444 resultados para SYMBIOSIS
Lupinus mariae-josephae is a recently discovered endemism that is only found in alkaline-limed soils, a unique habitat for lupines, from a small area in Valencia region (Spain). In these soils, L. mariae-josephae grows in just a few defined patches, and previous conservation efforts directed towards controlled plant reproduction have been unsuccessful. We have previously shown that L. mariae-josephae plants establish a specific root nodule symbiosis with bradyrhizobia present in those soils, and we reasoned that the paucity of these bacteria in soils might contribute to the lack of success in reproducing plants for conservation purposes. Greenhouse experiments using L. mariae-josephae trap-plants showed the absence or near absence of L. mariae-josephae-nodulating bacteria in ‘‘terra rossa’’ soils of Valencia outside of L. mariaejosephae plant patches, and in other ‘‘terra rossa’’ or alkaline red soils of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands outside of the Valencia L. mariae-josephae endemism region. Among the bradyrhizobia able to establish an efficient symbiosis with L. mariae-josephae plants, two strains, LmjC and LmjM3 were selected as inoculum for seed coating. Two planting experiments were carried out in consecutive years under natural conditions in areas with edapho-climatic characteristics identical to those sustaining natural L. mariae-josephae populations, and successful reproduction of the plant was achieved. Interestingly, the successful reproductive cycle was absolutely dependent on seedling inoculation with effective bradyrhizobia, and optimal performance was observed in plants inoculated with LmjC, a strain that had previously shown the most efficient behavior under controlled conditions. Our results define conditions for L. mariae-josephae conservation and for extension to alkaline-limed soil habitats, where no other known lupine can thrive.
Lupinus mariae-josephae (Lmj) es una especie de lupino endémica de una pequeña y específica área de Comunidad Valenciana (Este de España), donde prospera en suelos alcalinoscalcáreos, un hábitat singular para los altramuces, que crecen preferentemente en suelos ácidos o neutros. Esto hace de Lmj una especie de lupino única. Cuando se inició este trabajo, la extensión conocida de este endemismo abarcaba unos 700 kilómetros cuadrados, confinados en la provincia de Valencia. En esta área, Lmj prospera en pequeñas poblaciones aisladas que contienen un número reducido de plantas por lo que se la consideró una especie en peligro de extinción. Todos los esfuerzos, utilizando estrategias clásicas dirigidas a ampliar el área de crecimiento de Lmj y garantizar su conservación, han tenido un éxito limitado. El trabajo que se presenta está dirigido a mejorar el conocimiento de la ecología de Lmj, en particular la interacción simbiótica que establece con bacterias del suelo denominadas rizobios y se centra en la caracterización fenotípica, filogenética y genómica de esos rizobios. También se investiga la posible contribución de la simbiosis en mejorar la conservación de Lmj. Para este fin, se han estudiado diferentes aspectos que se describen a continuación. El primero objetivo se centró en aislar y estudiar de la diversidad genética de las bacterias endosimbióticas de Lmj. . Se realizó un análisis filogenético de genes esenciales que mostró que las cepas de Lmj pertenecen al género Bradyrhizobium y que presentan una gran diversidad con características fenotípicas y simbióticas diferentes de cepas de Bradyrhizobium que nodulan otras especies de lupinos nativos de España (cepas ISLU). Las cepas estudiadas se dividieron en dos grupos (Clado I y Clado II). El Clado I, incluye a las cepas Lmj, definiendo un nuevo linaje, filogenéticamente relacionado con otras especies de Bradyrhizobium, como B. jicamae y B. elkanii. El Clado II contiene cepas ISLU relacionadas con cepas de B. canariense y B. japonicum que establecen simbiosis con lupinos de suelos ácidos. Otro análisis filogenético basado en genes simbióticos, distribuyó las cepas de Lmj en sólo dos grupos diferentes. La singularidad y gran diversidad de estas cepas en una pequeña área geográfica, hacen de este, un atractivo sistema para el estudio de la evolución y adaptación de las bacterias simbióticas a su respectiva planta huésped. Adicionalmente, se estudio la presencia de bacterias capaces de nodular Lmj en suelos básicos de Chiapas, México. Sorprendentemente, estos suelos contienen bacterias capaces establecer interacciones simbióticas eficientes con Lmj en ensayos de invernadero. A continuación se investigó la taxonomía de los endosimbiontes de Lmj analizando la secuencia de cuatro genes esenciales (16S rRNA, recA, glnII y atpD) y el promedio de identidad de nucleótidos de genomas completos de algunas cepas representativas de la diversidad (ANIm). Se identificaron nuevas especies de Bradyrhizobium dentro del Clado I y se definió una de ellas: 'Bradyrhizobium valentinum' sp. nov (cepa tipo LmjM3T = CECT 8364T, LMG 2761T). También se abordó cómo conservar Lmj en su hábitat natural mediante inoculación con alguna de las cepas aisladas. Se demostró la ausencia de bacterias capaces de nodular Lmj en suelos rojos alcalinos o ‘‘terra rossa’’ de la Península Ibérica y Baleares. Dos cepas, altamente eficientes en cuanto a la fijación de nitrógeno, LmjC y LmjM3T, fueron seleccionadas para ser empleadas como inoculantes. Dos experimentos de campo llevados a cabo en años consecutivos en áreas con características edafoclimáticas similares a las que presentan las poblaciones de Lmj, lograron la reproducción exitosa de la planta. Se concluyó que un ciclo reproductivo exitoso de Lmj es absolutamente dependiente de la inoculación con sus simbiontes naturales y que la simbiosis debe ser considerada un factor esencial en estrategias de conservación de leguminosas en peligro. La obtención de varias secuencias genómicas de cepas aisladas de Lmj y de otras cepas de Bradyrhizobium reveló una alta similitud entre los genomas de las cepas del Clado I, y permitió la identificación de cinco posibles nuevas especies. Además, se estudiaron tres agrupaciones de genes relacionados con la simbiosis (nod, nif y fix) definiendo un nuevo linaje para las cepas de Lmj, diferente del symbiovar “genistearum” de B. canariense y B. japonicum. La baja diversidad encontrada en el análisis filogenético de los genes simbióticos contrasta con la gran diversidad asociada a genes esenciales. La presencia de plásmidos en cepas del género Bradyrhizobium ha sido descrita en muy pocas ocasiones, sin embargo el análisis de la secuencia genómica de la cepa ISLU101, aislada de Lupinus angustifolius, reveló la presencia de un origen de replicación extracromosómico homólogo al operón repABC, presente en el plásmido de Bradyrhizobium sp BTAi1. Gracias a esta secuencia se identificaron genes homólogos en 19 de 72 cepas ISLU. Filogenéticamente, las secuencias de repABC se agruparon en un grupo monofilético con las de pBTAi1 y separadas de los rizobios de crecimiento rápido. Finalmente, se identificaron sistemas de secreción de proteínas de tipo III (T3SS) en nueve genomas de cepas de Lmj. Los T3SS pueden inyectar proteínas efectoras al interior de células vegetales. Su presencia en rizobios se ha relacionado con la gama de hospedador que pueden nodular y puede tener un efecto beneficioso, neutro o perjudicial en la simbiosis. Los T3SS de las cepas de Lmj codifican para una proteína efectora similar a NopE, un efector dependiente de T3SS descrito en B. diazoefficiens USDA 110T. La proteína NopE de la cepa LmjC se ha caracterizado bioquímicamente. ABSTRACT Lupinus mariae-josephae (Lmj) is a lupine species endemic of a unique small area in Valencia region (Eastern Spain) where the lupine plants thrive in alkaline-limed soils, which preferentially grow in acid or neutral soils. This is the type of soils native lupines of Spain. When this work was initiated, the extension of the endemic area of Lmj was of about 700 squared kilometers confined to the Valencia province. In this area, Lmj thrives in small, isolated patches containing a reduced number of plants, and points to an endemism that can easily became endangered or extinct. Consequently, the Valencia Community authorities gave a ‘‘microreserve” status for conservation of the species. All efforts, using classical strategies directed to extend the area of Lmj growth and ensure its conservation have been so far unsuccessful. The work presented here is directed to improve our knowledge of Lmj ecology and it is centered in the characterization of the rhizobial symbiosis by phenotypic, phylogenetic and genomic analysis as well as in investigate the potential contribution of the symbiosis to improve its conservation. To this end, five different topics have been studied, and results are briefly described here. Extensive details can be followed en the attached, published articles. The first topic deals with the indigenous rhizobial symbionts of the Lmj endemism, and its genetic diversity was investigated. The Lmj root symbionts belong to the Bradyrhizobium genus, and phylogenetic analysis based on core genes identified a large diversity of Bradyrhizobium strains with phenotypic and symbiotic characteristics different from rhizobia nodulating other Lupinus spp. native of Spain. The strains were split in two clades. Clade II contained strains close to classical B. canariense and B. japonicum lineages that establish symbioses with lupines in acid soils of the Mediterranean area. Clade I included Lmj strains that define a new lineage, close to other Bradyrhizobium species as B. jicamae and B. elkanii. The phylogenetic analysis based on symbiotic genes identified only two distinct clusters. The singularity and large diversity of these strains in such a small geographical area makes this an attractive system for studying the evolution and adaptation of the rhizobial symbiont to the plant host. Additionally, the presence of bacteria able to nodulate Lmj in basic soils from Chiapas, Mexico was investigated. Surprisingly, these soils contain bacteria able to effectively nodulate and fix nitrogen with Lmj plants in greenhouse assays. In the second topic, the taxonomic status of the endosymbiotic bacteria of Lmj from Valencia endemism and Chiapas was investigated. Results from phylogenetic analysis of core genes and Average Nucleotide Identity (ANIm) using draft genomic sequences identified new Bradyrhizobium species within strains of Clade I of Lmj endosymbiotic bacteria. Only one of these potentially new species has been defined, meanwhile the others are under process of characterization. The name ‘Bradyrhizobium valentinum’ sp. nov. was proposed for the defined species (type strain LmjM3T= CECT 8364T, LMG 2761T). The third topic was directed to conservation of endangered Lmj in its natural habitat. The relevant conclusion of this experimentation is that the symbiosis should be considered as a relevant factor in the conservation strategies for endangered legumes. First, we showed absence of bacteria able to nodulate Lmj in all the inspected ‘‘terra rossa’’ or alkaline red soils of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. Then, two efficient nitrogen fixing strains with Lmj plants, LmjC and LmjM3T, were selected as inoculum for seed coating. Two planting experiments were carried out in consecutive years under natural conditions in areas with edapho-climatic characteristics identical to those sustaining natural Lmj populations, and successful reproduction of the plant was achieved. The relevant conclusion from these assays was that the successful reproductive cycle was absolutely dependent on seedling inoculation with effective bradyrhizobia The forth topic deep into the analysis of the genomic of Lmj representative strains. To this end, draft genomic sequences of selected Lmj strains and type strains of Bradyrhizobium spp. were assembled. The comparison analysis of the draft genomic sequences of Lmj strains and related Bradyrhizobium species grouped in Clade I, revealed a high genomic homology among them, and allowed the definition of five potentially new species of Lmj nodulating bacteria. Also, based on the available draft genomic sequences, only three clusters of nod, fix and nif genes from Lmj strains were identified and showed to define a new symbiotic lineage, distant from that of B. canariense and B. japonicum bv. genistearum. The low diversity exhibited by the phylogenetic analysis of symbiotic genes contrast with the large diversity of strains as regards the housekeeping genes analyzed. Besides, the genomic analysis of a Lupinus angustifolius strain ISLU101, revealed the presence of an extrachromosomal replication origin homologous to repABC cluster from plasmid present in Bradyrhizobium spp BTAi1. This repABC cluster gene sequence allowed the identification of extrachromosomic replication origin in 19 out of 72 Bradyrhizobium strains from Lupinus spp., a highly significant result since the absence of plasmids in the Bradyrhizobium genus was traditionally assumed. The repABC gene sequences of these strains grouped them in a unique monophyletic group, related to B. sp. BTAi1 plasmid, but differentiated from the repABC gene cluster of plasmids in fast growing rhizobium strains. The last topic was focused on characterization of type III secreted effectors present in Lmj endosymbiotic bacteria. Type III secretion systems (T3SS) are specialized protein export machineries which can deliver effector proteins into plant cells. The presence of T3SS in rhizobia has frequently been related to the symbiotic nodulation host-range and may have a beneficial or detrimental effect on the symbiosis with legumes. In this context, the presence of T3SS in genomes of nine Lmj strains was investigated, and it was shown the presence of clusters encoding NopE type III-secreted protein similar to the NopE1 and NopE2 of B. diazoefficiens USDA 110T. The putative NopE protein of LmjC strain is at present being characterized regarding its structure and function.
La encina (Quercus ilex L.) es una de las especies forestales mediterráneas más importantes. Constituye gran parte del estrato arbóreo de dehesas o montados, produce bellota como alimento del ganado y establece simbiosis con hongos micorrizógenos de gran valor económico. La encina está considerada como una especie recalcitrante en términos de conservación de semillas y capacidad morfogénica, lo que dificulta los programas de conservación de recursos genéticos y la mejora de la especie. La propagación vegetativa es una potente herramienta de los programas de mejora, por lo que es preciso desarrollar protocolos de regeneración somática en encina. La embriogénesis somática está considerada como la modalidad más adecuada de regeneración basada en técnicas de cultivo de tejidos vegetales utilizada en biotecnología forestal. Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de determinados aspectos de la embriogénesis somática para la regeneración clonal de encinas adultas. La memoria de esta tesis se ha dividido en capítulos que se corresponden con diferentes aspectos del sistema embriogénico. La embriogénesis somática se indujo en tegumentos maternos de óvulos en desarrollo procedentes de bellotas inmaduras de encinas adultas. A pesar de las bajas frecuencias de inducción, las líneas embriogénicas generadas se amplificaron mediante embriogénesis secundaria observándose cierta pérdida de la capacidad de diferenciación con el tiempo. Tanto el genotipo como la formulación del medio de cultivo influyeron en la respuesta embriogénica, concluyendo que la formulación de macronutrientes de Schenk y Hildebrant del medio sin reguladores de crecimiento fue la combinación más efectiva en la inducción. Los resultados sugirieron la existencia de una ventana en el desarrollo del óvulo más sensible a la inducción. El genotipo in[luyó en la capacidad proliferativa de los cultivos y en la conversión de los embriones somáticos, que se incrementó suplementando el medio con ácido indol-3-butírico y 6-benciladenina. El cultivo en medio líquido de líneas embriogénicas en condiciones de inmersión transitoria incrementó el crecimiento, dependiendo del genotipo, con respecto al cultivo en medio semisólido. Sin embargo, no mejoró la capacidad de diferenciar embriones cotiledonares aislados. Se estableció un protocolo de inicio y mantenimiento de cultivos en suspensión para varias líneas embriogénicas mediante inoculación en alta densidad de agregados embrionarios procedentes del medio semisólido. Para evitar la pérdida de vigor y la capacidad morfogénica debida al cultivo prolongado se desarrolló un protocolo de crioconservación de líneas embriogénicas mediante vitrificación. Al determinar la influencia de los agentes crioprotectores antes y después de su inmersión en nitrógeno líquido se concluyó que las respuestas de capacidad de crecimiento y de diferenciación del material embriogénico son independientes, además de estar bajo influencia del genotipo y el tipo de material crioconservado. La combinación de sacarosa y PVS2 previa a la inmersión en nitrógeno líquido proporcionó la mayor tasa de recuperación. Cuando las líneas fueron crioconservadas 30 días la capacidad de diferenciación se perdió en todas ellas. El análisis de SSR detectó variación somaclonal en el material crioconservado a corto plazo. SSR y RAPD mostraron importantes diferencias genéticas entre los árboles donantes y el material embriogénico que dependieron del genotipo. El grado de detección dependió del marcador empleado. Ambos marcadores revelaron baja inestabilidad intraclonal. Los RAPD revelaron variación genética intra-individuo en las encinas donantes. Se discuten la variación genética pre-existente en encina, su aparición durante las primeras fases de la inducción de embriogénesis, y la presencia de tejidos provenientes de la fertilización en el explanto materno. Esto hace preciso definir la identidad genética del material donante y acometer ensayos de detección precoz de variación somaclonal. ABSTRACT Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) is one of the most important Mediterranean forest species. It conforms the tree layer of dehesas or montados, it produces acorns to feed the livestock and it establishes symbiosis with profitable mycorrhizal fungi. Holm oak is considered as recalcitrant species in terms of seed conservation and morphogenic capacities, which complicates the development of genetic conservation and improvement programs. Vegetative propagation is one of the mightiest tools for breeding programs therefore; developing protocols for clonal regeneration of holm oak is essential. Somatic embryogenesis is considered the best tissue culture-based way of plant regeneration in forest biotechnology. The present study is focused on the study of certain aspects of somatic embryogenesis for clonal regeneration of mature holm oak. This thesis manuscript is divided into several chapters that match with different aspects of the embryogenic system. Somatic embryogenesis induction was achieved on maternal teguments of developing ovules from immature acorns of adult holm oak trees. Despite the low induction frequencies, the generated embryogenic lines were amplified by secondary embryogenesis. A decline in the differentiation capacity over time was also observed. It was concluded that both genotype and culture media formulation influenced the embryogenic response, being the Schenk and Hildebrandt´s macronutrients formulation from culture medium and the lack of plant growth regulators the most effective combination for the induction of the embryogenic response. It has been suggested the existence of a developmental window in which ovules are prone to induction. Genotype influenced the proliferation capacity and the plant conversion of somatic embryos, which was also favoured by the presence of indol-3-butyric acid and 6-bencyladenine. The use of temporary immersion systems as proliferation in liquid culture of the embryogenic lines increased the growth depending on genotype, when compared to semisolid cultures. However, it did not improve the differentiation of single cotyledonary embryos. A protocol for the initiation and maintenance of embryogenic suspension cultures was established for several embryogenic lines with highly dense inoculi of embryogenic clusters from proliferating semisolid cultures. In order to avoid the loss of vigour and morphogenic ability of embryogenic lines due to prolonged cultures, a cryopreservation protocol for embryogenic lines of holm oak has been developed. During the determination of the influence of cryoprotective agents on the growth and differentiation capacities before and after liquid nitrogen immersion, it was concluded that both responses were independent from each other and also under the influence of genotype and the type of cryopreserved material. The combination of sucrose and PVS2 prior liquid nitrogen immersion provided higher recovery rates. When the same embryogenic lines were cryopreserved for 30 days, none was able to differentiate. The SSRs analysis of the short-term cryopreserved material detected somaclonal variation. Both SSR and RAPD markers showed high sensitivity to detect genetic differences between the donor trees and the generated embryogenic material. Nevertheless, the degree of instability detection depended on the marker. The SSR analysis indicated a relationship between genotype, the studied loci and the located polymorphisms. Also, both markers revealed low intraclonal genetic variation. The RAPD detected genetic variation within the donor trees. The presence of pre-existent genetic variation within mature trees, in addition to its occurrence during the early stages of the embryogenic induction, and the presence of tissues of fertilisation origin within the maternal explants are all discussed. Nonetheless, the determination of the genetic identity of donor material is required, in addition to early detection methods of somaclonal variation.
La encina (Quercus ilex L.) es una de las especies forestales mediterráneas más importantes. Constituye gran parte del estrato arbóreo de dehesas o montados, produce bellota como alimento del ganado y establece simbiosis con hongos micorrizógenos de gran valor económico. La encina está considerada como una especie recalcitrante en términos de conservación de semillas y capacidad morfogénica, lo que dificulta los programas de conservación de recursos genéticos y la mejora de la especie. La propagación vegetativa es una potente herramienta de los programas de mejora, por lo que es preciso desarrollar protocolos de regeneración somática en encina. La embriogénesis somática está considerada como la modalidad más adecuada de regeneración basada en técnicas de cultivo de tejidos vegetales utilizada en biotecnología forestal. Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de determinados aspectos de la embriogénesis somática para la regeneración clonal de encinas adultas. La memoria de esta tesis se ha dividido en capítulos que se corresponden con diferentes aspectos del sistema embriogénico. La embriogénesis somática se indujo en tegumentos maternos de óvulos en desarrollo procedentes de bellotas inmaduras de encinas adultas. A pesar de las bajas frecuencias de inducción, las líneas embriogénicas generadas se amplificaron mediante embriogénesis secundaria observándose cierta pérdida de la capacidad de diferenciación con el tiempo. Tanto el genotipo como la formulación del medio de cultivo influyeron en la respuesta embriogénica, concluyendo que la formulación de macronutrientes de Schenk y Hildebrant del medio sin reguladores de crecimiento fue la combinación más efectiva en la inducción. Los resultados sugirieron la existencia de una ventana en el desarrollo del óvulo más sensible a la inducción. El genotipo in[luyó en la capacidad proliferativa de los cultivos y en la conversión de los embriones somáticos, que se incrementó suplementando el medio con ácido indol-3-butírico y 6-benciladenina. El cultivo en medio líquido de líneas embriogénicas en condiciones de inmersión transitoria incrementó el crecimiento, dependiendo del genotipo, con respecto al cultivo en medio semisólido. Sin embargo, no mejoró la capacidad de diferenciar embriones cotiledonares aislados. Se estableció un protocolo de inicio y mantenimiento de cultivos en suspensión para varias líneas embriogénicas mediante inoculación en alta densidad de agregados embrionarios procedentes del medio semisólido. Para evitar la pérdida de vigor y la capacidad morfogénica debida al cultivo prolongado se desarrolló un protocolo de crioconservación de líneas embriogénicas mediante vitrificación. Al determinar la influencia de los agentes crioprotectores antes y después de su inmersión en nitrógeno líquido se concluyó que las respuestas de capacidad de crecimiento y de diferenciación del material embriogénico son independientes, además de estar bajo influencia del genotipo y el tipo de material crioconservado. La combinación de sacarosa y PVS2 previa a la inmersión en nitrógeno líquido proporcionó la mayor tasa de recuperación. Cuando las líneas fueron crioconservadas 30 días la capacidad de diferenciación se perdió en todas ellas. El análisis de SSR detectó variación somaclonal en el material crioconservado a corto plazo. SSR y RAPD mostraron importantes diferencias genéticas entre los árboles donantes y el material embriogénico que dependieron del genotipo. El grado de detección dependió del marcador empleado. Ambos marcadores revelaron baja inestabilidad intraclonal. Los RAPD revelaron variación genética intra-individuo en las encinas donantes. Se discuten la variación genética pre-existente en encina, su aparición durante las primeras fases de la inducción de embriogénesis, y la presencia de tejidos provenientes de la fertilización en el explanto materno. Esto hace preciso definir la identidad genética del material donante y acometer ensayos de detección precoz de variación somaclonal. ABSTRACT Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) is one of the most important Mediterranean forest species. It conforms the tree layer of dehesas or montados, it produces acorns to feed the livestock and it establishes symbiosis with profitable mycorrhizal fungi. Holm oak is considered as recalcitrant species in terms of seed conservation and morphogenic capacities, which complicates the development of genetic conservation and improvement programs. Vegetative propagation is one of the mightiest tools for breeding programs therefore; developing protocols for clonal regeneration of holm oak is essential. Somatic embryogenesis is considered the best tissue culture-based way of plant regeneration in forest biotechnology. The present study is focused on the study of certain aspects of somatic embryogenesis for clonal regeneration of mature holm oak. This thesis manuscript is divided into several chapters that match with different aspects of the embryogenic system. Somatic embryogenesis induction was achieved on maternal teguments of developing ovules from immature acorns of adult holm oak trees. Despite the low induction frequencies, the generated embryogenic lines were amplified by secondary embryogenesis. A decline in the differentiation capacity over time was also observed. It was concluded that both genotype and culture media formulation influenced the embryogenic response, being the Schenk and Hildebrandt´s macronutrients formulation from culture medium and the lack of plant growth regulators the most effective combination for the induction of the embryogenic response. It has been suggested the existence of a developmental window in which ovules are prone to induction. Genotype influenced the proliferation capacity and the plant conversion of somatic embryos, which was also favoured by the presence of indol-3-butyric acid and 6-bencyladenine. The use of temporary immersion systems as proliferation in liquid culture of the embryogenic lines increased the growth depending on genotype, when compared to semisolid cultures. However, it did not improve the differentiation of single cotyledonary embryos. A protocol for the initiation and maintenance of embryogenic suspension cultures was established for several embryogenic lines with highly dense inoculi of embryogenic clusters from proliferating semisolid cultures. In order to avoid the loss of vigour and morphogenic ability of embryogenic lines due to prolonged cultures, a cryopreservation protocol for embryogenic lines of holm oak has been developed. During the determination of the influence of cryoprotective agents on the growth and differentiation capacities before and after liquid nitrogen immersion, it was concluded that both responses were independent from each other and also under the influence of genotype and the type of cryopreserved material. The combination of sucrose and PVS2 prior liquid nitrogen immersion provided higher recovery rates. When the same embryogenic lines were cryopreserved for 30 days, none was able to differentiate. The SSRs analysis of the short-term cryopreserved material detected somaclonal variation. Both SSR and RAPD markers showed high sensitivity to detect genetic differences between the donor trees and the generated embryogenic material. Nevertheless, the degree of instability detection depended on the marker. The SSR analysis indicated a relationship between genotype, the studied loci and the located polymorphisms. Also, both markers revealed low intraclonal genetic variation. The RAPD detected genetic variation within the donor trees. The presence of pre-existent genetic variation within mature trees, in addition to its occurrence during the early stages of the embryogenic induction, and the presence of tissues of fertilisation origin within the maternal explants are all discussed. Nonetheless, the determination of the genetic identity of donor material is required, in addition to early detection methods of somaclonal variation.
Legumes establish a root-nodule symbiosis with soil bacteria collectively known as rhizobia. This symbiosis allows legumes to benefit from the nitrogen fixation capabilities of rhizobia and thus to grow in the absence of any fixed nitrogen source. This is especially relevant for Agriculture, where intensive plant growth depletes soils of useable, fixed nitrogen sources. One of the main features of the root nodule symbiosis is its specificity. Different rhizobia are able to nodulate different legumes. Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae is able to establish an effective symbiosis with four different plant genera (Pisum, Lens, Vicia, Lathyrus), and any given isolate will nodulate any of the four plant genera. A population genomics study with rhizobia isolated from P. sativum, L. culinaris, V. sativa or V. faba, all originating in the same soil, showed that plants select specific genotypes from those available in that soil. This was demonstrated at the genome-wide level, but also for specific genes. Accelerated mesocosm studies with successive plant cultures provided additional evidence on this plant selection and on the nature of the genotypes selected. Finally, representatives from the major rhizobial genotypes isolated from these plants allowed characterization of the size and nature of the respective pangenome and specific genome compartments. These were compared to the different genotypes ?symbiotic and non-symbiotic?present in rhizobial populations isolated directly from the soil without plant intervention.
Esta investigación es un ejemplo de simbiosis entre criptoanálisis y desciframiento de lenguas. Es la búsqueda del sentido de una inscripción, un conjunto de casi doscientas letras latinas, en una talla de la Virgen María que estaba en la isla de Tenerife, en la localidad hoy de Candelaria, en las islas Canarias. La imagen desapareció en un temporal en el año 1826. No obstante, es posible lograr una gran certeza sobre qué letras tenía, acudiendo a las fuentes documentales textuales y artísticas. El conocimiento del significado, si lo hubiera, de la inscripción mariana, creemos que no puede lograrse sin la adecuada comprensión del contexto. Esto significa indagar en la historia de la misma talla, que se remonta hasta el siglo XIV o XV, en el estudio de la población autóctona canaria, así como de los pueblos que allí llegaron en sus diferentes momentos históricos. Además, es necesario conocer el redescubrimiento del archipiélago canario y sus procesos de conquista y evangelización. Todos estos datos irán ofreciendo un panorama nuevo y sorprendente para comprender no sólo las letras sino la misma imagen escultórica en madera. A partir de este momento la indagación se moverá en ver si las letras corresponden a alguna lengua posible, lo que nos ha llevado a analizar un amplísimo conjunto de textos lo más cercanos a la época bajo estudio, pertenecientes a alrededor de un centenar de lenguas. Tras el examen lingüístico se ha procedido a un estudio de las posibles formas criptográficas que se hubieran utilizado para generar el texto de la inscripción. Se ofrece un detallado y minucioso elenco de técnicas posibles que pudieran haberse adoptado y se criptoanaliza con exhaustividad las letras de la talla mariana. Al mismo tiempo se ofrece un nuevo marco criptológico de métodos y sistemas más ordenado y completo que el que hasta ahora venía considerándose, en especial desde el surgimiento de la criptografía de clave asimétrica. Continuamos la investigación sopesando la posible generación pseudo-aleatoria del texto, un texto que pudiera no tener sentido alguno. En este momento, y habiendo completado todas las posibilidades e hipótesis, habiéndose negado todas, volvemos a reconsiderar el cuerpo de conjeturas y supuestos. Desde ahí analizamos en profundidad el ámbito etnográfico y lingüístico bereber como hipótesis más plausible y probable. Tras la profundización en esta lengua y la corrección de los errores que nos llevaron a no detectarla en nuestro análisis precedente, llegamos a la conclusión de encontrarnos ante una lengua arcaica bereber, un conjunto de letras pertenecientes a una lengua y familia hoy no desaparecida, si bien muy modelada y difuminada por otras lenguas, en especial el árabe. Esto nos llevará a rescatar aspectos léxicos, morfológicos, sintácticos y fonéticos de este habla arcaica. Con todos estos datos realizamos un amplio estudio semántico de la talla tanto desde la perspectiva aborigen autóctona como cristiana. Finalmente, desde las voces lexicales y sus raíces de las lenguas bereberes e insulares amazigh, ofrecemos el significado de las letras inscritas en la talla mariana de Candelaria. ABSTRACT This research is an example of symbiosis between cryptanalysis and deciphering of languages. It is the search for meaning in an inscription, a group of about two hundred latin letters on a carving of the Virgin Mary that was on the island of Tenerife, in the town of Candelaria today, in the Canary islands. The image disappeared in a storm in 1826. However, it is possible to achieve a great certainty about what letters had, going to the textual and artistic documentary sources. The knowledge of the meaning, if any, of the marian inscription, can not be achieved without an adequate knowledge of the context. This means researching into the history of the same carving, which dates back to the fourteenth and fifteen century; the study of the canarian indigenous people and of the people who came there at different historical moments. Furthermore, it is necessary to know the rediscovery of the Canary islands and their processes of conquest and evangelization. All these data will offer a new and surprising outlook to understanding not only the letters but the same wood sculpture. From this moment the inquiry will move to see if the letters correspond to any possible language, which has led us to analyze a very large set of texts as close to the time under study, in a hundred languages. After the language examination, has been carried out a study of possible cryptographic forms used to generate the text of the inscription. A detailed and thorough list of possible techniques that could be adopted is offered. Then exhaustively we cryptanalyze the letters of the marian carving. At the same time a new crypto framework of methods and systems more orderly and complete, especially since the emergence of asymmetric key cryptography, is provided. We continue researching the possible pseudo-random generation of the text, a text that would not make any sense. At this time, and having completed all the possibilities and hypotheses, all having refused, we return to rethink our assumptions. From there we analyze in depth the ethnographic and linguistic berber sphere as the most likely hypothesis. Following the deepening of this language and correcting the mistakes that led us not to detect it in our analysis above, we conclude that this is an archaic berber language, a set of letters belonging to a language and family not extinct today but very modeled and influenced by other languages, primarily arabic. This will lead us to rescue lexical, morphological, syntactic and phonetic aspects of this archaic speech. With all this data we make a wide semantic study of the carving from the indigenous and christian perspective. Finally, from the lexical voices and roots of the berber languages amazigh and island-amazigh, we give the meaning of the letters inscribed in the marian carving of Candelaria.
La tesis abre su mirada hacia uno de los discursos más interesantes, a mi juicio, de la cultura arquitectónica contemporánea: el de la relación establecida entre el ser humano y la naturaleza. Algunos autores creen que esta relación se establece como simbiosis, como un organismo arquitectónico en correlación y analogía con su entorno y emplazamiento. Otros ven una correspodencia en la que la arquitectura se ubica como un artefacto que ”dialoga” y que no imita a la naturaleza. Las arquitecturas en árboles se desarrollan en estos dos sentidos. El panorama de estas arquitecturas está abierto, es incipiente, laberíntico, poliédrico y caleidoscópico. Metodológicamente ha sido necesario acotarlo y el período de estudio elegido ha sido el más fructífero de la historia y cultura de las estructuras en los árboles. En los últimos veinticinco años, éstas han vuelto a generar atracción por el auge de la sensibilización medioambiental. También se ha producido un incremento de las culturas del ocio (con acento en el deseo por encima de la utilidad o la necesidad) y de la introspección (en busca de un retiro espiritual alejado de la cultura de la globalización). Hacia 1990 se producen acontecimientos relevantes que son los precursores de este desarrollo: la aparición en 1988 del libro “Treehouses” de Aikman abre de manera desenfadada esta cultura arquitectónica. Para acotar el final del período de investigación se ha dejado un margen desde 2010 a 2015 por prudencia investigadora. Los objetivos de la tesis se han centrado: Primero, en encuadrar el concepto de “arquitecturas en árboles”; Segundo, en descubrir los motivos, ideas que inspiraron las arquitecturas en árboles anteriores al período de estudio y su posible repercusión en sus descendientes contemporáneas. Principalmente son atenciones ideológicas, culturales, sociales, filosóficas, simbólicas, míticos y funcionales. Tercero, en confeccionar una taxonomía de las intenciones, consideraciones y desencadenantes básicos que pudieran establecerse como claves del proceso imaginario, conceptivo y constructivo de la actuales arquitecturas en árboles (1990-2010). Para ello nos hemos puesto bajo el paraguas metodológico del concepto de atención, defendido por Quaroni, Ferrater, Broadbent y Seguí. Hemos planteado una reflexión sobre el tipo de atenciones y su idoneaidad llegando a distinguir las siguientes atenciones básicas: 1) Las atenciones históricas (del pasado): englobando bajo esta denominación el entramado rizomático de atenciones sociales, culturales, antropológicas, filosóficas, míticas y simbólicas. Estas atenciones permiten al lector posicionarse de manera efectiva en este amplio campo, para entrar con posterioridad en el cuerpo de la investigación. Posteriormente descubriremos que éstas se convierten en atenciones crítico-modales para las arquitecturas contemporáneas. 2) Las atenciones funcionales contemporáneas: en las que estableceremos una conexión multiple con otras atenciones ergonómicas, organizativas, tipológicas y medioambientales básicas que están claramente influenciadas por aquellas. Quedan establecidas en una taxonomía inédita de treinta ocho subcategorías que nos alejan del estereotipo de la casa en el árbol como lugar de defensa y protección, o como espacio lúdico-infantil 3) Las atenciones constructivas contemporáneas: que las relacionaremos con las biológicas, estructurales-portantes, tipológico-constructivas, medioambientales básicas (de los materiales), y que son tenidas en cuenta por los contructores. Asimismo, se revelan los sistemas de construcción de arquitecturas portantes y autoportantes (artificiales-naturales) y las 100% naturales. Además, se decubren los seis mecanismos estructurales de sujeción de habitáculos en árboles más utilizados, así como cuáles son los árboles idóneos para soportar estas estructuras. 4) Las atenciones formales contemporáneas: con sus conexiones hacia las atenciones presenciales, espaciales organizativas y medioambientales básicas. Se establecen taxonomías sistemáticas formales simples y complejas (pragmática, icónica, analógica y canónica). Se estudian con profundidad la analogía con otras realidades y la estructuración geométrica formal (canónica) por considerarlas las más relevantes. Se culmina la investigación con una reflexión sobre el conjunto rizomático de atenciones, disciplinas, nociones y conceptos inherentes al campo de las arquitecturas en árboles, ejemplificándolo con un ideograma. La última vista se fija sobre el arco temporal de estas arquitecturas reflejando las cincuenta más significativas por su mayor coherencia de competencia atencional, total o parcial. ABSTRACT This dissertation looks into one the most interesting discourses in contemporary architectural culture: the relationship between human beings and nature. Some scholars think of this relationship as a symbiosis, as an architectural organism armonically correlated with its environment and location. Others believe that a correspondence exists where architecture stands as an artifact ‘in dialogue’ with, and not as an imitation of, nature. Treehouses develop in both senses. The realm of these architectures is open, embryonic, labyrinthine, polyhedral and kaleidoscopic. It was necessary to methodologically delimit it. We chose for the study the most fruitful period in the history and culture of treehouses. During the last twenty-five years, the latter have exerted great appeal once more due to the rise in environmental awareness. Likewise, leisure cultures (highlighting desire over utility or necessity) and introspection (seeking spiritual retreat far from the culture of globalization) have significantly increased. Around 1990, some relevant events announce this development: the publication of the book Treehouses by Aikman in 1988 inaugurates in an informal fashion such architectural culture. As for the final limit of the period addressed, an open margin between 2010 and 2015 has been established, out of scholarly prudence. The dissertation objectives have focused on: First, framing the concept of “treehouses”. Second, discovering the motifs and ideas that inspired treehouses in previous periods, and their possible influence on their contemporary successors. These consist basically of idelogical, cultural, social, philosophical, symbolic, mythical and functional attentions. Third, elaborate a taxonomy of the different basic intentions, considerations and triggers that might appear as crucial for the imaginary, conceptual and constructive process of current treehouses (1990-2010). To this end, we stood under the methodological umbrella of the notion of attention as defined by Quaroni, Ferrater, Broadbent and Seguí. We have proposed a reflection on the different kind of attentions and their suitability, distinguishing the following basic attentions: 1) Historical attentions (from the past): this denomination comprises the rhizomatic fabric of social, cultural, anthropological, philosophical, mythical and symbolic attentions. These attentions allow the reader to get a foothold on this broad field before being able to go into the main body of research. We will later discover that these become critical modal attentions for contemporary architectures. 2) Contemporary functional attentions. A multiple connection will be established with other basic ergonomic, organisational, typological and environmental attentions clearly influenced by them. They are classified in an unprecedented taxonomy of thirty-eight subcategories that move us away from the stereotype of the tree house as a site of defense and protection, or as a children’s playground. 3) Contemporary constructive attentions. They will be linked with basic biological, structural-carrying, typological-constructive, environmental attentions (of materials) taken into account by constructors. Likewise, the construction systems for carrying and self-carrying (artificial-natural) architectures, as well as for 100% natural ones, are revealed. Besides, we disclose the six structural mechanisms employed to fasten cabins to trees, and which the most suitable trees to support such structures are. 4) Contemporary formal attentions, including their connections with spatial, organizational and basic environmental attentions. Simple and complex formal systematic taxonomies (pragmatic, iconic, analogical and canonical) have been established. Their analogy to other realities and to formal geometrical (canonical) structuring is studied in depth as utterly significant. The research concludes by reflecting on the rhizomatic set of attentions, disciplines, notions and concepts inherent in the field of treehouses through an ideogram. The final view engages with the time span of these architectures by highlighting the fifty most noteworthy on account of the higher consistency of their attentional competence, either total or partial.
Leguminous plants in symbiosis with rhizobia form either indeterminate nodules with a persistent meristem or determinate nodules with a transient meristematic region. Sesbania rostrata was thought to possess determinate stem and root nodules. However, the nature of nodule development is hybrid, and the early stages resemble those of indeterminate nodules. Here we show that, depending on the environmental conditions, mature root nodules can be of the indeterminate type. In situ hybridizations with molecular markers for plant cell division, as well as the patterns of bacterial nod and nif gene expression, confirmed the indeterminate nature of 30-day-old functional root nodules. Experimental data provide evidence that the switch in nodule type is mediated by the plant hormone ethylene.
Under nitrogen-limiting conditions Rhizobium meliloti can establish symbiosis with Medicago plants to form nitrogen-fixing root nodules. Nodule organogenesis starts with the dedifferentiation and division of root cortical cells. In these cells the early nodulin gene enod40, which encodes an unusually small peptide (12 or 13 amino acids), is induced from the beginning of this process. Herein we show that enod40 expression evokes root nodule initiation. (i) Nitrogen-deprived transgenic Medicago truncatula plants overexpressing enod40 exhibit extensive cortical cell division in their roots in the absence of Rhizobium. (ii) Bombardment of Medicago roots with an enod40-expressing DNA cassette induces dedifferentiation and division of cortical cells and the expression of another early nodulin gene, Msenod12A. Moreover, transient expression of either the enod40 region spanning the oligopeptide sequence or only the downstream region without this sequence induces these responses. Our results suggest that the cell-specific growth response elicited by enod40 is involved in the initiation of root nodule organogenesis.
Lateral transfer of bacterial plasmids is thought to play an important role in microbial evolution and population dynamics. However, this assumption is based primarily on investigations of medically or agriculturally important bacterial species. To explore the role of lateral transfer in the evolution of bacterial systems not under intensive, human-mediated selection, we examined the association of genotypes at plasmid-encoded and chromosomal loci of native Rhizobium, the nitrogen-fixing symbiont of legumes. To this end, Rhizobium leguminosarum strains nodulating sympatric species of native Trifolium were characterized genetically at plasmid-encoded symbiotic (sym) regions (nodulation AB and nodulation CIJT loci) and a repeated chromosomal locus not involved in the symbiosis with legumes. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis was used to distinguish genetic groups at plasmid and chromosomal loci. The correlation between major sym and chromosomal genotypes and the distribution of genotypes across host plant species and sampling location were determined using χ2 analysis. In contrast to findings of previous studies, a strict association existed between major sym plasmid and chromosomal genetic groups, suggesting a lack of successful sym plasmid transfer between major Rhizobium chromosomal types. These data indicate that previous observations of sym plasmid transfer in agricultural settings may seriously overestimate the rates of successful conjugation in systems not impacted by human activities. In addition, a nonrandom distribution of Rhizobium genotypes across host plant species and sampling site demonstrates the importance of both factors in shaping Rhizobium population dynamics.
The symbiotic interaction between Medicago truncatula and Sinorhizobium meliloti results in the formation of nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots of the host plant. The early stages of nodule formation are induced by bacteria via lipochitooligosaccharide signals known as Nod factors (NFs). These NFs are structurally specific for bacterium–host pairs and are sufficient to cause a range of early responses involved in the host developmental program. Early events in the signal transduction of NFs are not well defined. We have previously reported that Medicago sativa root hairs exposed to NF display sharp oscillations of cytoplasmic calcium ion concentration (calcium spiking). To assess the possible role of calcium spiking in the nodulation response, we analyzed M. truncatula mutants in five complementation groups. Each of the plant mutants is completely Nod− and is blocked at early stages of the symbiosis. We defined two genes, DMI1 and DMI2, required in common for early steps of infection and nodulation and for calcium spiking. Another mutant, altered in the DMI3 gene, has a similar mutant phenotype to dmi1 and dmi2 mutants but displays normal calcium spiking. The calcium behavior thus implies that the DMI3 gene acts either downstream of calcium spiking or downstream of a common branch point for the calcium response and the later nodulation responses. Two additional mutants, altered in the NSP and HCL genes, which show root hair branching in response to NF, are normal for calcium spiking. This system provides an opportunity to use genetics to study ligand-stimulated calcium spiking as a signal transduction event.
Changes in intracellular calcium in pea root hairs responding to Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae nodulation (Nod) factors were analyzed by using a microinjected calcium-sensitive fluorescent dye (dextran-linked Oregon Green). Within 1–2 min after Nod-factor addition, there was usually an increase in fluorescence, followed about 10 min later by spikes in fluorescence occurring at a rate of about one spike per minute. These spikes, corresponding to an increase in calcium of ≈200 nM, were localized around the nuclear region, and they were similar in terms of lag and period to those induced by Nod factors in alfalfa. Calcium responses were analyzed in nonnodulating pea mutants, representing seven loci that affect early stages of the symbiosis. Mutations affecting three loci (sym8, sym10, and sym19) abolished Nod-factor-induced calcium spiking, whereas a normal response was seen in peas carrying alleles of sym2A, sym7, sym9, and sym30. Chitin oligomers of four or five N-acetylglucosamine residues could also induce calcium spiking, although the response was qualitatively different from that induced by Nod factors; a rapid increase in intracellular calcium was not observed, the period between spikes was lower, and the response was not as sustained. The chitin-oligomer-induced calcium spiking did not occur in nodulation mutants (sym8, sym10, and sym19) that were defective for Nod-factor-induced spiking, suggesting that this response is related to nodulation signaling. From our data and previous observations on the lack of mycorrhizal infection in some of the sym mutants, we propose a model for the potential order of pea nodulation genes in nodulation and mycorrhizal signaling.
While most animal–bacterial symbioses are reestablished each successive generation, the mechanisms by which the host and its potential microbial partners ensure tissue colonization remain largely undescribed. We used the model association between the squid Euprymna scolopes and Vibrio fischeri to examine this process. This light organ symbiosis is initiated when V. fischeri cells present in the surrounding seawater enter pores on the surface of the nascent organ and colonize deep epithelia-lined crypts. We discovered that when newly hatched squid were experimentally exposed to natural seawater, the animals responded by secreting a viscous material from the pores of the organ. Animals maintained in filtered seawater produced no secretions unless Gram-negative bacteria, either living or dead, were reintroduced. The viscous material bound only lectins that are specific for either N-acetylneuraminic acid or N-acetylgalactosamine, suggesting that it was composed of a mucus-containing matrix. Complex ciliated fields on the surface of the organ produced water currents that focused the matrix into a mass that was tethered to, and suspended above, the light organ pores. When V. fischeri cells were introduced into the seawater surrounding the squid, the bacteria were drawn into its fluid-filled body cavity during ventilation and were captured in the matrix. After residing as an aggregate for several hours, the symbionts migrated into the pores and colonized the crypt epithelia. This mode of infection may be an example of a widespread strategy by which aquatic hosts increase the likelihood of successful colonization by rarely encountered symbionts.
Coral reefs, with their millions of species, have changed profoundly because of the effects of people, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Reefs are subject to many of the same processes that affect other human-dominated ecosystems, but some special features merit emphasis: (i) Many dominant reef builders spawn eggs and sperm into the water column, where fertilization occurs. They are thus particularly vulnerable to Allee effects, including potential extinction associated with chronic reproductive failure. (ii) The corals likely to be most resistant to the effects of habitat degradation are small, short-lived “weedy” corals that have limited dispersal capabilities at the larval stage. Habitat degradation, together with habitat fragmentation, will therefore lead to the establishment of genetically isolated clusters of inbreeding corals. (iii) Increases in average sea temperatures by as little as 1°C, a likely result of global climate change, can cause coral “bleaching” (the breakdown of coral–algal symbiosis), changes in symbiont communities, and coral death. (iv) The activities of people near reefs increase both fishing pressure and nutrient inputs. In general, these processes favor more rapidly growing competitors, often fleshy seaweeds, and may also result in explosions of predator populations. (v) Combinations of stress appear to be associated with threshold responses and ecological surprises, including devastating pathogen outbreaks. (vi) The fossil record suggests that corals as a group are more likely to suffer extinctions than some of the groups that associate with them, whose habitat requirements may be less stringent.
Wolbachia are bacteria that live in the cells of various invertebrate species to which they cause a wide range of effects on physiology and reproduction. We investigated the effect of Wolbachia infection in the parasitic wasp, Asobara tabida Nees (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). In the 13 populations tested, all individuals proved to be infected by Wolbachia. The removal of Wolbachia by antibiotic treatment had a totally unexpected effect—aposymbiotic female wasps were completely incapable of producing mature oocytes and therefore could not reproduce. In contrast, oogenesis was not affected in treated Asobara citri, a closely related species that does not harbor Wolbachia. No difference between natural symbiotic and cured individuals was found for other adult traits including male fertility, locomotor activity, and size, indicating that the effect on oogenesis is highly specific. We argue that indirect effects of the treatments used in our study (antibiotic toxicity or production of toxic agents) are very unlikely to explain the sterility of females, and we present results showing a direct relationship between oocyte production and Wolbachia density in females. We conclude that Wolbachia is necessary for oogenesis in these A. tabida strains, and this association would seem to be the first example of a transition from facultative to obligatory symbiosis in arthropod–Wolbachia associations.