974 resultados para Spermatic cord
Ischaemic spinal cord injury (SCI) remains the Achilles heel of open and endovascular descending thoracic and thoracoabdominal repair. Neurological outcomes have improved coincidentially with the introduction of neuroprotective measures. However, SCI (paraplegia and paraparesis) remains the most devastating complication. The aim of this position paper is to provide physicians with broad information regarding spinal cord blood supply, to share strategies for shortening intraprocedural spinal cord ischaemia and to increase spinal cord tolerance to transitory ischaemia through detection of ischaemia and augmentation of spinal cord blood perfusion. This study is meant to support physicians caring for patients in need of any kind of thoracic or thoracoabdominal aortic repair in decision-making algorithms in order to understand, prevent or reverse ischaemic SCI. Information has been extracted from focused publications available in the PubMed database, which are cohort studies, experimental research reports, case reports, reviews, short series and meta-analyses. Individual chapters of this position paper were assigned and after delivery harmonized by Christian D. Etz, Ernst Weigang and Martin Czerny. Consequently, further writing assignments were distributed within the group and delivered in August 2014. The final version was submitted to the EJCTS for review in September 2014.
BACKGROUND CONTEXT In canine intervertebral disc (IVD) extrusion, a spontaneous animal model of spinal cord injury, hemorrhage is a consistent finding. In rodent models, hemorrhage might be involved in secondary tissue destruction by biochemical mechanisms. PURPOSE This study aimed to investigate a causal association between the extents of intramedullary, subdural and epidural hemorrhage and the severity of spinal cord damage following IVD extrusion in dogs. STUDY DESIGN/SETTING A retrospective study using histologic spinal cord sections from 83 dogs euthanized following IVD extrusion was carried out. METHODS The degree of hemorrhage (intramedullary, subdural, epidural), the degree of spinal cord damage in the epicenter (white and gray matter), and the longitudinal extent of myelomalacia were graded. Associations between the extent of hemorrhage and the degree of spinal cord damage were evaluated statistically. RESULTS Intramedullary and subdural hemorrhages were significantly associated with the degree of white (p<.001/ p=.004) and gray (both p<.001) matter damage, and with the longitudinal extension of myelomalacia (p<.001/p=.005). Intriguingly, accumulation of hemorrhagic cord debris inside or dorsal to a distended and ruptured central canal in segments distant to the epicenter of the lesion was observed exhibiting a wave-like pattern on longitudinal assessment. The occurrence of this debris accumulation was associated with high degrees of tissue destruction (all p<.001). CONCLUSIONS Tissue liquefaction and increased intramedullary pressure associated with hemorrhage are involved in the progression of spinal cord destruction in a canine model of spinal cord injury and ascending or descending myelomalacia. Functional and dynamic studies are needed to investigate this concept further.
STUDY DESIGN Retrospective data analysis. OBJECTIVES To document fracture characteristics, management and related complications in individuals with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). SETTING Rehabilitation centre for SCI individuals. METHOD Patients' records were reviewed. Patients with traumatic SCI and extremity fractures that had occurred after SCI were included. Patient characteristics, fractured bone, fracture localisation, severity and management (operative/conservative), and fracture-related complications were extracted. RESULTS A total of 156 long-bone fractures in 107 SCI patients (34 women and 73 men) were identified. The majority of patients were paraplegics (77.6%) and classified as American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale A (86.0%). Only the lower extremities were affected, whereby the femur (60.9% of all fractures) was fractured more frequently than the lower leg (39.1%). A total of 70 patients (65.4%) had one fracture, whereas 37 patients (34.6%) had two or more fractures. Simple or extraarticular fractures were most common (75.0%). Overall, 130 (83.3%) fractures were managed operatively. Approximately half of the femur fractures (48.2%) were treated with locking compression plates. In the lower leg, fractures were mainly managed with external fixation (48.8%). Conservative fracture management was applied in 16.7% of the cases and consisted of braces or a well-padded soft cast. Fracture-associated complications were present in 13.5% of the cases but did not differ significantly between operative (13.1%) and conservative (15.4%) fracture management. CONCLUSION SCI was associated with simple or extraarticular fractures of the distal femur and the lower leg. Fractures were mainly managed operatively with a low complication rate.
The objectives of this study were to describe a new spinal cord injury scale for dogs, evaluate repeatability through determining inter-rater variability of scores, compare these scores to another established system (a modified Frankel scale), and determine if the modified Frankel scale and the newly developed scale were useful as prognostic indicators for return to ambulation. A group of client-owned dogs with spinal cord injury were examined by 2 independent observers who applied the new Texas Spinal Cord Injury Score (TSCIS) and a modified Frankel scale that has been used previously. The newly developed scale was designed to describe gait, postural reactions and nociception in each limb. Weighted kappa statistics were utilized to determine inter-rater variability for the modified Frankel scale and individual components of the TSCIS. Comparisons were made between raters for the overall TSCIS score and between scales using Spearman's rho. An additional group of dogs with surgically treated thoracolumbar disk herniation was enrolled to look at correlation of both scores with spinal cord signal characteristics on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ambulatory outcome at discharge. The actual agreement between raters for the modified Frankel scale was 88%, with a weighted kappa value of 0.93. The TSCIS had weighted kappa scores for gait, proprioceptive positioning and nociception components that ranged from 0.72 to 0.94. Correlation between raters for the overall TSCIS score was Spearman's rho=0.99 (P<0.001). Comparison of the overall TSCIS score to the modified Frankel score resulted in a Spearman's rho value of 0.90 (P<0.001). The modified Frankel score was weakly correlated with the length of hyperintensity of the spinal cord: L2 vertebral body length ratio on mid-sagittal T2-weighted MRI (Spearman's rho=-0.45, P=0.042) as was the overall TSCIS score (Spearman's rho=-0.47, P=0.037). There was also a significant difference in admitting modified Frankel scores (P=0.029) and admitting overall TSCIS scores (P=0.02) between dogs that were ambulatory at discharge and those that were not. Results from this study suggest that the TSCIS is an easy to administer scale for evaluating canine spinal cord injury based on the standard neurological exam and correlates well with a previously described modified Frankel scale.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate changes over time in owner-perceived, weighted quality-of-life assessments in dogs with spinal cord injuries and determine whether scores were associated with underlying etiology or with veterinarian-assigned scores for severity of neurologic dysfunction. DESIGN Cohort study. ANIMALS 100 dogs with spinal cord injury. PROCEDURES Duration of dysfunction, modified Frankel neurologic injury score, and etiology were recorded. At initial and recheck (4- to 6-week) evaluations, owners were asked to identify 5 areas or activities they believed had the most influence on their dogs' quality of life, assess their dogs' current status in each area, and provide a weighting for the importance of each area; results were used to construct a weighted quality-of-life score. Owners were also asked to provide a quality-of-life score with a visual analog scale (VAS). RESULTS At initial and recheck evaluations, weighted quality-of-life scores were higher for ambulatory than for nonambulatory dogs. However, scores did not differ among groups when dogs were grouped on the basis of underlying etiology or duration of injury. Dogs with an increase in Frankel score between the initial and recheck evaluations had a significant increase in weighted quality-of-life score, whereas for dogs that did not have any change in Frankel score, initial and recheck weighted quality-of-life scores were not significantly different. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results suggested that owner-assigned, weighted quality-of-life scores for dogs with spinal cord injuries did not vary significantly on the basis of underlying etiology or duration of injury but were higher for ambulatory than for nonambulatory dogs.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate a questionnaire for obtaining owner-perceived, weighted quality-oflife assessments for dogs with spinal cord injuries. DESIGN Evaluation study. Animals-100 dogs with spinal cord injuries and 48 healthy control dogs. PROCEDURES The questionnaire was adapted from a questionnaire (the schedule for the evaluation of individual quality of life-direct weighting) used for human patients. Specifically, owners were asked to identify 5 areas or activities they believed had the most influence on their dogs' quality of life, assess their dogs' current status in each of those areas, and provide a weighting for the importance of each area. Results were used to construct a weighted quality-of-life score ranging from 0 to 100 for each dog. Owners were also asked to provide a quality-of-life score with a visual analog scale (VAS). RESULTS A good correlation was found between weighted and VAS quality-of-life scores. Dogs with spinal cord injuries had weighted quality-of-life scores that were significantly lower than scores for control dogs. Quality-of-life areas and activities provided by owners of dogs with spinal cord injuries were similar to areas and activities provided by owners of healthy control dogs and could mostly be encompassed by 5 broader domains: mobility, play or mental stimulation, health, companionship, and other. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results suggested that the questionnaire could be used to obtain owner-perceived, weighted quality-of-life assessments for dogs with spinal cord injuries. Obtaining owner-perceived quality-of-life assessments for individual dogs should allow veterinarians to better address quality-of-life concerns and expectations of owners.
The utility and inter-session repeatability of sensory threshold measurements using an electronic von Frey anesthesiometer (VFA) were assessed in a group of six neurologically normal dogs. Sensory threshold values obtained in neurologically normal dogs were compared to those of dogs with acute spinal cord injury (SCI) caused by intervertebral disc extrusion (n=6) and to a group of neurologically normal dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR; n=6). Sensory threshold values in neurologically normal dogs were 155.8 ± 37.7 g and 154.7 ± 67.2 g for the left and right pelvic limbs, respectively. The difference in mean sensory threshold values obtained for the group when two distinct testing sessions were compared was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Mean sensory threshold values for the group with SCI were significantly higher than those for neurologically normal dogs at 351.1 ± 116.5 g and 420.3 ± 157.7 g for the left and right pelvic limbs, respectively (P=0.01). A comparison of sensory threshold values for the group with CCLR and neurologically normal dogs was not statistically significant (P>0.05). The modified dorsal technique for VFA described here represents a reliable method to assess sensory threshold in neurologically normal dogs and in those with SCI.
OBJECTIVE Due to reduction of immune-suppressive drugs, patients with rheumatic diseases can experience an increase in disease activity during pregnancy. In such cases, TNF-inhibitors may be prescribed. However, monoclonal antibodies with the Fc moiety are actively transported across the placenta, resulting in therapeutic drug levels in the newborn. As certolizumab (CZP) lacks the Fc moiety, it may bear a lower risk for the child. METHOD We report a case series of thirteen patients (5 with rheumatoid arthritis and 8 with spondyloarthritis) treated with CZP during late pregnancy to control disease activity. RESULT CZP measured in cord blood of eleven infants ranged between undetectable levels and 1μg/mL whereas the median CZP level of maternal plasma was 32.97μg/mL. Three women developed an infection during the third trimester, of whom one had a severe infection and one had an infection that resulted in a pre-term delivery. During the postpartum period, 6 patients remained on CZP while breastfeeding. CZP levels in the breast milk of two breastfeeding patients were undetectable. CONCLUSION The lack of the active transplacental transfer of CZP gives the possibility to treat inflammatory arthritis during late gestation without potential harm to the newborn. However, in pregnant women treated with TNF-inhibitors and prednisone, attention should be given to the increased susceptibility to infections, which might cause prematurity. CZP treatment can be continued while breastfeeding.
by B. Spiers
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive technique that offers excellent soft tissue contrast for characterizing soft tissue pathologies. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is an MRI technique that has shown to have the sensitivity to detect subtle pathology that is not evident on conventional MRI. ^ Rats are commonly used as animal models in characterizing the spinal cord pathologies including spinal cord injury (SCI), cancer, multiple sclerosis, etc. These pathologies could affect both thoracic and cervical regions and complete characterization of these pathologies using MRI requires DTI characterization in both the thoracic and cervical regions. Prior to the application of DTI for investigating the pathologic changes in the spinal cord, it is essential to establish DTI metrics in normal animals. ^ To date, in-vivo DTI studies of rat spinal cord have used implantable coils for high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and spin-echo pulse sequences for reduced geometric distortions. Implantable coils have several disadvantages including: (1) the invasive nature of implantation, (2) loss of SNR due to frequency shift with time in the longitudinal studies, and (3) difficulty in imaging the cervical region. While echo planar imaging (EPI) offers much shorter acquisition times compared to spin-echo imaging, EPI is very sensitive to static magnetic field inhomogeneities and the existing shimming techniques implemented on the MRI scanner do not perform well on spinal cord because of its geometry. ^ In this work, an integrated approach has been implemented for in-vivo DTI characterization of rat spinal cord in the thoracic and cervical regions. A three element phased array coil was developed for improved SNR and extended spatial coverage. A field-map shimming technique was developed for minimizing the geometric distortions in EPI images. Using these techniques, EPI based DWI images were acquired with optimized diffusion encoding scheme from 6 normal rats and the DTI-derived metrics were quantified. ^ The phantom studies indicated higher SNR and smaller bias in the estimated DTI metrics than the previous studies in the cervical region. In-vivo results indicated no statistical difference in the DTI characteristics of either gray matter or white matter between the thoracic and cervical regions. ^
The purpose of this study was to exam the relationship between internet use and depression among a population of individuals who have sustained spinal cord injury. This was cross-sectional survey design conducted among spinal cord injury (SCI) patients in the Model Spinal Cord Injury System. We included a total of 1,011 SCI-patients who were interviewed face-to-face or by telephone interview over approximately a three year time period (2004–2006). All data were collected through a telephone survey which included the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) to assess depression. We examined various scales of this survey, included a reduced 3-item scale (items 1, 2 and 6) to avoid the presence of somatic symptoms among SCI patients from influencing classification of depression. The frequency of internet usage was grouped as daily/weekly/monthly/non user. Covariates examined as possible confounders included demographic characteristics, occupational status, educational level, injury type, daily function of living, pain level, self-perceived health status and satisfaction with life. We observed a negative association between the frequency of internet use and the level of depression. Daily use of internet was associated with lower PHQ-9 score and depression; however this association did not reach statistical significance after for the mentioned covariates. In conclusion, the factors related to lower depression in SCI patients who use the internet are complicated. Daily internet usage was associated with lower levels of depression. The accuracy of 3-item scale needs further validation and investigation. Further study of internet usage pattern in SCI patient is recommended. ^
Approximately 12,000 new cases of spinal cord injury (SCI) are added each year to the estimated 259,000 Americans living with SCI. The majority of these patients return to society, their lives forever changed by permanent loss of sensory and motor function. While there are no FDA approved drugs for the treatment of SCI or a universally accepted standard therapy, the current though controversial treatment includes the delivery of high dosages of the corticosteroid methyliprednisolone sodium succinate, surgical interventions to stabilize the spinal column, and physical rehabilitation. It is therefore critically important to fully understand the pathology of injury and determine novel courses and rationally-based therapies for SCI. ^ Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is an attractive target for treating central nervous system (CNS) injury and disease because it has been shown to influence angiogenesis and neuroprotection. Preliminary studies have indicated that increased vasculature may be associated with functional recovery; therefore exogenous delivery of a pro-angiogenic growth factor such as VEGF may improve neurobehavioral outcome. In addition, VEGF may provide protection from secondary injury and result in increased survival and axonal sprouting. ^ In these studies, SCI rats received acute intraspinal injections of VEGF, the antibody to VEGF, or vehicle control. The effect of these various agents was investigated using longitudinalmulti-modal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), neuro- and sensory behavioral assays, and end point immunohistochemistry. We found that rats that received VEGF after SCI had increased tissue sparing and improved white matter integrity at the earlier time points as shown by advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. However, these favorable effects of VEGF were not maintained, suggesting that additional treatments with VEGF at multiple time points may be more beneficial, Histological examinations revealed that VEGF treatment may result in increased oligodendrogenesis and therefore may eventually lead to remyelination and improved functional outcome. ^ On the neurobehavioral studies, treatments with VEGF and Anti-VEGF did not significantly affect performance on tests of open-field locomotion, grid walk, inclined plane, or rearing. However, VEGF treatment resulted in significantly increased incidence of chronic neuropathic pain. This phenomenon could possibly be attributed to the fact that VEGF treatment may promote axonal sprouting and also results in tissue sparing, thereby providing a substrate for the growth of new axons. New connections made by these sprouting axons may involve components of pathways involved in the transmission of pain and therefore result in increased pain in those animals. ^
Pneumonia is a well-documented and common respiratory infection in patients with acute traumatic spinal cord injuries, and may recur during the course of acute care. Using data from the North American Clinical Trials Network (NACTN) for Spinal Cord Injury, the incidence, timing, and recurrence of pneumonia were analyzed. The two main objectives were (1) to investigate the time and potential risk factors for the first occurrence of pneumonia using the Cox Proportional Hazards model, and (2) to investigate pneumonia recurrence and its risk factors using a Counting Process model that is a generalization of the Cox Proportional Hazards model. The results from survival analysis suggested that surgery, intubation, American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) grade, direct admission to a NACTN site and age (older than 65 or not) were significant risks for first event of pneumonia and multiple events of pneumonia. The significance of this research is that it has the potential to identify patients at the time of admission who are at high risk for the incidence and recurrence of pneumonia. Knowledge and the time of occurrence of pneumonias are important factors for the development of prevention strategies and may also provide some insights into the selection of emerging therapies that compromise the immune system. ^
Patients living with a spinal cord injury (SCI) often develop chronic neuropathic pain (CNP). Unfortunately, the clinically approved, current standard of treatment, gabapentin, only provides temporary pain relief. This treatment can cause numerous adverse side effects that negatively affect the daily lives of SCI patients. There is a great need for alternative, effective treatments for SCI-dependent CNP. Minocycline, an FDA-approved antibiotic, has been widely prescribed for the treatment of acne for several decades. However, recent studies demonstrate that minocycline has neuroprotective properties in several pre-clinical rodent models of CNS trauma and disease. Pre-clinical studies also show that short-term minocycline treatment can prevent the onset of CNP when delivered during the acute stage of SCI and can also transiently attenuate established CNP when delivered briefly during the chronic stage of SCI. However, the potential to abolish or attenuate CNP via long-term administration of minocycline after SCI is unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential efficacy and safety of long-term administration of minocycline to abolish or attenuate CNP following SCI. A severe spinal contusion injury was administered on adult, male, Sprague-Dawley rats. At day 29 post-injury, I initiated a three-week treatment regimen of daily administration with minocycline (50 mg/kg), gabapentin (50 mg/kg) or saline. The minocycline treatment group demonstrated a significant reduction in below-level mechanical allodynia and above- level hyperalgesia while on their treatment regimen. After a ten-day washout period of minocycline, the animals continued to demonstrate a significant reduction in below-level mechanical allodynia and above-level hyperalgesia. However, minocycline-treated animals exhibited abnormal weight gain and hepatotoxicity compared to gapabentin-treated or vehicle-treated subjects.The results support previous findings that minocycline can attenuate CNP after SCI and suggested that minocycline can also attenuate CNP via long-term delivery of minocycline after SCI (36). The data also suggested that minocycline had a lasting effect at reducing pain symptoms. However, the adverse side effects of long-term use of minocycline should not be ignored in the rodent model. Gabapentin treatment caused a significant decrease in below-level mechanical allodynia and below-level hyperalgesia during the treatment regimen. Because gabapentin treatment has an analgesic effect at the concentration I administered, the results were expected. However, I also found that gabapentin-treated animals demonstrated a sustained reduction in pain ten days after treatment withdrawal. This result was unexpected because gabapentin has a short half-life of 1.7 hours in rodents and previous studies have demonstrated that pre-drug pain levels return shortly after withdrawal of treatment. Additionally, the gabapentin-treated animals demonstrated a significant and sustained increase in rearing events compared with all other treatment groups which suggested that gabapentin treatment was not only capable of reducing pain long-term but may also significantly improve trunk stability or improve motor function recovery.