980 resultados para RT-QPCR


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Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)


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In den westlichen Ländern nimmt die Zahl der Schlaganfall-Patienten stetig zu und zählt mittlerweilernzu einer der häufigsten Todesursachen. Derzeit ist die Rekanalisationstherapie mit demrnFibrinolytikum rt-PA die einzig zugelassene Therapie. Die Rekanalisationsrate ist oftmals inkomplettrnund aufgrund von möglichen Blutungskomplikationen die Therapie nicht bei allen Patientenrnmöglich. Daher ist es wichtig, Alternativtherapieansätze (z.B. Ultraschallthrombolyse) zurnentwickeln. Blutgerinnsel können mit Hilfe von Ultraschall in Schwingung gebracht und sornlysiert oder die Wirkung von rt-PA verstärkt werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit hatte die Evaluationrnvon Bioeffekten von 60 kHz Ultraschall an gesundem und ischämischem Hirngewebe zum Ziel.rnNeben tierexperimentellen Methoden kamen auch molekular-biologische Techniken zur Anwendung.rnDie erste Studie beschäftigte sich mit der Wirkung von 60 kHz (Intensität: 0,2 W/cm2 undrnDuty Cycle 50%) auf ischämisches Hirngewebe (permanent ischämisch und nach Reperfusion).rnLediglich nach Reperfusion und Ultraschallbehandlung war das Läsionsvolumen signifikantrnerhöht, so dass von einer besonderen Vulnerabilität des Hirngewebes nach Reperfusionrnauszugehen ist (Penumbraschädigung). In der neurologischen Beurteilung der Tiere zeigte sichrnbei allen Tieren mit permanenter Okklusion und etwa einem Drittel der Tiere nach Reperfusionrnund Ultraschallbehandlung eine Hörminderung. In der anschließenden Studie wurde diernUltraschallintensität erniedrigt und der Duty Cycle variiert. In einer publizierten in vitro Studiernkonnte die zunehmende Lyserate mit steigendem Duty Cycle nachgewiesen werden. DiernAuswertung ergab eine Abhängigkeit des Läsionsvolumens von der Länge des Duty Cycles. Derrndritte Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit der Wirkung von Ultraschall auf die Genexpression. Hierzurnwurden gesunde Ratten mit Ultraschall verschiedener Frequenzen (60 kHz, 488 kHz und 3 MHz)rntranskraniell behandelt und 4 h bzw. 24 h nach der Behandlung getötet. Proben von ischämischenrnTieren dienten als positive Kontrollen. Aufgrund von Literaturrecherchen wurden mehrerernKandidatengene ermittelt. Die Messung der Ischämieproben ergab eine weitgehende Übereinstimmungrnmit der Literatur. Die Messungen an den mit 60 kHz behandelten Proben ergabenrnkaum Anzeichen für eine differenzielle Genregulation. Die Frequenz von 488 kHz zeigte diernmeisten Regulationen, gefolgt von der Behandlung mit 3 MHz. Dieses Ergebnis lässt vermuten,rndass es sich bei den detektierten Veränderungen um protektive Mechanismen handelt, da diesernFrequenzen bislang im Tierversuch als nebenwirkungsarm beschrieben wurden. Die Auswertungrnvon 60 kHz-Proben mit Affymetrix Arrays ergab lediglich einige wenige differentiell regulierternGene. Die Array-Experimente konnten nicht durch qPCR-Messungen bestätigt werden.


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Introduzione. Le cellule mesenchimali derivate dal tessuto adiposo (hASC) rappresentano un importante strumento per la terapia cellulare, in quanto derivano da un tessuto adulto abbondante e facilmente reperibile. Con il dispositivo medico Lipogems l’isolamento di tali cellule è eseguito esclusivamente mediante sollecitazioni meccaniche. Il prodotto ottenuto è quindi minimamente manipolato e subito utilizzabile. Ad oggi, il condizionamento pro-differenziativo delle staminali è per lo più attuato mediante molecole di sintesi. Tuttavia, altri fattori possono modulare la fisiologia cellulare, come gli stimoli fisici e molecole naturali. Onde elettromagnetiche hanno indotto in modelli cellulari staminali l’espressione di alcuni marcatori di differenziamento e, in cellule adulte, una riprogrammazione, mentre estratti embrionali di Zebrafish sono risultati antiproliferativi sia in vitro che in vivo. Metodi. La ricerca di nuove strategie differenziative sia di natura fisica che molecolare, nel particolare onde acustiche ed estratti embrionali di Zebrafish, è stata condotta utilizzando come modello cellulare le hASC isolate con Lipogems. Onde acustiche sono state somministrate mediante l’utilizzo di due apparati di trasduzione, un generatore di onde meccaniche e il Cell Exciter . I trattamenti con gli estratti embrionali sono stati effettuati utilizzando diverse concentrazioni e diversi tempi sperimentali. Gli effetti sull’espressione dei marcatori di staminalità e differenziamento relativi ai trattamenti sono stati saggiati in RT-PCR quantitativa relativa e/o in qPCR. Per i trattamenti di tipo molecolare è stata valutata anche la proliferazione. Risultati e conclusioni. La meta-analisi dei dati delle colture di controllo mostra la stabilità d’espressione genica del modello. I trattamenti con i suoni inducono variazioni dell’espressione genica, suggerendo un ruolo regolatorio di tali stimoli, in particolare del processo di commitment cardiovascolare. Due degli estratti embrionali di Zebrafish testati inibiscono la proliferazione alle 72 ore dalla somministrazione. L’analisi d’espressione associata ai trattamenti antiproliferativi suggerisce che tale effetto abbia basi molecolari simili ai processi di differenziamento.


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Il primo capitolo di questo lavoro di tesi introduce i concetti di biologia necessari per comprendere il fenomeno dell’espressione genica. Il secondo capitolo descrive i metodi e le tecniche di laboratorio utilizzate per ottenere il cDNA, il materiale genetico che verrà amplificato nella real-time PCR. Nel terzo capitolo si descrive la tecnica di real-time PCR, partendo da una descrizione della PCR convenzionale fino a delineare le caratteristiche della sua evoluzione in real-time PCR. Si prosegue con la spiegazione del principio fisico alla base della tecnica e delle molecole necessarie (fluorofori e sonde) per realizzarla; infine si descrive l’hardware e il software dello strumento. Il quarto capitolo presenta le tecniche di analisi del segnale che utilizzano metodi di quantificazione assoluta o relativa. Infine nel quinto capitolo è presentato un caso di studio, cioè un’analisi di espressione genica con real-time PCR condotta durante l’esperienza di tirocinio presso il laboratorio ICM. e delle molecole necessarie (fluorofori e sonde) per realizzarla; infine si descrive l’hardware e il software dello strumento. Il quarto capitolo presenta le tecniche di analisi del segnale che utilizzano metodi di quantificazione assoluta o relativa. Infine nel quinto capitolo è presentato un caso di studio, cioè un’analisi di espressione genica con real-time PCR condotta durante l’esperienza di tirocinio presso il laboratorio ICM.


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Real-time PCR (qPCR) is the method of choice for quantification of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) by relative comparison of a nuclear to a mitochondrial locus. Quantitative abnormal mtDNA content is indicative of mitochondrial disorders and mostly confines in a tissue-specific manner. Thus handling of degradation-prone bioptic material is inevitable. We established a serial qPCR assay based on increasing amplicon size to measure degradation status of any DNA sample. Using this approach we can exclude erroneous mtDNA quantification due to degraded samples (e.g. long post-exicision time, autolytic processus, freeze-thaw cycles) and ensure abnormal DNA content measurements (e.g. depletion) in non-degraded patient material. By preparation of degraded DNA under controlled conditions using sonification and DNaseI digestion we show that erroneous quantification is due to the different preservation qualities of the nuclear and the mitochondrial genome. This disparate degradation of the two genomes results in over- or underestimation of mtDNA copy number in degraded samples. Moreover, as analysis of defined archival tissue would allow to precise the molecular pathomechanism of mitochondrial disorders presenting with abnormal mtDNA content, we compared fresh frozen (FF) with formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) skeletal muscle tissue of the same sample. By extrapolation of measured decay constants for nuclear DNA (λnDNA) and mtDNA (λmtDNA) we present an approach to possibly correct measurements in degraded samples in the future. To our knowledge this is the first time different degradation impact of the two genomes is demonstrated and which evaluates systematically the impact of DNA degradation on quantification of mtDNA copy number.


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A high percentage of oesophageal adenocarcinomas show an aggressive clinical behaviour with a significant resistance to chemotherapy. Heat-shock proteins (HSPs) and glucose-regulated proteins (GRPs) are molecular chaperones that play an important role in tumour biology. Recently, novel therapeutic approaches targeting HSP90/GRP94 have been introduced for treating cancer. We performed a comprehensive investigation of HSP and GRP expression including HSP27, phosphorylated (p)-HSP27((Ser15)), p-HSP27((Ser78)), p-HSP27((Ser82)), HSP60, HSP70, HSP90, GRP78 and GRP94 in 92 primary resected oesophageal adenocarcinomas by using reverse phase protein arrays (RPPA), immunohistochemistry (IHC) and real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qPCR). Results were correlated with pathologic features and survival. HSP/GRP protein and mRNA expression was detected in all tumours at various levels. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering showed two distinct groups of tumours with specific protein expression patterns: The hallmark of the first group was a high expression of p-HSP27((Ser15, Ser78, Ser82)) and low expression of GRP78, GRP94 and HSP60. The second group showed the inverse pattern with low p-HSP27 and high GRP78, GRP94 and HSP60 expression. The clinical outcome for patients from the first group was significantly improved compared to patients from the second group, both in univariate analysis (p = 0.015) and multivariate analysis (p = 0.029). Interestingly, these two groups could not be distinguished by immunohistochemistry or qPCR analysis. In summary, two distinct and prognostic relevant HSP/GRP protein expression patterns in adenocarcinomas of the oesophagus were detected by RPPA. Our approach may be helpful for identifying candidates for specific HSP/GRP-targeted therapies.


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Two alpacas from a herd in southwest Switzerland died for unknown reasons. Necropsy revealed chronic weight loss and pale mucous membranes. Infection with hemotropic mycoplasmas was suspected and subsequently confirmed by molecular methods. In order to investigate the epidemiological situation in this herd, a real-time TaqMan((R)) qPCR assay for the specific detection and quantification of hemoplasma infection in South American camelids was developed. This assay was based on the 16S rRNA gene and amplified 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemolamae' DNA, but not DNA from other hemoplasmas or non-hemotropic mycoplasma species. The lower detection limit was one copy/PCR, and the amplification efficiency was 97.4%. In 11 out of 24 clinically healthy herd mates of the two infected alpacas, 'Candidatus M. haemolamae' infection was confirmed. No correlation was found between bacterial load and clinical signs or anemia. The assay described herein enables to detect and quantify 'Candidatus M. haemolamae' and may be used in future studies to investigate the prevalence, pathogenesis and treatment follow-up of hemoplasma infections in South American camelids.


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This study compared the results of reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and traditional virus isolation on cell culture in detection of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) and infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV). RT-PCR was used for 172 tissue sample pools (total of 859 fish) originating from a field survey on the occurrence of VHSV and IHNV in farmed and wild salmonids in Switzerland. These samples represented all sites with fish that were either identified as virus-positive by means of virus isolation (three sites, four positive tissue sample pools) and/or demonstrated positive anti-VHSV-antibody titres (83 sites, 121 positive blood samples) in a serum plaque neutralization test (SPNT). The RT-PCR technique confirmed the four VHSV-positive tissue sample pools detected by virus isolation and additionally identified one VHSV-positive sample that showed positive anti-VHSV-AB titres, but was negative in virus isolation. With IHNV, RT-PCR detected two positive samples not identified by virus isolation while in these fish the SPNT result had been questionable. One of the IHNV-positive samples represents the first detection of IHNV-RNA in wild brown trout in Switzerland. Compared to SPNT, the RT-PCR method detected, as with virus isolation, a much lower number of positive cases; reasons for this discrepancy are discussed. Our results indicate that RT-PCR can not only be successfully applied in field surveys, but may also be slightly more sensitive than virus isolation. However, in a titration experiment under laboratory conditions, the sensitivity of RT-PCR was not significantly higher when compared with virus isolation.


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The human immunodeficiency virus-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitory activity of 2-(2,6-disubstituted phenyl)-3-(substituted pyrimidin-2-yl)-thiazolidin-4-ones have been analyzed using combinatorial protocol in multiple linear regression (CP-MLR) with several electronic and molecular surface area features of the compounds obtained from Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) software. The study has indicated the role of different charged molecular surface areas in modeling the inhibitory activity of the compounds. The derived models collectively suggested that the compounds should be compact without bulky substitutions on its peripheries for better HIV-1 RT inhibitory activity. It also emphasized the necessity of hydrophobicity and compact structural features for their activity. The scope of the descriptors identified for these analogues have been verified by extending the dataset with different 2-(disubstituted phenyl)-3-(substituted pyridin-2-yl)-thiazolidin-4-ones. The joint analysis of extended dataset highlighted the information content of identified descriptors in modeling the HIV-1 RT inhibitory activity of the compounds.


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Two surveys of over 1,700 publications whose authors use quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) reveal a lack of transparent and comprehensive reporting of essential technical information. Reporting standards are significantly improved in publications that cite the Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments (MIQE) guidelines, although such publications are still vastly outnumbered by those that do not.


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ALS is the most common adult neurodegenerative disease that specifically affects upper and lower neurons leading to progressive paralysis and death. There is currently no effective treatment. Thus, identification of the signaling pathways and cellular mediators of ALS remains a major challenge in the search for novel therapeutics. Recent studies have shown that noncoding RNA molecules have a significant impact on normal CNS development and on causes and progression of human neurological disorders. To investigate the hypothesis that expression of the mutant SOD1 protein, which is one of the genetic causes of ALS, may alter expression of miRNAs thereby contributing to the pathogenesis of familial ALS, we compared miRNA expression in SH-SY5Y expressing either the wild type or the SOD1 protein using small RNA deep-sequencing followed by RT-PCR validation. This strategy allowed us to find a group of up and down regulated miRNAs, which are predicted to play a role in the motorneurons physiology and pathology. The aim of my work is to understand if these modulators of gene expression may play a causative role in disease onset or progression. To this end I have checked the expression level of these misregulated miRNAs derived from RNA-deep sequencing by qPCR on cDNA derived from ALS mice models at early onset of the disease. Thus, I’m looking for the most up-regulated one even in Periferal Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) of sporadic ALS patients. Furthermore I’m functionally characterizing the most up-regulated miRNAs through the validation of bioinformatic-predicted targets by analyzing endogenous targets levels after microRNA transfection and by UTR-report luciferase assays. Thereafter I’ll analyze the effect of misregulated targets on pathogenesis or progression of ALS by loss of functions or gain of functions experiments, based on the identified up/down-regulation of the specific target by miRNAs. In the end I would define the mechanisms responsible for the miRNAs level misregulation, by silencing or stimulating the signal transduction pathways putatively involved in miRNA regulation.