982 resultados para Small molecules


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Chiroptical spectroscopies play a fundamental role in pharmaceutical analysis for the stereochemical characterisation of bioactive molecules, due to the close relationship between chirality and optical activity and the increasing evidence of stereoselectivity in the pharmacological and toxicological profiles of chiral drugs. The correlation between chiroptical properties and absolute stereochemistry, however, requires the development of accurate and reliable theoretical models. The present thesis will report the application of theoretical chiroptical spectroscopies in the field of drug analysis, with particular emphasis on the huge influence of conformational flexibility and solvation on chiroptical properties and on the main computational strategies available to describe their effects by means of electronic circular dichroism (ECD) spectroscopy and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) calculations. The combination of experimental chiroptical spectroscopies with state-of-the-art computational methods proved to be very efficient at predicting the absolute configuration of a wide range of bioactive molecules (fluorinated 2-arylpropionic acids, β-lactam derivatives, difenoconazole, fenoterol, mycoleptones, austdiol). The results obtained for the investigated systems showed that great care must be taken in describing the molecular system in the most accurate fashion, since chiroptical properties are very sensitive to small electronic and conformational perturbations. In the future, the improvement of theoretical models and methods, such as ab initio molecular dynamics, will benefit pharmaceutical analysis in the investigation of non-trivial effects on the chiroptical properties of solvated systems and in the characterisation of the stereochemistry of complex chiral drugs.


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Allergy is a common hypersensitivity disorder that affects 15% to 20% of the population and its prevalence is increasing worldwide. Its severity correlates with the degree of eosinophil infiltration into the conjunctiva, which is mediated by chemokines that stimulate the production of adhesion molecules like intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) on the endothelial cell surface. The α4β1 and α4β7 integrins are expressed in eosinophils and contribute to their activation and infiltration in AC through the binding to VCAM-1 or fibronectin, expressed on vascular endothelial cells. Blockade of α4 integrins might be a therapeutical achievement in allergic eye diseases. DS 70, that show an IC50 in the nanomolar range against α4β1 integrin in Jurkat cells and in the eosinophilic cell line EOL-1. This compound was able to prevent cell adhesion to VCAM-1 and FN in vitro. In a scintillation proximity assay DS70 displaced 125I-FN binding to human α4β1 integrin and, in flow cytometry analysis, it antagonized the binding of a primary antibody to α4β1 integrin expressed on the Jurkat cells surface as well. Furthermore, we analysed also its effects on integrin α4β1 signalling. In an vivo model of allergic conjunctivitis, topical DS70 reduced the clinical aspects of EPR (early phase reaction) and LPR (late phase reaction), by reducing clinical score, eosinophil accumulation, mRNA levels of cytochines and chemochines pro-inflammatory and the conjunctival expression of α4 integrin. In conclusion, DS70 seems a novel antiallergic ocular agent that has significant effects on both early and late phases of ocular allergy.


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In this thesis is described the design and synthesis of potential agents for the treatment of the multifactorial Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Our multi-target approach was to consider cannabinoid system involved in AD, together with classic targets. In the first project, designed modifications were performed on lead molecule in order to increase potency and obtain balanced activities on fatty acid amide hydrolase and cholinesterases. A small library of compounds was synthesized and biological results showed increased inhibitory activity (nanomolar range) related to selected target. The second project was focused on the benzofuran framework, a privileged structure being a common moiety found in many biologically active natural products and therapeutics. Hybrid molecules were designed and synthesized, focusing on the inhibition of cholinesterases, Aβ aggregation, FAAH and on the interaction with CB receptors. Preliminary results showed that several compounds are potent CB ligands, in particular the high affinity for CB2 receptors, could open new opportunities to modulate neuroinflammation. The third and the fourth project were carried out at the IMS, Aberdeen, under the supervision of Prof. Matteo Zanda. The role of the cannabinoid system in the brain is still largely unexplored and the relationship between the CB1 receptors functional modification, density and distribution and the onset of a pathological state is not well understood. For this reasons, Rimonabant analogues suitable as radioligands were synthesized. The latter, through PET, could provide reliable measurements of density and distribution of CB1 receptors in the brain. In the fifth project, in collaboration with CHyM of York, the goal was to develop arginine analogues that are target specific due to their exclusively location into NOS enzymes and could work as MRI contrasting agents. Synthesized analogues could be suitable substrate for the transfer of polarization by p-H2 molecules through SABRE technique transforming MRI a more sensitive and faster technique.


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This thesis concerns the study of complex conformational surfaces and tautomeric equilibria of molecules and molecular complexes by quantum chemical methods and rotational spectroscopy techniques. In particular, the focus of this research is on the effects of substitution and noncovalent interactions in determining the energies and geometries of different conformers, tautomers or molecular complexes. The Free-Jet Absorption Millimeter Wave spectroscopy and the Pulsed-Jet Fourier Transform Microwave spectroscopy have been applied to perform these studies and the obtained results showcase the suitability of these techniques for the study of conformational surfaces and intermolecular interactions. The series of investigations of selected medium-size molecules and complexes have shown how different instrumental setups can be used to obtain a variety of results on molecular properties. The systems studied, include molecules of biological interest such as anethole and molecules of astrophysical interest such as N-methylaminoethanol. Moreover halogenation effects have been investigated on halogen substituted tautomeric systems (5-chlorohydroxypyridine and 6-chlorohydroxypyridine), where it has shown that the position of the inserted halogen atom affects the prototropic equilibrium. As for fluorination effects, interesting results have been achieved investigating some small complexes where a molecule of water is used as a probe to reveal the changes on the electrostatic potential of different fluorinated compounds: 2-fluoropyridine, 3-fluoropyridine and penta-fluoropyridine. While in the case of the molecular complex between water and 2-fluoropyridine and 3-fluoropyridine the geometry of the complex with one water molecule is analogous to that of pyridine with the water molecule linked to the pyridine nitrogen, the case of pentafluoropyridine reveals the effect of perfluorination and the water oxygen points towards the positive center of the pyridine ring. Additional molecular adducts with a molecule of water have been analyzed (benzylamine-water and acrylic acid-water) in order to reveal the stabilizing driving forces that characterize these complexes.


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This thesis reports on the experimental realization of nanofiber-based spectroscopy of organic molecules. The light guided by subwavelength diameter optical nanfibers exhibits a pronounced evanescent field surrounding the fiber which yields high excitation and emission collection efficiencies for molecules on or near the fiber surface.rnThe optical nanofibers used for the experiments presented in this thesis are realized as thernsub-wavelength diameter waist of a tapered optical fiber (TOF). The efficient transfer of thernlight from the nanofiber waist to the unprocessed part of the TOF depends critically on therngeometric shape of the TOF transitions which represent a nonuniformity of the TOF. Thisrnnonuniformity can cause losses due to coupling of the fundamental guided mode to otherrnmodes which are not guided by the taper over its whole length. In order to quantify the lossrnfrom the fundamental mode due to tapering, I have solved the coupled local mode equationsrnin the approximation of weak guidance for the three layer system consisting of fiber core andrncladding as well as the surrounding vacuum or air, assuming the taper shape of the TOFsrnused for the experiments presented in this thesis. Moreover, I have empirically studied therninfluence of the TOF geometry on its transmission spectra and, based on the results, I haverndesigned a nanofiber-waist TOF with broadband transmission for experiments with organicrnmolecules.rnAs an experimental demonstration of the high sensitivity of nanofiber-based surface spectroscopy, I have performed various absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy measurements on the model system 3,4,9,10-perylene-tetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA). The measured homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening of the spectra due to the interaction of the dielectric surface of the nanofiber with the surface-adsorbed molecules agrees well with the values theoretically expected and typical for molecules on surfaces. Furthermore, the self-absorption effects due to reasorption of the emitted fluorescence light by circumjacent surface-adsorbed molecules distributed along the fiber waist have been analyzed and quantified. With time-resolved measurements, the reorganization of PTCDA molecules to crystalline films and excimers can be observed and shown to be strongly catalyzed by the presence of water on the nanofiber surface. Moreover, the formation of charge-transfer complexes due to the interaction with localized surface defects has been studied. The collection efficiency of the molecular emission by the guided fiber mode has been determined by interlaced measurements of absorption and fluorescence spectra to be about 10% in one direction of the fiber.rnThe high emission collection efficiency makes optical nanofibers a well-suited tool for experiments with dye molecules embedded in small organic crystals. As a first experimental realization of this approach, terrylene-doped para-terphenyl crystals attached to the nanofiber-waist of a TOF have been studied at cryogenic temperatures via fluorescence and fluorescence excitation spectroscopy. The statistical fine structure of the fluorescence excitation spectrum for a specific sample has been observed and used to give an estimate of down to 9 molecules with center frequencies within one homogeneous width of the laser wavelength on average for large detunings from resonance. The homogeneous linewidth of the transition could be estimated to be about 190MHz at 4.5K.


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The PM3 semiempirical quantum-mechanical method was found to systematically describe intermolecular hydrogen bonding in small polar molecules. PM3 shows charge transfer from the donor to acceptor molecules on the order of 0.02-0.06 units of charge when strong hydrogen bonds are formed. The PM3 method is predictive; calculated hydrogen bond energies with an absolute magnitude greater than 2 kcal mol-' suggest that the global minimum is a hydrogen bonded complex; absolute energies less than 2 kcal mol-' imply that other van der Waals complexes are more stable. The geometries of the PM3 hydrogen bonded complexes agree with high-resolution spectroscopic observations, gas electron diffraction data, and high-level ab initio calculations. The main limitations in the PM3 method are the underestimation of hydrogen bond lengths by 0.1-0.2 for some systems and the underestimation of reliable experimental hydrogen bond energies by approximately 1-2 kcal mol-l. The PM3 method predicts that ammonia is a good hydrogen bond acceptor and a poor hydrogen donor when interacting with neutral molecules. Electronegativity differences between F, N, and 0 predict that donor strength follows the order F > 0 > N and acceptor strength follows the order N > 0 > F. In the calculations presented in this article, the PM3 method mirrors these electronegativity differences, predicting the F-H- - -N bond to be the strongest and the N-H- - -F bond the weakest. It appears that the PM3 Hamiltonian is able to model hydrogen bonding because of the reduction of two-center repulsive forces brought about by the parameterization of the Gaussian core-core interactions. The ability of the PM3 method to model intermolecular hydrogen bonding means reasonably accurate quantum-mechanical calculations can be applied to small biologic systems.


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REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Airway mucus accumulation is associated with indoor irritant and allergen exposure in horses with recurrent airway obstruction (RAO). Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and a chloride channel (calcium activated, family member 1; CLCA1) are key signalling molecules involved in mucin gene expression. OBJECTIVES: We hypothesised that exposure to irritants and aeroallergens would lead to increased expression of the mucin gene eqMUC5AC and increased stored mucosubstance in the airways of RAO-affected horses, associated with increased neutrophils and CLCA1 and EGFR mRNA levels. METHODS: We performed quantitative RT-PCR of eqMUC5AC, CLCA1 and EGFR; volume density measurements of intraepithelial mucosubstances; and cytological differentiation of intraluminal inflammatory cells in small cartilaginous airways from cranial left and right and caudal left and right lung lobes of 5 clinically healthy and 5 RAO-affected horses that had been exposed to indoor stable environment for 5 days before euthanasia. RESULTS: Neutrophils were increased in RAO-affected horses compared to clinically healthy controls. EqMUC5AC mRNA levels were positively correlated with both CLCA1 and EGFR mRNA levels in RAO-affected horses but only with CLCA1 in controls. The relationship between eqMUC5AC and CLCA1 differed in the 2 groups of horses with RAO-affected animals overexpressing CLCA1 in relation to eqMUC5AC. CONCLUSIONS: These data implicate CLCA1 as a signalling molecule in the expression of eqMUC5AC in horses but also suggest differential regulation by CLCA1 and EGFR between horses with RAO and those with milder degrees of airway inflammation.


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Small non-protein-coding RNA (ncRNA) molecules have been recognized recently as major contributors to regulatory networks in controlling gene expression in a highly efficient manner. While the list of validated ncRNAs that regulate crucial cellular processes grows steadily, not a single ncRNA has been identified that directly interacts and regulates the ribosome during protein biosynthesis (with the notable exceptions of 7SL RNA and tmRNA). All of the recently discovered regulatory ncRNAs that act on translation (e.g. microRNAs, siRNAs or antisense RNAs) target the mRNA rather than the ribosome. This is unexpected, given the central position the ribosome plays during gene expression. Furthermore it is strongly assumed that the primordial translation system in the ‘RNA world’ most likely received direct regulatory input from ncRNA-like cofactors. The fundamental question that we would like to ask is: Does the ‘RNA world still communicate’ with the ribosome? To address this question, we have analyzed the small ncRNA interactomes of ribosomes of prokaryotic (H. volcanii, S. aureus) and unicellular eukaryotic model organisms. Deep-sequencing and subsequent bioinformatic analyses revealed thousands of putative ribosome-associated ncRNAs. For a subset of these ncRNA candidates we have gathered experimental evidence that they are expressed in a stress-dependent manner and indeed directly target the ribosome. In the archaeon H. volcanii a tRNA-derived fragment was identified to target the small ribosomal subunit upon alkaline stress in vitro and in vivo. As a consequence of ribosome binding, this tRNA-fragment reduces protein synthesis by interfering with the peptidyl transferase activity. Our data reveal the ribosome as a novel target for small regulatory ncRNAs in all domains of life. Ribosome-bound ncRNAs are capable of fine tuning translation and might represent a so far largely unexplored class of regulatory sRNAs.


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Small non-protein-coding RNA (ncRNA) molecules have been recognized recently as major contributors to regulatory networks in controlling gene expression in a highly efficient manner. While the list of validated ncRNAs that regulate crucial cellular processes grows steadily, not a single ncRNA has been identified that directly interacts and regulates the ribosome during protein biosynthesis (with the notable exceptions of 7SL RNA and tmRNA). All of the recently discovered regulatory ncRNAs that act on translation (e.g. microRNAs, siRNAs or antisense RNAs) target the mRNA rather than the ribosome. This is unexpected, given the central position the ribosome plays during gene expression. Furthermore it is strongly assumed that the primordial translation system in the ‘RNA world’ most likely received direct regulatory input from ncRNA-like cofactors. The fundamental question that we would like to ask is: Does the ‘RNA world still communicate’ with the ribosome? To address this question, we have analyzed the small ncRNA interactomes of ribosomes of organisms from all three domains of life. Deep-sequencing and subsequent bioinformatic analyses revealed thousands of putative ribosome-associated ncRNAs.1,2 For a subset of these ncRNA candidates we have gathered experimental evidence that they are expressed in a stress-dependent manner and indeed directly target the ribosome. We show that some of these ribosome-bound small ncRNAs are capable of fine tuning protein synthesis in vitro and in vivo. Our data therefore reveal the ribosome as a novel target for small regulatory ncRNAs in all domains of life and suggest the existence of a so far largely unexplored mechanism of translation regulation.


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Post-transcriptional cleavage of RNA molecules to generate smaller fragments is a widespread mechanism that enlarges the structural and functional complexity of cellular RNomes. In particular, fragments deriving from both precursor and mature tRNAs represent one of the rapidly growing classes of post-transcriptional RNA pieces. Importantly, these tRNA-derived fragments (tRFs) possess distinct expression patterns, abundance, cellular localizations, or biological roles compared with their parental tRNA molecules (1). Here we present evidence that tRFs from the archaeon Haloferax volcanii directly bind to ribosomes. In a previous genomic screen for ribosome-associated small RNAs we have identified a 26 residue long fragment originating from the 5’ part of valine tRNA (Val-tRF) to be by far the most abundant tRF in H. volcanii (2). The Val-tRF is processed in a stress- dependent manner and was found to primarily target the small ribosomal subunit in vitro and in vivo. Translational activity was markedly reduced in the presence of Val-tRF, while control RNA fragments of similar length did not show inhibition of protein biosynthesis. Crosslinking experiments and subsequent primer extension analyses revealed the Val-tRF interaction site to surround the mRNA path in the 30S subunit. In support of this, binding experiments demonstrated that Val-tRF does compete with mRNAs for ribosome binding. Therefore this tRF represents a ribosome-bound non-protein-coding RNA (ncRNA) capable of regulating gene expression in H. volcanii under environmental stress conditions probably by fine-tuning the rate of protein production (1). (1) Gebetsberger J. and Polacek N. (2013), RNA Biol. 10:1798-1808 (2) Gebetsberger J. et. al. (2012), Archaea, Article ID 260909


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We report the contrast formation in the local contact potential difference (LCPD) measured by Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) on single charge-transfer complexes (CTCs) on a NaCl bilayer on Cu(111). At different tip heights, we found quantitatively different LCPD contrasts that characterize different properties of the molecule. In the small distance regime, the tip penetrates the electron density of the molecule, and the contrast is related to the size and topography of the electron shell of the molecule. For larger distances, the LCPD contrast corresponds to the electrostatic field above the molecule. However, in the medium-distance regime, that is, for tip heights similar to the size of the molecule, the nonspherical distribution of π- and σ-electrons often conceals the effect of the partial charges within the molecule. Only for large distances does the LCPD map converge toward the simple field of a dipole for a polar molecule.


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The RNome of a cell is highly diverse and consists besides messenger RNAs (mRNAs), transfer RNAs (tRNAs), and ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) also of other small and long transcript entities without apparent coding potential. This class of molecules, commonly referred to as non-protein-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), is involved in regulating numerous biological processes and thought to contribute to cellular complexity. Therefore, much effort is put into their identification and further functional characterization. Here we provide a cost-effective and reliable method for cDNA library construction of small RNAs in the size range of 20-500 residues. The effectiveness of the described method is demonstrated by the analysis of ribosome-associated small RNAs in the eukaryotic model organism Trypanosoma brucei.


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The preparations, X-ray structures, and magnetic characterizations are presented for two new pentadecanuclear cluster compounds:  [NiII{NiII(MeOH)3}8(μ-CN)30{MV(CN)3}6]·xMeOH·yH2O (MV = MoV (1) with x = 17, y = 1; MV = WV (2) with x = 15, y = 0). Both compounds crystallize in the monoclinic space group C2/c, with cell dimensions of a = 28.4957(18) Å, b = 19.2583(10) Å, c = 32.4279(17) Å, β = 113.155(6)°, and Z = 4 for 1 and a = 28.5278(16) Å, b = 19.2008(18) Å, c = 32.4072(17) Å, β = 113.727(6)°, and Z = 4 for 2. The structures of 1 and 2 consist of neutral cluster complexes comprising 15 metal ions, 9 NiII and 6 MV, all linked by μ-cyano ligands. Magnetic susceptibilities and magnetization measurements of compounds 1 and 2 in the crystalline and dissolved state indicate that these clusters have a S = 12 ground state, originating from intracluster ferromagnetic exchange interactions between the μ-cyano-bridged metal ions of the type NiII−NC−MV. Indeed, these data show clearly that the cluster molecules stay intact in solution. Ac magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal that the cluster compounds exhibit magnetic susceptibility relaxation phenomena at low temperatures since, with nonzero dc fields, χ‘ ‘M has a nonzero value that is frequency dependent. However, there appears no out-of-phase (χ‘ ‘M) signal in zero dc field down to 1.8 K, which excludes the expected signature for a single molecule magnet. This finding is confirmed with the small uniaxial magnetic anisotropy value for D of 0.015 cm-1, deduced from the high-field, high-frequency EPR measurement, which distinctly reveals a positive sign in D. Obviously, the overall magnetic anisotropy of the compounds is too low, and this may be a consequence of a small single ion magnetic anisotropy combined with the highly symmetric arrangement of the metal ions in the cluster molecule.


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Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications are usually coated with organic molecules to form a steric barrier against agglomeration. The stability of these coatings is well established in the synthesis medium but is more difficult to assess in physiological environment. To obtain a first theoretical estimate of their stability in such an environment, we perform density functional theory calculations of the adsorption of water, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) coating molecules, as well as the monomer and dimer of glycine as a prototype short peptide, on the (110) surface of magnetite (Fe3O4) in vacuo. Our results show that PVA binds significantly stronger to the surface than both PEG and glycine, while the difference between the latter two is quite small. Depending on the coverage, the wateradsorption strength is intermediate between PVA and glycine. Due to its strongly interacting OH side groups, PVA is likely to remain bound to the surface in the presence of short peptides. This stability will have to be further assessed by molecular dynamics in the solvated state for which the present work forms the basis.


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Small non-protein-coding RNA (ncRNA) molecules represent major contributors to regulatory networks in controlling gene expression in a highly efficient manner. All of the recently discovered regulatory ncRNAs that act on translation (e.g. microRNAs, siRNAs or antisense RNAs) target the mRNA rather than the ribosome. To address the question, whether small ncRNA regulators exist that are capable of modulating the rate of protein production by directly interacting with the ribosome, we have analyzed the small ncRNA interactomes of ribosomes Deep-sequencing and subsequent bioinformatic analyses revealed thousands of putative ribosome-associated ncRNAs in various model organisms (1,2). For a subset of these ncRNA candidates we have gathered experimental evidence that they associate with ribosomes in a stress-dependent manner and are capable of regulating gene expression by fine-tuning the rate of protein biosynthesis (3,4). Many of the investigated ribosome-bound small ncRNA appear to be processing products from larger functional RNAs, such as tRNAs (2,3) or mRNAs (3). Post-transcriptional cleavage of RNA molecules to generate smaller fragments is a widespread mechanism that enlarges the structural and functional complexity of cellular RNomes. Our data reveal the ribosome as a target for small regulatory ncRNAs and demonstrate the existence of a yet unknown mechanism of translation regulation. Ribosome-associated ncRNAs (rancRNAs) are found in all domains of life and represent a prevalent but so far largely unexplored class of regulatory molecules (5). Future work on the small ncRNA interactomes of ribosomes in a variety of model systems will allow deeper insight into the conservation and functional repertoire of this emerging class of regulatory ncRNA molecules.