893 resultados para Spin separation
A new solid phase extraction (SPE) method has been developed for the selective separation and preconcentration of Cu (II) ions in food and water samples prior to its flame atomic absorption spectrometry determination. The method is based on the adsorption of the Cu(II) - 2-{[4-Amino-3-(4-methylphenyl-5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl]acetyl}-N-phenyl hydrazinecarbothioamide complex on Amberlite XAD-8 resin. The metal complex retained on the resin was eluted with 7.5 mL of 2.0 mol L-1 HCl in acetone. The optimum conditions for the SPE of Cu(II) ions were investigated, and the method was subsequently applied to sea water, stream water, rice, tea, and tobacco samples for the determination of Cu(II) levels.
An efficient method for the rapid separation and purification of polyphenols from artichoke by polyamide column chromatography in combination with high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) was successfully built. The crude ethanol extracts from dry artichoke were first pre-separated by polyamide column chromatography and divided in two parts as sample 1 and sample 2. Then, the samples were further separated by HSCCC and yielded 7.8 mg of chlorogenic acid (compound I), 24.5 mg of luteolin-7-O-β-D-rutinoside (compound II), 18.4 mg of luteolin-7-O-β-D-glucoside (compound III), and 33.4 mg of cynarin (compound IV) with purity levels of 92.0%, 98.2%, 98.5%, and 98.0%, respectively, as determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. The chemical structures of these compounds were identified by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).
The technique of pH-zone-refining counter-current chromatography was successfully applied to preparatively separate three C19-diterpenoid alkaloids from the crude extracts of Aconitum carmichaelii for the first time using a two-phase solvent system of petroleum ether-ethyl acetate-methanol-water (5:5:1:9, v/v/v/v). Mesaconitine (I), hypaconitine (II), and deoxyaconitine (III) were obtained from 2.5 g of the crude alkaloids in a one-step separation; the yields were 4.16%, 16.96%, and 5.05%, respectively. The purities of compounds I, II, and III were 93.0%, 95%, and 96%, respectively, as determined by HPLC. The chemical structures of the three compounds were identified by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and NMR.
To choose among the variety of oleaginous plants for biodiesel production, the oil content of several matrices was determined through different low-field ¹H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments with varied pulse sequences, namely single-pulse, spin-echo, CPMG, and CWFP. The experiments that involved the first three sequences showed high correlation with each other and with the solvent extraction method. The quality of the vegetable oils was also evaluated on the basis of the existing correlation between the T2 values of the oils and their properties, such as viscosity, iodine index, and cetane index. These analyses were performed using HCA and PCA chemometric tools. The results were sufficiently significant to allow separation of the oleaginous matrices according to their quality. Thus, the low-field ¹H NMR technique was confirmed as an important tool to aid in the selection of oleaginous matrices for biodiesel production.
An effective method for the rapid separation and purification of three stilbenes from the radix of Polygonum cillinerve (Nakai) Ohwl by macroporous resin column chromatography combined with high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) was successfully established. In the present study, a two-phase solvent system composed of chloroform-n-butanol-methanol-water (4:1:4:2, v/v/v/v) was used for HSCCC separation. A one-step separation in 4 h from 150 mg of crude extract produced 26.3 mg of trans-resveratrol-3-O-glucoside, 42.0 mg of pieceid-2"-O-gallate, and 17.9 mg of trans-resveratrol with purities of 99.1%, 97.8%, and 99.4%, respectively, as determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The chemical structures of these compounds were identified by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
The objective of this thesis was to study the removal of gases from paper mill circulation waters experimentally and to provide data for CFD modeling. Flow and bubble size measurements were carried out in a laboratory scale open gas separation channel. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique was used to measure the gas and liquid flow fields, while bubble size measurements were conducted using digital imaging technique with back light illumination. Samples of paper machine waters as well as a model solution were used for the experiments. The PIV results show that the gas bubbles near the feed position have the tendency to escape from the circulation channel at a faster rate than those bubbles which are further away from the feed position. This was due to an increased rate of bubble coalescence as a result of the relatively larger bubbles near the feed position. Moreover, a close similarity between the measured slip velocities of the paper mill waters and that of literature values was obtained. It was found that due to dilution of paper mill waters, the observed average bubble size was considerably large as compared to the average bubble sizes in real industrial pulp suspension and circulation waters. Among the studied solutions, the model solution has the highest average drag coefficient value due to its relatively high viscosity. The results were compared to a 2D steady sate CFD simulation model. A standard Euler-Euler k-ε turbulence model was used in the simulations. The channel free surface was modeled as a degassing boundary. From the drag models used in the simulations, the Grace drag model gave velocity fields closest to the experimental values. In general, the results obtained from experiments and CFD simulations are in good qualitative agreement.
The presented thesis is devoted to investigation of wave processes in hybrid ferrite / ferroelectric structures. Spin wave devices based on ferrite films have such disadvantages, as huge size of the magnetic systems, low tuning velocity, considerable power inputs for parameters control that limits possible device applications. The considered layered structures allow to overcome the disadvantages mentioned and to promote the development of novel class of tunable microwave devices. The proposed theoretical analysis is intended to construct a model of hybrid electromagnetic-spin waves. Based on the theoretical analysis the experimental investigations were carried out. The experimental resonance characteristics of ferrite / ferroelectric resonator were obtained and their tunability by means of magnetic and electric field was demonstrated.
Interest to hole-doped mixed-valence manganite perovskites is connected to the ‘colossal’ magnetoresistance. This effect or huge drop of the resistivity, ρ, in external magnetic field, B, attains usually the maximum value near the ferromagnetic Curie temperature, TC. In this thesis are investigated conductivity mechanisms and magnetic properties of the manganite perovskite compounds LaMnO3+, La1-xCaxMnO3, La1-xCaxMn1-yFeyO3 and La1- xSrxMn1-yFeyO3. When the present work was started the key role of the phase separation and its influence on the properties of the colossal magnetoresistive materials were not clear. Our main results are based on temperature dependencies of the magnetoresistance and magnetothermopower, investigated in the temperature interval of 4.2 - 300 K in magnetic fields up to 10 T. The magnetization was studied in the same temperature range in weak (up to 0.1 T) magnetic fields. LaMnO3+δ is the parent compound for preparation of the hole-doped CMR materials. The dependences of such parameters as the Curie temperature, TC, the Coulomb gap, Δ, the rigid gap, γ, and the localization radius, a, on pressure, p, are observed in LaMnO3+δ. It has been established that the dependences above can be interpreted by increase of the electron bandwidth and decrease of the polaron potential well when p is increased. Generally, pressure stimulates delocalization of the electrons in LaMnO3+δ. Doping of LaMnO3 with Ca, leading to La1-xCaxMnO3, changes the Mn3+/Mn4+ ratio significantly and brings an additional disorder to the crystal lattice. Phase separation in a form of mixture of the ferromagnetic and the spin glass phases was observed and investigated in La1- xCaxMnO3 at x between 0 and 0.4. Influence of the replacement of Mn by Fe is studied in La0.7Ca0.3Mn1−yFeyO3 and La0.7Sr0.3Mn1−yFeyO3. Asymmetry of the soft Coulomb gap and of the rigid gap in the density of localized states, small shift of the centre of the gaps with respect to the Fermi level and cubic asymmetry of the density of states are obtained in La0.7Ca0.3Mn1−yFeyO3. Damping of TC with y is connected to breaking of the double-exchange interaction by doping with Fe, whereas the irreversibility and the critical behavior of the magnetic susceptibility are determined by the phase separation and the frustrated magnetic state of La0.7Sr0.3Mn1−yFeyO3.
En del av de intressantaste fenomenen inom dagens materialfysik uppstår ur ett intrikat samspel mellan myriader av elektroner. Högtemperatursupraledare är det mest berömda exemplet. Varken klassiska teorier eller modeller där elektronerna är oberoende av varandra kan förklara de häpnadsväckande effekterna i de starkt korrelerade elektronsystemen. I vissa kopparoxider, till exempel La2CuO4, är det känt att valenselektronerna till följd av en stark ömsesidig växelverkan lokaliseras en och en till kopparatomerna i föreningens CuO2 plan. Laddningarnas inneboende magnetiska moment—spinnet—får då en avgörande roll för materialets elektriska och magnetiska egenskaper, vilka i exemplets fall kan beskrivas med Heisenbergmodellen som är den grundläggande teoretiska modellen för mikroskopisk magnetism. Men exakt varför föreningarna kan bli supraledande då de dopas med överskottsladdningar är än så länge en obesvarad fråga. Min avhandling undersöker orenheters inverkan på Heisenbergmodellens magnetiska egenskaper—ett problem av både experimentell och teoretisk relevans. En etablerad numerisk metod har använts—en kvantmekanisk Monte Carlo teknik—för att utföra omfattande datorsimuleringar av den matematiska modellen på två dedikerade Linux datorkluster. Arbetet hör till området beräkningsfysik. De teoretiska modellerna för starkt korrelerade elektronsystem, däribland Heisenbergmodellen, är ytterst invecklade matematiskt sett och de kan inte lösas exakt. Analytiska utredningar bygger för det mesta på antaganden och förenklingar vars inverkningar på slutresultatet är ofta oklara. I det avseende kan numeriska studier vara exakta, det vill säga de kan behandla modellerna som de är. Oftast behövs bägge tillvägagångssätten. Den röda tråden i arbetet har varit att numeriskt testa vissa högaktuella analytiska förutsägelser rörande effekterna av orenheter i Heisenbergmodellen. En del av dem har vi på basen av mycket noggranna data kunnat bekräfta. Men våra resultat har också påvisat felaktigheter i de analytiska prognoserna som sedermera delvis reviderats. En del av avhandlingens numeriska upptäckter har i sin tur stimulerat till helt nya teoretiska studier.
In this thesis, general approach is devised to model electrolyte sorption from aqueous solutions on solid materials. Electrolyte sorption is often considered as unwanted phenomenon in ion exchange and its potential as an independent separation method has not been fully explored. The solid sorbents studied here are porous and non-porous organic or inorganic materials with or without specific functional groups attached on the solid matrix. Accordingly, the sorption mechanisms include physical adsorption, chemisorption on the functional groups and partition restricted by electrostatic or steric factors. The model is tested in four Cases Studies dealing with chelating adsorption of transition metal mixtures, physical adsorption of metal and metalloid complexes from chloride solutions, size exclusion of electrolytes in nano-porous materials and electrolyte exclusion of electrolyte/non-electrolyte mixtures. The model parameters are estimated using experimental data from equilibrium and batch kinetic measurements, and they are used to simulate actual single-column fixed-bed separations. Phase equilibrium between the solution and solid phases is described using thermodynamic Gibbs-Donnan model and various adsorption models depending on the properties of the sorbent. The 3-dimensional thermodynamic approach is used for volume sorption in gel-type ion exchangers and in nano-porous adsorbents, and satisfactory correlation is obtained provided that both mixing and exclusion effects are adequately taken into account. 2-Dimensional surface adsorption models are successfully applied to physical adsorption of complex species and to chelating adsorption of transition metal salts. In the latter case, comparison is also made with complex formation models. Results of the mass transport studies show that uptake rates even in a competitive high-affinity system can be described by constant diffusion coefficients, when the adsorbent structure and the phase equilibrium conditions are adequately included in the model. Furthermore, a simplified solution based on the linear driving force approximation and the shrinking-core model is developed for very non-linear adsorption systems. In each Case Study, the actual separation is carried out batch-wise in fixed-beds and the experimental data are simulated/correlated using the parameters derived from equilibrium and kinetic data. Good agreement between the calculated and experimental break-through curves is usually obtained indicating that the proposed approach is useful in systems, which at first sight are very different. For example, the important improvement in copper separation from concentrated zinc sulfate solution at elevated temperatures can be correctly predicted by the model. In some cases, however, re-adjustment of model parameters is needed due to e.g. high solution viscosity.
Batch chromatography is a widely used separation technique in a variety of fields meeting difficult separations. Several technologies for improving the performance of chromatography have been studied, including mixed-recycle steady state recycling (MR-SSR) chromatography. Design of MR-SSR has been commonly limited on 100 % purity constraint cases and empirical work. In this study a predictive design method was used to optimize feed pulse size and design a number of experimental MR-SSR separations for a solution of 20 % sulfuric acid and 100 g/L glucose. The design was under target product fraction purities of 98.7 % for H2SO4 and 95 % for glucose. The experiments indicate a maximum of 59 % increase in sulfuric acid productivity and 82 % increase for glucose when compared to corresponding batch separation. Eluent consumption was lowered by approximately 50 % using recycling chromatography. Within this study the target purities and yields set in design were not completely met, and further optimization of the process is deemed necessary.
In this thesis the dynamics of cold gaseous atoms is studied. Two different atomic species and two different experimental techniques have been used. In the first part of the thesis experiments with Bose-Einstein condensates of Rb-87 are presented. In these experiments the methods of laser cooling and magnetic trapping of atoms were utilized. An atom chip was used as the experimental technique for implementation of magnetic trapping. The atom chip is a small integrated instrument allowing accurate and detailed manipulation of the atoms. The experiments with Rb-87 probed the behaviour of a falling beam of atoms outcoupled from the Bose-Einstein condensate by electromagnetic field induced spin flips. In the experiments a correspondence between the phases of the outcoupling radio frequency field and the falling beam of atoms was found. In the second part of the thesis experiments of spin dynamics in cold atomic hydrogen gas are discussed. The experiments with atomic hydrogen are conducted in a cryostat using a dilution refrigerator as the cooling method. These experiments concentrated on explaining and quantifying modulations in the electron spin resonance spectra of doubly polarized atomic hydrogen. The modifications to the previous experimental setup are described and the observation of electron spin waves is presented. The observed spin wave modes were caused by the identical spin rotation effect. These modes have a strong dependence on the spatial profile of the polarizing magnetic field. We also demonstrated confinement of these modes in regions of strong magnetic field and manipulated their spatial distribution by changing the position of the field maximum.
Abstract: Chlorocebus aethiops is a species of non-human primate frequently used in biomedical research. Some research involves this species as an experimental model for various diseases and possible treatment with stem cells. The bone marrow is one of the main sources of these cells and provides easy access. The aim of this study was to standardize the protocol of collection and separation of bone marrow in C. aethiops. Ten animals were submitted to puncture of bone marrow with access to the iliac crest and cell separation by density gradient. The bone marrow of C. aethiops had an average of 97% viability. From the results achieved, we can conclude that C. aethiops is an excellent model to obtain and isolate mononuclear cells from bone marrow, fostering several studies in the field of cell therapy.
Choice of industrial development options and the relevant allocation of the research funds become more and more difficult because of the increasing R&D costs and pressure for shorter development period. Forecast of the research progress is based on the analysis of the publications activity in the field of interest as well as on the dynamics of its change. Moreover, allocation of funds is hindered by exponential growth in the number of publications and patents. Thematic clusters become more and more difficult to identify, and their evolution hard to follow. The existing approaches of research field structuring and identification of its development are very limited. They do not identify the thematic clusters with adequate precision while the identified trends are often ambiguous. Therefore, there is a clear need to develop methods and tools, which are able to identify developing fields of research. The main objective of this Thesis is to develop tools and methods helping in the identification of the promising research topics in the field of separation processes. Two structuring methods as well as three approaches for identification of the development trends have been proposed. The proposed methods have been applied to the analysis of the research on distillation and filtration. The results show that the developed methods are universal and could be used to study of the various fields of research. The identified thematic clusters and the forecasted trends of their development have been confirmed in almost all tested cases. It proves the universality of the proposed methods. The results allow for identification of the fast-growing scientific fields as well as the topics characterized by stagnant or diminishing research activity.