994 resultados para Sòfocles, 496-406 aC
We study the scaling properties and Kraichnan–Leith–Batchelor (KLB) theory of forced inverse cascades in generalized two-dimensional (2D) fluids (α-turbulence models) simulated at resolution 8192x8192. We consider α=1 (surface quasigeostrophic flow), α=2 (2D Euler flow) and α=3. The forcing scale is well resolved, a direct cascade is present and there is no large-scale dissipation. Coherent vortices spanning a range of sizes, most larger than the forcing scale, are present for both α=1 and α=2. The active scalar field for α=3 contains comparatively few and small vortices. The energy spectral slopes in the inverse cascade are steeper than the KLB prediction −(7−α)/3 in all three systems. Since we stop the simulations well before the cascades have reached the domain scale, vortex formation and spectral steepening are not due to condensation effects; nor are they caused by large-scale dissipation, which is absent. One- and two-point p.d.f.s, hyperflatness factors and structure functions indicate that the inverse cascades are intermittent and non-Gaussian over much of the inertial range for α=1 and α=2, while the α=3 inverse cascade is much closer to Gaussian and non-intermittent. For α=3 the steep spectrum is close to that associated with enstrophy equipartition. Continuous wavelet analysis shows approximate KLB scaling ℰ(k)∝k−2 (α=1) and ℰ(k)∝k−5/3 (α=2) in the interstitial regions between the coherent vortices. Our results demonstrate that coherent vortex formation (α=1 and α=2) and non-realizability (α=3) cause 2D inverse cascades to deviate from the KLB predictions, but that the flow between the vortices exhibits KLB scaling and non-intermittent statistics for α=1 and α=2.
The effect of high pressure homogenisation (HPH) and heat treatments on physicochemical properties and physical stability of almond and hazelnut milks was studied. Vegetable milks were obtained and homogenised by applying 62, 103 and 172 MPa (MF1, MF2 and MF3, respectively). Untreated and MF3 samples were also submitted to two different heat treatments (85 °C/30 min (LH) or 121 °C/15 min (HH)). Physical and structural properties of the products were greatly affected by heat treatments and HPH. In almond milk, homogenised samples showed a significant reduction in particle size, which turned from bimodal and polydisperse to monodisperse distributions. Particle surface charge, clarity and Whiteness Index were increased and physical stability of samples was improved, without affecting either viscosity or protein stability. Hazelnut beverages showed similar trends, but HPH notably increased their viscosity while change their rheological behaviour, which suggested changes in protein conformation. HH treatments caused an increment of particle size due to the formation oil droplet-protein body clusters, associated with protein denaturation. Samples submitted to the combined treatment MF3 and LH showed the greatest stability.
Background: The differential susceptibly hypothesis suggests that certain genetic variants moderate the effects of both negative and positive environments on mental health and may therefore be important predictors of response to psychological treatments. Nevertheless, the identification of such variants has so far been limited to preselected candidate genes. In this study we extended the differential susceptibility hypothesis from a candidate gene to a genome-wide approach to test whether a polygenic score of environmental sensitivity predicted response to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in children with anxiety disorders. Methods: We identified variants associated with environmental sensitivity using a novel method in which within-pair variability in emotional problems in 1026 monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs was examined as a function of the pairs’ genotype. We created a polygenic score of environmental sensitivity based on the whole-genome findings and tested the score as a moderator of parenting on emotional problems in 1,406 children and response to individual, group and brief parent-led CBT in 973 children with anxiety disorders. Results: The polygenic score significantly moderated the effects of parenting on emotional problems and the effects of treatment. Individuals with a high score responded significantly better to individual CBT than group CBT or brief parent-led CBT (remission rates: 70.9%, 55.5% and 41.6% respectively). Conclusions: Pending successful replication, our results should be considered exploratory. Nevertheless, if replicated, they suggest that individuals with the greatest environmental sensitivity may be more likely to develop emotional problems in adverse environments, but also benefit more from the most intensive types of treatment.
In the first part some information and characterisation about an AC distribution network that feeds traction substations and their possible influences on the DC traction load flow are presented. Those influences are investigated and mathematically modelled. To corroborate the mathematical model, an example is presented and their results are confronted with real measurements.
Background: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the use of anorganic bovine bone (ABB) associated with a collagen membrane (CM) for a sinus graft by means of clinical, histologic, and radiographic parameters in cases with bone availability <= 7 mm. A preliminary evaluation consisted of a clinical examination, computed tomography (CT), and a panoramic x-ray. Methods: Ninety-two patients requiring bilateral sinus grafts and 222 requiring unilateral procedures (total: 406 sinuses) participated in this study. A total of 1,025 implants were placed in the grafted sinuses. A total of 118 implants were placed simultaneously with the sinus graft (one stage), and 907 implants were placed in a subsequent surgery (two stages), 6 to 12 months after the graft was performed. In seven cases, a biopsy was harvested for histomorphometric analysis. Recall appointments were scheduled every 6 months, and panoramic and periapical x-rays were required every year for 3 years. Results: Among 1,025 implants, 19 were lost (survival rate: 98.1%). The difference in survival rates for implants placed in native bone: <= 3 mm (98.1%), >3 to <= 5 mm (98.6%), and >5 to <= 7 mm (97.0%) was not statistically significant (P = 0.3408). The survival rates for implants with rough and machined surfaces (98.6% and 97.0%, respectively) were not statistically significant (P = 0.0840). The histomorphometric analysis showed new bone formation (39.0% +/- 12%), marrow space (52.9% +/- 9.3%), and residual ABB (8% +/- 2.7%). Conclusion: Our results indicated that 1,025 implants placed in sinuses grafted exclusively with ABB combined with CM led to an excellent and predictable survival rate of 98.1%. J Periodontol 2009;80:1920-1927.
The physical properties of the La(0.6)Y(0.1)Ca(0.3)MnO(3) compound have been investigated, focusing on the magnetoresistance phenomenon studied by both dc and ac electrical transport measurements. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy analysis of ceramic samples prepared by the sol-gel method revealed that specimens are single phase and have average grain size of similar to 0.5 mu m. Magnetization and 4-probe dc electrical resistivity rho(T,H) experiments showed that a ferromagnetic transition at T(C) similar to 170 K is closely related to a metal-insulator (MI) transition occurring at essentially the same temperature T(MI). The magnetoresistance effect was found to be more pronounced at low applied fields (H <= 2.5 T) and temperatures close to the MI transition. The ac electrical transport was investigated by impedance spectroscopy Z(f,T,H) under applied magnetic field H up to 1 T. The Z(f,T,H) data exhibited two well-defined relaxation processes that exhibit different behaviors depending on the temperature and applied magnetic field. Pronounced effects were observed close to T (C) and were associated with the coexistence of clusters with different electronic and magnetic properties. In addition, the appreciable decrease of the electrical permittivity epsilon`(T,H) is consistent with changes in the concentration of e(g) mobile holes, a feature much more pronounced close to T (C).
During the development of system requirements, software system specifications are often inconsistent. Inconsistencies may arise for different reasons, for example, when multiple conflicting viewpoints are embodied in the specification, or when the specification itself is at a transient stage of evolution. These inconsistencies cannot always be resolved immediately. As a result, we argue that a formal framework for the analysis of evolving specifications should be able to tolerate inconsistency by allowing reasoning in the presence of inconsistency without trivialisation, and circumvent inconsistency by enabling impact analyses of potential changes to be carried out. This paper shows how clustered belief revision can help in this process. Clustered belief revision allows for the grouping of requirements with similar functionality into clusters and the assignment of priorities between them. By analysing the result of a cluster, an engineer can either choose to rectify problems in the specification or to postpone the changes until more information becomes available.
Este livro é resultado da pesquisa conduzida no âmbito do “Núcleo de Justiça e Constituição” da Escola de Direito de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas – FGV DIREITO SP. A pesquisa foi realizada por integrantes do Núcleo e com financiamento da Fapesp entre março de 2012 e fevereiro de 2013. Teve como objetivo analisar a atuação do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) enquanto Corte recursal, função exercida especialmente por meio do julgamento de recursos extraordinários. O nosso estudo examina o processo de tomada de decisão do STF nos recursos extraordinários julgados em Plenário, de 5 de setembro de 2007 a 1º de setembro de 2009. Esse é o maior período no qual a composição do Tribunal permaneceu estável desde 2000. Nesse intervalo de tempo, integravam o STF as Ministras e os Ministros: Celso de Mello, Marco Aurélio, Gilmar Mendes, Ellen Gracie, Carlos Britto, Cezar Peluso, Eros Grau, Joaquim Barbosa, Ricardo Lewandowski, Cármen Lúcia e Menezes Direito. Optou-se por investigar somente as decisões tomadas em sede de Plenário, por sua relevância qualitativa.
Drug delivery systems based on natural polysaccharides, such as chitosan (CS) and pectin (PC), rather than on synthetic polymers, have been widely studied. Some reasons for that are low toxicity and costs and high biodegradability of the formers. A multiparticulate system based on CS and PC was developed in our laboratories, including the addition of an enteric polymer, cellulose acetate phtalate (CAP). Such improvement promoted stronger gastric and enteric resistances, as assessed in vitro, making the systems more selective to enzymatic degradation in the colon. Although in vitro dissolution tests can simulate some properties concerning the gastrointestinal transit (GT), collaborating to characterize the systems behavior in the biological fluids, frequently they do not result in satisfactory in vitro/in vivo correlations. The objective of this work was to follow in vivo the GT of the particles developed by means of AC biosusceptometry (ACB), a non-invasive and of low cost methodology. The particles containing ferrite in powder form were prepared by complex coacervation using an ideal 3:1:1 mass ratio for PC:CS:CAP. The magnetic particles were administered to healthy volunteers by oral route. The GT was monitored by using multi-sensor ACB system and the signal acquisition was performed every IS min until the colonic region was reached. By means of ACB technique, it was possible to acquiring images generated by the magnetic particles within the whole gastrointestinal tract including the colonic region. Variable particles transit times were observed among the volunteers, but without interference on the mapping of the particles until the colonic region. The particles were able to produce magnetic field strong enough to generate signals adequate for mapping the particles. The results suggest that integral particles reached the colon, after they resisted against gastric and enteric media. Studies associating transit time and in vivo drug release are in development in order to confirm the efficiency of the systems.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The capacitor-commutated converter (CCC) has frequently been used in the conception of HVDC systems connected to busbars with low short circuit level. This alternative arrangement, in substitution to the conventional ones, guarantees less sensitive operational conditions to problems related with the commutation failure in the inverters besides supplying part of the reactive energy to be compensated. Studies related with its performance in steady and transient states have been presented in several works, however its behavior as harmonic source is still little explored. This work presents preliminary studies focusing the generation of characteristic harmonics by this type of converter. Subjects related with the amplification of the harmonic magnitudes are investigated and compared considering similar arrangements of conventional static converters (LCC) and CCC schemes. It is also analyzed the harmonic generation on the dc side of the installation and its influence on the ac side harmonics. The results are obtained from simulations in the time domain in PSpice environment and they clearly illustrate the operational differences between the L CC and the CCC schemes with regard to characteristic harmonic generation.