362 resultados para Señalamientos (Appointments).


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Purpose The purpose of this paper was to review the effectiveness of telephone interviewing for capturing data and to consider in particular the challenges faced by telephone interviewers when capturing information about market segments. Design/methodology/approach The platform for this methodological critique was a market segment analysis commissioned by Sport Wales which involved a series of 85 telephone interviews completed during 2010. Two focus groups involving the six interviewers involved in the study were convened to reflect on the researchers’ experiences and the implications for business and management research. Findings There are three principal sets of findings. First, although telephone interviewing is generally a cost-effective data collection method, it is important to consider both the actual costs (i.e. time spent planning and conducting interviews) as well as the opportunity costs (i.e. missed appointments, “chasing participants”). Second, researchers need to be sensitised to and sensitive to the demographic characteristics of telephone interviewees (insofar as these are knowable) because responses are influenced by them. Third, the anonymity of telephone interviews may be more conducive for discussing sensitive issues than face-to-face interactions. Originality/value The present study adds to this modest body of literature on the implementation of telephone interviewing as a research technique of business and management. It provides valuable methodological background detail about the intricate, personal experiences of researchers undertaking this method “at a distance” and without visual cues, and makes explicit the challenges of telephone interviewing for the purposes of data capture.


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NORO, Luiz Roberto Augusto et al. Incidência de cárie dentária em adolescentes em município do Nordeste brasileiro, 2006, Cadernos de Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 25, n. 4, p. 783-790, abr. 2009.


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Prémio em Contraceção 2012 da Sociedade Portuguesa de Contraceção


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A la hora de buscar responsables de las dificultades del proceso democrático en el país, es recurrente que muchos de los señalamientos se dirijan en contra de las organizaciones partidistas. La desconfianza frente a estas ha sido alimentada no solo por aquellos sectores sociales y políticos que durante tiempo estuvieron marginados del escenario político electoral por la vía del cierre bipartidista, sino que de manera creciente sectores de elite, académicos, creadores de opinión y líderes gubernamentales han aportado críticas y distanciamiento frente a los partidos. Las razones para ello parecen cada vez más obvias. No obstante, los partidos siguen ahí, aunque ahora con un pedazo mucho menor de la torta. Podemos decretar finalmente la muerte del bipartidismo, del bipartidismo que hemos conocido, pero no de los partidos tradicionales. Con cierto pesimismo, se los declara como males necesarios, dejando traslucir el carácter instrumental de la relación que sostienen muchos sectores con las diversas expresiones partidistas. Pero su importancia no se agota en esta instrumentalización. A pesar de los males en que se ven implicados, los partidos con dinámicas, estrategias y vínculos muy diversos siguen jugando un papel importante de articulación política. El esfuerzo que se reclama, y que se intenta en este libro, es el de comprender y tratar de explicar cómo son estas organizaciones, sobre todo cuando ponen en funcionamiento su batería electoral.


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El tema social se halla actualmente en el centro del escenario histórico de América Latina. Se suceden desde las más variadas fuentes los llamados de alerta sobre la magnitud y profundidad de los problemas que sacuden a la región en el campo social. La mayor reunión de Presidentes del Continente, la cumbre hemisférica (Santiago de Chile, 1998) consignó en su declaración final, suscrita por todos los mandatarios, que “superar la pobreza continúa siendo el mayor desafío confrontado por nuestro Hemisferio”. Caracterizando algunos de los principales problemas existentes, los Presidentes indicaron “estamos decididos a remover las barreras que deniegan a los pobres el acceso a nutrición adecuada, servicios sociales, un medio ambiente saludable, créditos y títulos legales sobre su propiedad”. El Secretario General de la CEPAL, José A. Ocampo resaltó (1998) sobre la situación que “siguen aumentando los niveles de pobreza absoluta, los niveles de desigualdad no muestran mejoría y sigue aumentando el empleo en el sector informal”. El Presidente del BID, Enrique V. Iglesias ha destacado (1997) que “el proceso de cambio ha dejado sin resolver en la gran mayoría de los países un tema central: la pobreza crítica y la mala distribución del ingreso”. El Banco Mundial ha hecho continuos señalamientos sobre la gravedad del problema: “América Latina es notable como una región en la que la pobreza, particularmente la pobreza absoluta, no registra mejora alguna” (Burki, 1996), e indicó en reciente conferencia internacional sobre la región (Chile, 1999), los riesgos que corría la democracia en tales condiciones.


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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El propósito del Estudio de Caso Psicoanalítico fue plantear la Dinámica Edipica que dio pie a la estructura de un caso de Neurosis Obsesiva, así como su Pulsión de Muerte; además el objetivo fue en un paciente con esta estructura, como se vinculó afectivamente y agresivamente con su entorno y con sus relaciones de objeto. El método que se utilizó fue el Método Psicoanalítico a través de la Asociación Libre, Lapsus, Actos Fallidos y Sueños; así como a través de señalamientos, clarificaciones, confrontaciones e Interpretaciones, con la finalidad de mencionar supuestos teóricos que describen los elementos que dan pie para la estructuración de la Neurosis Obsesiva, y su relación con la pulsión de vida y la pulsión de muerte. La presentación de este Caso analizara la relación de este paciente y su relación con la Ley del Padre, así como a través de su compulsión a la repetición y sus mecanismos de defensa intenta darle muerte a ese ideal del padre. Para dar cuenta de esto se desarrollaran Intervenciones Clínicas elaboradas mediante narrativas en base a la asociación libre, con la intención de mostrar los hechos que tuvieron impacto en la vida de un sujeto con las características que se mencionaran más delante.


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El presente trabajo consiste en una "PROPUESTA DE UNA ESTRUCTURA SALARIAL DE LA IMPRENTA NACIONAL QUE PERMITA NIVELAR LOS SALARIOS RESPECTO A LA INDUSTRIA DEL MISMO GIRO" se divide en 3 capítulos los cuales conforman 3 etapas de investigación. El capítulo L aborda en la investigación de las generalidades del trabajo en el que se presentan antecedentes importantes de la industria Gráfica así como también se observa parte de la historia de la Imprenta Nacional la los cambios y su desarrollo que ha tenido con el paso de los afias, en el que también se hace la referencia de su estructura organizativa con el organigrama de la estructura funcional de la Imprenta Nacional, la cual se muestra según los cambios que ha tenido para convertirse en una institución que presta los servicios de publicación como lo es El diario Oficial de El Salvador donde se publica las leyes y documentos que dictan el gobierno del país. En este primer capítulo también se detallan Jos todos los puestos con los que cuenta la Imprenta Nacional en el cual se destacan cada una de las competencias que requiere cada puesto así como las generalidades de la estructura como lo es la definición, el objetivo , los factores que condicionan los salarios, La investigación salarial entre otros que nos dieron una la idea de cómo orientar la investigación así como también se dio a conocer e que consistía la Nivelación que Salarial con lo que se finaliza este capítulo. El capítulo 2 aborda en la investigación de campo para realizar el diagnostico en el cual se cumplió el objetivo ya que se identificó por medio de este determinar los problemas con respecto al salario de todos los trabajadores de la institución en comparación con las imprenta s privadas en el cual se realizó la investigación salarial, por lo cual como se realizó el diagnóstico de la situación actual de la institución Ja metodología de la investigación se basó en primer lugar, en determinar el método de investigación por lo cual se utilizó para la investigación el método científico a través del estudio descriptivo ya que este engloba una serie de etapas de investigación que pennite acercarse de manera objetiva a la realidad que se deseábamos interpretar, se cubrió el nivel descriptivo al plantear los aspectos generales del sector, las empresas dedicadas a la industria gráfica así como también generalidades de la industria gráfica, el nivel explicativo se alcanzó sal identificar las causas o los factores que inciden en la problemática y el nivel predictivo se alcanzó al hacer los señalamientos respectivos de los análisis de la preguntas que se realizaron para deterninar el diagnostico. El diagnostico se elaboró por medio de los datos recolectados por las entrevi stas, la observación y encuestas que se pasaron tanto en la Imprenta Nacional como en las Imprentas privadas las cuales fueron , Impresos Publicolor, La imprenta de la Universidad de El salvador que son las instituciones que nos abrieron la puertas para la realización de la investigación . En el orden de las ideas anteriores, después de la metodología de la investigación y el diagnostico, se formularon las conclusiones y recomendaciones que se obtuvieron en esta fase de la investigación. En el capítulo 3 se plantea la propuesta para solucionar el problema sobre el descontento que hay en la Imprenta Nacional, por lo cual se definió los objetivos para lograrlo así como también la descripción del Método de Valuación por Puntos y la elaboración de bandas salariales, que es parte del mecanismo de solución que presentamos a medida de propuesta para que la Imprenta Nacional solucione disconformidades con los trabajadores que reclaman que se les pague de acuerdo a competencias, habilidades y destrezas que puedan tener cada empleado .


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Objective: To determine whether a falls prevention program reduces the incidence of falls within a hospital. Materials and methods: Each patient admitted to the Internal Medicine ward was classiied into a risk category (high, medium, low) according to the scale of J.H. Downton, and then various general and speciic measures were applied by risk group. Interventions included appointments, teaching materials, and training of medical staff and family. Furthermore, a registration system was developed that allowed adverse event fe edback to the program and identiicat ion of the causes of the fall. The SPSS version 20.0 was used for the data analysis. Descriptive analysis was used for quantitative variables, and qualitative variables were expressed as proportions. To compare the rate of pre- and post-program implementation falls, x 2 was used, with a  = 0.05 determining a signiicant statistical value. Results: Since the implementation of the program, the rate of falls per 1000 days/patient decreased from 1.9 in 2007 to 0.67 in the period 2008-2013, representing a decrease of the rate of falls of up to 70%, with a statistically signiicant difference (P=.02). Conclusions: The implementation of a falls prevention program is an effective tool and reduces the rate and complications associated with them.


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Curatorial Aims and Objectives: Fragmentos was a curated exhibition (or expose) of 13 contemporary Australian artists. It was presented at the upstairs gallery at the Escuela Activa de fotografia in Cuernavaca, Morelos in Mexico. The curatorial objective was to present small samples or fragments from the creative practice of a number Australian artists. It would therefore act as introduction to their broader practice and as a way of representing the diverse range of creative explorations by a number contemporary, mostly Melbourne based Australian artists. These artists were selected on the basis of their diverse and often conceptual approaches to art making. All the artists have an established practice in the arts and their work reflects an experimental and investigative approach to materials and processes as well as exploring a wide range of conceptual and thematic concerns. Visitors to the Fragmentos exhibition were primarily local Mexican artists, art students and academics and members of the general public. The gallery is located in the heart of a photography school in central Cuernavaca but the students are engaged in a wide range of practices and the local arts community is vibrant and divers. Many of the works presented in this exhibition invited audience interaction and even the opportunity to contribute to the works providing a connection to the Australian artists involved and as a way of demystifying the ideas behind the works. One of the main curatorial objectives was to create a sense of connection and dialogue between local Mexican artists and the works. By offering samples and fragments, some of which were from unfinished work (in development) the audience could have an experience which was akin to visiting an artists studio or at least seeing something from behind the scenes This gives a sense of the artists as people, which is often not the case with highly resolved and finished works of art, displayed in a white cube. To facilitate this sense of discovery I made a number of small tables using builders timber work horses with a simple ply wood top to act as benches on which the artists work could be placed and to suggest the idea of things being in a transitional stage and undergoing and development. Also, the inclusion of pin boards, magnifying glasses, G Clamps were used during the installation to invoke this sense of workshop or studio. The works were very well received and I gave a number of public talks and presentation to student groups as well as after hour’s appointments to discuss the exhibition with various academics. The project has also generated some new engagements between Mexican and Australian artists with at least 3 outcomes emerging.


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BACKGROUND: Despite increasing demand for joint replacement surgery and other health services for hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA), barriers and enablers to individual access to care are not well understood. A comprehensive understanding of drivers at all levels is needed to inform efforts for improving access. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to explore perceived barriers and enablers to receiving conservative (nonsurgical) and surgical treatment for hip and knee OA. DESIGN: This was a qualitative study using directed content analysis. METHODS: Semistructured telephone interviews were conducted, with 33 participants randomly sampled from an Australian population-based survey of hip and knee OA. Each interview covered factors contributing to receiving treatment for OA and perceived barriers to accessing care. Interview transcripts were coded and organized into themes. RESULTS: Key barriers to accessing care for OA included medical opinions about saving surgery for later and the appropriate age for joint replacement. Other common barriers included difficulty obtaining referrals or appointments, long waiting times, work-related issues, and limited availability of primary and specialist care in some areas. Several participants perceived a lack of effective treatment for OA. Private health insurance was the most frequently cited enabler and was perceived to support the costs of surgical and conservative treatments, including physical therapy, while facilitating faster access to surgery. Close proximity to services and assistance from medical professionals in arranging care also were considered enablers. CONCLUSIONS: People with hip or knee OA experience substantial challenges in accessing treatment, and these challenges relate predominantly to health professionals, health systems, and financial factors. Private health insurance was the strongest perceived enabler to accessing care for OA.


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Abstract Dental caries is a major health problem in most industrialised countries. Childhood dental disease can cause acute pain, difficulty eating resulting in reduced self-esteem and sleep deprivation. The treatment of oral disease using traditional methods is costly and in industrialized countries currently rates the fourth most expensive disease to treat. Dental professionals are currently facing an unfathomable task of how to manage the large burden of consequences associated with caries progression across the world. The Barwon South-West Region of Victoria, Australia is a diverse regional/rural area. Some communities are quite remote. Barwon Health and Colac Area Health Oral Health Services developed an outreach program to improve access to dental services for children. A Minimal Intervention Dentistry approach was incorporated and includes early diagnosis, risk assessment, early detection of mineral loss, non-surgical treatment and preservation of the tooth structure. Kindergartens throughout the region and children in the first year of Primary School are visited by Oral Health Therapists. Teeth are scored according to the International Caries Detection Assessment System and any early 'white spot' lesions identified have fluoride varnish applied. Children receive up to three dental check-ups during the year and given a toothbrush and toothpaste at each visit. Parent engagement sessions are conducted during Visit 2. Examinations and fluoride application take only 3 - 6 minutes for each child, compared with the usual 30 minute appointments in dental clinics. Two virtual chairs have been created as two dental teams visit Kindergartens throughout the Barwon Region, significantly easing pressure at Community dental clinics. The Kinder Wide Smiles program successfully intervened in the oral health of 5,305 children in the region. Most importantly, one of the barriers for children not presenting to static dental clinics for screening has been eliminated.


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Abstract In Australia, dental caries is one of the most prevalent diseases effecting children. For more severe cases a dental general anaesthetic (GA) is required. A retrospective analysis of clinical records for all patients aged up to 10 years who attended Barwon Health (Geelong, Victoria, Australia) for a dental GA from 2010-2012 was performed. There were 236 separate events in 234 children, with 223 new cases and 11 that had already received a dental GA prior to the study period. The average age of patients at their dental GA procedure was 6.3 ± 2.0 years. Prior to the GA, the average dmft/ DMFT was 8 (6-12) (median, interquartile range). The length of time from referral to GA increased significantly from 166.4 days (SD 108.1), 164.3 days (SD 98.9) to225.4 days (SD 129.5) in 2010, 2011 and 2012, respectively. Follow up review appointments after GA appointment was attended by 10.8%, 37.3% and 36.0% of patients, respectively across the same years. Following the findings of long waiting times for GA procedures for children with severe dental caries, and the low rate of attendance for post-GA reviews, a change in dental process is urgently needed.


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BACKGROUND: Waiting lists for treatment are common in outpatient and community services, Existing methods for managing access and triage to these services can lead to inequities in service delivery, inefficiencies and divert resources from frontline care. Evidence from two controlled studies indicates that an alternative to the traditional "waitlist and triage" model known as STAT (Specific Timely Appointments for Triage) may be successful in reducing waiting times without adversely affecting other aspects of patient care. This trial aims to test whether the model is cost effective in reducing waiting time across multiple services, and to measure the impact on service provision, health-related quality of life and patient satisfaction.

METHODS/DESIGN: A stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial has been designed to evaluate the impact of the STAT model in 8 community health and outpatient services. The primary outcome will be waiting time from referral to first appointment. Secondary outcomes will be nature and quantity of service received (collected from all patients attending the service during the study period and health-related quality of life (AQOL-8D), patient satisfaction, health care utilisation and cost data (collected from a subgroup of patients at initial assessment and after 12 weeks). Data will be analysed with a multiple multi-level random-effects regression model that allows for cluster effects. An economic evaluation will be undertaken alongside the clinical trial.

DISCUSSION: This paper outlines the study protocol for a fully powered prospective stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial (SWCRCT) to establish whether the STAT model of access and triage can reduce waiting times applied across multiple settings, without increasing health service costs or adversely impacting on other aspects of patient care. If successful, it will provide evidence for the effectiveness of a practical model of access that can substantially reduce waiting time for outpatient and community services with subsequent benefits for both efficiency of health systems and patient care.


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Objectives: As stillbirth has a devastating impact, it is imperative to understand the importance of clinical and emotional care after stillbirth and how it influences subsequent pregnancies. The aim of the study was to gain insight into the consideration and planning of a subsequent pregnancy by parents in the weeks following stillbirth. Design: A qualitative semi-structured interview format was utilized. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was employed as the analytic strategy. Participants and setting: The recruitment strategy focused on couples whereby the parents of ten stillborn babies were contacted; however, five men declined to participate in the study. The final sample of 15 parents were all Irish: ten of whom were female and five of whom were male. Results: Findings revealed two superordinate themes relating to a subsequent pregnancy after stillbirth: aspirations for future pregnancy and expectations of future care. Parents disclosed how the prospect of a subsequent pregnancy was daunting with fears about the potential loss of another child. Despite these fears, parentsâ aspirations differed in the days following stillbirth; mothers wished to plan a future pregnancy while fathers were reluctant to consider any pregnancies. Parents were unsure of what to expect in terms of the level of care that would be provided to them in a subsequent pregnancy. Additional appointments at the maternity hospital were considered crucial to provide reassurance during a subsequent pregnancy. Conclusions: These findings underscore the far-reaching and contrasting effects of stillbirth on parents. These complex needs highlight the importance of the multidisciplinary team approach.Objectives: As stillbirth has a devastating impact, it is imperative to understand the importance of clinical and emotional care after stillbirth and how it influences subsequent pregnancies. The aim of the study was to gain insight into the consideration and planning of a subsequent pregnancy by parents in the weeks following stillbirth. Design: A qualitative semi-structured interview format was utilized. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was employed as the analytic strategy. Participants and setting: The recruitment strategy focused on couples whereby the parents of ten stillborn babies were contacted; however, five men declined to participate in the study. The final sample of 15 parents were all Irish: ten of whom were female and five of whom were male. Results: Findings revealed two superordinate themes relating to a subsequent pregnancy after stillbirth: aspirations for future pregnancy and expectations of future care. Parents disclosed how the prospect of a subsequent pregnancy was daunting with fears about the potential loss of another child. Despite these fears, parentsâ aspirations differed in the days following stillbirth; mothers wished to plan a future pregnancy while fathers were reluctant to consider any pregnancies. Parents were unsure of what to expect in terms of the level of care that would be provided to them in a subsequent pregnancy. Additional appointments at the maternity hospital were considered crucial to provide reassurance during a subsequent pregnancy. Conclusions: These findings underscore the far-reaching and contrasting effects of stillbirth on parents. These complex needs highlight the importance of the multidisciplinary team approach.