842 resultados para Southwestern Montana


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The taxonomy and stratigraphy of pelagic Paleocene diatoms from ODP Sites 698, 700, and 702 and DSDP Site 524 in the South Atlantic and DSDP Site 214 in the Indian Ocean are presented, as well as paleogeographic and paleoecologic implications. Eleven new species and one new variety are described and one new combination is proposed: Coscinodiscus cruxii sp. nov. Grunowiella palaeocaenica var. alternans var. nov. Hemiaulusl beatus sp. nov. Hemiaulusl ciesielskii sp. nov. Hemiaulusl conicus sp. nov. Hemiaulus kristoffersenii sp. nov. Hemiaulus nocchiae sp. nov. Hemiaulusl oonkii sp. nov. Hemiaulusl velatus sp. nov. Triceratium gombosii sp. nov. Trochosira gracillima comb. nov. Trochosira marginata sp. nov. Trochosira radiata sp. nov. Hole 700B provides one of the most continuous diatomaceous Paleocene profiles known. Stratigraphic ranges of diatom species from this and other Southern Hemisphere sites are calibrated against calcareous microfossil zones. The first-appearance datums of Triceratium gombosii, Hemiaulus incurvus, and Triceratium mirabile in Paleocene deep-sea sediments are useful for regional stratigraphic correlations. Quantitative analysis of the biosiliceous microfossil groups (diatoms, silicoflagellates, radiolarians, and archaeomonadaceae) shows that preservation of diatoms is confined primarily to the upper Paleocene (planktonic foraminifer Zones P3 and P4 and calcareous nannofossil Zones upper NP5 to lower NP9). In the lower Paleocene only short intervals in Hole 700B are diatomaceous. A correlation between the degree of silica diagenesis and the calcium carbonate content of the sediment is not obvious. Diatom species analysis reflects changes in the paleoenvironment between island-related upwelling conditions with highly diverse and well-preserved diatom assemblages and less productive periods resulting in less wellpreserved diatom assemblages with a higher content of robust neritic diatoms.


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A core transect across the southwestern Greenland Sea reveals coeval events of extremely negative planktic and benthic delta13C excursions between 40 and 87 ka. The most pronounced event, event 1, began at peak Dansgaard-Oeschger stadial 22 (85 ka) with a duration of 18 k.y. During this episode, incursions of Atlantic Intermediate Water caused a bottom-water warming of up to 8 °C. The amplitude, timing, and geographic pattern of the delta13C events suggest that this bottom-water warming triggered clathrate instability along the East Greenland slope and a methane-induced depletion of delta13CDIC (DIC- dissolved inorganic carbon). Since delta13C event 1 matches a major peak in atmospheric CH4 concentration, this clathrate destabilization may have contributed to the rise in atmospheric CH4 and thus to climate warming over marine isotope stage 5.1.


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Exotic limestone masses with silicified fossils, enclosed within deep-water marine siliciclastic sediments of the Early to Middle Miocene Astoria Formation, are exposed along the north shore of the Columbia River in southwestern Washington, USA. Samples from four localities were studied to clarify the origin and diagenesis of these limestone deposits. The bioturbated and reworked limestones contain a faunal assemblage resembling that of modern and Cenozoic deep-water methane-seeps. Five phases make up the paragenetic sequence: (1) micrite and microspar; (2) fibrous, banded and botryoidal aragonite cement, partially replaced by silica or recrystallized to calcite; (3) yellow calcite; (4) quartz replacing carbonate phases and quartz cement; and (5) equant calcite spar and pseudospar. Layers of pyrite frequently separate different carbonate phases and generations, indicating periods of corrosion. Negative d13Ccarbonate values as low as -37.6 per mill V-PDB reveal an uptake of methane-derived carbon. In other cases, d13Ccarbonate values as high as 7.1 per mill point to a residual, 13C-enriched carbon pool affected by methanogenesis. Lipid biomarkers include 13C-depleted, archaeal 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethylicosane (PMI; d13C: -128 per mill), crocetane and phytane, as well as various iso- and anteiso-carbon chains, most likely derived from sulphate-reducing bacteria. The biomarker inventory proves that the majority of the carbonates formed as a consequence of sulphate-dependent anaerobic oxidation of methane. Silicification of fossils and early diagenetic carbonate cements as well as the precipitation of quartz cement - also observed in other methane-seep limestones enclosed in sediments with abundant diatoms or radiolarians - is a consequence of a preceding increase of alkalinity due to anaerobic oxidation of methane, inducing the dissolution of silica skeletons. Once anaerobic oxidation of methane has ceased, the pH drops again and silica phases can precipitate.


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Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments were studied at Sites 511, 512, 513, and 514 drilled during Leg 71 in the southwestern Atlantic on the Maurice Ewing Bank and in the Argentine Basin. Benthic foraminifers in almost all stratigraphic subdivisions of Sites 511 and 512 reflect the gradual subsidence of the Falkland Plateau from shelf depths in the Barremian-Albian, when a semiclosed basin with restricted circulation of water masses and anaerobic conditions existed, to lower bathyal depths in the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic, with an abrupt acceleration at the boundary of Lower and Upper Cretaceous. The composition, distribution, and preservation of Late Cretaceous assemblages of benthic foraminifers suggest considerable fluctuations of the foraminiferal lysocline and the CCD. This is evidenced by dissolution facies and foraminiferal assemblages in which agglutinated and resistant calcareous forms predominated during high stands of the CCD and by calcareous facies in which rich assemblages of calcareous species predominated during low stands. The highest position of the CCD on the Plateau (less than 1500-2000 m) was in the late Cenomanian, Turonian, and Coniacian. In the Santonian and Campanian the CCD was at depths below 1500-2000 meters. At the end of the Campanian the CCD shifted again to depths comparable with those of Cenomanian and Turonian time. In the latest Campanian and the Maestrichtian the CCD was low and nanno-foraminiferal oozes with a rich assemblage of benthic foraminifers accumulated. Foraminiferal assemblages at Sites 513 and 514 in the Argentine Basin also testify to oceanic subsidence from lower bathyal depths in the Oligocene to abyssal ones at present. This process was complicated by the influence of geographical migrations of the Polar Front caused by extensions of the ice sheet in the Antarctic after the opening of the Drake Passage during the Oligocene. In Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits of the Falkland Plateau and the Argentine Basin seven assemblages of benthic foraminifers were distinguished by age: early-middle Albian, middle-late Albian, Late Cretaceous (including four groups), middle Eocene, late Eocene-early Miocene, middle-late Miocene, and Pliocene-Quaternary. The Albian assemblages contain many species common to the foraminiferal fauna of the Austral Biogeographical Province. The Late Cretaceous assemblage contains, along with Austral species, species common to foraminifers of North America, Western Europe, the Russian platform, and the south of the U.S.S.R. Deep-sea cosmopolitan species prevail in Cenozoic assemblages.


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The past climate evolution of southwestern Africa is poorly understood and interpretations of past hydrological changes are sometimes contradictory. Here we present a record of leaf-wax dD and View the MathML source taken from a marine sediment core at 23°S off the coast of Namibia to reconstruct the hydrology and C3 versus C4 vegetation of southwestern Africa over the last 140 000 years (140 ka). We find lower leaf-wax dD and higher View the MathML source (more C4 grasses), which we interpret to indicate wetter Southern Hemisphere (SH) summer conditions and increased seasonality, during SH insolation maxima relative to minima and during the last glacial period relative to the Holocene and the last interglacial period. Nonetheless, the dominance of C4 grasses throughout the record indicates that the wet season remained brief and that this region has remained semi-arid. Our data suggest that past precipitation increases were derived from the tropics rather than from the winter westerlies. Comparison with a record from the Congo Basin indicates that hydroclimate in southwestern Africa has evolved in antiphase with that of central Africa over the last 140 ka.


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In the Philipsburg district, in western Montana a low arch of a Paleozoic limestones has been cut and deformed on the east and a south sides by a small batholith of Tertiary granodiorite. The manganese deposits are confined to an area of about 2 square miles underlain by sedimentary rocks and adjacent to the granodiorite body. The ore, chiefly pyrolusite, was apparently derived from rhodochrosite that was abundant in the veins and had replaced the adjacent limestones. The oxide ore is found chiefly within 600 feet of the surface, though one small body was mined at a depth of 700 feet. Commonly these bodies are aggregates of nodules or spheroids that range in size from that of an egg to that of a coconut or larger. In some places they show an irregular texture somewhat like that of a sponge, and in others the material composing them is loose and friable and apparently structureless. Psilomelane is the principal constituent of many of the nodules, in which it forms layers that alternate with softer oxides.