989 resultados para Puente, Luis de la, 1554-1624


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La tesis doctoral “Mejoras Tecnológicas en el Reciclado de Residuos de Construcción y Demolición (RCD)” investiga la utilización de los separadores hidráulicos para mejorar la calidad de los áridos reciclados, y se demuestra que es un equipo más eficiente que las técnicas actuales basadas en la simple separación por densidad. En la tesisn se ha realizado inicialmente una revisión de la situación del sector, para a continuación centrarse en los sistemas de separación utilizados en las plantas de valorización españolas. Una vez analizados éstos y en particular los de tipo hidráulico, de los que se resume un estudio comparativo, se ha procedido a ensayar a escala de Laboratorio el comportamiento de un separador hidráulico de aceleración diferencial con diversos materiales procedentes de tres plantas de reciclaje. Adicionalmente fueron probadas otras técnicas, como es la separación magnética para mejorar la calidad de los productos reciclados. En vista de los buenos resultados de la investigación, se procede a escalar los ensayos con equipo piloto y distintas composiciones de naturaleza cerámica y hormigón. El equipo utilizado fue un jig de 3´x 1´ en el que se ensayaron las tres muestras con resultados diferentes. La limpieza de los materiales impropios y el yeso fue positiva en las tres muestras, y únicamente la separación entre sí de los componentes pétreos, resultó dependiente de su proporción en la mezcla, obteniéndose los mejores resultados en las muestras con menor cantidad de materiales cerámicos. Finalmente, se procede a analizar en un laboratorio reconocido las propiedades de los áridos reciclados obtenidos en la separación hidráulica por jig, y constatar las mejoras conseguidas para su utilización como materiales de construcción en usos ligados y no ligados. Todo lo anterior permite afirmar que los equipos de separación hidráulica con aceleración diferencial (jig) presentan una innovación tecnológica en el reciclado de los residuos de construcción y demolición (RCD). ABSTRACT The doctoral thesis “Technological Improvements in Recycling of Construction and Demolition Waste (C&DW)” researches the hydraulic separators utilization in order to improve the recycled aggregates quality, demonstrating that the equipment is more efficient than the current techniques based on the simple density separation. This doctoral thesis has been initially done reviewing the situation of the sector and focusing afterwards on the separation systems used at the Spanish recovery facilities. Once analyzed these and, particularly, the hydraulic type ones, from which a comparative study has been summarized, the behavior of a differential acceleration hydraulic separator with various materials coming from three recycling plants has been tested at laboratory scale. Additionally other techniques have been tested, such as the magnetic separation to improve the quality of recycled products. In view of the good investigation results, the testing process scaled up by using pilot equipment and different ceramics and concrete compositions. The equipment utilized was a jig 3” x 1”, in which the three samples were tested with different results. The unsuitable materials and gypsum cleanliness was positive on the three samples and only the separation among the stony components turned out to be dependent of its proportion in the mixing, obtaining the best results in the samples with less quantity of ceramic materials. Finally, the properties of the recycled aggregates obtained by jig hydraulic separation are analyzed at a recognized laboratory and the improvements gained for their utilization as construction materials, in bounded and unbounded uses, are stated. The facts cited are a basis for affirming that the hydraulic separator equipments with differential acceleration (jig) offer a technological innovation in the Recycling of Construction and Demolition Waste (C&DW).


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Pear fruits cv. 'Blanquilla', at various ripening stages, were studied under impact conditions. A 50-6-g spherical steel indentator, with a radius of curvature of 0-94 cm, was dropped on to the fruit from three heights: 4, 6 and 10 cm (0-0199, 0-0299 and 0-0499 J). The variables measured were analyzed. All variables were observed to be related to the impact energy except impact duration, which was related to the fruit firmness. Bruising correlated with impact energy when considering different heights, but not with any specific variable when studying the impact phenomenon at individual heights; however, there was a clear correlation between impact bruising and firmness. Three bruise shapes were observed, corresponding to preclimacteric, climacteric and postclimacteric fruits; a theory for this response is offered. According to the results, the impact response in postclimacteric pear fruits (with firmness values of less than 25 N, and a maturity index above 55) may be explained by the role played by the skin rather than by the pulp.


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In this paper, we present the use of D-higraphs to perform HAZOP studies. D-higraphs is a formalism that includes in a single model the functional as well as the structural (ontological) components of any given system. A tool to perform a semi-automatic guided HAZOP study on a process plant is presented. The diagnostic system uses an expert system to predict the behavior modeled using D-higraphs. This work is applied to the study of an industrial case and its results are compared with other similar approaches proposed in previous studies. The analysis shows that the proposed methodology fits its purpose enabling causal reasoning that explains causes and consequences derived from deviations, it also fills some of the gaps and drawbacks existing in previous reported HAZOP assistant tools.


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A new optical design strategy for rotational aspheres using very few parameters is presented. It consists of using the SMS method to design the aspheres embedded in a system with additional simpler surfaces (such as spheres, parabolas or other conics) and optimizing the free-parameters. Although the SMS surfaces are designed using only meridian rays, skew rays have proven to be well controlled within the optimization. In the end, the SMS surfaces are expanded using Forbes series and then a second optimization process is carried out with these SMS surfaces as a starting point. The method has been applied to a telephoto lens design in the SWIR band, achieving ultra-compact designs with an excellent performance.


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Information integration is a very important topic. Reusing the knowledge and having common representations have been (and it is) an active research topic in the process systems community. Conventional (structural) But only structural models have been dealt with so far. In this paper the issue of integration is related with two types of different knowledge, functional and structural. Functional representation and analysis have proved very useful, but still it is developed and presented in a completely isolated way from the classic structural description of the process. This paper presents an architecture to integrate both representations.


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In this paper we present a tool to perform guided HAZOP studies using a functional modeling framework: D-higraphs. It is a formalism that gathers in a single model structural (ontological) and functional information about the process considered. In this paper it is applied to an industrial case showing that the proposed methodology fits its purposes and fulfills some of the gaps and drawbacks existing in previous reported HAZOP assistant tools.


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In this paper we present a new tool to perform guided HAZOP analyses. This tool uses a functional model of the process that merges its functional and its structural information in a natural way. The functional modeling technique used is called D-higraphs. This tool solves some of the problems and drawbacks of other existing methodologies for the automation of HAZOPs. The applicability and easy understanding of the proposed methodology is shown in an industrial case.


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Information integration is a very important topic. Reusing the knowledge and having common and exchangeable representations have been an active research topic in process systems engineering. In this paper we deal with information integration in two different ways, the first one sharing knowledge between different heterogeneous applications and the second one integrating two different (but complementary) types of knowledge: functional and structural. A new architecture to integrate these representation and use for several purposes is presented in this paper.


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The application of the response of fruits to low energy for mechanical impacts is described, for evaluation of post-harvest ripening of avocadoes of the variety "Hass". An impactor of 50g of weight, provided with an accelerometer, and free-falling from a height of 4 cm, is used; it is interfaced to a computer and uses a special software for retrieving and analyzing the deceleration data. Impact response parameters of individual fruits were compared to firmness of the pulp, measured by the most used method of double-plate puncture, as well as to other physical and physiological parameters: color, skin puncture ethylene production rate and others. Two groups of fruits were carefully selected, stored at 6º C (60 days) and ripened at 20ºC (11 days), and tested during the storage period. It is shown that, as in other types of fruits, impact response can be a good predictor of firmness in avocadoes, obtaining the same accuracy as with destructive firmness measurements. Mathematical and multiple regression models are calculated and compared to measured data, with which a prediction of storage period can be made for these fruits.


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El presente estudio tiene por objetivo la estimación, para un puente real, de la probabilidad anual de que dicha estructura sobrepase unos determinados estados límites utilizando el método SAC/FEMA. El estudio incorpora tanto los aspectos sismológicos, que llevan a establecer el movimiento probable que afectará a la estructura, como el modelado detallado de la misma y el estudio de su respuesta a dicho movimiento. El estudio de peligrosidad necesario para el desarrollo de la metodología anterior lleva a obtener los espectros de peligrosidad uniforme asociados a probabilidades de excedencia 2%, 10% y 50% en 50 años, y seleccionar en bases de datos registros coherentes con los correspondientes movimientos. Éstos niveles de solicitación se comparan con los equivalentes según el borrador de la Norma de Construcción Sismorresistente: Parte de Puentes (NCSE Puentes 2006), y se ponen de manifiesto las diferencias encontradas.


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La mayoría de las leguminosas establecen una simbiosis con bacterias denominadas rizobios que fijan dinitrógeno en estructuras especializadas llamadas nódulos a cambio de fotosintatos. Existen varios elementos que hacen esta interacción específica y efectiva, entre ellos se encuentra la presencia, en algunos rizobios, de estructuras tubulares que introducen proteínas de la bacteria (efectores) en el citoplasma de células vegetales. En nuestro estudio de la interacción de la bacteria designada como Bradyrhizobium sp. LmjC con el altramuz valenciano L. mariae-josephae Pascual, hemos demostrado que existe uno de esos sistemas de secreción de tipo III y que éste es esencial para una simbiosis eficiente. Además hemos iniciado la caracterización de un posible efector denominado NopE y por último estamos estudiando otros rasgos fenotípicos de dicha bacteria como su resistencia a antibióticos, su crecimiento con distintas fuentes de carbono, su tiempo de generación y otras pruebas bioquímicas como la actividad ureasa.


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Si bien es verdad que existen algunos problemas de electricidad, donde las corrientes alternas no presentan satisfactorias soluciones y son posibles de emplear únicamente las continuas; por regla general los medios con que actualmente unas y otras cuentan, son tan comparables y tan iguales las ventajas e inconvenientes totales que en cada caso presenta sus uso que, ya que no imposible,es difícil tarea para el ingeniero adoptar razonadamente uno u otro sistema y sólo un detenido estudio del caso que ha de resolver pueden ayudarle en tan delicado asunto.


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Tít. tomado de comienzo de texto


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La sede judicial en El Ejido, edificio de planta trapezoidal de 47 m x 55 / 26 m, presenta dos volúmenes claramente diferenciados, unidos a nivel de sótano y conectados mediante pasarelas en niveles superiores. Una tercera pieza, de planta trapezoidal y fachada frontal de muro cortina de vidrio, vuela 8 m del plano vertical del edificio más alto. La fachada principal desempeña una función estructural de pantalla y está constituida por 9 filas de pilares prefabricados de hormigón armado entre las que se intercalan unos cordones horizontales de hormigón autocompactante, ejecutados in situ. Debido a la ubicación del edificio en una zona sísmica y el reducido número de apoyos horizontales, la fachada resulta potencialmente vulnerable. Para mitigar los elevados riesgos, particularmente durante las fases constructivas, se hacía necesaria una planificación rigurosa de todo el proceso sobre la base de un análisis específico de la interacción entre la estructura evolutiva de la fachada y la cimbra empleada en su construcción.


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La finalidad del camino forestal objeto del presente estudio es la de dar salida a las posibilidades de los montes enclavados en el valle del río Tus.