920 resultados para Protein phosphatase 1


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Objective: To investigate the action of palmitate on insulin receptor (IR) signaling pathway in rat pancreatic islets. The following proteins were studied: IR substrate-1 and -2 (IRS1 and IRS2), phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase-1 and -2 (ERK1/2), and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3). Methods: Immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation assays were used to evaluate the phosphorylation states of IRS1 and IRS2 (tyrosine [Tyr]), ERK1/2 (threonine 202 [Thr202]/Tyr204), and STAT3 (serine [Ser727]). Results: The exposure of rat pancreatic islets to 0.1-mmol/L palmitate for up to 30 minutes produced a significant increase of Tyr phosphorylation in IRS2 but not in IRS1. The association of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase with IRS2 was also upregulated by palmitate. Exposure to 5.6-mmol/L glucose caused a gradual decrease in ERK1/2 (Thr202/Tyr204) and STAT3 (serine [Ser727]) phosphorylations after 30-minute incubation. The addition of palmitate (0.1 mmol/L), associated with 5.6-mmol/L glucose, abolished these latter effects of glucose after 15-minute incubation. Conclusions: Palmitate at physiological concentration associated with 5.6-mmol/L glucose activates IR signaling pathway in pancreatic A cells.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo nesta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito de dois ingredientes protéicos da dieta (farelo de soja e de algodão) e de dois processamentos físicos do concentrado (farelado e extrusado) na terminação de 16 bovinos machos não-castrados da raça Canchim. Avaliaram-se ainda a excreção de nutrientes nos dejetos e o potencial de produção de biogás. Os animais tinham 12 meses de idade e 315 kg PC, em média, e foram confinados em baias individuais durante 147 dias (os primeiros 35 dias foram de adaptação). Como volumoso utilizou-se silagem de milho, em uma relação volumoso:concentrado de 50:50, com base na MS. Os resultados foram analisados em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 × 2 (fonte protéica × processamento físico). A fonte protéica influenciou o ganho de peso corporal (1,50 e 1,35 kg/dia para o farelo de soja e de algodão, respectivamente), a conversão alimentar (4,73 e 5,31 kg MS ingerida/kg de ganho de peso, respectivamente) e a eficiência protéica (1,78 e 1,59 kg de ganho de peso/kg PB ingerida, respectivamente). O tratamento físico do concentrado e a fonte protéica não influenciaram a ingestão de MS, a área de olho-de-lombo e a espessura de gordura, estimadas por ultra-som. O balanço de nutrientes foi semelhante entre tratamentos para MS, FDN e FDA, mas a fonte protéica determinou diferenças no balanço de PB. Entre os macro e microminerais quantificados nas fezes, os teores de P e Mg diferiram entre as fontes protéicas e a extrusão aumentou o conteúdo de Ca, com médias de 0,39 e 0,43 g/100 g de MS de dejetos, respectivamente, para os concentrados farelado e extrusado. Os dejetos produziram biogás de maneira efetiva entre o 70º e o 200º dia.


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During bean seed storage, yield can be lost due to infestations of Acanthoscelides obtectus Say, the bean weevil. The use of resistant varieties has shown promising results in fighting these insects, reducing infestation levels and eliminating chemical residues from the beans. The expression of resistance to A. obtectus in bean varieties is frequently attributed to the presence of phytohemagglutinins, protease inhibitors and alpha-amylase, and especially to variants of the protein arcelin, which reduce the larval viability of these insects. To evaluate the effect of bean seed storage time on the resistance expression of bean varieties to A. obtectus, tests with seeds of three ages (freshly-harvested, 4-month-old, and 8-month-old) were conducted in the laboratory, using four commercial varieties: Carioca Pitoco, Ipa 6, Porrillo 70, Onix; four improved varieties containing arcelin protein: Are. 1, Arc.2, Arc. 3, Arc.4; and three wild varieties also containing arcelin protein: Arc. IS, Arc.3S, and Arc. 5S. The Arc.5S, Arc. IS, and Arc.2 varieties expressed high antibiosis levels against the weevil; Arc. I and Arc3S expressed the same mechanism, but at lower levels. The occurrence of oviposition non-preference was also observed in Arc.5S and Arc. IS. The Arc.3 and Arc. 4 varieties expressed low feeding non-preference levels against A. obtectus. The expression of resistance in arcelin-bearing, wild or improved varieties was affected during the storage of seeds, and was high under some parameters but low in others. The results showed that addition of chemical resistance factors such as protein arcelin via genetic breeding may be beneficial in improving the performance of bean crops.


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Este trabalho foi conduzido no Laboratório de Análise de Sementes, do Departamento de Produção Vegetal, da Universidade Estadual Paulista (Botucatu/SP), com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos causados por diferentes períodos de envelhecimento acelerado na lixiviação de íons e de proteínas solúveis em sementes de milho. Sementes de milho do híbrido BR 3123 foram colocadas sobre tela em gerbox, contendo 40mL de água destilada, e mantidas a temperatura de 42°C por períodos de 0, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144 e 166 horas. Após o envelhecimento, parte das sementes foi colocada para germinar, empregando quatro repetições para cada período, obtendo-se a porcentagem de plântulas normais no quarto dia. em outra parte realizou-se, após manutenção em copos plásticos com 75mL de H2O destilada por 24 horas à 25°C, leituras de condutividade elétrica (µS.cm-1.g-1), determinação de íons (mg.L-1.g de semente-1) e de proteínas solúveis totais (µproteina.g-1.mL-1) lixiviadas na solução. Os resultados indicaram que a elevação dos valores de condutividade elétrica e de lixiviado de proteínas totais ocorreu a partir de 72 horas de envelhecimento acelerado. A lixiviação de potássio foi mais acentuada que a dos íons cálcio, zinco, manganês, cobre, ferro e magnésio.


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Os taninos da casca da semente de lentilha foram extraídos e purificados, levados à interação com albumina isolada de lentilha e com caseína; e estudados por turbidimetria. As interações da albumina e caseína com taninos purificados, a várias relações tanino-proteína, mostraram ser independente e dependente do pH, respectivamente. Hidrólise in vitro com tripsina das proteínas sem taninos indicou que o aquecimento a 99°C/15 min reduzia a susceptibilidade da albumina e aumentava a da caseína à tripsina. A influência de diferentes relações tanino:proteína (1:40; 1:20; 1:5; 1:2,5) na hidrólise mostrou maior inibição para caseína que para albumina de lentilha, independente de aquecimento. Após aquecimento ambas proteínas foram mais hidrolizadas para qualquer das relações tanino proteínas estudadas. A eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida-dodecilsulfato de sódio do transcurso da hidrólise da interação tanino-albumina nativa mostra a dependência da relação tanino:proteína.


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OBJECTIVE: the potential pathogenicity of free radicals may have a pivotal role in ulcerative colitis. Fish oil omega-3 fatty acids exert anti-inflammatory effects on patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), but the precise mechanism of the action of fish oil on oxidative stress is still controversial. The aim of the present work was to verify the blood oxidative stress in patients with UC and determine whether the association of sulfasalazine to fish oil omega-3 fatty acids is more effective than isolated use of sulfasalazine to reduce the oxidative stress.METHODS:, Nine patients (seven female and two male; me. an age = 40 +/- 11 y) with mild or moderate active UC were studied in a randomized crossover design. In addition to their usual medication (2 g/d of sulfasalazine), they received fish oil omega-3 fatty acids (4.5 g/d) or placebo for 2-mo treatment periods that were separated by 2 mo, when they only received sulfasalazine. Nine healthy individuals served as control subjects to study the oxidative stress status. Disease activity was assessed by laboratory indicators (C-reactive protein, alpha(1)-acid glycoprotein, alpha(1)-antitrypsin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, albumin, hemoglobin, and platelet count), sigmoidoscopy, and histology scores. Analysis of oxidative stress was assessed by plasma chemiluminescence and erythrocyte lipid peroxidation, both induced by tert butyl hydroperoxide (t-BuOOH) and by plasma malondialdehyde. Antioxidant status was assayed by total plasma antioxidant capacity (TRAP) and microsomal lipid peroxidation inhibition (LPI). Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase erythrocyte enzymatic activities were also determined.RESULTS: No significant changes were observed in any laboratory indicator or in the sigmoidoscopy or histology scores, with the exception of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which decreased with both treatments. Oxidative stress was demonstrated by significant decreases in TRAP and LPI levels, increased chemiluminescence induced by t-BuOOH, and higher SOD activity in patients with UC. Treatment with fish oil omega-3 fatty acids reverted the chemiluminescence induced by t-BuOOH and LPI to baseline levels but that did not occur when patients received only sulfasalazine. Levels of plasma malondialdehyde, erythrocyte lipid peroxidation, and catalase were not different from those in the control group.CONCLUSIONS: the results indicated that plasma oxidative stress occurs in patients with UC, and there was a significant decrease when the patients used sulfasalazine plus fish oil omega-3 fatty acids. However, there was no improvement in most laboratory indicators, sigmoidoscopy, and histology scores. The results suggested that omega-3 fatty acids may act as free radical scavengers protecting the patients against the overall effect of oxidative stress. (C)Elsevier B.V. 2003.


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Dezesseis eqüinos adultos foram aleatoriamente divididos em quatro grupos de quatro animais que receberam inoculação intraperitoneal das seguintes suspenções: grupo I, 100×10(7) unidades formadoras de colônias (CFU) de E. coli diluídas em 500ml de solução salina a 0,9%; grupo II, 100×10(7) CFU de Bacteroides fragilis em 500ml de solução salina a 0,9%; grupo III, 100×10(7) CFU de E. coli combinados com 100×10(7) CFU de B. fragilis em 500ml de solução salina a 0,9%; grupo IV, 500ml de solução salina a 0,9%. Observou-se aumento significativo do número de leucócitos no líquido peritoneal quatro horas após as inoculações dos animais dos grupos I e II, e oito horas após as inoculações dos animais do grupo III. A contagem mais elevada foi de 5110³ leucócitos/mm³. Aumentos significativos nas concentrações de fibrinogênio (1g/dl) e proteína total (9,1%) foram também observados. Eqüinos inoculados com culturas puras, tanto de E. coli quanto de B. fragilis, apresentaram peritonites mais brandas e autolimitantes, enquanto que eqüinos inoculados com associação das duas bactérias apresentaram alterações laboratoriais com maior intensidade e duração.


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Genetic variation in the transcription factor interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6) causes and contributes risk for oral clefting disorders. We hypothesized that genes regulated by IRF6 are also involved in oral clefting disorders. We used five criteria to identify potential IRF6 target genes; differential gene expression in skin taken from wild-type and Irf6-deficient murine embryos, localization to the Van der Woude syndrome 2 (VWS2) locus at 1p36-1p32, overlapping expression with Irf6, presence of a conserved predicted-binding site in the promoter region, and a mutant murine phenotype that was similar to the Irf6 mutant mouse. Previously, we observed altered expression for 573 genes; 13 were located in the murine region syntenic to the VWS2 locus. Two of these genes, Wdr65 and Stratifin, met 4 of 5 criteria. Wdr65 was a novel gene that encoded a predicted protein of 1,250 amino acids with two WD domains. As potential targets for Irf6 regulation, we hypothesized that disease-causing mutations will be found in WDR65 and Stratifin in individuals with VWS or VWS-like syndromes. We identified a potentially etiologic missense mutation in WDR65 in a person with VWS who does not have an exonic mutation in IRF6. The expression and mutation data were consistent with the hypothesis that WDR65 was a novel gene involved in oral clefting. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritive value of free-floating aquatic macrophytes, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms (Pontederiaceae), Pistia stratiotes (L.) (Araceae) and Salvinia molesta (Mitchell) (Salviniaceae) used in a Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) waste treatment, and these species biomass potential uses. The vegetal biomass samples were collected from 0.25 m 2 floating squares and divided in aerial and submerse parts, to determine the concentrations of cell wall fraction, soluble carbohydrates, polyphenols, lipids, crude protein and total phosphorus. The higher nutritive value was observed in E. crassipes and S. molesta aerial parts, and in P. stratiotes total biomass, due to their lower cell wall fraction mean rates (60.7; 64.2 and 56.9 % dry mass, respectively) and to the higher rates of: crude protein (10.1; 9.1 and 8.8 % dry mass, respectively), soluble carbohydrates (26.6; 18.7 and 12.4 mg.g -1 dry mass, respectively) and lipids (7.6; 4.5 and 4.4% dry mass, respectively). It may be concluded that P. stratiotes total biomass, and E. crassipes and S. molesta aerial biomass have nutritive values with potential use for ruminant feeding or as ration ingredients.


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The digestible energy and apparent nutrient digestibility coefficients of common diet ingredients were determined for pacu Piaractus brachypomus (370.21 ± 17.56 g). Fish were fed with pelleted practical diets to apparent satiation and the feces were collected by siphoning. The digestibility value for each ingredient was determined by comparison of the digestibility of a test diet with a reference diet (24.5% crude protein and 1% chromic oxide). The digestible energy values of soybean meal (SBM), fish meal (FM), corn (CN), and wheat bran (WB) were 2382, 3826, 3353, and 1784 kcal/kg, respectively. The apparent dry matter digestibility coefficients were 83.72, 90.14, 89.13, and 82.05% for SBM, FM, CN, and WB, respectively. The apparent crude protein digestibility coefficients were 75.88, 90.49, 85.06, and 61.62% for SBM, FM, CN, and WB, respectively. The apparent lipid digestibility coefficients were 63.03, 77.00, 83.01, and 82.45% for SBM, FM, CN, and WB, respectively. The digestibility of protein, lipid, and energy from SBM were somewhat low compared to values for other warmwater omnivorous fishes, but similar to values reported for pacu-caranha P. mesopotamicus. Otherwise, the nutrient and energy availability of the ingredients to P. brachypomus was similar to that of other fish. This information will be useful in formulating nutritious, economical diets for pacus. © by the World Aquaculture Society 2004.


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This research studied the effects of the independent variables whey protein concentrate - WPC (3.0; 3.5; 4.0%), skimmed milk powder - SMP (4.0; 5.0; 6.0%), and isolated soy protein - IPS (1.5; 2.0; 2.5%) on the rheological and sensorial characteristics of functional dairy beverages. In all tests 7% of sucrose was added to the ingredients. The rheological parameters were obtained in duplicate at the temperature of 10° C using a cone and plate rheometer, and fitted to the Power law model. The samples revealed a non-Newtonian fluid behavior both in the upward and downward curves, typical of a tixotropic fluid. The dairy beverages were submitted to a sensory analysis by a group of fifty untrained tasters who used a hedonic scale of nine points, the extremes being 1 - disliked extremely and 9 - liked extremely, in order to evaluate the following parameters: general acceptability; appearance and color; consistency; taste and aroma. The dairy beverage produced with 3% WPC, 6% SMP and 1.5% IPS, (treatment 3), was the one that obtained the best average score for those attributes and was preferred by the tasters. The variables SMP and IPS and the interaction between WPC and SMP presented a positive effect on the sensory consistency attributes: the higher amount of those ingredients in the formula the more the tasters liked the consistency.