876 resultados para Quality-improvement Collaboration


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Background: Gouty arthritis is a painful inflammatory disease with a significant impact on patients' HRQoL. In gouty arthritis, the inflammatory response is initiated by interleukin-1b (IL-1b) release, due to activation of the NALP3 inflammasome by MSU crystals. Canakinumab, a fully human anti-IL-1b antibody has a long half-life and has been shown to control inflammation in gouty arthritis. This study evaluated changes in HRQoL in gouty arthritis patients following treatment with canakinumab or triamcinolone acetonide (TA).Methods: This was an 8-week, dose-ranging, multi-center, active controlled, single-blind study. Patients (>=18 to <=80 years) experiencing an acute gouty arthritis flare, refractory to or contraindicated to NSAlDs and/or colchicine, were randomized to canakinumab 10, 25, 50, 90, 150 mg sc or TA 40 mg im. HRQoL was assessed as an exploratory endpoint at baseline and different pre-specified time-points using patient reported outcomes evaluating general mental and physical component summary scores and subscale scores of SF-36® (acute version 2) and functional disability (HAQ-DI©). We report HRQoL results for canakinumab 150 mg, the dose that was selected for the Phase III studies.Results: Baseline assessments showed a major impact on the HRQoL during acute gouty arthritis. Compared to TA, canakinumab 150 mg showed greater improvements in SF-36® physical and mental component summary and subscale scores at 7 days post-dose.In the canakinumab 150 mg group, the most severe impairment at baseline was reported for physical functioning and bodily pain; levels of 41.5 and 36.0, respectively, which improved within 7 days to 80.0 and 72.2 (mean increases of 39.0 and 35.6) approaching levels of the general US population (84.2 and 75.2). 8 weeks post-dose patients reached levels of 86.1 and 86.6 (mean increases of 44.6 and 50.6 for physical functioning and bodily pain, respectively) and these were higher than levels seen in the general US population. This was in contrast to patients treated with TA, who showed less improvement within 7 days (mean increases of 23.3 and 21.3 for physical function and bodily pain, respectively). None of the scores reached levels of the general US population 8 weeks post-dose. Functional disability scores, as measured by the HAQ-DI© decreased in both treatment groupsConclusions: All canakinumab doses showed a rapid improvement in physical and mental well-being of gouty arthritis patients based on SF-36® scores, in particular the 150 mg dose. In contrast to the TA group, patients treated with canakinumab showed improvement within 7 days in physical function and bodily pain approaching levels of the general population. The 150 mg dose of canakinumab was selected for further development in Phase III studies.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of alkaline solution marinades on the characteristics of pork subjected to post-mortem pH decrease in pig muscle. The pH of carcasses was measured in a commercial slaughterhouse (n = 526), 45 min after slaughtering (pH45) and, then, the carcasses were divided into the groups with pH45<5.7 or pH45>5.7. Ten samples of the longissimus dorsi muscles of each group were collected and distributed in an entirely randomized design, in a 2x4 factorial arrangement, with two conditions (pH45<5.7 or pH45>5.7), and four marinade solutions: TC, no marinade; TM1, sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride; TM2, sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium chloride; TM3, sodium bicarbonate, sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium chloride. There was no interaction between pH45 of the meat and the marinade treatments. Meat with pH45<5.7 showed higher values for lightness, and for purge loss (PL), exudate loss (EL), cooking loss (CL) and shear force (SF). Marinating increased the pH, reduced the lightness, EL, CL and SF, and improved tenderness, juiciness and flavor of meat. Marinades with solutions containing chloride, bicarbonate, and sodium tripolyphosphate are effective in the improvement of pork quality, making physical characteristics of marinated meat similar to those of fresh pork, as a consequence of accelerated postmortem glycolysis.


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Diplomityössä tutkittiin kuuman pyrolyysihöyryn puhdistamista haisevista ja kevyistä haihtuvista yhdisteistä. Työn kirjallisuusosassa selvitettiin pyrolyysiöljyn kannattavuutta uusiutuvana energialähteenä. Lisäksi eri pesurityyppejä tarkasteltiin ja ja vertailtiin. Työn kokeellisessa osassa käytettiin kahta erilaista koelaitteistoa. Tuotteen talteenotossa vertailtiin reaktorilämpötilan ja raaka-aineen kosteuden vaikutusta pyrolyysisaantoihin. Komponenttien talteenotossa tutkittiin epästabiilien ja pistävän hajuisten yhdisteiden poistamista kuumasta pyrolyysihöyrystä. Raaka-aineena käytettiin kuusen metsätäh-dehaketta, joka sisältää runsaasti neulasia ja kaarnaa. Kokeet toteutettiin lämpötila-alueella 460 - 520 °C. Koelaitteistot koostuivat kaasun (N2) syöttöjärjestelmään kytketystä kuumasta ja kyl-mästä puolesta. Tuotteen talteenotossa kuuma pyrolyysihöyry jäähdytettiin ja otettiin talteen. Komponenttien talteenotossa tuote kerättiin suodattimelle ja metyleeniklo-ridiloukkuun. Tuotteiden koostumukset analysoitiin kaasukromatokrafilla. Korkeimmat orgaaniset saannot saatiin 480 °C reaktorilämpötilalla ja 8-9 p-% raaka-ainekosteudella. Pyrolyysiveden määrä putosi raaka-aineen kosteutta nostettaessa. Eri reaktorilämpötiloilla ja raaka-ainekosteuksilla ei ollut vaikutusta hiiltosaantoihin. Kaasusaannot (pääosin CO2, CO ja hiilivedyt) olivat noin 10 p-%. Komponenttien talteenotossa suodatin tukkeutui matalissa (< 250 °C) lämpötiloissa. Suodattimelle jäänyt materiaali oli pääosin neulasista ja kaarnasta peräisin olevia uuteaineita (pääosin hartsi- rasvahappoja) ja sokereita. Korkeimmissa lämpötiloissa (> 250 °C) uuteaineet läpäisivät suodattimen paremmin. 250 ja 300 °C:n lämpötiloissa suuri määrä lyhytketjuisia helposti haihtuvia epästabiileja ja haisevia yhdisteitä (ketoneja, furaani- ja furfuraalijohdannaisia jne.) jäi metyleenikloridi- ja metanoliloukkuihin.


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Pappersindustrin står inför många utmaningar och bör uppfylla krav som ställs av t.ex. marknadstrender och slutanvändare. Snabbare och effektivare processer ställer även större krav på pappersbanans mekaniska egenskaper. Avbrott i produktionen sker inte enbart pga. låg styrka utan orsaken kan även vara en för låg spänning i pappersbanan. De flesta problemen sker vid våtpressen och/eller i början av torkpartiet då papprets torrhalt är 30-70 %. Spänningen hålls inte konstant efter töjning, utan sjunker pga. papprets relaxering, som till största delen sker då pappret flyttas från pressen till torkpartiet. Ur forskningssynvinkel öppnar en smidigt fungerande verksamhet med potentiella energibesparingar upp möjligheterna för förbättring av befintliga processer. I detta arbete undersöktes hur olika faktorer inverkar på fibernätverkets avvattning, initiala våtstyrka och relaxering samt också på slutproduktens mekaniska egenskaper och ytegenskaper. I första delen ändrades processvattnets egenskaper, såsom pH, konduktivitet och ytspänning. Ytspänningen varierades genom tillsatts av ett nonjoniskt ytaktivt ämne, s.k. surfaktant. Fiberegenskaperna modifierades också. Fibern maldes antingen genom en mild eller genom en hård process. Effekten av finmaterial undersöktes genom att tillsätta finmaterial till den ursprungliga massan eller genom att avlägsna finmaterialet från den malda massan. I den sista delen användes en hemicellulosa, som finns i stora mängder i gran, som tillsatsmedel. Förutom naturliga galaktoglukomannaner (GGM), tillverkades också en katjoniserad, en karboximetylerad samt en iminerad, amfifil GGM. Dessa användes i pappersmassa eller sprayades på ytan av ett nybildat ark. Resultaten, som erhölls i denna avhandling, bildar en värdefull kunskapsbas, som kan användas för kontroll och reglering av pappersmaskinens körbarhet och papperskvalitet.


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Problématique : La collaboration entre infirmières et médecins est un élément crucial lorsque la condition des patients est instable. Une bonne collaboration entre les professionnels permet d’améliorer la qualité des soins par l’identification des patients à risques et l’élaboration de priorités dans le but de travailler à un objectif commun. Selon la vision des patients et de leur famille, une bonne communication avec les professionnels de la santé est l’un des premiers critères d’évaluation de la qualité des soins. Objectif : Cette recherche qualitative a pour objectif la compréhension des mécanismes de collaboration interprofessionnelle entre médecins et infirmières aux soins intensifs. L’étude tente également de comprendre l’influence de cette collaboration sur la communication entre professionnels/ patients et famille lors d’un épisode de soins. Méthode : La collecte de données est réalisée par le biais de 18 entrevues, qui ont été enregistrées puis retranscrites. Parmi les entrevues effectuées deux gestionnaires, six médecins et infirmières, et enfin dix patients et proches ont été rencontrés. Ces entrevues ont été codifiées puis analysées à l’aide du modèle de collaboration interprofessionnelle de D’Amour (1997), afin de déterminer les tendances de collaboration. Pour terminer, l’impact des différentes dimensions de la collaboration sur la communication entre les professionnels/ patient et famille a été analysé. Résultats : Médecins et infirmières doivent travailler conjointement tant avec les autres professionnels, que les patients et leur famille afin de développer une relation de confiance et une communication efficace dans le but d’établir des objectifs communs. Les patients et les familles désirent rencontrer des professionnels ouverts qui possèdent des talents de communicateur ainsi que des qualités interpersonnelles. Les professionnels doivent faire preuve de transparence, prendre le temps de donner des explications vulgarisées, et proposer aux patients et aux familles de poser leurs questions.


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This paper proposes a practical approach to the enhancement of Quality of Service (QoS) routing by means of providing alternative or repair paths in the event of a breakage of a working path. The proposed scheme guarantees that every Protected Node (PN) is connected to a multi-repair path such that no further failure or breakage of single or double repair paths can cause any simultaneous loss of connectivity between an ingress node and an egress node. Links to be protected in an MPLS network are predefined and a Label Switched path (LSP) request involves the establishment of a working path. The use of multi-protection paths permits the formation of numerous protection paths allowing greater flexibility. Our analysis examined several methods including single, double and multi-repair routes and the prioritization of signals along the protected paths to improve the Quality of Service (QoS), throughput, reduce the cost of the protection path placement, delay, congestion and collision. Results obtained indicated that creating multi-repair paths and prioritizing packets reduces delay and increases throughput in which case the delays at the ingress/egress LSPs were low compared to when the signals had not been classified. Therefore the proposed scheme provided a means to improve the QoS in path restoration in MPLS using available network resources. Prioritizing the packets in the data plane has revealed that the amount of traffic transmitted using a medium and low priority Label Switch Paths (LSPs) does not have any impact on the explicit rate of the high priority LSP in which case the problem of a knock-on effect is eliminated.


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Motivation: Modelling the 3D structures of proteins can often be enhanced if more than one fold template is used during the modelling process. However, in many cases, this may also result in poorer model quality for a given target or alignment method. There is a need for modelling protocols that can both consistently and significantly improve 3D models and provide an indication of when models might not benefit from the use of multiple target-template alignments. Here, we investigate the use of both global and local model quality prediction scores produced by ModFOLDclust2, to improve the selection of target-template alignments for the construction of multiple-template models. Additionally, we evaluate clustering the resulting population of multi- and single-template models for the improvement of our IntFOLD-TS tertiary structure prediction method. Results: We find that using accurate local model quality scores to guide alignment selection is the most consistent way to significantly improve models for each of the sequence to structure alignment methods tested. In addition, using accurate global model quality for re-ranking alignments, prior to selection, further improves the majority of multi-template modelling methods tested. Furthermore, subsequent clustering of the resulting population of multiple-template models significantly improves the quality of selected models compared with the previous version of our tertiary structure prediction method, IntFOLD-TS.


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This article aims to present proposals for improvement of key standards and resolutions concerned about the methodology for calculating the indicator of total harmonic voltage distortion, and should contribute to the process of examining the compatibility of potentially disturbing loads in electric power quality in distribution systems. These proposals were drawn from the analysis of results from measurement campaigns conducted in a case study including analysis of the connection of a new induction furnace in a foundry served by a distributor of São Paulo state. A general historical situating the quality of electric energy in the electricity sector is presented, and methodological guidelines and procedures used in experimental trials are shown. The analysis and discussion of results are prepared to answer the main questions that arise during the implementation of standards, resolutions and procedures. © 2011 IEEE.


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This study aims to test a new conceptual model based on the relationship between quality management (QM), environmental management maturity (EMM), adoption of external practices of green supply chain management (GSCM) (green purchasing and collaboration with customers) and green performance (GP) with data from 95 Brazilian firms with ISO 14001. To our knowledge, such links and relationships are not simultaneously identified and tested in the literature. The results indicate the validation of all of the research hypotheses. This paper highlights that an improvement in green performance will require attention to quality management, environmental management maturity, and green supply chain. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Rheumatic diseases in children are associated with significant morbidity and poor health-related quality of life (HRQOL). There is no health-related quality of life (HRQOL) scale available specifically for children with less common rheumatic diseases. These diseases share several features with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) such as their chronic episodic nature, multi-systemic involvement, and the need for immunosuppressive medications. HRQOL scale developed for pediatric SLE will likely be applicable to children with systemic inflammatory diseases.Findings: We adapted Simple Measure of Impact of Lupus Erythematosus in Youngsters (SMILEY (c)) to Simple Measure of Impact of Illness in Youngsters (SMILY (c)-Illness) and had it reviewed by pediatric rheumatologists for its appropriateness and cultural suitability. We tested SMILY (c)-Illness in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases and then translated it into 28 languages. Nineteen children (79% female, n= 15) and 17 parents participated. The mean age was 12 +/- 4 years, with median disease duration of 21 months (1-172 months). We translated SMILY (c)-Illness into the following 28 languages: Danish, Dutch, French (France), English (UK), German (Germany), German (Austria), German (Switzerland), Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Slovene, Spanish (USA and Puerto Rico), Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Argentina), Spanish (Mexico), Spanish (Venezuela), Turkish, Afrikaans, Arabic (Saudi Arabia), Arabic (Egypt), Czech, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Japanese, Romanian, Serbian and Xhosa.Conclusion: SMILY (c)-Illness is a brief, easy to administer and score HRQOL scale for children with systemic rheumatic diseases. It is suitable for use across different age groups and literacy levels. SMILY (c)-Illness with its available translations may be used as useful adjuncts to clinical practice and research.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study aims to test a new conceptual model based on the relationship between quality management (QM), environmental management maturity (EMM), adoption of external practices of green supply chain management (GSCM) (green purchasing and collaboration with customers) and green performance (GP) with data from 95 Brazilian firms with ISO 14001. To our knowledge, such links and relationships are not simultaneously identified and tested in the literature. The results indicate the validation of all of the research hypotheses. This paper highlights that an improvement in green performance will require attention to quality management, environmental management maturity, and green supply chain.


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The objective of this work was to develop a methodology for seed processing and X-ray analysis and to study imbibition pattern in seeds of candeia (Eremanthus incanus). Seeds were gathered in 2001 and 2002 in Morro do Pilar and Lavras respectively, processed and stored in a cold chamber (5ºC/60%RH) until the start of experiments. In order to identify unfilled seeds, a protocol was developed for X-ray use combining radiation energy (Kv) and exposure time (seconds). For elimination of unfilled seeds, an experiment was conducted using a South Dakota seed blower whereby different opening settings and ventilation times were combined. Original seed lots and categorized lots following radiograph viewing were tested by germination tests, with seeds being cleansed in sodium hypochlorite and scattered over blotting paper in 'gerboxes' and then taken to germinators with alternating temperatures of 20º-30ºC and 10 hours of light, for up to 15 days. Imbibition curves were determined under the conditions 30ºC, 20º-30ºC/10 hours of light and 30º-20ºC/10 hours of light. The X-ray protocol that best allowed viewing of internal seed structures was 30Kv for 45 seconds. Seed separation using the blower setting at a 3.0 opening for 30 seconds raised the number of embryonic seeds to values exceeding 99%, also raising the germination rates as a consequence. The imbibition pattern is three-phased and the germination process is completed in 72 hours. Under alternate temperatures, primary root growth is favored.