999 resultados para Proteção ambiental, Brasil
A Mata Atlntica, um dos biomas mais ameaados do mundo, possui alta biodiversidade e endemismos, restando apenas 7% de sua rea original, e por isso considerada um hotspot. O municpio de Campinas est includo no domnio vegetal de Mata Atlntica com transio para Cerrado, onde restam menos de 3% de floresta estacional semidecidual. A fragmentao de reas naturais, a caa ilegal e a introduo de espcies exticas so as principais causas de extino de espcies. Neste estudo buscou-se identificar a riqueza e a densidade populacional de primatas em dez fragmentos de mata na regio da rea de Proteção Ambiental de Sousas e Joaquim Egdio, rea de ocorrncia do sagi-do-tufo-preto (Callithrix penicilatta), do macaco-prego (Cebus nigritus) e dos ameaados, segundo a IUCN (2007), sagi-da-serra-escuro (Callithrix aurita), sau (Callicebus nigrifrons) e bugio-ruivo (Alouatta guariba clamitans). Os fragmentos variam entre dois e 24ha com formatos variados e de diferentes composies de capoeiras e matas secundrias, numa matriz agrcola, composta de pastagens, silvicultura e culturas perenes e anuais. O levantamento foi feito entre maio de 2007 e outubro de 2008 atravs de contagens absolutas dos grupos, diferenciados pelo local dos reavistamentos, composio sexual e etria. Cada avistamento foi georreferenciado com um GPS Garmin Camo Etrex. Por serem territoriais, saus foram atrados atravs do uso de playbacks. A comunidade de primatas da Mata Ribeiro Cachoeira (245ha), maior remanescente local, composta por cinco espcies. Sagi-detufo- preto e bugio foram avistados em seis fragmentos e saus em dois. Em cinco, foram observados grupos de Callithrix jacchus (sagi-comum), exticos na regio. Em trs fragmentos foram encontrados grupos mistos ou hbridos de Callithrix jacchus e C. penicillata. A rea total...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)
So Jos dos Campos, cidade do interior paulista, possui aproximadamente 62% de sua rea territorial definida por legislao como rea de Proteção Ambiental APA. Um fragmento desse total formado pelo Banhado (ampla rea alagada com caractersticas naturais preservadas avistada de toda a regio central) e pelo Parque Burle Marx ou, como conhecido pela populao, o Parque da Cidade. Esse Parque estruturado por jardins de Roberto Burle Marx e construes assinadas pelo arquiteto modernista Rino Levi (a residncia de Olivo Gomes, a usina de leite e o galpo gaivotas - utilizado para grandes feiras e eventos). Apesar da riqueza desse conjunto o parque no utilizado pela populao de forma efetiva. A proposta deste trabalho nasceu da anlise feita acima e do fato que existe ampla rea livre pronta a receber novos equipamentos pblicos de forma a estimular a populao a utilizar o parque de forma mais assdua. Um dos equipamentos propostos uma nova biblioteca, j que a biblioteca da cidade carece de ampliao
The use of polymeric materials has grown in recent years due to its high durability features, atoxicity, shaping versatility and environment resistance. However, while these features represent good advantages to several industry sectors, it results in one of the most serious environmental problems of contemporary society: the rising accumulation of these material, mainly due to the inadequate disposal of waste. Meanwhile, in order to minimize this problem, some mitigation techniques comes up (arises), among which the use of biodegradable polymers has been gaining attention. Because of their easily action of microorganisms, such material degrade more rapidly, becoming integrated to nature. Furthermore, due to the fact of biodegradation is a natural process, occurring through the action if micro-organisms in the environment itself, it is considered the cleaner alternative found so far to plastic components reincorporation in the nature. Among the micro-organisms capable of biodegradation process are the filamentous fungi. These micro-organisms have many advantages over the others, the major one being the capacity to produce a range of enzymes capable of degrading different materials. In this context, the present review made it possible to see the importance of this process as an agent of environmental preservation, suggest the use of blends to minimize the problems of cost and flexibility of biodegradable polymeric materials, as well as noting the lack of studies related to this subject nowadays
Atropelamentos associados fragmentao dos habitats naturais, tanto para construo de estradas, quanto para agricultura, so uma das principais causas de mortalidade para vrias espcies de animais silvestres pelo mundo todo. Durante o perodo de agosto de 2011 e junho de 2012, em um trecho da Estrada Vicinal Alcides Rodrigues Soares do municpio de Botucatu, interior do estado de SP, foi realizado o levantamento de mamferos terrestres de mdio e grande porte atravs do mtodo de parcelas de areia e transecto, alm da procura de carcaa de animais atropelados. Espcies como Ona-parda (Puma concolor) e Tamandu-bandeira (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), ambas em situao vulnervel de extino, foram registradas em proximidade da estrada. Atravs dos dados obtidos, tem se como objetivo demonstrar a importncia da valorizao da fauna local, com a construo de passagens de fauna, como uma das medidas para a sua conservao e consequente reduo dos diversos distrbios e impactos causados por estradas
In this assignment, will be assessed the conditions of operation for the final disposal of household solid waste landfill in the city of Cachoeira Paulista-SP. The theme chosen for research is of great social importance therefore is directly related to the well-being of the people, sustainable development, environmental protection and public health. Everyone should be aware of the problems related to improper final disposal of solid waste of any kind. The objectives of the study were: analyse the conditions of operation of the landfill; verify the treatment technology of percolating liquids (slurry) generated in the landfill; examine whether the landfill obey the rules; which cities in the region depend on the disposal system, verify that there are flaws in the final destination of solid waste in the municipality and in the cities of the region. The research is primarily a bibliographic review, obtained by querying the database and virtual libraries. Technical visits were also held at the study site, to check spot the methodology employed in the operation of landfill This work concluded that for the period under study, the landfill was as a landfill site, therefore, in accordance with the rules of operation
Habitat loss and fragmentation of landscapes endanger the planets biodiversity. Strategies for identify priority areas for conservation and restoration of biodiversity rich areas becomes essential for the planning of the management of these landscape become successful. This study aims to propose a novel, transparent and replicable method for choosing priority areas for restoration, and includes the following steps: (a) identification of regional biodiversity hotspots for conservation; (b) identification of priority areas for restoration with the greatest potential to increase the connectivity of the fragments already existing; (c) estimate the potential richness of understory birds before and after restoration, analyzing the gain of species for the future scenario. In order to identify the corridors to be restored in a future scenario we considered the approach of multiple corridors, which aimed to connect the main fragments within the region through analysis of multi-paths. Already existing regression models were applied to estimate the richness of the landscape considering three models: a) species richness as a function of patch area of the fragment selected as hotspots; b) richness as a function of areas connected by structural corridors and c) connected area for species which are able to access nearby fragments within 20m. The gain of species for future scenario which consider the potential restoration of selected areas was estimated. Based on our results we observed that species that use corridors showed the highest increment of species richness of understory birds. As a result it had to restore corridors to model species with the ability to use forest corridors was the highest gain potential species richness of understory birds. The methods proposed method in this study appears provide new ways to ensures a better cost / benefit relationship for restoration projects by increasing the chances of better reach high levels of...
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Agronomia (Irrigao e Drenagem) - FCA
Avaliao biogeogrfica em rea de progradao positiva em Ilha Comprida/SP: um estudo de sucesso ecolgica
The city of Ilha Comprida, located on the Environmental Protection Area Canania-Iguape-Perube (APA CIP) and Lagoon Estuary Complex of Iguape-Canania-Paranagu, is located at the southern end of the coast of the state of So Paulo. Ilha Comprida is a progradational barrier consists predominantly of sandy sediments of the Quaternary Period. Bibliographic and cartographic surveys demonstrate a large amount of sediments in the last centuries, leading to the expansion of the island in hundreds of meters towards SW / NE. The island has been suffering intense morphological change in the northeast corner - NE, growing 35 meters per year. The objective of this study is to measure and analyze the floristic diversity found in its extreme NE, recent accumulation area of sediment, comparing the results with data obtained in equivalent segment, located on the edge SW, agradation preterit area. Given this reality, we chose to assess how the process of ecological succession respond to these dynamics. That is, if we think of ecological succession, NE end (latest) is assumed to possess plant species in the initial stage of succession as well as the SW portion. However, it is assumed certain differentiation between species in both areas, and less diversity in the first case (NE). Using the method of fixed installments adopted for similar quadrants, we attempted to measure and analyze the floristic diversity of the NE end and compare the data obtained in the field with those listed for the SW end. The results confirmed the hypothesis of the research, and prompted several questions that point to the need for further deepening research on this theme
Ps-graduao em Qumica - IQ
Time series tendencies are an important tool for different sectors such as the scientific community, industries and environmental protection agencies who can evaluate the variability of a specific parameter in time, what is very important piece of information for establishing corrective and preventive actions. This work presents a time series model of main physical, chemical and biological parameters of the Water Quality Index (WQI) determined for different selected points of a hydrographical basin form May/2006 to Aug/2010. The statistical model Arima enabled a better understanding of the physical, chemical and biological processes that most clearly influences WQI. The Arima model allowed the assessment of the trend of several parameters used in the calculation of the WQI, showing that dissolved oxygen, turbidity, total nitrogen, and fecal E. coli were highly correlated and are the parameters that caused the index changes over time.
This study aimed to evaluate a period of 38 years, the use and soil occupation of the Paradise River watershed, inserted in the citys of So Manuel and Areipolis-SP using aerial photographs for the year 1972 and TM image (Thematic Mapper) obtained by the Landsat-5 satellite, in 2010, using geoprocessing techniques. The watershed in question is very important for the city of So Manuel-SP, because its urban area is inserted in its divisors which part of it belongs to the Environmental Protection Area (APA) Perimeter Botucatu-SP, considered a recharge area of the aquifer Guarani. Today, the development of agriculture faces challenges, which is to produce more food without impacting the environment. Allied to this concern, research institutions have sought new technologies that allow the detection and quantification of human actions, enabling interventions in order to minimize possible damage to the environment. Among these technologies can be cited Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which a large volume of data and information stored in a region at different times can be evaluated in the same time, suggesting different approaches to the planning of land use. The results of the mapping of areas of use and soil occupation result nine classes in 1972, and the coffee culture showed the biggest occupation (37.94%) of the total area. The 2010 mapping formulated twelve classes of use, which demonstrated the predominance of sugar cane (37.94%), on the areas occupied by coffee and pasture before. The land use maps of 1972 and 2010 showed results that show intense human activity in the modification of natural landscape.
Ps-graduao em Geografia - IGCE