886 resultados para Relationship with educational system


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The main thesis of this paper is that Freire’s original experience in Angicos anticipated a grand design for social transformation of educational systems. As such it brought together two key concepts that formulated the basis of his educational system: popular culture as an counter-hegemonic project and popular education, more particularly what was later called citizen schools or public popular education as keystone of his new educational system. I use the term Paulo Freire System to show that his original attempts were not only to challenge pedagogical the prevailing banking education system that was so pervasive in Brazil and Latin American at the time. In challenging the hegemony of banking education, its narrative, theoretical foundations, epistemology and methodology, Freire and his team sought to create a new system that could replace the old one. They saw banking education not only as obsolete in terms of modernization of systems but also oppressive in gnoseological, epistemological and political terms. In the conclusion of this paper I will discuss the twins obsessions of Freire, already present in the Angicos experience and that will stay with him throughout his life: the relationship between democracy, citizenship and education, and education as a postcolonial ethical act of social transformation. I would like to emphasize therefore that the Paulo Freire system, as conceived in the Angicos experience and its aftermath was a much larger and comprehensive system that originally considered, even by his critics.


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Few studies have linked density dependence of parasitism and the tritrophic environment within which a parasitoid forages. In the non-crop plant-aphid, Centaurea nigra-Uroleucon jaceae system, mixed patterns of density-dependent parasitism by the parasitoids Aphidius funebris and Trioxys centaureae were observed in a survey of a natural population. Breakdown of density-dependent parasitism revealed that density dependence was inverse in smaller colonies but direct in large colonies (>20 aphids), suggesting there is a threshold effect in parasitoid response to aphid density. The CV2 of searching parasitoids was estimated from parasitism data using a hierarchical generalized linear model, and CV2>1 for A. funebris between plant patches, while for T. centaureae CV2>1 within plant patches. In both cases, density independent heterogeneity was more important than density-dependent heterogeneity in parasitism. Parasitism by T. centaureae increased with increasing plant patch size. Manipulation of aphid colony size and plant patch size revealed that parasitism by A. funebris was directly density dependent at the range of colony sizes tested (50-200 initial aphids), and had a strong positive relationship with plant patch size. The effects of plant patch size detected for both species indicate that the tritrophic environment provides a source of host density independent heterogeneity in parasitism, and can modify density-dependent responses. (c) 2007 Gessellschaft fur Okologie. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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A wind catcher/tower natural ventilation system was installed in a seminar room in the building of the School of Construction Management and Engineering, the University of Reading in the UK . Performance was analysed by means of ventilation tracer gas measurements, indoor climate measurements (temperature, humidity, CO2) and occupant surveys. In addition, the potential of simple design tools was evaluated by comparing observed ventilation results with those predicted by an explicit ventilation model and the AIDA implicit ventilation model. To support this analysis, external climate parameters (wind speed and direction, solar radiation, external temperature and humidity) were also monitored. The results showed the chosen ventilation design provided a substantially greater ventilation rate than an equivalent area of openable window. Also air quality parameters stayed within accepted norms while occupants expressed general satisfaction with the system and with comfort conditions. Night cooling was maximised by using the system in combination with openable windows. Comparisons of calculations with ventilation rate measurements showed that while AIDA gave reasonably correlated results with the monitored performance results, the widely used industry explicit model was found to over estimate the monitored ventilation rate.


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The intestinal microbiota is a dynamic multifaceted ecosystem which has evolved a complex and mutually beneficial relationship with the mammalian host. The contribution to host fitness is evident, but in recent years it has become apparent that these commensal microorganisms may exert far more influence over health and disease than previously thought. The gut microbiota are implicated in many aspects of biological function, such as metabolism, angiogenesis and immune development: disruption, especially during the neonatal period, which may impose life-long penalty. Elimination of the microbiota appears difficult, but manipulation of the ratios and dominance of composite populations can be achieved by alterations in diet, rearing environment, antibiotics and/or probiotics. Components of the intestinal microbiota are frequently documented to affect normal function of the mucosal immune system in experimental animals and in domesticated, agricultural species. However, it is not always clear that the effects described are sufficiently well understood to provide a sound basis for commercial intervention. Some microbial interventions may be beneficial to the host under particular circumstances, while detrimental during others. It is essential that we further our understanding of the complex and intricate host-commensal relationship to avoid causing more long-term damage than advantage


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At its inception, the paradigm of system dynamics was deliberately made distinct from that of OR. Yet developments in soft OR now have much in common with current system dynamics modeling practice. This article briefly traces the parallel development of system dynamics and soft OR, and argues that a dialogue between the two would be mutually rewarding. to support this claim, examples of soft OR tools are described along with some of the field’s philosophical grounding and current issues. Potential benefits resulting from a dialogue are explored, with particular emphasis on the methodological framework of system dynamics and the need for a complementarist approach. The article closes with some suggestions on how to begin learning from.


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Prospective measurement of nutrition, cognition, and physical activity in later life would facilitate early detection of detrimental change and early intervention but is hard to achieve in community settings. Technology can simplify the task and facilitate daily data collection. The Novel Assessment of Nutrition and Ageing (NANA) toolkit was developed to provide a holistic picture of an individual's function including diet, cognition and activity levels. This study aimed to validate the NANA toolkit for data collection in the community. Forty participants aged 65 years and over trialled the NANA toolkit in their homes for three 7-day periods at four-week intervals. Data collected using the NANA toolkit were compared with standard measures of diet (four-day food diary), cognitive ability (processing speed) and physical activity (self-report). Bland–Altman analysis of dietary intake (energy, carbohydrates, protein fat) found a good relationship with the food diary and cognitive processing speed and physical activity (hours) were significantly correlated with their standard counterparts. The NANA toolkit enables daily reporting of data that would otherwise be collected sporadically while reducing demands on participants; older adults can complete the daily reporting at home without a researcher being present; and it enables prospective investigation of several domains at once


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Preparing for episodes with risks of anomalous weather a month to a year ahead is an important challenge for governments, non-governmental organisations, and private companies and is dependent on the availability of reliable forecasts. The majority of operational seasonal forecasts are made using process-based dynamical models, which are complex, computationally challenging and prone to biases. Empirical forecast approaches built on statistical models to represent physical processes offer an alternative to dynamical systems and can provide either a benchmark for comparison or independent supplementary forecasts. Here, we present a simple empirical system based on multiple linear regression for producing probabilistic forecasts of seasonal surface air temperature and precipitation across the globe. The global CO2-equivalent concentration is taken as the primary predictor; subsequent predictors, including large-scale modes of variability in the climate system and local-scale information, are selected on the basis of their physical relationship with the predictand. The focus given to the climate change signal as a source of skill and the probabilistic nature of the forecasts produced constitute a novel approach to global empirical prediction. Hindcasts for the period 1961–2013 are validated against observations using deterministic (correlation of seasonal means) and probabilistic (continuous rank probability skill scores) metrics. Good skill is found in many regions, particularly for surface air temperature and most notably in much of Europe during the spring and summer seasons. For precipitation, skill is generally limited to regions with known El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) teleconnections. The system is used in a quasi-operational framework to generate empirical seasonal forecasts on a monthly basis.


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Important concentrations of tourmaline occur as gold-bearing stratiform tourmalinites and in mineralized quartz-tourmaline veins at the Tapera Grande and Quartzito gold prospects in the Mesoproterozoic Serra do Itaberaba Group, central Ribeira Belt (Sao Paulo State, SE Brazil). The main rock types in both prospects constitute the volcanic-sedimentary Morro da Pedra Preta Formation, which formed in a submarine back-arc setting. At Tapera Grande, the volcanic-sedimentary sequence is composed of metabasic and metavolcaniclastic rocks, graphitic and sulfur-rich metapelites, banded iron formation, metandesite, metarhyolite, calcsilicates, tourmalinites and metahydrothermalites derived from mafic and felsic rocks. The Mesoproterozoic rocks at Quartzito prospect are lithologically similar but they have been affected by Neoproterozoic faulting and shearing and by the emplacement of granitic rocks, resulting in the formation of tourmaline-rich quartz-carbonate veins with gold and base metal mineralization. We conducted a chemical and B-isotope study of tourmalines in order to better understand the origin of the stratiform tourmalinites in the Morro da Pedra Preta Formation and their relationship with gold mineralization. The overall range of delta(11)B values obtained for the tourmalinite and vein tourmalines is between - 15%. and -5 parts per thousand, with the tourmalinites failing at the low end of this range (-15 to -8 parts per thousand). Such values are typical for continental crust and inconsistent with a primary marine boron signature as expected from the submarine-exhalative model for the gold prospects. We conclude from this that tourmaline formed or recrystallized from crustal fluids related to the amphibolite-grade metamorphism which affected the Serra do Itaberaba Group and that gold deposition occurred syn- to post-peak metamorphism by phase immiscibility, as attested by fluid inclusions in Tapera Grande tourmalinite tourmaline and quartz. The vein-hosted tourmalines at Quartzito have isotopically variable boron signatures, with heavier delta(11)B values of -5 parts per thousand to -8 parts per thousand for acicular green tourmalines and lighter values (-15 parts per thousand to -7 parts per thousand for light blue, Ti-firee tourmaline from quartz-carbonate veins). We attribute the heavier boron to fluids derived from the volcano-sedimentary rocks of marine affinity whereas the lighter boron was contributed by crustal fluids related to the granitoids or metasediments in the continental crust. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In Sweden, 90% of the solar heating systems are solar domestic hot water and heating systems (SDHW&H), so called combisystems. These generally supply most of the domestic hot water needs during the summer and have enough capacity to supply some energy to the heating system during spring and autumn. This paper describes a standard Swedish combisystem and how the output from it varies with heating load, climate within Sweden, and how it can be increased with improved system design. A base case is defined using the standard combi- system, a modern Swedish single family house and the climate of Stockholm. Using the simulation program Trnsys, parametric studies have been performed on the base case and improved system designs. The solar fraction could be increased from 17.1% for the base case to 22.6% for the best system design, given the same system size, collector type and load. A short analysis of the costs of changed system design is given, showing that payback times for additional investment are from 5-8 years. Measurements on system components in the laboratory have been used to verify the simulation models used. More work is being carried out in order to find even better system designs, and further improvements in system performance are expected.


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This work proposes an animated pedagogical agent that has the role of providing emotional support to the student: motivating and encouraging him, making him believe in his self-ability, and promoting a positive mood in him, which fosters learning. This careful support of the agent, its affective tactics, is expressed through emotional behaviour and encouragement messages of the lifelike character. Due to human social tendency of anthropomorphising software, we believe that a software agent can accomplish this affective role. In order to choose the adequate affective tactics, the agent should also know the student’s emotions. The proposed agent recognises the student’s emotions: joy/distress, satisfaction/disappointment, anger/gratitude, and shame, from the student’s observable behaviour, i. e. his actions in the interface of the educational system. The inference of emotions is psychologically grounded on the cognitive theory of emotions. More specifically, we use the OCC model which is based on the cognitive approach of emotion and can be computationally implemented. Due to the dynamic nature of the student’s affective information, we adopted a BDI approach to implement the affective user model and the affective diagnosis. Besides, in our work we profit from the reasoning capacity of the BDI approach in order for the agent to deduce the student’s appraisal, which allows it to infer the student’s emotions. As a case study, the proposed agent is implemented as the Mediating Agent of MACES: an educational collaborative environment modelled as a multi-agent system and pedagogically based on the sociocultural theory of Vygotsky.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a proposta educacional das Escolas Metodistas a partir do relacionamento destas com a própria estrutura eclesiástica da Igreja Metodista e com a sociedade brasileira como um todo, na oportunidade em que o Brasil se definia como um país capitalista dependente. Através da pesquisa e análise dos estatutos, prospectos, anuários, programas de ensino, organização curricular, revistas educacionais, artigos, discursos, documentos de arquivo, etc, provenientes do Instituto Porto Alegre (IPA), tomado como referencial para interpretar a proposta educacional das Escolas Metodistas, detectaram-se os princípios básicos-da referida proposta desde a fundação da Escola (1919) até os dias atuais. Procedeu-se à análise da evolução histórica da Igreja e das Escolas Metodistas sempre considerando a vinculação existente inicialmente com os Estados Unidos (nação hegemônica, externa) e posteriormente com o Estado Brasileiro (dominação interna). Concluiu-se que, na medida em que a sociedade brasileira ia sendo estruturada conforme os principios e propósitos definidos por uma nação hegemônica (Estados Unidos) e que o Estado Brasileiro se organizava como agente de uma dominação interna, as Escolas Metodistas passaram do nivel de dependência externa para um nível de dependência interna, e o relativo êxito de sua proposta educacional diluiu-se com a implantação do sistema oficial de ensino no país.


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A dissertação se estrutura a partir de indagações sobre comportamentos sociais que a sociedade brasileira como um todo Julga condenáveis e, mais que isso, responsáveis, em grande medida, pela sua progressiva pauperização material e pela descrença generalizada num futuro melhor. A cumplicidade e ineficiência de grandes setores privilegiados e das estruturas da ordem e da justiça reforçam perigosamente esta tendência através de uma difusa isenção de responsabilidades. Os indivíduos agem pressionados pelo medo ou por motivos de interesses particulares. Nessas circunstâncias, a categoria de cultura narcísica orienta para a compreensão de diferentes questões sociais. Os traços da Cultura narcísica são assimilados pelas diferentes camadas da população, o que explica, em parte, a corrupção, o clientelismo e o desperdício, entre outros fenômenos típicos do Brasil de hoje. Os objetivos deste trabalho passam por uma análise das consequências da incorporação dos traços dessa cultura na esfera da educação institucionalizada. Foi considerado, particularmente como uma referência exemplar, um episódio que coloca em relação ao Programa Nacional do Livro Didático e o sistema de ensino do município do Rio de Janeiro.


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Five years ago, Coca-Cola Brasil launched a program named “Coletivo Project”, with the purpose to enjoy an opportunity of increase on the potential consumption power of the low-income pyramid population that lived on the “favelas”. At the same time, it had the objective to offer to them a social and financial impact, which is a trust on the future, the first job for the young adults’ participant of this program and an increase on their family source of revenues, through salaries. This was possible because through Coletivo Project, Coca-Cola identified the assets they have through its value chain, focusing on its competencies, such as retail, merchandising and logistics to apply them on courses to teach the young people of the communities and, as a result, form them to be able to find their new jobs. Internal indicators followed in a monthly basis by Coca-Cola demonstrated that the communities that had the presence of Coletivos, in comparison to those without Coletivos, had social and financial impacts. The social was the fact that the young formed started to have more confidence on their future and felt with a higher self-stem to apply for and obtain their first job. On the financial aspect, they were benefit through the increasing of their revenues and also their families and Coca-Cola had an increase on sales, when compared to a community without a Coletivo Project installed. This dissertation seeks to identify the current relationship between Coca-Cola and the communities, through the Coletivo Project classes performed on the NGOs located at this places, in order to identify opportunities for improvement the benefits and the impacts (financial and social) on the NGOs, communities and all stakeholders of this project. This dissertation examines this relationship, through presence interviews performed on four NGOs selected, and located on four of the twenty communities, that are participants of the Coletivo Project on Rio de Janeiro city. These interviews performed with the students, representatives and educators of these NGOs. The covered period of the interviews ranges from April 2014 to August 2014. This dissertation draws on first-hand qualitative empirical evidence gathered through extensive fieldwork. The main findings among possibilities for improvement by Coca-Cola are: • Implement new courses, beyond those existent at Coca-Cola (Retail, Logistics, etc.). • Increase the content of the employment module of Coletivo classes, focusing on improving educational, cultural, economic, political, social and professional life. • Increase the scale, through the quantity of positions on the Retail Coletivo classes. • Develop cultural and sports events with the communities. • Support the points of sales, participant of the practical classes of the Coletivo Retail, with refrigerators and furniture with the Coca-Cola logo. • Provide coffee breaks and meals during the Coletivo classes, using Coca-Cola beverages and partners for food items, developing the nutrition platform of the company and filling a need of the students. • Perform a research with all stakeholders related to this Project, including those students and mothers that are not participant of the Coletivo, in order to listen to them, understand their needs, and offer solutions to fulfill these gaps. and on the side of the • Perform partnerships with educational institutions to make viable other type of courses, more technical, but that have a relation with the core business of Coca-Cola Brasil, such as marketing. • Implement the Coca-Cola University, already existed at the Company. • Create courses or activities focused on the children. Regarding the impossibilities, the findings are: • Improve the basic sanitation of the communities. • Improve the safety on the communities. • Provide a home to those do not have. • Implement courses that have no relationship with Coca-Cola business and expertise, such as gastronomy. However, Coca-Cola can influence stakeholders on that. The results suggest to executives of Coca-Cola that a deep and a qualitative research on the communities of Brazil, in order to listen young people, educators, mothers, partners that offer jobs, from Coletivo and out of the project, is mandatory, to understand their needs, dreams, complains and offer valuable solutions to all.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo explorar como o governo do Estado de São Paulo pode utilizar a tecnologia para fortalecer a participação dos cidadãos no processo orçamentário público por meio de aplicativos móveis. Nos últimos anos, o advento e a difusão de novas tecnologias tem impactado significativamente o relacionamento do Estado com os cidadãos em todo o mundo. Uma destas mudanças é a difusão e popularização de smartphones e tablets, que impõe desafios e oportunidades em termos de prestação de serviços e participação do cidadão no processo de elaboração, implementação e avaliação de políticas públicas. Para o alcance dos objetivos deste trabalho, como método de pesquisa, foi realizada, inicialmente, uma revisão da literatura sobre m-government, e-democracia e sistema orçamentário brasileiro. Em um segundo momento foi realizada a observação de experiências internacionais e nacionais, posteriormente aplicada ao estudo do caso do governo do Estado de São Paulo, explorando as possibilidades de utilização do m-government no processo orçamentário paulista. A partir de 2010, as leis anuais de diretrizes orçamentárias do Estado de São Paulo, passaram a conter dispositivos com relação à realização de audiências públicas ao Orçamento Estadual, de forma regionalizada. O uso das TICs no processo orçamentário pode contribuir para facilitar o entendimento dos complexos conceitos de finanças públicas e orçamento público. A utilização do m-government para elaboração de um futuro aplicativo no Estado de São Paulo deve possuir uma área explicativa, com textos e vídeos educativos, possibilitando aos cidadãos uma participação mais qualificada e efetiva. Conclui-se que os temas de e-democracia e m-government ainda são incipientes no Brasil, porém representam uma oportunidade para que governos se aproximem dos cidadãos, tendo em vista que ainda não está sendo explorado o potencial de interação e comunicação através da internet e aplicativos móveis. Esta perspectiva ainda não está inserida na agenda governamental, mas a sociedade civil está cobrando participação efetiva no ciclo de políticas públicas. Sugere-se que seja ampliada a adoção do uso de ferramentas tecnológicas de m-government e e-government, porque tendem a contribuir na interação entre cidadãos e o governo na elaboração, implementação e avaliação de políticas públicas com o aperfeiçoamento da alocação dos escassos recursos orçamentários disponíveis.


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O presente estudo busca o real Papel do Supervisor Pedagógico no Contexto Educacional Brasileiro. Objetiva investigar a origem histórica da Supervisão Escolar no Brasil e no Estado de Minas Gerais, analisando a relação Supervisor Pedagógico - Educação Escolar e as conseqüências da sua inclusão na Escola Pública Brasileira. Focaliza o processo de formação do Supervisor Pedagógico considerando o tipo de linha teórica presente nos Cursos de Pedagogia, buscando retomar, historicamente, na sua evolução, o seu surgimento e as habilitações específicas nele implícitas, a partir do aspecto legal. Busca a dimensão política da categoria dos Supervisores Pedagógicos, através da sistematização de sua prática, em processo, destacando-se o movimento corporativo dos educadores propondo reformas no atual Sistema Educacional. Conclui analisando o movimento educacional dos anos 70/80, levantando questões sobre a influência desse movimento na década que se inicia.