993 resultados para Recent Veterinary Graduates


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Buscamos detectar evidências da presença de genes envolvidos na produção de Enzimas Modificadoras de Aminoglicosídeos (EMAs), Beta-lactamases de espectro estendido (ESBLs) e Mecanismos Plasmidiais de Resistência a Quinolonas (PMQRs) em cepas de K. pneumoniae, K. ozaenae e E. coli isoladas de amostras de água de rios afluentes da Baía de Guanabara e de materiais clínicos de origem hospitalar, além de avaliar o "status sanitário" dos corpos aquáticos abordados no tocante à contaminação fecal recente e indicações de contaminação hospitalar e por outros ambientes de alta seletividade. As cepas de materiais clínicos foram selecionadas entre Maio e Julho de 2010, a partir da semeadura em meio de cultura contendo 8g/mL de gentamicina. As amostras de água foram coletadas em Abril e em Julho de 2009. Realizamos testes de colimetria, empregando para tal, a metodologia convencional e outra, na qual adicionamos 32g/mL de cefalotina e 8g/mL de gentamicina aos caldos Lactosado e Escherichia coli (caldo EC), a fim de detectar e quantificar coliformes resistentes. Para o isolamento das cepas empregamos meios de cultura contendo 32g/mL de cefalotina e 8g/mL de gentamicina. As cepas foram identificadas e submetidas a testes de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos (TSA), testes presuntivos para presença de ESBLs, extração de DNA plasmidial e ensaios de Reação em Cadeia de Polimerase (PCR) para a detecção dos genes. A utilização de agentes antimicrobianos nos testes de colimetria nos permitiu detectar a presença e quantificar coliformes totais e fecais resistentes nas amostras de água analisadas nos diferentes pontos. O TSA das cepas isoladas de amostras de água exibiu perfis de multirresistência, compatíveis com o de bactérias de origem hospitalar, semelhante ao encontrado nas cepas isoladas de materiais clínicos. Todas as cepas isoladas de amostras de água e 90% das cepas de materiais clínicos apresentaram pelo menos uma banda plasmidial. Os ensaios de PCR evidenciaram a presença de produtos de amplificação para EMAs, ESBLs e PMQRs, sendo que 7,4% das cepas de amostras de água e 20% das cepas de materiais clínicos apresentaram produtos de amplificação para as três classes de antimicrobianos. A realização de testes de colimetria empregando antimicrobianos, como gentamicina e cefalotina, pode ser uma ferramenta adicional importante ao teste convencional, quando o interesse for, o monitoramento e a prevenção de contaminação ambiental, especialmente associada a microrganismos carreando genes de resistência. O uso criterioso de antimicrobianos em atividades de cunho hospitalar e veterinário e medidas no sentido de prevenção de lançamento de esgoto e/ou tratamento dos efluentes, são fundamentais para o controle da disseminação de elementos genéticos de resistência transferíveis entre os microrganismos. A detecção e identificação de microrganismos apresentando elementos de resistência em ambiente extra-hospitalar como em água e solo, em particular, o emprego de testes de colimetria empregando antimicrobianos, se faz necessária, como forma de prevenção e controle de disseminação destes microrganismos com potencial de causar infecções em humanos e outros animais que eventualmente entram em contato com estes ambientes.


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South Africa's marine resources are essentially fully exploited and in some cases over exploited. The Government of National Unity has embarked on the ambitious Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) to: meet the basic needs; develop the country's human resources; build economy; and democratize the state and society. Although fisheries can only be expected to play a minor role in contributing to RDP, the Programme have a role to play in managing South Africa's living marine resources. The role of RDP in fisheries management is presented together with fisheries management approaches to help achieve the aims of the RDP.


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4th International Workshop on Transverse Polisarization Phenomena in Hard Processes (TRANSVERSITY 2014)


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Knowledge of the distribution and biology of the ragfish, Icosteus aenigmaticus, an aberrant deepwater perciform of the North Pacific Ocean, has increased slowly since the first description of the species in the 1880’s which was based on specimens retrieved from a fish monger’s table in San Francisco, Calif. As a historically rare, and subjectively unattractive appearing noncommercial species, ichthyologists have only studied ragfish from specimens caught and donated by fishermen or by the general public. Since 1958, I have accumulated catch records of >825 ragfish. Specimens were primarily from commercial fishermen and research personnel trawling for bottom and demersal species on the continental shelves of the eastern North Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea, and the western Pacific Ocean, as well as from gillnet fisheries for Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., in the north central Pacific Ocean. Available records came from four separate sources: 1) historical data based primarily on published and unpublished literature (1876–1990), 2) ragfish delivered fresh to Humboldt State University or records available from the California Department of Fish and Game of ragfish caught in northern California and southern Oregon bottom trawl fisheries (1950–99), 3) incidental catches of ragfish observed and recorded by scientific observers of the commercial fisheries of the eastern Pacific Ocean and catches in National Marine Fisheries Service trawl surveys studying these fisheries from 1976 to 1999, and 4) Japanese government research on nearshore fisheries of the northwestern Pacific Ocean (1950–99). Limited data on individual ragfish allowed mainly qualitative analysis, although some quantitative analysis could be made with ragfish data from northern California and southern Oregon. This paper includes a history of taxonomic and common names of the ragfish, types of fishing gear and other techniques recovering ragfish, a chronology of range extensions into the North Pacific and Bering Sea, reproductive biology of ragfish caught by trawl fisheries off northern California and southern Oregon, and topics dealing with early, juvenile, and adult life history, including age and growth, food habits, and ecology. Recommendations for future study are proposed, especially on the life history of juvenile ragfish (5–30 cm FL) which remains enigmatic.


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U.S. commercial vessels fishing in the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico have been subject to regulations limiting the landing of swordfish less than 25 kg whole weight since June 1991. The intent of those regulations was to reduce the mortality of immature swordfihs. Plots of fishing effort from 1990 to 1994 indicate that the regulations were effective in some areas. Fishing effort decreased after 1991 in the Venezuelan Basin, a swordfish nursery area. However, in areas close to the U.S. coastline, effort did not appear to shift away from areas where immature swordfish were discarded. To identify areas with high rates of discarding, plots were made showing areas where the number of discarded swordfish was equal to or greater than the number of fish landed.


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Sea cucumbers (Holothuridae and Stichopodidae) have been harvested commercially for at least 1,000 years. The world fisheries for sea cucumbers, however, are not well documented and in general are poorly managed. Depending upon the species exploited, there are two processing procedures for the sea cucumber product. Some species are eaten raw, while most commercial species are processed into a dry product called beche-de-mer or trepang. This dry product is exported to a central market such as Hong Kong and then re-exported to the consumers. In this review, recent statistics on the world sea cucumber fisheries, collected from different services, are detailed for each major fishing area. Case studies for each fishing area are also presented. Recent major changes in the Indo-Pacific fishery include the participation of new producer countries, the shift in the species being exploited, and an increase in the Chinese market. The expansion of the largely monospecific temperate North Pacific fisheries is also described. Statistics from Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and the Food and Agriculture Organization provide valuable information on the producer and importer countries. Particular attention is paid to the reciprocal trade of beche-de-mer between Hong Kong and Singapore. An evaluation of the world sea cucumber landings and beche-de-mer production is presented. Recent developments include an expansion of the Hong Kong market due to increased demand by China, the importance of Indonesia as a major world producer, and an increase in the fisheries of Tropical Pacific nations. This increase is best documented for New Caledonia and Fiji. Ways to improve the access and the reliability of the statistics for the sea cucumber fishery are discussed, as is the potential for management of artisanal fisheries.


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This paper provides an overview of Hawaii's marine fisheries from 1948 to the present. After three decades of decline following a brief period of growth at the conclusion to World War lI, Hawaii's commercial fisheries began a decade of sustained development in the 1980's. At the same time, fisheries management issues became more significant as different segments of the fishery came into more direct competition. This paper provides new estimates of commercial landings for the 1977-90 period, and summarizes limited information on recreational and subsistence fisheries in the 1980's. It also provides some historical context which may be useful in evaluating fishery development and management options.


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With its genesis in New England during the 1800's, the purse seine fishery for Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, expanded south and by the early 1900's ranged the length of the eastern seaboard. The purse seine fishery for Gulf menhaden. B. patronus, is of relatively recent development, exploitation of the stock beginning in the late 1940's. Landings from both fisheries annually comprise 35-40% of the total U. S. fisheries landings, ranking menhaden first in terms of volume landed. Technological advances in harvesting methods, fish-spotting capabilities, and vessel designs accelerated after World War II, resulting in larger, faster, and wider-ranging carrier vessels, improved speed and efficiency of the harvest, and reduction in labor requirements. Chief products of the menhaden industry are fish meal, fish oil, and solubles, but research into new product lines is underway. Since 1955 on the Atlantic coast and 1964 on the Gulf coast, the NMFS has monitored the fisheries for biostatistical data. Annual data summaries of numbers-of-fish-at-age harvested, catch tonnage, and fishing effort of the fleet form the basis of routine stock assessments and annual catch forecasts to industry for the upcoming fishing season. After landings declined in the 1960's, the Atlantic menhaden stock has recovered through the 1970's and 1980's. Exceptional year classes of Gulf menhaden in recent years account for record landings during the 1980's.


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The creation of extended zones (EEZ's) has shifted some aspects of fisheries management and policy from the arena of international negotiations to the economic and political decision making process within the coastal state. The transition from a world of international commons to one of coastal state jurisdiction raises a variety of issues. The one of concern here is a broad welfare question: Given the transfer of assets from the international commons to the coastal state, how well (efficiently) has the state used these new assets to increase the flow of income and Gross National Product (GNP)?


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Great advances have been, and are being made in our knowledge of the genetics and molecular biology (including genomics, proteomics and structural biology). Global molecular profiling technologies such as microassays using DNA or oligonucleotide chip, and protein and lipid chips are being developed. The application of such biotechnological advances are inevitable in aquaculture in the areas of improvement of aquaculture stocks where many molecular markers such as RFLPs, AFLDs and RAPD are now available for genome analysis, finger printing and genetic linkage mapping. Transgenic technology has been developed in a number of fish species and research is being pursed to produce transgenic fish carrying genes that encode antimicrobial peptides such as lysozyme thereby achieving disease resistance in fish. Also it is a short cut to achieving genetic change for fast growth and other desirable traits like early sexual maturity, temperature tolerance and feed conversion efficiency. KEYWORDS: Fish genetics, transgenesis, monoploidy, diploidy, polyploidy,gynogenesis, androgenesis, cryopreservation.