841 resultados para Public Services
This paper features a research of the partnerships/agreements between the municipal public services and the private sphere to the offer of vacancies in Early Education, in the large counties of São Paulo. The study allowed us to identify different arrangements between the municipal public service and private institutions, which 30 of the 54 large counties of São Paulo turn to the services from partnerships as a mean to attend the local demand, including the institutions with lucrative purposes, being different of the traditional forms of partnerships instituted in Early Education. The text is based on the literature analysis about the theme and the information collected during the research from phone calls to municipal administrators, municipal official sites and government sites.
As media education concepts and practices have been disseminated and strengthened in European countries and Americas, the policies responsible for that expansion remain little known, particularly in countries where the achievements have been recently noted. That is the case for Brazil, where there have been new opportunities for media education, considered as a valuable resource to help accomplish goals of the educational system. This paper looks into the contribution of media education to the enhancement of teaching and learning in the context of innovations brought by recent policies of the Brazilian Ministry of Education. After educational reform programmes which brought the opportunity for emerging fields such as media education, we produced teaching material and conducted a series of workshops with students and teachers from state secondary schools. By reading and producing multimedia information about local public services available to young people, pupils learned about democracy, citizenship, civic engagement, media language, and identity. Lessons from our experiment are discussed against the backdrop of education policies being implemented to ameliorate harsh conditions resulting from the recent economic crisis. We suggest that media education can help by creating a learning environment in which the students become aware of the value of educational attainments.
When people are put aside in the society we have what is called as social marginalization. However there is a wider or even severe marginalization, i. e., the state marginalization, which is the difficulty of the citizen to recognize himself in the state. What is intended here is to identify the main features of such marginalization, its effects upon the state itself and the possible means to overcome it. In order to fulfill this aim it is taken what it is considered to be a meaningfull manifestation of the state marginalization, that is the privatization of public services. These services are usually free but it does not mean that they cost nothing because they are granted by the payment of taxes and so can be at the disposal of everyone. When these services are dealt by the private initiative then a barrier is build and many can only continue to have what should be their right if they pay more than they already do with the taxes. As an example of it we have the privatization of many highways in the state of São Paulo. A certain comunity reacted towards it but all the questions were dismissed AURORA ano V número 9 - DEZEMBRO DE 2011 ISSN: 1982-8004 http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/índex.php/aurora/. 166 by the authorities as something impossible to solve. The contradictions between the private and the public interests were solved by the legal formality but they show themselves to be expression of arbitrariness and indetermination. One comes to the conclusion that the privatization is the identification of the State with the bourgeois and civil society that turns the public thing into a private thing. Despite of all this and also because of all this the recovered knowledge about the meaning of the State and the exposition of this new marginalization may promote an ongoing striving towards a necessary mobilizing process.
China is now facing a sudden change of redistribution of population in space as her urban population exceeds rural population. It seems necessary to learn others’ lessons by analyzing the urbanization of other developing countries, especially Brazil’s. To an extent, Brazil and some other developing countries have been unsuccessful in coordination for urbanization and improving living quality. The megacities in Latin America are the examples of swollen cities, and large groups excluded from the system of public services. It reflects in both short of infrastructures in many areas and high-levels of violence unique in the big cities in Latin America. Then the author summarizes Brazil’s lessons. Firstly, he describes the determinants in Brazil’s urbanization, especially the industrialization between 1930 and 1980. Secondly, the incentives for internal migration are analyzed, especially the industrial centralization in the southeast and the recessions in other areas. Finally, the characteristics of the present round of absorption of labor and the roots for the severe social inequality are discussed.
PURPOSE: The development and application of collective pedagogical activities to assess phonological skills in pre-readers and beginning readers and could serve as potential screening tools to help in the early identification of students at risk for dyslexia. METHODS: The FAE tasks (alternative tools for educators) were built on classical phonological tasks known as sound categorization and in the Protocol for Cognitive-Linguistic Skills. FAE tasks basically consisted of matching pictures as well as pictures to spoken words according to their phonological similarity in the onset (alliteration) or rhyme and were given to 45 students on the first grade, of both genres and 7.3 years old on average. RESULTS: The protocol proved to be effective, confirming that phonological awareness, verbal working memory and rapid naming abilities constitute the main risk factors for dyslexia, and to which the FAE tasks were more strongly correlated jointly with the phonemic discrimination. FAE tasks were also strongly correlated with literacy skills. CONCLUSIONS: Students at risk for dyslexia can be efficiently identified through scientifically developed pedagogical tools, adapted and tested for the Brazilian's educational reality. This is a promising research field with the potential to help in avoiding the currently excessive number of students mistakenly labeled as having learning disabilities and improperly referred to specialized public services, as well as to indicate the more appropriate theoretical-empirical framework to guide our educational policies.
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Semana Ilustrada, o Moleque e o Dr. Semana: imprensa, cidade e humor no Rio de Janeiro do 2º Reinado
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
The malocclusions are one focus of discussions in public health, due to which it is necessary to incorporate correction procedures that are inexpensive, easy to perform and which can be made in health services. Planas Direct Tracks meet such characteristics which make them advantageous for the crossbite correction. The aim of this study was to present a case in which correction of unilateral crossbite was performed with the resources available in a public clinic. This is a 6 year-old patient who presented functional unilateral crossbite in canines and posterior teeth. A cross decreased maxillary arch leading to a condition of unilateral posterior crossbite was detected. Occlusal adjustments were performed in canine and posterior teeth; however it was not enough to restore the occlusal balance. It was decided to prepare Planas Direct Tracks in canines, allowing functional balance, which prevented masticatory movement alteration during the growth phase and malocclusion correction. Controls were performed every six months to evaluate the patient's progress and whether or not new occlusal adjustments were necessary. Monitoring and treatment were conducted for 5 years, until stabilization of the permanent dentition ensuring treatment. It is concluded that Planas Direct Tracks were effective for the correction of unilateral posterior crossbite. So, it is essential to note that this procedure can be performed in public services.
Human recourses on Brazilian Health System (SUS) are important social points because on this form the State can guarantee the health like a right of Brazilian population, based on National Constitution Dictates. The Plan of Offices, Careers and Salaries (PCCS) is an administrative tool that should be elaborated to attendance objectives of organization. It maintain the satisfaction level of workers, with a politic of Human Recourses that allows its development and so, can get higher productivity, efficiency and objectivity of services rendered at community. The aim of this study is to contextualize the PCCS like an instrument of People Management to guide and incentive one of forms to turn no precarious the work force of Public System Dental Professionals in SUS. For them, it was realized a literature review, and official documents of Health Ministry were consulted, like governmental decrees, laws, health conference written report. It was possible to verify that, although there is legal basement on the use of PCCS-SUS by Brazilian cities like a tool to attract and maintain dental surgeon developing his profession on SUS, is often the absence of valorization of this professional, and this situation no allows his exclusive dedication at health public services. Precarious work in Dentistry is still observed on many regions of Brazil.
The annual vaccination campaign against rabies is the most effective prevention procedure for this disease in dogs and cats and hence for human protection also. However, in 2010 and 2011, this activity was interrupted in Brazil due to the occurrence of adverse events associated with vaccination. Even though cases of canine rabies have been decreasing in the last two decades, vigilance must be strengthened in order to maintain pet owners trust in the vaccines provided in public services. This study aimed to determine pet owners participation in the annual vaccination campaign carried out in Botucatu. During March and April 2012, the period before the 42nd campaign, 312 pet owners, dogs and cats, were interviewed. The homes were randomly drawn in blocks from different sectors of the city; all houses on the same block over the 120 km² of urban area participated in the sampling process. Statistical analysis was performed descriptively. The results showed that the owners main motivation to vaccinate their pets during the campaigns is rabies prevention (36%), followed by the proximity of the vaccination station to the house (20.7%), zero cost (10.9%), and the combination of all three factors (16.1%). When asked if they would take their animals back to be vaccinated in another campaign, 60.1% answered yes, 13.5% would go to a private clinic, 2.2% would not take because they do not trust the vaccine and 1.6% had not decided yet. We conclude that the respondents have realized how dangerous Rabies is, because even after the break period, they still utilized the vaccination campaign demonstrating confidence in its effectiveness, while knowing the campaign goals facilitates understanding and participation.
The service sector has acquired a growing importance in every country economy, which has stimulated research in the field of service innovation, a new field in management studies. This text aimed to state a research agenda upon service innovation, based on an articulated discussion of the results of several articles that compose the state of the art of this concept. 73 empirical articles were analyzed, 33% of them exploring the innovation strategies and technology; 18% of the articles describe research on economic performance and enterprise productivity; 16% are related to antecedents and determinants of innovation; another 16% about network capacity development, alliances and collaboration among organizations; 9% of the articles explore service quality, innovation taxonomy, flexible systems and regional systems of innovation; and another 8% are related to themes such as intensive knowledge, research and development. The researches were concentrated in the Engineering & Technology and Hospitality Industries, which accounted for 31% and 24% of the texts, respectively. The remaining 45% of the articles referred to sectors such as Telecommunications, Health, Retail, Financial & Insurance and Public Services. The main gaps identified in these texts refer to the difficulties on measuring service innovation, besides the small number of researches on the public sector. At the end, a research agenda in the subject is presented, including the development of a scale for orientating the innovation and identifying the determining factors of the innovation in the public environment.
La legge n. 146 del 1990 ha istituito la Commissione di garanzia per l’attuazione della legge sullo sciopero nei servizi pubblici essenziali, un’authority deputata al controllo dell’effettivo bilanciamento del diritto di sciopero con gli altri diritti della persona di rango costituzionale nel caso dei servizi pubblici essenziali. Ad essa spettano alcuni poteri tra di loro eterogenei. Accanto a poteri propulsivi e sanzionatori, essa possiede poteri di tipo normativo. La legge prevede, infatti, che le prestazioni indispensabili e le altre misure necessarie al contemperamento siano determinate da accordi tra il datore di lavoro e le associazioni sindacali, mentre per il lavoro autonomo da codici di autoregolamentazione forniti da ognuna delle categorie interessate. Gli accordi e i codici di autoregolamentazione devono essere, comunque, sottoposti al vaglio della Commissione di garanzia la quale in ultimo stabilisce se essi siano idonei a realizzare il bilanciamento dei diritti in questione. Quando i soggetti indicati dalla legge non provvedano alla redazione dei suddetti atti, la Commissione interviene con l’emanazione di una provvisoria regolamentazione, la quale possiede natura di regolamento, giacchè partecipa dei caratteri della generalità ed astrattezza propri delle norme di legge. In effetti, anche altre authorities possiedono un potere normativo, che si sostanzia alle volte in un regolamento indipendente, altre in un regolamento simile ai regolamenti delegati ed altre al regolamento esecutivo. Poiché la legge n. 146 del 1990 prevede quali siano gli istituti idonei a realizzare il bilanciamento (preavviso, proclamazione scritta, procedure di raffreddamento e conciliazione, intervallo minimo, misure indicative delle prestazioni indispensabili), la provvisoria regolamentazione possiede i caratteri del regolamento esecutivo.
Con la prima parte, si intende fornire un quadro pressoché esaustivo delle principali disposizioni in materia di società a partecipazione pubblica regionale e locale operanti nel campo dei servizi pubblici locali e della loro interpretazione giurisprudenziale e dottrinale, prendendo le mosse dagli ultimi interventi legislativo. Nella seconda parte, si affronta, invece, il tema dei limiti legislativi alla capacità di azione delle società a partecipazione pubblica e dei connessi dubbi interpretativi, anche alla luce degli orientamenti giurisprudenziali e dottrinali. In particolare, l’analisi riguarda l’art. 13 del decreto”Bersani” e il comma 9 dell’art. 23 bis (ora pedissequamente trasfuso nel comma 33 dell’art. 4 del d.l. n. 138/2011), ossia le principali disposizioni che definiscono, rispettivamente, la capacità di azione delle società (a partecipazione pubblica) strumentali e di quelle operanti nel campo dei servizi pubblici locali titolari di affidamenti diretti (assentiti con modalità diverse dall’evidenza pubblica). Vengono forniti cenni di inquadramento in relazione al cd. procedimento di riordino delle partecipazioni societarie pubbliche previsto dalla legge finanziaria del 2008 (art. 3, commi 27 – 32). Dal combinato disposto delle suddette norme, così come interpretate dalla giurisprudenza costituzionale ed amministrativa, si ricavano, poi, utili indicazioni in ordine alla possibilità, per gli enti pubblici territoriali, di costituire società con scopo meramente lucrativo (ossia, soggetti societari privi del rapporto di strumentalità con gli enti costituenti o partecipanti, chiamati ad operare, in regime di concorrenza, in settori completamente liberalizzati) e società cd. multiutilities (aventi oggetto sociale complesso, la cui attività si estrinseca tanto nel campo dei servizi strumentali, quanto in quello dei servizi pubblici locali), nonché in relazione alla disciplina applicabile all’attività di detti soggetti societari. La finalità ultima del contributo consiste nell'individuazione delle linee guida finalizzate alla classificazione delle società pubbliche in funzione della loro attività.
Oggetto della ricerca è l’esame del ruolo attuale della partecipazione pubblica locale in società per l’erogazione di servizi pubblici locali di rilevanza economica, nel nuovo contesto normativo caratterizzato dalla residualità dell’autoproduzione, dalla liberalizzazione, dall’organizzazione del servizio in ambiti territoriali, e dalle esigenze di contenimento della spesa locale, acuite dalla crisi economica-finanziaria. Si sono distinte quattro tipologie di società: nel caso di servizi gestiti in regime di esclusiva, le società a capitale pubblico-privato con socio privato operativo scelto mediante gara, le società in house affidatarie dirette, e le società affidatarie in quanto selezionate in procedure ad evidenza pubblica; nel caso di servizi sottratti al regime di esclusiva, le società che eroghino il servizio liberalizzato. L’indagine si è focalizzata sulle condizioni di costituzione e di mantenimento di tali società, e si è approfondito quel particolare aspetto del loro regime giuridico costituito dai limiti operativi. L’analisi è stata condotta esaminando le nuove disposizioni, le posizioni giurisprudenziali e le letture della dottrina relative alle società disciplinate come forme di gestione di servizi pubblici locali di rilevanza economica, relative alla funzionalizzazione dell’attività degli enti territoriali e delle società da questi partecipate, e relative alla tutela della concorrenza.