708 resultados para Reservatórios de hidrocarboneto


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The structural framework of the sedimentary basins usually plays an important role in oil prospects and reservoirs. Geometry, interconectivity and density of the brittle features developed during basin evolution could change the permo-porous character of the rocks involved in generation, migration and entrapment of fluid flow. Once the structural characterization of the reservois using only sub-surface data is not an easy task, many studies are focused in analogous outcrops trying to understand the main processes by which brittle tectonic is archieved. In the Santana do Acaraú region (Ceará state, NE Brazil) a pack of conglomeratic sandstone (here named CAC) has its geometry controlled mainly by NE trending faults, interpreted as related to reactivation of a precambrian Sobral Pedro II Lineament (LSP-II). Geological mapping of the CAC showed a major NE-SW trending synform developed before its complete lithification during a dextral transpression. This region was then selected to be studied in details in order of constrain the cretaceous deformation and so help the understanding the deformation of the basins along the brazilian equatorial margin. In order to characterize the brittle deformation in different scales, I study some attributes of the fractures and faults such as orientation, density, kinematic, opening, etc., through scanlines in satellite images, outcrops and thin sections. The study of the satellite images showed three main directions of the macrostructures, N-S, NE-SW and E-W. Two of theses features (N-S and E-W) are in aggreement with previous geophysical data. A bimodal pattern of the lineaments in the CAC´s basement rocks has been evidenciated by the NE and NW sets of structures obtained in the meso and microscale data. Besides the main dextral transpression two others later events, developed when the sediments were complety lithified, were recognized in the area. The interplay among theses events is responsible for the compartimentation of the CAC in several blocks along within some structural elements display diferents orientations. Based on the variation in the S0 orientation, the CAC can be subdivided in several domains. Dispite of the variations in orientations of the fractures/faults in the diferents domains, theses features, in the meso and microscopic scale, are concentrated in two sets (based on their trend) in all domains which show similar orientation of the S0 surface. Thus the S0 orientation was used to group the domains in three major sets: i) The first one is that where S0 is E-W oriented: the fractures are oriented mainly NE with the development of a secondary NW trending; ii) S0 trending NE: the fractures are concentrated mainly along the trend NW with a secondary concentration along the NE trend; iii) The third set, where S0 is NS the main fractures are NE and the secondary concentration is NW. Another analized parameter was the fault/fracture length. This attribute was studied in diferent scales trying to detect the upscale relationship. A terrain digital model (TDM) was built with the brittlel elements supperposed. This model enhanced a 3D visualization of the area as well as the spatial distribution of the fault/fractures. Finally, I believe that a better undertanding of the brittle tectonic affecting both CAC and its nearby basement will help the future interpretations of the tectonic envolved in the development of the sedimentary basins of the brazilian equatorial margin and their oil reservoirs and prospects, as for instance the Xaréu field in the Ceará basin, which subsurface data could be correlated with the surface ones


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This work is the application of geophysical methods, using the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), with the objective of survey in a subsurface plume of contamination caused by a disabled gas station. The gas station is located on the Búzios beach in southern coast of the state to Rio Grande do Norte in an Area of Environmental Protection called Bonfim-Guaraíra. The interest to develop this work was the presence of contaminants (hydrocarbons) in a well located on the desktop, previously used for the abstraction of groundwater for residents living near the site. Were raised 15 geophysical survey lines totaling 775,48 lifting and installed 4 piezometer, to confirm the contamination and prepare a pluviometric map that helped in indicating the direction of local groundwater flow, thus showing the direction of movement of the probably plume of contamination. From the processing of the GPR lines was possible to identify two likely phases of contamination according to the classification proposed by Azambuja et al 2000, which are called phase absorbed and dissolved phase


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Seismic wave dispersion and attenuation studies have become an important tool for lithology and fluid discrimination in hydrocarbon reservoirs. The processes associated to attenuation are complex and are encapsulated in a single quantitative description called quality factor (Q). The present dissertation has the objective of comparing different approaches of Q determination and is divided in two parts. Firstly, we made performance and robustness tests of three different approaches for Q determination in the frequency domain. They are: peak shift, centroid shift and spectral ratio. All these tests were performed in a three-layered model. In the suite of tests performed here, we varied the thickness, Q and inclination of the layers for propagation pulses with central frequency of 30, 40 and 60 Hz. We found that the centroid shift method is produces robust results for the entire suíte of tests. Secondly, we inverted for Q values using the peak and centroid shift methods using an sequential grid search algorithm. In this case, centroid shift method also produced more robust results than the peak shift method, despite being of slower convergence


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The increasing use of shallow seismic methods of high resolution, for investigations of geological problems, environmental or industrial, has impelled the development of techniques, flows and computational algorithms. The practice of applying techniques for processing this data, until recently it wasn t used and the interpretation of the data was made as they were acquired. In order to facilitate and contribute to the improvement of the practices adopted, was developed a free graphical application and open source, called OpenSeismic which is based on free software Seismic Un*x, widely used in the treatment of conventional seismic data used in the exploration of hydrocarbon reservoirs. The data used to validate the initiative were marine seismic data of high resolution, acquired by the laboratory of Geology and Marine Geophysics and Environmental Monitoring - GGEMMA, of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN, for the SISPLAT Project, located at the region of paleo-valley of the Rio Acu. These data were submitted to the processing flow developed by Gomes (2009), using the free software developed in this work, the OpenSeismic, as well other free software, the Seismic Un*x and the commercial software ProMAX, where despite its peculiarities has presented similar results


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In this study, the methodological procedures involved in digital imaging of collapsed paleocaves in tufa using GPR are presented. These carbonate deposits occur in the Quixeré region, Ceará State (NE Brazil), on the western border of the Potiguar Basin. Collapsed paleocaves are exposed along a state road, which were selected to this study. We chose a portion of the called Quixeré outcrop for making a photomosaic and caring out a GPR test section to compare and parameterize the karst geometries on the geophysical line. The results were satisfactory and led to the adoption of criteria for the interpretation of others GPR sections acquired in the region of the Quixeré outcrop. Two grids of GPR lines were acquired; the first one was wider and more spaced and guided the location of the second grid, denser and located in the southern part of the outcrop. The radargrams of the second grid reveal satisfactorily the collapsed paleocaves geometries. For each grid has been developed a digital solid model of the Quixeré outcrop. The first model allows the recognition of the general distribution and location of collapsed paleocaves in tufa deposits, while the second more detailed digital model provides not only the 3D individualization of the major paleocaves, but also the estimation of their respective volumes. The digital solid models are presented here as a new frontier in the study of analog outcrops to reservoirs (for groundwater and hydrocarbon), in which the volumetric parameterization and characterization of geological bodies become essential for composing the databases, which together with petrophysical properties information, are used in more realistic computer simulations for sedimentary reservoirs.


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Deformation bands are structures, developed in porous sandstones, that has small offsets and they are not shown on seismic section. The deformation bands of the pre and synrift sandstones of Araripe Basin were studied in outcrop, macroscopic and microscopic scales. The hierarchical, cinematic and spatial-geometric characteristics, and also the deformational mechanisms acting during its structural evolution were established too. In general, the mesoscopic scale observation allowed to discriminate deformation bands as singles or clusters in three main sets: NNE-SSW dextral; NE-SW normal (sometimes with strike-slip offset); and E-W sinistral; further a bed-parallel deformation bands as a local set. The microscopic characterization allowed to recognize the shearing and cataclastic character of such structures. Through the multi-scale study done in this work we verified that deformation bands analyzed were preferentially developed when sandstones under advanced stage of lithification. We also infer that the geometrical-spatial complexity of these bands, together with the presence of cataclastic matrix, can difficult the migration of fluids in reservoir rocks, resulting on their compartmentalization. Therefore, the study of deformation bands can aid researches about the structural evolution of sedimentary basin, as well as collaborate to understand the hydrodynamic behavior of reservoirs compartmented by these deformational structures


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This work presents the results of the first imaging of continental slope adjacent to Potiguar Basin, in the equatorial Brazilian margin (NE Brazil). Swath bathymetry provided a complete coverage of seafloor between the upper and middle slope (100-1,300 m). Fifteen submarine canyons were mapped. The shape of the slope reflects in distinct spatial distribution of the canyons. The western area displays convex profiles which implied a greater amount of incisions by canyons. Some of them have gradient walls higher than 35°. They were classified according to location and morphology. The canyons with heads indenting shelf edge, association with a incised valley and a large fluvial system, high sinuosities, V shape, terraces along margins, further erosive features such as landslide and gullies allow to deduce a sandy-gravelly sedimentation. These canyons are associated with deposition of submarine fan systems that have been considered permeable hydrocarbon reservoirs. The presence of gullies, furrows and dunes demonstrates the role of bottom currents in the shaping of the slope. The enlargement of canyons and the change in the course when they cross the border fault imply that tectonic has also influenced in the morphology of deep waters environments of Potiguar Basin. The current sedimentation of continental slope is considered mixed because the sediments are composed of siliciclastics and bioclasts. Predominant siliciclastics are calcite, dolomite, quartz, and clay minerals. The presence of stable minerals (zircon, tourmaline and rutile), and fragmented bioclasts implies the contributions of Rivers Açu and Apodi


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Dentre as plantas daninhas aquáticas imersas de maior importância nos reservatórios de usinas hidrelétricas e em represas de pequeno porte no Brasil, destacam-se as espécies Egeria densa e Egeria najas, cuja identificação pode ser difícil na fase vegetativa. O objetivo deste trabalho foi diferenciar cinco acessos de E. densa e três de E. najas, coletados nos reservatórios de Jupiá, Salto Grande, Três Irmãos, Promissão, Nova Avanhandava e Ibitinga, do complexo da Companhia Energética de São Paulo (CESP) do Estado de São Paulo, quanto às características anatômicas descritivas e quantitativas do limbo foliar, procurando-se obter melhor entendimento sobre as relações dessas estruturas anatômicas com a penetração e translocação de herbicidas, além de auxiliar na identificação de acessos suscetíveis e resistentes a determinado produto químico. Amostras do terço médio do limbo foram fixadas em FAA 50, cortadas transversalmente em micrótomo rotatório com 8 mm de espessura e coradas com azul-de-toluidina. Foi analisada a estrutura foliar e foram quantificados os caracteres anatômicos da nervura central (% epiderme das faces adaxial e abaxial, % feixe vascular e % parênquima) e da região situada entre a nervura e o bordo do limbo (% epiderme das faces adaxial e abaxial e espessura da folha). Os dados das variáveis quantitativas foram submetidos aos testes estatísticos multivariados de Análise de Agrupamento e Análise de Componentes Principais. Houve formação de três grupos principais: o primeiro foi constituído pelos três acessos de E. najas; o segundo, por quatro acessos de E. densa; e o terceiro, por apenas um acesso de E. densa. O caráter que mais contribuiu para a diferenciação entre os acessos foi a % feixe vascular da nervura central, seguido da % epiderme da face abaxial da nervura central e % epiderme das faces adaxial e abaxial da região entre a nervura e o bordo foliar. Concluiu-se que a utilização de caracteres anatômicos quantitativos permitiu auxiliar na diferenciação dos acessos e das espécies estudadas; entretanto, devem ser incrementados os estudos relacionando a estrutura anatômica com a resistência e suscetibilidade aos herbicidas.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência do controle dos herbicidas 2,4-D, diquat e glyphosate e as alterações anatômicas do limbo foliar provocadas pelos produtos em plantas de Eichhornia crassipes, coletadas nos reservatórios do complexo CESP. As plantas foram cultivadas em caixas-d'água sob condições de campo e, quando atingiram estádio de pleno desenvolvimento vegetativo, foram pulverizadas com soluções de diquat a 400 g i.a.ha-1, 2,4-D a 1.340 g e.a. ha-1 e glyphosate a 4.320 g e.a. ha-1 em associação com o adjuvante Silwet L-77 a 0,01% v v-1. Foi utilizada uma testemunha sem aplicação de herbicida. A seguir, foram realizadas avaliações de controle e das seguintes características anatômicas quantitativas das regiões da nervura central e da internervural do limbo foliar: porcentagem da epiderme adaxial e abaxial, porcentagem da endoderme, porcentagem do feixe vascular, porcentagem de lacunas do aerênquima, porcentagem de parênquima e espessura foliar (µm). Com base nos resultados, os principais caracteres anatômicos quantitativos das regiões da nervura central e internervural do limbo foliar que sofreram alterações após a aplicação dos herbicidas foram a porcentagem da epiderme adaxial, a porcentagem da endoderme e a espessura foliar. Os herbicidas diquat e 2,4-D foram os que mais promoveram alterações nos caracteres anatômicos quantitativos das regiões da nervura central e internervural do limbo foliar das plantas de E. crassipes. Apenas o glyphosate apresentou controle de 100% das plantas aos 22 dias após a aplicação, quando comparado com o observado na testemunha sem herbicida.


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Algumas espécies de plantas aquáticas têm-se tornado problemáticas em reservatórios hidrelétricos no Brasil, devido a sua grande capacidade de reprodução. O objetivo destes trabalho foi diferenciar Brachiaria mutica, Brachiaria subquadripara, Panicum repens, Eichhornia crassipes, Heteranthera reniformis, Typha ubulata e Enhydra anagallis, utilizando-se 19 caracteres estruturais quantitativos do limbo foliar, que se relacionassem com a penetração e translocação de herbicidas. Amostras do terço médio do limbo foram fixadas em FAA 50, cortadas transversalmente em micrótomo com 8 mm de espessura e coradas com azul-de-toluidina. Foram quantificados (%) os seguintes caracteres estruturais da nervura central (NC) e da região internervural (IN): epidermes adaxial e abaxial, feixe vascular, bainha do feixe vascular, esclerênquima, parênquima e lacunas do aerênquima, além da espessura da folha, do número de estômatos e do número de tricomas nas faces adaxial e abaxial. Os 19 caracteres estruturais foram submetidos à Análise de Agrupamento e Análise de Componentes Principais. Houve a formação de três grupos principais: grupo 1 B. mutica, B. subquadripara e P. repens (Poaceae); grupo 2 E. crassipes e H. reniformis (Pontederiaceae) e E. anagallis (Asteraceae); e grupo 3 apenas T. subulata (Typhaceae). Os caracteres com maior poder discriminatório foram: porcentagem de epiderme adaxial (IN); porcentagem de epiderme abaxial; feixe vascular; bainha do feixe vascular; esclerênquima e lacunas do aerênquima (NC e IN); espessura da folha e número de estômatos das faces adaxial e abaxial. Concluiu-se que os caracteres estruturais quantitativos permitiram diferenciar essas espécies daninhas aquáticas em fase vegetativa.


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The cage farming of aquatic organisms was initiated 50 years ago, and was introduced to Brazil in the 1990's. In these systems, there is an input of organic matter from ration that is not totally used by the cage fishes, becoming available for the organisms of adjacent biota, including fish fauna. The aim of this work is to evaluate the interference in the diet of three dominant fish species (Plagioscion squamosissimus Heckel, 1840, Astyanax altiparanae Garutti and Britski, 2000 and Metynnis maculatus Kner, 1858) associated with ish cage farming. For determination of the diet, the Alimentary Index (AI) was used. In both stretches (around cage farm and control), P. squamosissimus selected aquatic insects, while A. altiparanae preferred terrestrial insects and M. maculatus eats ration remains. Diferences in abundance of these feeding resources found of the stomach content were observed among the two stretches. Thus, the small alterations in the diets of P. squamosissimus and A. altiparanae, indicate that cage farming can change the diet of resident species in reservoirs. This practice also influences the population structure of fish species, since higher middle standard lengths were found in A. altiparanae and P. squamosissimus populations resident around cage farms, in relation to the control stretch.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A glândula salivar apresenta-se com um duto anterior único, formado por um epitélio colunar, dois dutos laterais curtos, os quais apresentam-se com epitélio cúbico simples e que na sua porção mais proximal torna-se colunar. Posterior a estes, encontram-se os dois reservatórios, os quais possuem o epitélio bastante delgado e é neste reservatório que a região secretora da glândula se abre. Os ramos dorsal e ventral da região secretora da glândula conectam-se por meio de comissuras transversais, sendo que, posteriormente, a região secretora termina em forma de alça. A região secretora é uniforme, não apresenta tipos celulares distintos e é formada por um epitélio cúbico simples. Neste trabalho é apresentada, também, a revisão sobre a morfologia da glândula salivar larval em insetos, principalmente com relação aos Hymenoptera-Aculeata.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)