466 resultados para SUBSPECIES


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Mycobacterium abscessus, Mycobacterium bolletii, and Mycobacterium massiliense (Mycobacterium abscessus sensu lato) are closely related species that currently are identified by the sequencing of the rpoB gene. However, recent studies show that rpoB sequencing alone is insufficient to discriminate between these species, and some authors have questioned their current taxonomic classification. We studied here a large collection of M. abscessus (sensu lato) strains by partial rpoB sequencing (752 bp) and multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA). The final MLSA scheme developed was based on the partial sequences of eight housekeeping genes: argH, cya, glpK, gnd, murC, pgm, pta, and purH. The strains studied included the three type strains (M. abscessus CIP 104536(T), M. massiliense CIP 108297(T), and M. bolletii CIP 108541(T)) and 120 isolates recovered between 1997 and 2007 in France, Germany, Switzerland, and Brazil. The rpoB phylogenetic tree confirmed the existence of three main clusters, each comprising the type strain of one species. However, divergence values between the M. massiliense and M. bolletii clusters all were below 3% and between the M. abscessus and M. massiliense clusters were from 2.66 to 3.59%. The tree produced using the concatenated MLSA gene sequences (4,071 bp) also showed three main clusters, each comprising the type strain of one species. The M. abscessus cluster had a bootstrap value of 100% and was mostly compact. Bootstrap values for the M. massiliense and M. bolletii branches were much lower (71 and 61%, respectively), with the M. massiliense cluster having a fuzzy aspect. Mean (range) divergence values were 2.17% (1.13 to 2.58%) between the M. abscessus and M. massiliense clusters, 2.37% (1.5 to 2.85%) between the M. abscessus and M. bolletii clusters, and 2.28% (0.86 to 2.68%) between the M. massiliense and M. bolletii clusters. Adding the rpoB sequence to the MLSA-concatenated sequence (total sequence, 4,823 bp) had little effect on the clustering of strains. We found 10/120 (8.3%) isolates for which the concatenated MLSA gene sequence and rpoB sequence were discordant (e.g., M. massiliense MLSA sequence and M. abscessus rpoB sequence), suggesting the intergroup lateral transfers of rpoB. In conclusion, our study strongly supports the recent proposal that M. abscessus, M. massiliense, and M. bolletii should constitute a single species. Our findings also indicate that there has been a horizontal transfer of rpoB sequences between these subgroups, precluding the use of rpoB sequencing alone for the accurate identification of the two proposed M. abscessus subspecies.


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P>Outcrossing Arabidopsis species that diverged from their inbreeding relative Arabidopsis thaliana 5 million yr ago and display a biogeographical pattern of interspecific sympatry vs intraspecific allopatry provides an ideal model for studying impacts of gene introgression and polyploidization on species diversification. Flow cytometry analyses detected ploidy polymorphisms of 2x and 4x in Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. kamchatica of Taiwan. Genomic divergence between species/subspecies was estimated based on 98 randomly chosen nuclear genes. Multilocus analyses revealed a mosaic genome in diploid A. l. kamchatica composed of Arabidopsis halleri-like and A. lyrata-like alleles. Coalescent analyses suggest that the segregation of ancestral polymorphisms alone cannot explain the high inconsistency between gene trees across loci, and that gene introgression via diploid A. l. kamchatica likely distorts the molecular phylogenies of Arabidopsis species. However, not all genes migrated across species freely. Gene ontology analyses suggested that some nonmigrating genes were constrained by natural selection. High levels of estimated ancestral polymorphisms between A. halleri and A. lyrata suggest that gene flow between these species has not completely ceased since their initial isolation. Polymorphism data of extant populations also imply recent gene flow between the species. Our study reveals that interspecific gene flow affects the genome evolution in Arabidopsis.


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Understanding the impact of geological events on diversification processes is central to evolutionary ecology. The recent amalgamation between ecological niche models (ENMs) and phylogenetic analyses has been used to estimate historical ranges of modern lineages by projecting current ecological niches of organisms onto paleoclimatic reconstructions. A critical assumption underlying this approach is that niches are stable over time. Using Notophthalmus viridescens (eastern newt), in which four ecologically diverged subspecies are recognized, we introduce an analytical framework free from the niche stability assumption to examine how refugial retreat and subsequent postglacial expansion have affected intraspecific ecological divergence. We found that the current subspecies designation was not congruent with the phylogenetic lineages. Thus, we examined ecological niche overlap between the refugial and modern populations, in both subspecies and lineage, by creating ENMs independently for modern and estimated last glacial maximum (LGM) newt populations, extracting bioclimate variables by randomly generated points, and conducting principal component analyses. Our analyses consistently showed that when tested as a hypothesis, rather than used as an assumption, the niches of N. viridescens lineages have been unstable since the LGM (both subspecies and lineages). There was greater ecological niche differentiation among the subspecies than the modern phylogenetic lineages, suggesting that the subspecies, rather than the phylogenetic lineages, is the unit of the current ecological divergence. The present study found little evidence that the LGM refugial retreat caused the currently observed ecological divergence and suggests that ecological divergence has occurred during postglacial expansion to the current distribution ranges.


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To date, investigations of genetic diversity and the origins of domestication in sheep have utilised autosomal microsatellites and variation in the mitochondrial genome. We present the first analysis of both domestic and wild sheep using genetic markers residing on the ovine Y chromosome. Analysis of a single nucleotide polymorphism (oY1) in the SRY promoter region revealed that allele A-oY1 was present in all wild bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis), two subspecies of thinhorn sheep (Ovis dalli), European Mouflon (Ovis musimon) and the Barbary (Ammontragis lervia). A-oY1 also had the highest frequency (71.4%) within 458 domestic sheep drawn from 65 breeds sampled from Africa, Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia. Sequence analysis of a second locus, microsatellite SRYM18, revealed a compound repeat array displaying fixed differences, which identified bighorn and thinhorn sheep as distinct from the European Mouflon and domestic animals. Combined genotypic data identified 11 male-specific haplotypes that represented at least two separate lineages. Investigation of the geographical distribution of each haplotype revealed that one (H6) was both very common and widespread in the global sample of domestic breeds. The remaining haplotypes each displayed more restricted and informative distributions. For example, H5 was likely founded following the domestication of European breeds and was used to trace the recent transportation of animals to both the Caribbean and Australia. A high rate of Y chromosomal dispersal appears to have taken place during the development of domestic sheep as only 12.9% of the total observed variation was partitioned between major geographical regions.


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The genus Campylobacter comprises 17 species, some of which are important animal and human pathogens. To gain more insight into the genetic relatedness of this genus and to improve the molecular tools available for diagnosis, a universal sequencing approach was established for the gene encoding the beta-subunit of RNA polymerase (rpoB) for the genus Campylobacter. A total of 59 strains, including the type strains of currently recognized species as well as field isolates, were investigated in the study. A primer set specific for Campylobacter species enabled straightforward amplification and sequencing of a 530 bp fragment of the rpoB gene. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of all of the strains were determined in parallel. A good congruence was obtained between 16S rRNA and rpoB gene sequence-based trees within the genus Campylobacter. The branching of the rpoB tree was similar to that of the 16S rRNA gene tree, even though a few discrepancies were observed for certain species. The resolution of the rpoB gene within the genus Campylobacter was generally much higher than that of the 16S rRNA gene sequence, resulting in a clear separation of most species and even some subspecies. The universally applicable amplification and sequencing approach for partial rpoB gene sequence determination provides a powerful tool for DNA sequence-based discrimination of Campylobacter species.


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Several bacteria belonging to the family Pasteurellaceae are potential pathogens in rabbits. In particular, Pasteurella multocida is considered to be important, and outbreaks caused by this species result in considerable economic losses in rabbitries. However, Pasteurellaceae spp. isolated from rabbits are poorly characterized, and thus, proper identification of P. multocida isolates from these animals is problematic and often unsatisfactory, thereby hampering epidemiological investigations. Therefore, 228 isolates from rabbit populations originating from a breeding and fattening organization with group management and postmortem cases with pasteurellosis from individual owners were phenotypically and genotypically analyzed using biochemical tests and repetitive extragenic palindromic polymerase chain reaction (REP-PCR). Furthermore, 41 samples representing observed phenotypes were selected for phylogenetic analysis using 16S ribosomal RNA and rpoB genes. The REP-PCR typing and phylogenetic analyses correlated well and appeared to be distinct molecular methods for characterization of rabbit isolates. Phenotyping, however, diverged from molecular recognition, reflecting the problematic conventional diagnosis of these strains. The fermentation of sorbitol appeared to be an imprecise indicator for P. multocida subspecies classification. According to REP-PCR and sequencing results, 82% of the isolates were characterized as P. multocida subsp. multocida, 3% as P. multocida subsp. septica, and 5% as P. multocida. Further, 5% were identified as Pasteurella canis. The other 5% represented a homogeneous group of unknown species belonging to the Pasteurellaceae. Samples obtained from individual postmortem cases demonstrated a higher phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity than samples from group management rabbits.


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Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus farmed in different places in Austria and free of the viral diseases viral haemorrhagic septcaemia (VHS), infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN) and infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) experienced disease and mortality. Diseased fish showed skin ulceration and pathological signs of sepsis. Aeromonas sp. was isolated as pure culture from the kidney of freshly euthanized diseased fish. Three independent isolates from outbreaks that occurred on 2 of the affected farms were analyzed phylogenetically by DNA sequence analysis of the rrs and gyrB genes and phenotypically with biochemical reactions. All 3 isolates were identified as Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. smithia. Analysis of virulence genes in these isolates revealed the presence of a Type III secretion system as well as several related virulence effector genes including aexT, encoding the Aeromonas exotoxin AexT, aopP and aopH. These genes are characteristic for virulent strains of typical and atypical subspecies of A. salmonicida.


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The Mycoplasma mycoides cluster consists of six pathogenic mycoplasmas causing disease in ruminants, which share many genotypic and phenotypic traits. The M. mycoides cluster comprises five recognized taxa: Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides Small Colony (MmmSC), M. mycoides subsp. mycoides Large Colony (MmmLC), M. mycoides subsp. capri (Mmc), Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum (Mcc) and M. capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae (Mccp). The group of strains known as Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 of Leach (MBG7) has remained unassigned, due to conflicting data obtained by different classification methods. In the present paper, all available data, including recent phylogenetic analyses, have been reviewed, resulting in a proposal for an emended taxonomy of this cluster: (i) the MBG7 strains, although related phylogenetically to M. capricolum, hold sufficient characteristic traits to be assigned as a separate species, i.e. Mycoplasma leachii sp. nov. (type strain, PG50(T) = N29(T) = NCTC 10133(T) = DSM 21131(T)); (ii) MmmLC and Mmc, which can only be distinguished by serological methods and are related more distantly to MmmSC, should be combined into a single subspecies, i.e. Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri, leaving M. mycoides subsp. mycoides (MmmSC) as the exclusive designation for the agent of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia. A taxonomic description of M. leachii sp. nov. and emended descriptions of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides and M. mycoides subsp. capri are presented. As a result of these emendments, the M. mycoides cluster will hereafter be composed of five taxa comprising three subclusters, which correspond to the M. mycoides subspecies, the M. capricolum subspecies and the novel species M. leachii.


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European annual species of the genus Rhinanthus often exhibit seasonal ecotypic variation, a phenomenon also known from related genera of hemiparasitic Orobanchaceae. Populations with different flowering times exist, correlated with differences in a number of morphological characters. The present study evaluates the correlation of morphological characters and genetic differentiation of populations of Rhinanthus alectorolophus. Thirty-nine populations of three different subspecies from southwestern Germany were sampled. A total of 798 individuals were used for morphological analyses and 187 of these for AFLP analyses. Principal component analysis showed that morphological variation is mostly continuous. In a discriminant analysis based on morphological characters, only 89.7 % of all individuals were correctly assigned to their previously determined subspecies, indicating that subspecies identification is ambiguous for some populations. Using AFLP data and Bayesian assignment analysis, the sampled individuals could be grouped in three genetic clusters which do not correspond to the three subspecies. Instead, the clustering shows a clear geographic pattern and a Mantel test likewise revealed a significant correlation between genetic and geographic distances. Correlations of genetic distances with differences in morphological characters were weak and mostly insignificant. The results indicate that the subspecies of R. alectorolophus do not form discrete entities and that the character combinations distinguishing them are homoplastic.


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Species of the family Pasteurellaceae play an important role as primary or opportunistic animal pathogens. In veterinary diagnostic laboratories identification of this group of bacteria is mainly done by phenotypic assays while genetic identification based on housekeeping genes is mostly used for research and particularly important diagnostic samples. MALDI-TOF MS seems to represent a promising alternative to the currently practiced cumbersome, phenotypic diagnostics carried out in many veterinary diagnostic laboratories. We therefore assessed its application for animal associated members of the family Pasteurellaceae. The Bruker Biotyper 3.0 database was complemented with reference spectra of clinically relevant as well as commensal animal Pasteurellaceae species using generally five strains per species or subspecies and tested for its diagnostic potential with additional, well characterized field isolates. About 250 strains comprising 15 genera and more than 40 species and subspecies were included in the study, covering most representatives of the family. A high discrimination at the genus and species level was observed. Problematic discrimination was only observed with some closely related species and subspecies. MALDI-TOF MS was shown to represent a highly potent method for the diagnosis of this group of animal pathogens, combining speed, precision and low running costs.


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Gram-negative, aerobic, motile, rod-shaped bacteria were isolated from the intestines of freshwater fish on two separate occasions. Colonies of both strains, JF3835(T) and JF4413, produced non-diffusible green pigment following 4-5 days incubation on Luria-Bertani agar. The most abundant fatty acids were summed feature 3 (comprising C(16 : 1)ω7c and/or C(15 : 0) iso 2-OH), C(16 : 0) and C(18 : 1)ω7c. The DNA G+C content was 62.9 mol%. Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene indicated 100 % sequence similarity between the two strains. In comparison with recognized species, the new strains exhibited the greatest degree of sequence similarity with members of the Pseudomonas chlororaphis subspecies: P. chlororaphis subsp. chlororaphis (99.84 %), P. chlororaphis subsp. aurantiaca (99.75 %) and P. chlororaphis subsp. aureofaciens (99.40 %). While DNA-DNA relatedness confirmed the placement of strains JF3835(T) and JF4413 as members of the species P. chlororaphis, multilocus sequencing indicated that the strains formed a distinct cluster within it. On the basis of genotypic and phenotypic evidence, strains JF3835(T) and JF4413 represent a novel subspecies of the species P. chlororaphis, for which the name Pseudomonas chlororaphis subsp. piscium subsp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is JF3835(T) (=NCIMB 14478(T)=DSM 21509(T)).


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Genetic relationships among bacterial strains belonging to the genus Aeromonas were inferred from 16S rRNA, gyrB and rpoB gene sequences. Twenty-eight type or collection strains of the recognized species or subspecies and 33 Aeromonas strains isolated from human and animal specimens as well as from environmental samples were included in the study. As reported previously, the 16S rRNA gene sequence is highly conserved within the genus Aeromonas, having only limited resolution for this very tight group of species. Analysis of a 1.1 kb gyrB sequence confirmed that this gene has high resolving power, with maximal interspecies divergence of 15.2 %. Similar results were obtained by sequencing only 517 bp of the rpoB gene, which showed maximal interspecies divergence of 13 %. The topologies of the gyrB- and rpoB-derived trees were similar. The results confirm the close relationship of species within the genus Aeromonas and show that a phylogenetic approach including several genes is suitable for improving the complicated taxonomy of the genus.


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We evaluated three molecular methods for identification of Francisella strains: pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis, and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The analysis was performed with 54 Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica, 5 F. tularensis subsp. tularensis, 2 F. tularensis subsp. novicida, and 1 F. philomiragia strains. On the basis of the combination of results obtained by PFGE with the restriction enzymes XhoI and BamHI, PFGE revealed seven pulsotypes, which allowed us to discriminate the strains to the subspecies level and which even allowed us to discriminate among some isolates of F. tularensis subsp. holarctica. The AFLP analysis technique produced some degree of discrimination among F. tularensis subsp. holarctica strains (one primary cluster with three major subclusters and minor variations within subclusters) when EcoRI-C and MseI-A, EcoRI-T and MseI-T, EcoRI-A and MseI-C, and EcoRI-0 and MseI-CA were used as primers. The degree of similarity among the strains was about 94%. The percent similarities of the AFLP profiles of this subspecies compared to those of F. tularensis subsp. tularensis, F. tularensis subsp. novicida, and F. philomiragia were less than 90%, about 72%, and less than 24%, respectively, thus permitting easy differentiation of this subspecies. 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed 100% similarity for all F. tularensis subsp. holarctica isolates compared in this study. These results suggest that although limited genetic heterogeneity among F. tularensis subsp. holarctica isolates was observed, PFGE and AFLP analysis appear to be promising tools for the diagnosis of infections caused by different subspecies of F. tularensis and suitable techniques for the differentiation of individual strains.


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A comprehensive genetic analysis of 60 Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 isolates from different geographic origins and epidemiological settings is presented. Twenty-four isolates were recovered from the joints of calves during sporadic episodes of polyarthritis in geographically distinct regions of Queensland and New South Wales, Australia, including two clones of the type strain PG5O. A further three Australian isolates were also recovered from the tympanic bulla, retropharyngeal lymph node and the lung and another three isolates had unconfirmed histories. Six isolates originated from Germany, Portugal, Nigeria, and France. Twenty-four epidemiologically related isolates of Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 were recovered from multiple tissue sites and body fluids of infected calves with polyarthritis, mastitic milk, and from the stomach contents, lung and liver from aborted foetuses in three large, centrally managed dairy herds in New South Wales, Australia. Restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) of genomic DNA differentiated 29 Cfol profiles among these 60 isolates and grouped all 24 epidemiologically related isolates in a defined pattern showing a clonal origin. Three isolates of this clonal cluster were recovered from mastitic milk and the synovial exudate of clinically-affected calves and appeared sporadically for periods up to 18 months after the initial outbreak of polyarthritis indicating a persistent, close association of the organism with cattle in these herds. The Cfol profile representative of the clonal cluster was distinguishable from profiles of isolates recovered from multiple, unrelated cases of polyarthritis in Queensland and New South Wales and from other countries. All 24 isolates from the clonal cluster possessed a plasmid (pBG7AU) with a molecular size of 1022 bp. DNA sequence analysis of pBG7AU identified two open reading frames sharing 81 and 99% DNA sequence similarity with hypothetical replication control proteins A and B respectively, previously described in plasmid pADB201 isolated from M. mycoides subspecies mycoides. Other isolates of bovine group 7, epidemiologically unrelated to the clonal cluster, including two clones of the type strain PG5O, possessed a similar-sized plasmid. These data confirm that Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 is capable of migrating to, and multiplying within, different tissue sites within a single animal and among different animals within a herd.


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We report a case of Pasteurella multocida meningitis in a 1-month-old baby exposed to close contact with two dogs and a cat but without any known history of injury by these animals. 16S rRNA gene sequencing of the isolate from the baby allowed identification at the subspecies level and pointed to the cat as a possible source of infection. Molecular typing of Pasteurella isolates from the animals, from the baby, and from unrelated animals clearly confirmed that the cat harbored the same P. multocida subsp. septica strain on its tonsils as the one isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid of the baby. This case stresses the necessity of informing susceptible hosts at risk of contracting zoonotic agents about some basic hygiene rules when keeping pets. In addition, this study illustrates the usefulness of molecular methods for identification and epidemiological tracing of Pasteurella isolates.