919 resultados para Square Root of NOT
Saimiri sciureus is one of the smallest Cebidae native of Amazon region and also found at the biological reserve of northeast Atlantic forest. It is an omnivore animal, with diversified diet that directly influences the lingual mucosa, which includes certain types of papillae with different organization levels. The present study attempted to describe the morphological and ultrastructure aspects of the dorsal surface of the S. sciureus. Five tongues of de S. sciureus were analyzed from three males and two females who died from natural causes and were obtained from breeding colonies of CENP-Ananindeua-PA. Main macroscopic features were a general triangular shape with a craniocaudal elongation pointed apex. Tissue samples-apex, body, and root of tongue-were fixed in modified Karnovsky solution, following standard scanning protocol, mounted in stubs, coated by gold, and analyzed by Scanning Electron Macroscopy (SEM). Four types of papillae were described: filiform (along all tissue extension with 154 mu m of diameter), fungiform (along all tissue extension with 272 mu m of diameter), vallate [just three units in caudal (dorsal) portion with 830 mu m of diameter] and foliate (one pair at caudolateral surface with similar to 13 projections and 3000 mu m in length). Data analysis indicates that the distribution and ultra structural morphology of the S. sciureus lingual papillae are some similar to other primates. Microsc. Res. Tech. 74:484-487, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Conventional whole-body single frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) of body composition typically uses height as a surrogate measure of conductor length. A new method of BIA analysis for the prediction of body cell mass (BCM) and extracellular water (ECW, as % body weight) not using height has been introduced-the Soft Tissue Analyser (STA(TM), Akern Sri, Florence, Italy)-making it ideal for use in subjects where measurement of height is difficult or impossible. The performance of the new analytical method in predicting BCM and ECW in 139 normal control subjects was assessed by comparison with reference data obtained from a four-component (4-C) model of body composition and with predictions obtained from conventional BIA analysis. Both predicted BCM and ECW were strongly (r = 0.82, SEE = 6.3 kg and 0.89, SEE = 1.3 kg respectively) correlated with the corresponding 4-C model measurements although differing significantly from the lines of identity (P < 0.0001). Fat-free mass, calculated from STA estimates of BCM and ECW, was better predicted (r = 0.91, SEE = 5.6 kg). The significant differences in STA-group mean values for BCM and ECW and wide limits of agreement compared with the reference data indicate that the method cannot be used with confidence for prediction of these body compartments despite the obvious advantage of not requiring an accurate measurement of height. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
Contributors to the debate surrounding the ethics of germ line gene manipulation have by and large concentrated their efforts on discussions of the potential risks that are associated with the use of this technology. Many international advisory committees have ruled out the acceptability of germ line gene manipulation at least for the time being. The purpose of this work is to generate much needed discussion on the many other ethical issues concerning the implementation of not only germ line gene manipulation but also other related biotechnologies. In this paper I systematically investigate and analyse the most salient issues put forward by proponents and opponents alike. I argue that if germ line manipulation proves to be a safe and effective procedure, then the principle of beneficence imposes on the medical profession a moral duty to pursue the technology.
We examined the impact of single-tree selective logging and fuel reduction bums on the abundance of hollow-nesting bird species at a regional scale in southeastern Queensland, Australia. Data were collected on species abundance and habitat structure of dry sclerophyll production forest at 36 sites with known logging and fire histories. Sixteen bird species were recorded with most being resident, territorial, obligate hollow nesters that used hollows that were either small (18 cm diameter). Species densities were typically low, but combinations of two forest management and three habitat structural variables influenced the abundances of eight bird species in different and sometimes conflicting ways. The results suggest that habitat tree management for biodiversity in production forests cannot depend upon habitat structural characteristics alone. Management histories appear to have independent influence (on some bird species) that are distinguishable from their impacts on habitat structure per se. Rather than managing to maximize species abundances to maintain biodiversity, we may be better off managing to avoid extinctions of populations by identifying thresholds of acceptable fluctuations in populations of not only hollow-nesting birds but other forest dependent wildlife relative to scientifically valid forest management and habitat structural surrogates.
Purpose: The aims of the present study were to examine electromyographic (EMG) activity of six bilateral trunk muscles during maximal contraction in three cardinal planes, and to determine the direction of contraction that gives maximal activation for each muscle. both for healthy subjects and back-pain patients. Methods: Twenty-eight healthy subjects and 15 back-pain patients performed maximum voluntary contractions in three cardinal planes, Surface EMG signals were recorded from rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, latissimus dorsi, iliocostalis lumborum, and multifidus bilaterally. Root mean square values of the EMG data were calculated to quantify I the amplitude of EMG signals. Results: For both healthy subjects and back-pain patients. one single direction of contraction was found to give the maximum EMG signals for most muscles. Rectus abdominis demonstrated maximal activity in trunk flexion, external oblique in lateral flexion. internal oblique in axial rotation, and multifidus in extension. For the latissimus dorsi and iliocostalis lumborum. maximal activity was demonstrated in more than one cardinal plane. Conclusion: This study has implications for future research involving normalization of muscle activity to maximal levels required in many trunk EMG studies. As the latissimus dorsi and iliocostalis lumborum demonstrate individual differences in the plane that gives maximal activity, these muscles may require testing in more than one plane.
Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) is both a promising process in wastewater treatment and a long overlooked microbial physiology that can contribute significantly to biological nitrogen cycling in the world's oceans. Anammox is mediated by a monophyletic group of bacteria that branches deeply in the Planctomycetales. Here we describe a new genus and species of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing planctomycetes, discovered in a wastewater treatment plant (wwtp) treating landfill leachate in Pitsea, UK. The biomass from this wwtp showed high anammox activity (5.0 +/- 0.5 nmol/mg protein/min) and produced hydrazine from hydroxylamine, one of the unique features of anammox bacteria. Eight new planctomycete 16S rRNA gene sequences were present in the 16S rRNA gene clone library generated from the biomass. Four of these were affiliated to known anammox 16S rRNA gene sequences, but branched much closer to the root of the planctomycete line of descent. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with oligonucleotide probes specific for these new sequences showed that two species (belonging to the same genus) together made up > 99% of the planctomycete population which constituted 20% of the total microbial community. The identification of these organisms as typical anammox bacteria was confirmed with electron microscopy and lipid analysis. The new species, provisionally named Candidatus Scalindua brodae and Scalindua wagneri considerably extend the biodiversity of the anammox lineage on the 16S rRNA gene level, but otherwise resemble known anammox bacteria. Simultaneously, another new species of the same genus, Candidatus Scalindua sorokinii, was detected in the water column of the Black Sea, making this genus the most widespread of all anammox bacteria described so far.
A maternidade em meninas de 10 a 14 anos é um fenômeno que desafia as políticas públicas de saúde e a academia científica, visto que, sua ocorrência aumenta a cada ano, mesmo com a taxa de fecundidade decrescendo cada vez mais no Brasil. Procurando se aproximar dessa temática para contribuir com o aprofundamento do assunto nessa faixa etária, o presente estudo teve como objetivo compreender o significado da maternidade para mães de 10 a 14 anos de idade a partir de seus relatos de experiência. Parte-se de uma investigação epidemiológica realizada em uma região interiorana do Espírito Santo, no período de Julho de 2012 a Fevereiro de 2013, em que se avaliou a assistência pré-natal de 742 puérperas, através de informações registradas em formulário e contidas no Cartão da Gestante e no prontuário do recém-nascido. Aprofunda-se o estudo dos dez casos relativos às mães que possuíam entre 10 e 14 anos no momento do parto, mediante uma abordagem qualitativa que utilizou entrevistas individuais com roteiro semiestruturado. As falas foram gravadas, transcritas e analisadas através da técnica de análise de conteúdo, com enfoque na análise temática. Os resultados evidenciaram dois temas e cada um deles definiu quatro categorias de análise: 1) A experiência da maternidade: a) A vida familiar e conjugal; b) O que é ser mãe?; c) O apoio recebido após a maternidade e d) Reflexões sobre ser mãe adolescente e 2) A perspectiva após a maternidade: a) A escolaridade; b) A inserção no mercado de trabalho; c) Conselhos para jovens da mesma faixa etária e d) Os planos para o futuro. O estudo considera que o comportamento da maternidade poderá ter características e significados distintos de acordo com o contexto social em que vivem essas meninas. O arcabouço sexual, reprodutivo e familiar possui faces e formas estruturais que diferem dentro de cada grupo e a raiz desse assunto pode estar sendo baseada em uma relação que não depende da idade cronológica das mães.
O Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC) através do seu Quarto Relatório de Avaliação das Mudanças Climáticas Globais (IPCC-AR4), publicado em 2007, atribui as emissões de gases de efeito estufa como a principal causa do aumento médio das temperaturas e alerta para uma elevação entre 1,8 ºC e 6,4 ºC até 2100, podendo modificar assim a aptidão climática para as culturas agrícolas em diversas regiões do planeta. Diante disso, existe a necessidade de substituição dos combustíveis fósseis por fontes renováveis e limpas de energia, como o etanol. A cana-de-açúcar apresenta-se, portanto, como uma cultura estratégica na produção do etanol. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos: 1) avaliar o desempenho dos Modelos Climáticos Globais (MCGs) do IPCC-AR4 na simulação de dados climáticos de temperatura do ar e precipitação pluviométrica para o período anual e mensal; 2) elaborar o zoneamento agroclimático da cana-de-açúcar para a América do Sul considerando o clima referência e o futuro para as décadas de 2020, 2050 e 2080 em função do cenário de emissão A1B considerado pessimista e que usa um equilíbrio entre todas as fontes de energia. Para a avaliação do desempenho dos MCGs, foram utilizados dados climáticos médios mensais observados de precipitação e temperatura do ar provenientes do Climatic Research Unit (CRU) e dados simulados oriundos dos 22 MCGs do IPCC (cenário 20c3m) compreendidos entre o período de 1961-1990, além do Multimodel (ensemble) – MM que é a média da combinação dos dados de todos os modelos. O desempenho dos MCGs foi avaliado pelos índices estatísticos: desvio padrão, correlação, raiz quadrada da média do quadrado das diferenças centralizadas e o “bias” dos dados simulados com os observados, que foram representados no diagrama de Taylor. Para a etapa da elaboração do zoneamento agroclimático procedeu-se o cálculo dos balanços hídricos (referência e futuros) da cultura, pelo método de Thornthwaite & Mather (1955). Para o cenário referência, utilizaram-se dados das médias mensais da precipitação e temperatura provenientes do CRU, enquanto que para as projeções futuras, dados provenientes das anomalias do Multimodel (ensemble) – MM para as décadas de 2020, 2050 e 2080, que foram ajustados, obtendo-se assim as projeções futuras para cada período analisado. Baseado nos mapas temáticos reclassificados de deficiência hídrica anual, temperatura média anual, excedente hídrico anual e no índice de satisfação das necessidades de água (ISNA), realizou-se uma sobreposição dessas informações obtendo assim, os mapas finais do zoneamento agroclimático da cana-de-açúcar. Posteriormente ao zoneamento, realizou-se a análise das transições (ganhos, perdas e persistências) entre as classes de aptidão climática da cultura. Os resultados mostram que o Multimodel (ensemble) – MM para o período mensal apresenta o melhor desempenho entre os modelos analisados. As áreas inaptas correspondem a maior parte da América do Sul e uma expressiva transição entre as classes de aptidão climática da cultura.
World Congress of Malacology, Universidade dos Açores, Ponta Delgada, 21-28 de julho.
Introduction: Although relative uptake values aren’t the most important objective of a 99mTc-DMSA scan, they are important quantitative information. In most of the dynamic renal scintigraphies attenuation correction is essential if one wants to obtain a reliable result of the quantification process. Although in DMSA scans the absent of significant background and the lesser attenuation in pediatric patients, makes that this attenuation correction techniques are actually not applied. The geometric mean is the most common method, but that includes the acquisition of an anterior (extra) projection, which it is not acquired by a large number of NM departments. This method and the attenuation factors proposed by Tonnesen will be correlated with the absence of attenuation correction procedures. Material and Methods: Images from 20 individuals (aged 3 years +/- 2) were used and the two attenuation correction methods applied. The mean time of acquisition (time post DMSA administration) was 3.5 hours +/- 0.8h. Results: The absence of attenuation correction showed a good correlation with both attenuation methods (r=0.73 +/- 0.11) and the mean difference verified on the uptake values between the different methods were 4 +/- 3. The correlation was higher when the age was lower. The attenuation correction methods correlation was higher between them two than with the “no attenuation correction” method (r=0.82 +/- 0.8), and the mean differences of the uptake values were 2 +/- 2. Conclusion: The decision of not doing any kind of attenuation correction method can be justified by the minor differences verified on the relative kidney uptake values. Nevertheless, if it is recognized that there is a need for an accurate value of the relative kidney uptake, then an attenuation correction method should be used. Attenuation correction factors proposed by Tonnesen can be easily implemented and so become a practical and easy to implement alternative, namely when the anterior projection - needed for the geometric mean methodology – is not acquired.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a validade fatorial e de construto da versão brasileira do "Cuestionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo" (CESQT). MÉTODOS: O processo de versão do questionário original do espanhol para o português incluiu as etapas de tradução, retrotradução e equivalência semântica. Foi realizada análise fatorial confirmatória e utilizados modelos de equações estruturais de quatro fatores, similar ao da estrutura original do CESQT. A amostra foi constituida de 714 professores que trabalhavam em instituições de ensino da cidade de Porto Alegre, RS, e região metropolitana 2008. O questionário possui 20 itens distribuídos em quatro subescalas: Ilusão pelo trabalho (5 itens), Desgaste psíquico (4 itens), Indolência (6 itens) e Culpa (5 itens). O modelo foi analisado com base no programa LISREL 8. RESULTADOS: As medidas de ajuste indicaram adequação do modelo hipotetizado: χ2(164) = 605,86 (p < 0,000), Goodness Fit Index = 0,92, Adjusted Goodness Fit Index = 0,90, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation = 0,062, Non-Normed Fit Index = 0,91, Comparative Fit Index = 0,92, Parsimony Normed Fit Index = 0,77. O valor de alfa de Cronbach para todas as subescalas foi maior que 0,70. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados indicam que o CESQT possui validade fatorial e consistência interna adequada para avaliar burnout em professores brasileiros.
OBJECTIVE: To assess direct medical costs associated with schizophrenia relapses in mental health services. METHODS: The study was conducted in three health facilities in the city of São Paulo: a public state hospital; a Brazilian National Health System (SUS)-contracted hospital; and a community mental health center. Medical records of 90 patients with schizophrenia who received care in 2006 were reviewed. Information on inpatient expenditures was collected and used for cost estimates. RESULTS: Mean direct medical cost of schizophrenia relapses per patient was US$ 4,083.50 (R$ 8,167.58) in the public state hospital; US$ 2,302.76 (R$ 4,605.46) in the community mental health center; and US$ 1,198.50 (R$ 2,397.74) in the SUS-affiliated hospital. The main component was daily inpatient room rates (87% - 98%). Medication costs varied depending on the use of typical or atypical antipsychotic drugs. Atypical antipsychotic drugs were more often used in the community mental health center. CONCLUSIONS: Costs associated with schizophrenia relapses support investments in antipsychotic drugs and strategies to reduce disease relapse and the need for mental health inpatient services. Treating patients in a community mental health center was associated with medium costs and added the benefit of not depriving these patients from family life.
OBJETIVO: Realizar a adaptação transcultural da versão em português do Inventário de Burnout de Maslach para estudantes e investigar sua confiabilidade, validade e invariância transcultural. MÉTODOS: A validação de face envolveu participação de equipe multidisciplinar. Foi realizada validação de conteúdo. A versão em português foi preenchida em 2009, pela internet, por 958 estudantes universitários brasileiros e 556 portugueses da zona urbana. Realizou-se análise fatorial confirmatória utilizando-se como índices de ajustamento o χ²/df, o comparative fit index (CFI), goodness of fit index (GFI) e o root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA). Para verificação da estabilidade da solução fatorial conforme a versão original em inglês, realizou-se validação cruzada em 2/3 da amostra total e replicada no 1/3 restante. A validade convergente foi estimada pela variância extraída média e confiabilidade composta. Avaliou-se a validade discriminante e a consistência interna foi estimada pelo coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. A validade concorrente foi estimada por análise correlacional da versão em português e dos escores médios do Inventário de Burnout de Copenhague; a divergente foi comparada à Escala de Depressão de Beck. Foi avaliada a invariância do modelo entre a amostra brasileira e a portuguesa. RESULTADOS: O modelo trifatorial de Exaustão, Descrença e Eficácia apresentou ajustamento adequado (χ²/df = 8,498; CFI = 0,916; GFI = 0,902; RMSEA = 0,086). A estrutura fatorial foi estável (λ: χ²dif = 11,383, p = 0,50; Cov: χ²dif = 6,479, p = 0,372; Resíduos: χ²dif = 21,514, p = 0,121). Observou-se adequada validade convergente (VEM = 0,45;0,64, CC = 0,82;0,88), discriminante (ρ² = 0,06;0,33) e consistência interna (α = 0,83;0,88). A validade concorrente da versão em português com o Inventário de Copenhague foi adequada (r = 0,21;0,74). A avaliação da validade divergente do instrumento foi prejudicada pela aproximação do conceito teórico das dimensões Exaustão e Descrença da versão em português com a Escala de Beck. Não se observou invariância do instrumento entre as amostras brasileiras e portuguesas (λ:χ²dif = 84,768, p < 0,001; Cov: χ²dif = 129,206, p < 0,001; Resíduos: χ²dif = 518,760, p < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: A versão em português do Inventário de Burnout de Maslach para estudantes apresentou adequada confiabilidade e validade, mas sua estrutura fatorial não foi invariante entre os países, apontando ausência de estabilidade transcultural.
Consider the problem of sharing a wireless channel between a set of computer nodes. Hidden nodes exist and there is no base station. Each computer node hosts a set of sporadic message streams where a message stream releases messages with real-time deadlines. We propose a collision-free wireless medium access control (MAC) protocol which implements staticpriority scheduling. The MAC protocol allows multiple masters and is fully distributed. It neither relies on synchronized clocks nor out-of-band signaling; it is an adaptation to a wireless channel of the dominance protocol used in the CAN bus. But unlike that protocol, our protocol does not require a node having the ability to receive an incoming bit from the channel while transmitting to the channel. Our protocol has the key feature of not only being prioritized and collision-free but also dealing successfully with hidden nodes. This key feature enables schedulability analysis of sporadic message streams in multihop networks.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe different approaches to promote adverse drug reaction reporting among health care professionals, determining their cost-effectiveness. METHODS We analyzed and compared several approaches taken by the Northern Pharmacovigilance Centre (Portugal) to promote adverse drug reaction reporting. Approaches were compared regarding the number and relevance of adverse drug reaction reports obtained and costs involved. Costs by report were estimated by adding the initial costs and the running costs of each intervention. These costs were divided by the number of reports obtained with each intervention, to assess its cost-effectiveness. RESULTS All the approaches seem to have increased the number of adverse drug reaction reports. We noted the biggest increase with protocols (321 reports, costing 1.96 € each), followed by first educational approach (265 reports, 20.31 €/report) and by the hyperlink approach (136 reports, 15.59 €/report). Regarding the severity of adverse drug reactions, protocols were the most efficient approach, costing 2.29 €/report, followed by hyperlinks (30.28 €/report, having no running costs). Concerning unexpected adverse drug reactions, the best result was obtained with protocols (5.12 €/report), followed by first educational approach (38.79 €/report). CONCLUSIONS We recommend implementing protocols in other pharmacovigilance centers. They seem to be the most efficient intervention, allowing receiving adverse drug reactions reports at lower costs. The increase applied not only to the total number of reports, but also to the severity, unexpectedness and high degree of causality attributed to the adverse drug reactions. Still, hyperlinks have the advantage of not involving running costs, showing the second best performance in cost per adverse drug reactions report.