the saturation magnetization (M-s), retentivity (M-r) increase, while coercivity (H-c) and anisotropy (K-eff) decrease as the particle size increases. The observed value of M-s is found to be relatively higher for a particle size of 22 nm. In addition, we have estimated the magnetic domain size using magnetic data and correlated to the average particle size. The calculated magnetic domain size is closely matching with the particle size estimated from XRD. Impedance spectroscopy was employed to study the samples in an equivalent circuit to understand their transport phenomena. It shows that nickel ferrite nanoparticles exhibit a non-Debye behavior with increasing particle size due to the influence of increasing disorders, surface effects, grain size and grain boundaries, etc. (C) 2015 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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We have performed a comparative study of ultrafast charge carrier dynamics in a range of III-V nanowires using optical pump-terahertz probe spectroscopy. This versatile technique allows measurement of important parameters for device applications, including carrier lifetimes, surface recombination velocities, carrier mobilities and donor doping levels. GaAs, InAs and InP nanowires of varying diameters were measured. For all samples, the electronic response was dominated by a pronounced surface plasmon mode. Of the three nanowire materials, InAs nanowires exhibited the highest electron mobilities of 6000 cm² V⁻¹ s⁻¹, which highlights their potential for high mobility applications, such as field effect transistors. InP nanowires exhibited the longest carrier lifetimes and the lowest surface recombination velocity of 170 cm s⁻¹. This very low surface recombination velocity makes InP nanowires suitable for applications where carrier lifetime is crucial, such as in photovoltaics. In contrast, the carrier lifetimes in GaAs nanowires were extremely short, of the order of picoseconds, due to the high surface recombination velocity, which was measured as 5.4 × 10⁵ cm s⁻¹. These findings will assist in the choice of nanowires for different applications, and identify the challenges in producing nanowires suitable for future electronic and optoelectronic devices.


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Polypropylene (PP) microporous membranes were successfully prepared by swift heavy ion irradiation and track-etching. Polypropylene foils were irradiated with Au-197 ions of kinetic energy 11.4 MeV.u(-1) (total energy of 2245.8 MeV) and fluence 1x10(8) ions.cm(-2) at normal incidence. The damaged regions produced by the gold ions along the trajectories were etched in H2SO4 and K2Cr2O7 solutions leading to the formation of cylindrical pores in the membranes. The pore diameters of the PP microporous membranes increased from 380 to 1610 nm as the etching time increased from 5 to 30 min. The surface and cross-section morphologies of the porous membranes were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The micropores in the membranes were found to be cylindrical in shape, homogeneous in distribution, and equal in size. Some mathematical relations of the porosity of the PP microporous membranes were established by analytic derivation. The microporous membranes were used in lithium-ion batteries to measure their properties as separators. The electrical conductivity of the porous membrane immersed in liquid electrolyte was found to be comparable to that of commercial separators by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The results showed that the porosity and electrical conductivity were dependent on the ion fluence and etching time. By adjusting these two factors, microporous membranes with good porosity and electrical conductivity were made that met the requirements for commercial use.


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A label-free and highly sensitive impedimetric aptasensor based on a polyamidoamine dendrimer modified gold electrode was developed for the determination of thrombin. Amino-terminated polyamidoamine dendrimer was firstly covalently attached to the cysteine functionalized gold electrode through glutaraldehyde coupling. Subsequently, the dendrimer was activated with glutaraldehyde, and amino-modified thrombin aptamer probe was immobilized onto the activated dendrimer monolayer film. The layer-by-layer assembly process was traced by surface plasmon resonance and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.


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A sandwich structure consisting of Ag nanoparticles (NPs), p-aminothiophenol (p-ATP) self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), and Ag NPs was fabricated on glass and characterized by surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). The SERS spectrum of a p-ATP SAM in such sandwich structure shows that the electromagnetic enhancement is greater than that on Ag NPs assembled on glass. The obtained enhancement factors (EF) on solely one sandwich structure were as large as 6.0 +/- 0.62x10(4) and 1.2 +/- 0.62x10(7) for the 7a and 3b(b(2)) vibration modes, respectively. The large enhancement effect of p-ATP SAMs is likely a result of plasmon coupling between the two layers of Ag NP (localized surface plasmon) resonance, creating a large localized electromagnetic field at their interface, where p-ATP resides. Moreover, the fact that large EF values (similar to 1.9 +/- 0.7x10(4) and 9.4 +/- 0.7x10(6) for the 7a- and b(2)-type vibration modes, respectively) were also obtained on a single sandwich structure of Au NPs/p-ATP SAMs/Ag NPs in the visible demonstrates that the electromagnetic coupling does not exist only between Ag NPs but also between Au and Ag NPs.


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Protein multilayers composed of avidin and biotin-labeled antibody (bio-Ab) were prepared on gold surface by layer-by-layer assembly technology using the high specific binding constant (K-a: approximate to 10(15) M-1) between avidin and biotin. The assembly process of the multilayer films was monitored by using real-time BIA technique based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The multilayer films were also characterized by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and reflection absorption Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The results indicate that the growth of the multilayer is uniform. From response of SPR for each layer, the stoichiometry S for the interaction between avidin and bio-Ab is calculated to be 0.37 in the multilayer whereas 0.82 in the first layer. The protein mass concentration for each layer was also obtained. The schematic figure for the multilayer assembly was proposed according to the layer mass, concentration and S value. The utility of the mutilayer films for immunosensing has been investigated via their subsequent interaction with hIgG. The binding ability of the multilayer increased for one to three layers of antibody, and then reach saturation after the fourth layer. These layer-by-layer constructed antibody multilayers enhance the binding ability than covalently immobilized monolayer antibody. This technology can be also used for construction of other thin films for immunosensing and biosensor.


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Biomolecule template gives new opportunities for the fabrication of novel materials with special features. Here we report a route to the formation of DNA-polyaniline (PAn) complex, using immobilized DNA as a template. A gold electrode was first modified with monolayer of 2-aminoethanethiol by self-assembly. Thereafter, by simply immersing the gold electrode into DNA solution, DNA molecules can be attached onto the gold surface, followed by the DNA-templated assembly and electropolymerization of protonated aniline. The electrostatic interactions between DNA and aniline can keep the aniline monomers aligning along the DNA strands. Investigations by surface plasmon resonance (SPR), electrochemistry and reflection absorption UV/Vis-Near IR spectroscopy substantially convince that PAn can be electrochemically grown around DNA template on gold surface. This work may be provides fundamental aspects for building PAn nanowires with DNA as template on solid surface if DNA molecules can be individually separated and stretched.


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The interaction of lanthanide ions with a supported bilayer lipid (1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine) membrane (sBLM) was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and ac impedance spectroscopy in this paper, Lanthanide can affect the conformation of the supported bilayer lipid membrane and cause pore formation. Through the pores, Fe(CN)(6)(3) (4) can reach the electrode surface and show its redox behaviour. Furthermore the redox currents or Fe(CN)(6)(3) (4) increased with increasing concentration of lanthanides and leveled off at 1.2 muM for Eu3+. The interaction ability of three lanthanides with sBLM follows the sequence: Eu3+ > Tb3+ > La3+.