842 resultados para Sima, Guang, 1019-1086.


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Le texte «De la parole dialogale» écrit par Lev Jakubinskij est considéré par un certain nombre de chercheurs comme la source principale de la conception du dialogue chez Valentin Volochinov. Cet article remet en question la légitimité de cette thèse. L'analyse détaillée des notions de dialogue élaborées par Jakubinskij et Volochinov montre que leurs bases théoriques ne coïncident pas. Si Jakubinskij s'appuie sur la psychologie dite objective (la réflexologie), Volochinov élabore sa conception du dialogue sur une base sociologique. Les travaux des sociologues marxistes et non marxistes constituent la source principale de sa notion de dialogue


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Presenta los resultados de los parámetros físicos, químicos, biológicos y de pesca obtenidos en plena evolución del Fenómeno El Niño de 1997, catalogado como Niño Fuerte, en el área comprendida entre Tambo de Mora y Punta Carretas, complementando la Operación EUREKA Sur I. Por antecedentes históricos, todo evento cálido disminuye considerablemente en la estación de invierno, por ese motivo el presente estudio se hacía necesario para tener un conocimiento real de las implicancias del fenómeno sobre los recursos del litoral peruano.


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Durante los cruceros en con BIC Humboldt en marzo-abril de 1981, enero de 1983 y diciembre de 1984, se muestreo el macrozoobentos en un total de 315 estaciones entre los 3° 30’ y 12° S, a profundidades entre 25 y 500 m. Se presentan las biomasas húmedas, abundancias y números de especies en relación a la latitud, profundidad y concentración de oxígeno.


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Malgré le succès de  « Marxisme et philosophie du langage » (par la suite MPL) de V. Volochinov, ce texte n'a suscité que trois comptes rendus. Le quatrième est ébauché par A. Romm. Resté à l'état de notes, ce compte rendu est bien étudié par les chercheurs contemporains. En revanche, le compte rendu écrit par R. Chor n'a jamais été analysé de façon détaillée. Notre article a pour but de combler cette lacune et porte sur le contenu de l'analyse critique de MPL faite par Chor. Son examen révèle que le compte rendu écrit par cette dernière et MPL de Volochinov représentent la formulation de principes de base diamétralement opposés de la science du langage «marxiste». Cela se manifeste dans la réception des idées de F. de Saussure. Si Chor considère la conception de ce dernier comme fondement de la linguistique «théorique» portant sur la langue en tant que système de signes (ou de «signifiances» dans les termes de Chor), Volochinov rejette la théorie de Saussure. Il la considère comme «abstraite», d'où le nom «objectivisme abstrait» qu'il donne au saussurisme. En élaborant la philosophie du langage «marxiste», il s'appuie sur la néo-philologie idéaliste (les idées de Vossler et de son Ecole) définie dans MPL comme «subjectivisme individualiste». Volochinov propose d'étudier la «langue» comme fait réel, accessible à l'observation immédiate et non pas comme objet d'étude «théorique». Ce fait constitue une cible de la critique adressée par Chor à Volochinov


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In some markets, such as the market for drugs or for financial services, sellers have better information than buyersregarding the matching between the buyer's needs and the good's actual characteristics. Depending on the market structure,this may lead to conflicts of interest and/or the underprovision of information by the seller. This paper studies this issuein the market for financial services. The analysis presents a new model of competition between banks, as banks' pricecompetition influences the ensuing incentives for truthful information revelation. We compare two different firm structures,specialized banking, where financial institutions provide a unique financial product, and one-stop banking, where a financialinstitution is able to provide several financial products which are horizontally differentiated. We show first that, althoughconflicts of interest may prevent information disclosure under monopoly, competition forces full information provision forsufficiently high reputation costs. Second, in the presence of market power, one-stop banks will use information strategicallyto increase product differentiation and therefore will always provide reliable information and charge higher rices thanspecialized banks, thus providing a new justification for the creation of one-stop banks. Finally, we show that, ifindependent financial advisers are able to provide reliable information, this increases product differentiation and thereforemarket power, so that it is in the interest of financial intermediaries to promote external independent financial advice.


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Previous works on asymmetric information in asset markets tendto focus on the potential gains in the asset market itself. We focus on the market for information and conduct an experimental study to explore, in a game of finite but uncertain duration, whether reputation can be an effective constraint on deliberate misinformation. At the beginning of each period, an uninformed potential asset buyer can purchase information, at a fixed price and from a fully-informed source, about the value of the asset in that period. The informational insiders cannot purchase the asset and are given short-term incentives to provide false information when the asset value is low. Our model predicts that, in accordance with the Folk Theorem, Pareto-superior outcomes featuring truthful revelation should be sustainable. However, this depends critically on beliefs about rationality and behavior. We find that, overall, sellers are truthful 89% of the time. More significantly, the observed frequency of truthfulness is 81% when the asset value is low. Our result is consistent with both mixed-strategy and trigger strategy interpretations and provides evidence that most subjects correctly anticipate rational behavior. We discuss applications to financial markets, media regulation, and the stability of cartels.


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BACKGROUND: Coronary in-stent restenosis cannot be directly assessed by magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) because of the local signal void of currently used stainless steel stents. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of a new, dedicated, coronary MR imaging (MRI) stent for artifact-free, coronary MRA and in-stent lumen and vessel wall visualization. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fifteen prototype stents were deployed in coronary arteries of 15 healthy swine and investigated with a double-oblique, navigator-gated, free-breathing, T2-prepared, 3D cartesian gradient-echo sequence; a T2-prepared, 3D spiral gradient-echo sequence; and a T2-prepared, 3D steady-state, free-precession coronary MRA sequence. Furthermore, black-blood vessel wall imaging by a dual-inversion-recovery, turbo spin-echo sequence was performed. Artifacts of the stented vessel segment and signal intensities of the coronary vessel lumen inside and outside the stent were assessed. With all investigated sequences, the vessel lumen and wall could be visualized without artifacts, including the stented vessel segment. No signal intensity alterations inside the stent when compared with the vessel lumen outside the stent were found. CONCLUSIONS: The new, coronary MRI stent allows for completely artifact-free coronary MRA and vessel wall imaging.


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In the temperate zone, food availability and winter weather place serious constraints on European Barn Owl Tyto alba populations. Using data collected over 22years in a Swiss population, we analysed the influence of early pre-breeding food conditions and winter severity on between-year variations in population size and reproductive performance. To estimate pre-breeding food conditions, we attempted a novel approach based on an index that combines Tawny Owl Strix aluco reproductive parameters and the occurrence of wood mice Apodemus sp. in their diet. Tawny Owls breed earlier in the season than Barn Owls and are strongly dependent on the abundance of wood mice for breeding. This index was strongly positively associated with the number of breeding pairs and early breeding in the Barn Owl. Winter severity, measured by snow cover and low temperatures, had a pronounced negative influence on the size of the breeding population and clutch size. Food conditions early in the breeding season and winter severity differentially affect the Barn Owl life cycle. We were able to use aspects of the ecology and demography of the Tawny Owl as an indicator of the quality of the environment for a related species of similar ecology, in this case the Barn Owl.


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The prevalence, clinical presentation, and risk factors for hyperlactatemia among patients receiving antiretroviral therapy was determined during a 1-month period for patients in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Overall, 73 (8.3%) of 880 patients presented an increase in serum lactate of >1.1 times the upper normal limit (UNL). For 9 patients (1%), lactate elevation was moderate or severe (>2.2 times the UNL). Patients who presented with hyperlactatemia were more likely to be receiving stavudine with or without didanosine (odds ratio, 2.7; 95% confidence interval, 1.5-4.8), as compared with patients who received zidovudine-based regimens. The risk increased with increasing time receiving stavudine with or without didanosine. The association between hyperlactatemia and stavudine with or without didanosine was not biased by these medications being more recently available and, therefore, being given preferentially to patients who had prolonged use of nucleoside analog reverse-transcriptase inhibitors. Hyperlactatemia was associated with lipoatrophy, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia. Age, sex, or stage of infection with human immunodeficiency virus were not predictive of hyperlactatemia. Determination of lactate levels may prove useful in the screening for mitochondrial toxicity.


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Disentangling the mechanisms mediating the coexistence of habitat specialists and generalists has been a long-standing subject of investigation. However, the roles of species traits and environmental and spatial factors have not been assessed in a unifying theoretical framework. Theory suggests that specialist species are more competitive in natural communities. However, empirical work has shown that specialist species are declining worldwide due to habitat loss and fragmentation. We addressed the question of the coexistence of specialist and generalist species with a spatially explicit metacommunity model in continuous and heterogeneous environments. We characterized how species' dispersal abilities, the number of interacting species, environmental spatial autocorrelation, and disturbance impact community composition. Our results demonstrated that species' dispersal ability and the number of interacting species had a drastic influence on the composition of metacommunities. More specialized species coexisted when species had large dispersal abilities and when the number of interacting species was high. Disturbance selected against highly specialized species, whereas environmental spatial autocorrelation had a marginal impact. Interestingly, species richness and niche breadth were mainly positively correlated at the community scale but were negatively correlated at the metacommunity scale. Numerous diversely specialized species can thus coexist, but both species' intrinsic traits and environmental factors interact to shape the specialization signatures of communities at both the local and global scales.


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The effect that long-term use of suppressive acyclovir (ACV) has on both overall herpes simplex virus (HSV) disease and ACV-resistant HSV disease was examined in 3 consecutive cohorts of hematopoietic stem-cell transplant (HCT) recipients (n=2049); cohort 1 received ACV for 30 days after HCT, cohort 2 received it for 1 year after HCT, and cohort 3 received it for an extended period (i.e., >1 year) if the patient's immunosuppression continued after 1 year. The 2-year probability of HSV disease was 31.6% (95% confidence interval [CI], 28.0%-35%) in cohort 1, 3.9% (95% CI, 2.7%-5.2%) in cohort 2, and 0% in cohort 3 (P<.001). ACV-resistant HSV disease developed in 10 patients in cohort 1 (2-year probability, 1.3% [95% CI, 0.8%-2.7%]), in 2 patients in cohort 2 (2-year probability, 0.2% [95% CI, 0%-0.8%]; P=.006), and in 0 patients in cohort 3 (cohort 2 vs. cohort 3, P=.3). Long-term use of suppressive prophylactic ACV appears to prevent the emergence of drug-resistant HSV disease in HCT.