661 resultados para Student Learning, Economics Education, Perceptions
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Recent research suggests that early in learning, students primarily use episodic memory when recalling information, but as learning develops and schematisation occurs, students' knowledge is likely to be dominated by semantic memory. This shift has been examined through student's memory awareness; 'remembering' is linked to episodic memory and 'knowing' is linked to semantic memory. This paper explores the effect of different review opportunities on students' memory awareness and schematisation, and reports on findings that indicate students are more likely to shift from 'remembering' to 'knowing' if they have the opportunity to review the learning material, but regularly and in different formats. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Amongst the opportunities for cross-cultural contact created by the burgeoning use of the Internet are those provided by electronic discussion lists. This study looks at what happens when language students venture out of the classroom (virtual or otherwise) to participate in on-line discussion groups with native speakers. Responses to messages and commentary by moderators and other participants on the (in) appropriateness of contributions allow us to determine what constitutes successful participation and to make suggestions regarding effective teaching strategies for this medium. A case study examines the threads started by four anglophone students of French when they post messages to a forum on the Web site of the French newspaper Le Monde. Investigation of these examples points to the ways in which electronic discussion inflects and is inflected by cultural and generic expectations. We suggest that successful participation on Internet fora depends on awareness of such cultural and generic mores and an ability to work within and/or with them. Teachers therefore need to find ways in which students can be sensitized to such issues so that their participation in such electronic discussion is no longer seen as linguistic training, but as engagement with a cultural practice.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is seen as a vital part of a professional engineers career, by professional engineering institutions as well as individual engineers. Factors such as ever-changing workforce requirements and rapid technological change have resulted in engineers no longer being able to rely just on the skills they learnt at university or can pick up on the job; they must undergo a structured professional development with clear objectives to develop further professional knowledge, values and skills. This paper presents a course developed for students undertaking a Master of Engineering or Master of Project Management at the University of Queensland. This course was specifically designed to help students plan their continuing professional development, while developing professional skills such as communication, ethical reasoning, critical judgement and the need for sustainable development. The course utilised a work integrated learning pedagogy applied within a formal learning environment, and followed the competency based chartered membership program of Engineers Australia, the peak professional body of engineers in Australia. The course was developed and analysed using an action learning approach. The main research question was Can extra teaching and learning activities be developed that will simulate workplace learning? The students continually assessed and reflected upon their current competencies, skills and abilities, and planed for the future attainment of specific competencies which they identified as important to their future careers. Various evaluation methods, including surveys before and after the course, were used to evaluate the action learning intervention. It was found that the assessment developed for the course was one of the most important factors, not only in driving student learning, as is widely accepted, but also in changing the students understandings and acceptance of the need for continuous professional development. The students also felt that the knowledge, values and skills they developed would be beneficial for their future careers, as they were developed within the context of their own professional development, rather than to just get through the course. 2005, American Society for Engineering Education
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo descrever e analisar representaes sociais construdas por professores de matemtica em atuao na Regio da Grande So Paulo e que envolvem dificuldades na aprendizagem dessa disciplina. O objeto desta investigao est centrado nas vivncias desses professores da educao bsica com o ensino de matemtica. O conceito de representao social (Moscovici, 1978, 2004; Jodelet, 2001, 2002) e a formao de professores de matemtica (Fiorentini e Lorenzato, 2001, 2006; Valente, 2002; Miorim, 1998) foram os pressupostos tericos que fundamentaram esta pesquisa. Este estudo, realizado com professores de matemtica em atuao, teve como principal motivao a possibilidade de contribuir para uma reflexo tanto sobre a formao de professores de matemtica em cursos de licenciatura como a respeito dos entraves e avanos na formao pedaggica e suas relaes com a aprendizagem dos alunos na disciplina. Os resultados da presente pesquisa apontam para a seguinte constatao: as representaes que os professores tm de seus alunos com baixo rendimento os levam a refletir sobre a prpria atuao pedaggica e definem a ao a ser tomada perante esses alunos.
O sistema educacional vem sofrendo influncia direta das modificaes ocorridas na sociedade, que est cada vez mais exposta a uma gama de informaes que nem sempre so transformadas em conhecimento. Essas transformaes vo desde uma nova postura do professor em sala de aula at a prpria funo social da escola, que ainda no responde s necessidades da sociedade. Nesse novo cenrio faz-se imprescindvel um professor mais preparado para orientar o aluno, ajudando-o a interagir com o outro, a selecionar as informaes a que est exposto e a transform-las em conhecimento, bem como a interagir com seus semelhantes. importante considerar que aprendizagem do aluno est diretamente relacionada aos mtodos de ensino aos quais est submetido. E, para garantir tal aprendizagem necessrio haver uma equipe mais preparada, mais coesa, ciente do trabalho que est desenvolvendo. Por isso a parceria do trabalho entre a coordenao pedaggica e os professores se torna indispensvel. Mas ser que o coordenador tem esse olhar? Para saber como o coordenador pedaggico atua na formao continuada dos professores, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida com uma parte terica e uma parte prtica. No referencial terico esto lvaro Marchesi, Vitor Henrique Paro e Jos Carlos Libneo, por sua grande contribuio na rea da gesto; Antnio Nvoa, Cleide Terzi, Laurinda Almeida e Vera Placco, por seus trabalhos sobre formao de professores e de coordenadores pedaggicos, alm de dissertaes de mestrado e teses de doutorado sobre o tema. Na parte prtica a pesquisa se organiza na perspectiva da metodologia quali/quantitativa, com entrevistas com nove coordenadores pedaggicos. Como a nfase da dissertao est na construo do perfil desse profissional, foram entrevistados coordenadores de diversos segmentos (Educao Infantil, Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Mdio) de diferentes escolas (rede particular e pblica). No aspecto quantitativo da pesquisa, foi aplicado um questionrio a dezesseis professores, para saber da atuao do coordenador pedaggico no aspecto formador. Os resultados mostraram que o coordenador pedaggico tambm precisa de formao. Ele desempenha tarefas especficas e que no so tratadas nem nas universidades nem nos cursos de especializao; precisa haver a parceria entre o coordenador pedaggico e o diretor pedaggico, para juntos decidirem os caminhos a serem seguidos dentro da escola; precisa haver um olhar mais direcionado para a formao da equipe, com reunies, encontros, leituras e atividades planejadas, intencionais; h necessidade de devolutivas aos professores com mais frequncia, estar mais perto, mais atuante; o coordenador pedaggico precisa repensar o trabalho coletivo, dar a seus professores autonomia para atuarem, dentro do que for possvel. Mesmo os coordenadores pedaggicos que no tm autonomia dentro da escola podem fazer algo para deixar o trabalho com a marca do seu direcionamento; somente com um trabalho de parceria ser possvel resolver os conflitos e as tenses existentes e fortalecer a liderana, a confiana de seus pares, o trabalho em equipe. Dessa forma, as limitaes do trabalho pedaggico com certeza diminuiro.
Com os avanos tecnolgicos de comunicao e informao (TICs) e a utilizao em larga escala da internet, tem-se uma inovao no processo educativo que pode se valer de instrumentos diferenciados e permitir acesso informao e educao para um maior nmero de pessoas. A partir dessa evoluo, a implantao de programas nacionais de Educao a Distncia (EAD) no pas comeou a ocorrer de forma significativa. Esta modalidade acompanha o avano das tecnologias e a democratizao do acesso educao, expandindo-se de forma visvel, conquistando novos espaos e permitindo que o processo da educao acontea de maneira eficiente, buscando formar discentes crticos e participativos do seu processo de formao educacional. Com base nesta perspectiva, este trabalho teve como objetivo discutir a aprendizagem sob a ptica do aluno de um curso de Letras na modalidade EAD. Realizou-se, para tanto, a contextualizao histrica da EAD no mundo, no Brasil e na instituio alvo desta pesquisa. A metodologia utilizada para este fim foi uma pesquisa qualitativa e o corpus de pesquisa so as respostas dos sujeitos participantes a um questionrio de carter exploratrio. Foram elaboradas trs categorias para anlise do contedo das respostas Opo pelo curso em EAD: tecnologia versus disponibilidade temporal; Interao via AVA: desvelando o preparo dos atores atuantes na modalidade e Fatores que implicam no processo de aprendizagem na modalidade EAD: autonomia, organizao e comprometimento. Alguns aspectos se evidenciaram nesta pesquisa e possibilitaram concluir que a EAD na instituio pesquisada tem buscado contemplar as necessidades existentes nesse cenrio, por meio do oferecimento de aes educativas e de recursos tecnolgicos que possam oferecer aos alunos uma educao de qualidade, com uma relao de interao contnua, na qual a distncia no seja uma limitao. Para tanto, requer dos alunos uma postura de comprometimento, interesse, organizao e disciplina, pois dessa forma, as aprendizagens nessa modalidade podem ser to significativas e eficazes quanto na presencial. Nesse sentido, foi possvel inferir tambm, que os alunos da EAD tm procurado responder a tais exigncias adequando-se a elas de forma consciente ao demonstrar, sobretudo, autonomia e viso crtica de que s assim podero se tornar sujeitos ativos e participativos do processo de construo do prprio conhecimento.
A prtica do professor em sala de aula de extrema importncia para um bom desenvolvimento do educando. No ensino bsico podemos perceber grande nmero de crianas com dificuldades de aprendizagem relacionadas leitura e escrita elas sabem ler o que est escrito, mas no conseguem interpretar o que esto lendo. Diante desse contexto, este estudo teve por objetivo realizar uma discusso para verificar se, efetivamente, os conhecimentos psicopedaggicos so facilitadores para a organizao de intervenes na prtica pedaggica de professores que enfrentam dificuldades de aprendizagem de alunos no processo de leitura e escrita, e investigar se os professores que possuem os conhecimentos psicopedaggicos tm mais sucesso em termos de resultados satisfatrios frente s intervenes com seus alunos, em relao aos professores que no possuem estes conhecimentos. Este estudo se delimitou no mbito do Ensino Fundamental, e teve como sujeitos, seis professores pedagogos que atuam ou atuaram, nos 3 ou 4 anos do Ciclo I (das sries iniciais) em escolas pblicas na grande So Paulo trs que possuem o curso de psicopedagogia e trs que no possuem o curso de psicopedagogia, e teve como motivadoras as seguintes questes: A prtica psicopedaggica pode contribuir de forma positiva no contexto escolar? O professor pedagogo, com os conhecimentos psicopedaggicos, tem mais facilidade para lidar com dificuldades de aprendizagem? realizada, tambm, uma recuperao histrica sobre o surgimento da Psicopedagogia no Brasil e seu campo de atuao, alm de reflexes sobre se a discusso acerca das dificuldades de aprendizagem est relacionada com as dificuldades de ensinagem". O referencial terico bsico, para o aprofundamento de algumas discusses propostas, baseou-se em autores como Bossa, 2011; Fernndez, 1991; Pan, 1992; Polity, 2002 e Franco, 2003. Para a coleta de dados dos sujeitos selecionados, realizamos entrevistas semi-estruturadas, gravadas em udio e transcritas, para posterior organizao de categorias de anlises, por meio da metodologia de anlise de contedo proposta por Franco (2003). Atravs desta investigao constatamos que como a psicopedagogia possui um carter interdisciplinar, muito da sua contribuio terica e prtica vm de outras reas do conhecimento, como por exemplo, da pedagogia. Assim, muito das prticas interventivas dos professores com psicopedagogia para com os alunos que enfrentam dificuldades de aprendizagem na leitura e na escrita, so as mesmas que os professores, sem psicopedagogia, utilizam em sala de aula.
Esta tese teve por objetivo saber como o corpo docente da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS) percebe, entende e reage ante a incorporao e utilizao das Tecnologias de Informao e Comunicao (TICs) nos cursos de graduao dessa Instituio, considerando os novos processos comunicacionais dialgicos que elas podem proporcionar na sociedade atual. Metodologicamente, a tese composta por pesquisa bibliogrfica, buscando fundamentar as reas da Educao e Comunicao, assim como a Educomunicao; pesquisa documental para contextualizao do lcus da pesquisa e de uma pesquisa exploratria a partir da aplicao de um questionrio online a 165 docentes da UEMS, que responderam voluntariamente. Verificou-se que os professores utilizam as TICs cotidianamente nas atividades pessoais e, em menor escala, nos ambientes profissionais. Os desafios esto em se formar melhor esse docente e oferecer capacitao continuada para que utilizem de forma mais eficaz as TICs nas salas de aula. Destaca-se ainda que os avanos em tecnologia e os novos ecossistemas comunicacionais construram novas e outras realidades, tornando a aprendizagem um fator no linear, exigindo-se reviso nos projetos pedaggicos na educao superior para que estes viabilizem dilogos propositivos entre a comunicao e a educao. A infraestrutura institucional para as TICs outro entrave apontado, tanto na aquisio como na manuteno desses aparatos tecnolgicos pela Universidade. Ao final, prope-se realizar estudos e pesquisas que possam discutir alteraes nos regimes contratuais de trabalho dos docentes, uma vez que, para atuar com as TICs de maneira apropriada, exige-se mais tempo e dedicao do docente.
There has been substantial research into the role of distance learning in education. Despite the rise in the popularity and practice of this form of learning in business, there has not been a parallel increase in the amount of research carried out in this field. An extensive investigation was conducted into the entire distance learning system of a multi-national company with particular emphasis on the design, implementation and evaluation of the materials. In addition, the performance and attitudes of trainees were examined. The results of a comparative study indicated that trainees using distance learning had significantly higher test scores than trainees using conventional face-to-face training. The influence of the previous distance learning experience, educational background and selected study environment of trainees was investigated. Trainees with previous experience of distance learning were more likely to complete the course and with significantly higher test scores than trainees with no previous experience. The more advanced the educational background of trainees, the greater the likelihood of their completing the course, although there was no significant difference in the test scores achieved. Trainees preferred to use the materials at home and those opting to study in this environment scored significantly higher than those studying in the office, the study room at work or in a combination of environments. The influence of learning styles (Kolb, 1976) was tested. The results indicated that the convergers had the greatest completion rates and scored significantly higher than trainees with the assimilator, accommodator and diverger learning styles. The attitudes of the trainees, supervisors and trainers were examined using questionnaire, interview and discussion techniques. The findings highlighted the potential problems of lack of awareness and low motivation which could prove to be major obstacles to the success of distance learning in business.
This text is designed specifically for the increasing number of students taking modules in Equality andDiversity, including those taking the CIPD specialist elective Managing Diversity and Equal Opportunities module. The authors combined experience is used to offer a mixture of a strong practical focus and a clear academic approach to create a balance of theory and practice. This text is the only accessible, up-to-date and student-focused text in the market that specifically features this subject area. his text is designed specifically for the increasing number of students taking a module in Equality and Diversity. The text contains a range of features to aid student learning, including: - Learning objectives - at the beginning of each chapter summarising the content of the chapter - Tasks - interactive tasks to encourage students to research around the subject - Case studies - thought-provoking examples of practice - Legal cases - examples of legal practice - Key Points - at the end of each chapter, a summary of key issues raised in the chapter - Examples to work through - at the end of each chapter, mini case examples with questions to check students' understanding.
Aston University has been working closely with key companies from within the electricity industry for several years, initially in the development and delivery of an employer-led foundation degree programme in electrical power engineering, and more recently, in the development of a progression pathway for foundation degree graduates to achieve a Bachelors-level qualification. The Electrical Power Engineering foundation degree was developed in close consultation with the industry such that the programme is essentially owned by the sector. Programme delivery has required significant shifts away from traditional HE teaching patterns whilst maintaining the quality requirement and without compromise of the academic degree standard. Block teaching (2-week slots), partnership delivery, off-site student support and work-based learning have all presented challenges as we have sought to maximise the student learning experience and to ensure that the graduates are fit-for purpose and "hit the ground running" within a defined career structure for sponsoring companies. This paper will outline the skills challenges facing the sector; describe programme developments and delivery challenges; before articulating some observations and conclusions around programme effectiveness, impact of foundation degree graduates in the workplace and the significance of the close working relationship with key sponsoring companies. Copyright 2012, September.
While storytelling in conversation has been extensively investigated, much less is known about storytelling in the English language classroom, particularly teachers telling their personal experience stories, termed teacher personal narratives in this study. Teacher personal narratives, a combination of the ancient art of human storytelling and the current practices of teaching, offer an innovative approach to language teaching and learning. This thesis examines teacher personal narrative use in Japanese university English language classrooms and is of relevance to both practicing classroom teachers and teacher educators because it explores the role, significance, and effectiveness of personal stories told by teachers. The pedagogical implications which the findings may have for language teaching and learning as well as for teacher education programs are also discussed. Four research questions were posed: 1. What are the characteristics of teacher personal narratives? 2. When, how, and why do language teachers use personal narratives in the classroom? 3. What is the reaction of learners to teacher personal narratives? 4. How do teacher personal narratives provide opportunities for student learning? A mixed methods approach using the tradition of multiple case studies provided an in-depth exploration of the personal narratives of four teachers. Data collection consisted of classroom observations and audio recordings, teacher and student semi-structured interviews, student diaries, and Japan-wide teacher questionnaires. Ninety-seven teacher personal narratives were analyzed for their structural and linguistic features. The findings showed that the narrative elements of orientation, complication, and evaluation are almost always present in these stories, and that discourse and tense markers may aid in student noticing of the input which can lead to eventual student output. The data also demonstrated that reasons for telling narratives mainly fall into two categories: affectiveoriented and pedagogical-oriented purposes. This study has shown that there are significant differences between conversational storytelling and educational storytelling.
The past decade has seen a drive to give all pupils the opportunity to study a Modern Foreign Language (MFL) in schools in England, making the teaching and learning of foreign languages part of the primary school curriculum. The Languages for All: Languages for Life (DfES, 2002) policy was introduced through the National Languages Strategy with an objective to increase the nations language capability. Raising the educational standard for all pupils is another government initiative with a strong emphasis on inclusion. As the Languages for All policy stresses the importance and benefits of language learning, and inclusion suggests equality and provision for all, this study examines the inclusion of all key stage 2 pupils in foreign language learning and describes perceptions and experiences of pupils, particularly those identified as having special educational needs (SEN) in their performances and negotiations in learning French. As a small scale, qualitative and ethnographically informed, this research is based on participant observation and semi-structured interviews with pupils, teachers of French, teaching assistants and parents. This study draws upon Nussbaums capabilities approach and Bourdieus concepts as theoretical foundations to analyse the inclusive French classroom. As the capabilities approach takes people as ends not means, and goes beyond a focus on resources, it lends itself to critical thinking on issues around inclusion in education. In this context, this researcher investigates the experiences of pupils who struggle with foreign language learning because of their abilities or disabilities, and frames the discussion around the capabilities approach. The study also focuses on motivation and identity in foreign language learning, and draws upon Bourdieus concepts of capital, habitus and field to analyse how the participants make sense of and respond to their own circumstances in relation to their performances in the language learning process. This research thus considers Bourdieus concepts for a deeper understanding of issues of inequality in learning French and takes up Nussbaums insight that pupils may differ in what learning French means to them, and it is not how they differ, but the difference between their capability to choose and achieve what they value that should matter. The findings indicate that although, initially, the French classroom appears inclusive due to the provision and practices of inclusion, a closer look shows it to be exclusionary. In addition, responses from the participants on the usefulness and benefits of foreign language learning are contradictory to the objectives of the Languages for All policy, illustrating the complexity of the inclusive MFL classroom. This research concludes that structural and interpersonal practices of inclusion contribute to the disguising of exclusion in a classroom deemed inclusive. Implications are that an understanding and consideration of other aspect of life such as well-being, interests, needs and values should form a necessary part of the language policy.