935 resultados para Responsabilidade civil concorrencial
O setor industrial de alimentos é um setor muito importante para a economia brasileira, segundo dados da Associação Brasileira das Indústrias da Alimentação (ABIA). Os diferentes produtos gerados pelas indústrias alimentícias são atribuídos a várias setores, como por exemplo, o setor de Food Service, o qual utiliza os insumos provenientes das indústrias de alimentos e fornecem alimentos prontos para os consumidores que buscam refeições fora dos seus lares. Devido à grande expansão desse setor, a exigência da sociedade por um sistema de Gestão em Saúde, Meio Ambiente, Segurança e Responsabilidade Social (SMS/RS) é grande, pois há preocupações ambientais, como o desperdício e a geração de resíduos, preocupações com as condições de trabalho dos funcionários, associados aos riscos e perigos no ambiente de trabalho e preocupações com as exigências legais, como o cumprimento de leis e normas na produção de alimentos, a fim de reduzir os riscos à saúde por doenças transmitidas por alimentos, com a segurança do mesmo. O objetivo geral desse estudo é avaliar as questões relacionadas à saúde, segurança, meio ambiente, sustentabilidade e responsabilidade socioambiental, de forma a verificar o nível de comprometimento dos serviços de alimentação micro e de pequeno porte no município do Rio de janeiro, com destaque para o atendimento ao serviço da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), à legislação ambiental e de saúde e segurança no trabalho. Para atingir tal objetivo, a metodologia foi dividida em: pesquisa bibliográfica, elaboração de lista de verificação, questionário direcionado para os responsáveis e funcionários dos estabelecimentos, de questionário SMS/RS e visitas técnicas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, numa avaliação global, os trinta serviços de alimentação atenderam a todos os itens avaliados com relação à legislação sanitária e 88% no que tange aos aspectos de saúde, meio ambiente, segurança e responsabilidade social. Apesar de a legislação em saúde e segurança, meio ambiente e responsabilidade social ser uma prática comum nas micro e pequenas empresas fornecedoras de alimentos, em nenhuma delas foi implantado um sistema de Gestão baseado nessas questões, devido a falta de conhecimento por parte dos proprietários dos estabelecimentos
A presente dissertação tem por escopo traçar os contornos do regime de responsabilidade do cotista de fundo de investimento em participações FIP. Para tanto, serão analisados os aspectos históricos, a natureza jurídica e a forma como os fundos de investimento são estruturados no direito brasileiro, com foco no fundo de investimento em participações. Tendo em vista que o FIP pode assumir posição de controlador de companhia na qual realiza investimento,a dissertação também trata, de forma sucinta, da estrutura do poder de controle, da identificação do acionista controlador e das hipóteses de sua responsabilização. Na sequência, são apontadas as hipóteses de responsabilização direta e indireta dos cotistas de fundos de investimento em participações. A pesquisa busca demonstrar que o cotista do FIP, em razão da responsabilidade subsidiária decorrente da obrigação de arcar com o patrimônio negativo do fundo, está sujeito a responsabilidade indireta incompatível com o seu papel de investidor. Por fim, aponta-se uma possível solução para o problema da responsabilidade do cotista do FIP.
Entre os anos de 2009 a 2012 o município de Duque de Caxias realizou uma parceria com uma organização social civil de interesse público (OSCIP) para gerir seis unidades mistas de saúde. A tuberculose (TB) é um grave problema de saúde pública no Brasil. Em Duque de Caxias o Programa de Controle de Tuberculose necessitava ampliação e descentralização para o maior acesso à população. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto da gestão de uma OSCIP em seis unidades de saúde do município de Duque de Caxias, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, tendo como base os resultados alcançados no Programa de Controle da Tuberculose (PCT). Metodologia: Realizou-se uma pesquisa quantitativa, descritiva, de evolução temporal dos indicadores do PCT, com base em dados secundários gerados através do banco de dados do SINAN/DC, assim como a análise documental do Livro de Registros das Baciloscopias e Culturas do PCT. Levantamento na literatura sobre o tema. Também através de pesquisa eletrônica pela internet realizou-se um levantamento na literatura sobre o tema. Resultado e Discussão: A parceria com a OSCIP possibilitou a descentralização do Programa de Controle da Tuberculose para os quatro distritos do município. Na análise dos indicadores observou-se melhor desempenho das unidades de saúde sob a gerência da OSCIP em alguns indicadores de processo, como realização do exame anti-HIV e percentual de baciloscopias realizadas. Quanto aos indicadores de resultado, em ambos os tipos de gerência, observou-se baixa atuação no alcance das metas nacionais. Conclusão: Apesar das limitações metodológicas, como o curto período de tempo da análise dos indicadores, a utilização de dados secundários (SINAN), o presente estudo permitiu um olhar inicial das vantagens, desvantagens e limitações da parceria com uma OSCIP no serviço público. Serão necessários novos estudos com período maior de tempo além da inclusão de outros indicadores
It is essential to monitor deteriorated civil engineering structures cautiously to detect symptoms of their serious disruptions. A wireless sensor network can be an effective system for monitoring civil engineering structures. It is fast to deploy sensors especially in difficult-to-access areas, and it is extendable without any cable extensions. Since our target is to monitor deteriorations of civil engineering structures such as cracks at tunnel linings, most of the locations of sensors are known, and sensors are not required to move dynamically. Therefore, we focus on developing a deployment plan of a static network in order to reduce the value of a cost function such as initial installation cost and summation of communication distances of the network. The key issue of the deployment is the location of relays that forward sensing data from sensors to a data collection device called a gateway. In this paper, we propose a relay deployment-planning tool that can be used to design a wireless sensor network for monitoring civil engineering structures. For the planning tool, we formalize the model and implement a local search based algorithm to find a quasi-optimal solution. Our solution guarantees two routings from a sensor to a gateway, which can provide higher reliability of the network. We also show the application of our experimental tool to the actual environment in the London Underground.
As-built models have been proven useful in many project-related applications, such as progress monitoring and quality control. However, they are not widely produced in most projects because a lot of effort is still necessary to manually convert remote sensing data from photogrammetry or laser scanning to an as-built model. In order to automate the generation of as-built models, the first and fundamental step is to automatically recognize infrastructure-related elements from the remote sensing data. This paper outlines a framework for creating visual pattern recognition models that can automate the recognition of infrastructure-related elements based on their visual features. The framework starts with identifying the visual characteristics of infrastructure element types and numerically representing them using image analysis tools. The derived representations, along with their relative topology, are then used to form element visual pattern recognition (VPR) models. So far, the VPR models of four infrastructure-related elements have been created using the framework. The high recognition performance of these models validates the effectiveness of the framework in recognizing infrastructure-related elements.
Infrastructure spatial data, such as the orientation and the location of in place structures and these structures' boundaries and areas, play a very important role for many civil infrastructure development and rehabilitation applications, such as defect detection, site planning, on-site safety assistance and others. In order to acquire these data, a number of modern optical-based spatial data acquisition techniques can be used. These techniques are based on stereo vision, optics, time of flight, etc., and have distinct characteristics, benefits and limitations. The main purpose of this paper is to compare these infrastructure optical-based spatial data acquisition techniques based on civil infrastructure application requirements. In order to achieve this goal, the benefits and limitations of these techniques were identified. Subsequently, these techniques were compared according to applications' requirements, such as spatial accuracy, the automation of acquisition, the portability of devices and others. With the help of this comparison, unique characteristics of these techniques were identified so that practitioners will be able to select an appropriate technique for their own applications.
Infrastructure spatial data, such as the orientation and the location of in place structures and these structures' boundaries and areas, play a very important role for many civil infrastructure development and rehabilitation applications, such as defect detection, site planning, on-site safety assistance and others. In order to acquire these data, a number of modern optical-based spatial data acquisition techniques can be used. These techniques are based on stereo vision, optics, time of flight, etc., and have distinct characteristics, benefits and limitations. The main purpose of this paper is to compare these infrastructure optical-based spatial data acquisition techniques based on civil infrastructure application requirements. In order to achieve this goal, the benefits and limitations of these techniques were identified. Subsequently, these techniques were compared according to applications' requirements, such as spatial accuracy, the automation of acquisition, the portability of devices and others. With the help of this comparison, unique characteristics of these techniques were identified so that practitioners will be able to select an appropriate technique for their own applications.
As-built models have been proven useful in many project-related applications, such as progress monitoring and quality control. However, they are not widely produced in most projects because a lot of effort is still necessary to manually convert remote sensing data from photogrammetry or laser scanning to an as-built model. In order to automate the generation of as-built models, the first and fundamental step is to automatically recognize infrastructure-related elements from the remote sensing data. This paper outlines a framework for creating visual pattern recognition models that can automate the recognition of infrastructure-related elements based on their visual features. The framework starts with identifying the visual characteristics of infrastructure element types and numerically representing them using image analysis tools. The derived representations, along with their relative topology, are then used to form element visual pattern recognition (VPR) models. So far, the VPR models of four infrastructure-related elements have been created using the framework. The high recognition performance of these models validates the effectiveness of the framework in recognizing infrastructure-related elements.
The objective of this study was to identify challenges in civil and environmental engineering that can potentially be solved using data sensing and analysis research. The challenges were recognized through extensive literature review in all disciplines of civil and environmental engineering. The literature review included journal articles, reports, expert interviews, and magazine articles. The challenges were ranked by comparing their impact on cost, time, quality, environment and safety. The result of this literature review includes challenges such as improving construction safety and productivity, improving roof safety, reducing building energy consumption, solving traffic congestion, managing groundwater, mapping and monitoring the underground, estimating sea conditions, and solving soil erosion problems. These challenges suggest areas where researchers can apply data sensing and analysis research.
The commercial far-range (>10m) infrastructure spatial data collection methods are not completely automated. They need significant amount of manual post-processing work and in some cases, the equipment costs are significant. This paper presents a method that is the first step of a stereo videogrammetric framework and holds the promise to address these issues. Under this method, video streams are initially collected from a calibrated set of two video cameras. For each pair of simultaneous video frames, visual feature points are detected and their spatial coordinates are then computed. The result, in the form of a sparse 3D point cloud, is the basis for the next steps in the framework (i.e., camera motion estimation and dense 3D reconstruction). A set of data, collected from an ongoing infrastructure project, is used to show the merits of the method. Comparison with existing tools is also shown, to indicate the performance differences of the proposed method in the level of automation and the accuracy of results.
Automating the model generation process of infrastructure can substantially reduce the modeling time and cost. This paper presents a method to generate a sparse point cloud of an infrastructure scene using a single video camera under practical constraints. It is the first step towards establishing an automatic framework for object-oriented as-built modeling. Motion blur and key frame selection criteria are considered. Structure from motion and bundle adjustment are explored. The method is demonstrated in a case study where the scene of a reinforced concrete bridge is videotaped, reconstructed, and metrically validated. The result indicates the applicability, efficiency, and accuracy of the proposed method.
Videogrammetry is an inexpensive and easy-to-use technology for spatial 3D scene recovery. When applied to large scale civil infrastructure scenes, only a small percentage of the collected video frames are required to achieve robust results. However, choosing the right frames requires careful consideration. Videotaping a built infrastructure scene results in large video files filled with blurry, noisy, or redundant frames. This is due to frame rate to camera speed ratios that are often higher than necessary; camera and lens imperfections and limitations that result in imaging noise; and occasional jerky motions of the camera that result in motion blur; all of which can significantly affect the performance of the videogrammetric pipeline. To tackle these issues, this paper proposes a novel method for automating the selection of an optimized number of informative, high quality frames. According to this method, as the first step, blurred frames are removed using the thresholds determined based on a minimum level of frame quality required to obtain robust results. Then, an optimum number of key frames are selected from the remaining frames using the selection criteria devised by the authors. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms existing methods in terms of improved 3D reconstruction results, while maintaining the optimum number of extracted frames needed to generate high quality 3D point clouds.© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.