975 resultados para Propaganda, Italian.
The present thesis aims at proving the importance of cultural and literary contexts in the practice of translation: I shall show that, in the case of Northern Irish crime fiction, knowledge of both Northern Irish history and culture as well as of the genre of crime fiction are essential prerequisites for the production of a “responsible” translation. I will therefore offer a brief overview of the history of crime and detective fiction and its main subgenres; some of the most important authors and works will be presented as well, in an analysis that goes from the early years of the genre to the second half of the 20th century. I will then move the focus to Northern Ireland, its culture and its history, and particular attention will be paid to fiction writing in Ireland and Northern Ireland, with a focus on the peculiar phenomenon of “Troubles Trash”. I will tackle the topic of Northern Irish literature and present the contemporary scene of Northern Irish crime fiction; the volume from which the texts for the translation have been taken will be presented, namely Belfast Noir. Subsequently the focus will move on the theoretical framework within which the translations were produced: I will present a literary review of the most significative developments in Translation Studies, with particular attention to the “cultural turn” that has characterised this subject since the 1960s. I will then highlight the phenomenon of “realia” in translation and analyse the approaches of different scholars to the translation of culture-bound references. The final part represents the culmination and practical application of all that was presented in the previous sections: I will discuss the translation of culture-bound references according to the strategies presented in Chapter 4, referring to the proposed translations of two stories. Such analysis aims to show that not only expert linguistic knowledge, but also cultural awareness and a wide literary background are needed in order to make conscious choices in translation.
This thesis proposes a translation from Persian into Italian and English of an ancient Persian epic called Shahname, or literally “The Book of Kings,” by Ferdosi, first published in the 11th century CE. The translation proposed, however, is not based on the original book by Ferdosi, which is written all in verse, but rather, an edited, shorter, and simplified version written in prose, by Mohamad Hosseini, first published in 2013. Nonetheless, in his version, Hosseini included some of the verses from the original poems in order to show the value and the beauty of Ferdosi’s writing. Many translations of Ferdosi’s book have been made into English, but only one translation has been made into Italian, by one Italo Pizzi, in 8 volumes, all in verse, in 1886. This thesis analyses and discusses the choices made for the two translations presented into English and Italian. My project is not only to propose translations of Hosseini’s version, but to also introduce the reader to the Persian culture, and to the life of the most famous Iranian epic writer, Ferdosi, and his masterpiece, Shahname.
Dal 1949 al 1989 la Germania dovette fare i conti con le conseguenze della 2^ guerra mondiale e della guerra fredda, che portarono alla spaccatura ideologica e geografica del paese. La Repubblica Democratica Tedesca, costruita su modello del socialismo dell’Urss, era guidata dal partito della SED, che esercitò il proprio predominio sociale, politico ed economico sulla popolazione e sull’opinione pubblica, servendosi di mezzi sottili di influenza e di controllo e, non da ultimo, del linguaggio. Il progetto di questa tesi si basa sull’analisi e il sottotitolaggio di un notiziario del telegiornale della Germania Est, Aktuelle Kamera, e di un documentario prodotto dalla DEFA, l’impresa tedesco-orientale addetta alla produzione di film, con l’obiettivo di approfondire lo studio della propaganda degli ultimi anni di vita della RDT, che, grazie al controllo di tutti i mezzi di comunicazione, indottrinava i cittadini a una visione socialista del mondo e giustificava le scelte del governo. Attraverso il filtro cinematografico si possono delineare le caratteristiche della società tedesca orientale, che, pur sotto l’influenza sovietica, presentava una propria identità e cultura. Nel primo capitolo di questo elaborato verrà presentato il quadro storico di riferimento, ripercorrendo le tappe salienti che portarono alla formazione delle due Germanie e l’evoluzione sociale e politica della RDT; nel secondo capitolo ci si concentrerà sul sistema della propaganda creato dal regime con particolare attenzione al ruolo delle istituzioni, dei media e degli intellettuali. Inoltre si farà accenno all’opera di censura, al delicato mondo del consenso/dissenso e al Ministero della Sicurezza di Stato. Infine, nel terzo e ultimo capitolo verranno presentati i due documenti sottotitolati (il notiziario “1. Mai 1989” e il documentario “Berlin – die Hauptstadt der DDR”) e, basandosi su esempi concreti, verranno analizzate le strategie traduttive messe in atto durante la fase di traduzione.
This essay analyzes the story and the culture of Italian American women, in particular how they are treated in the novel "Umbertina" by Helen Barolini. The essay first introduces briefly the causes of the great migration and the conditions of immigrants in the US. Then the focus moves on the analysis of the main themes that belong to the genre of Italian American literature. After having shortly treated the biography of Helen Barolini and a general presentation of her novel Umbertina, the essay goes on with the description of its three Italian American female characters and, in particular, of what it meant to be both immigrants and women, together with all the interior and generational conflicts they had to face in order to accept their new hybrid identity. An analysis of some meaningful metaphorical objects in the novel, such as the tin heart and the bedspread, the metaphor of Persephone and of the threshold conclude the essay. Through the analysis of the story of Umbertina, this essay wants to show how migration can lead to a displacement and the kind of journey people had to undertake in order to overcome the conflicts deriving from their belonging to an in-between culture and to accept their hybrid identity.
An Italian greyhound was presented three times during a two-year period for dental prophylaxis due to periodontal disease. Clinical examination revealed lesions on several teeth. Radiographs revealed extensive resorptive root lesions. On histological examination, the presence of odontoclasts and signs of boney remodeling of the roots confirmed the resorptive nature of the lesions. Given the extent of the lesions, and poor prognosis with conservative treatment alone, teeth affected by the most severe resorption were extracted at each visit using a flap technique combined with alveolar vestibular osteotomy. Dental resorptive lesions are rarely detected in the dog but may be more frequent than previously thought. The routine use of dental radiographs can be used to reveal these lesions in the dog.
This article presents an intermedial analysis of the Italian silent film Cabiria by Giovanni Pastrone within the cultural context of its time. Employing theories developed by Werner Wolf and Irina Rajewsky, the article lays out the intermedial and transmedial relationships of Cabiria with other media, in particular opera, literature, and painting, and illustrates that operatic references are incorporated recognizably during key moments of the film. By contrasting these references with specific cinematic techniques, Pastrone demonstrates that film is able to elicit an operatic sensation and that film is a distinct and valuable form of art.
Plutonium is present in the environment as a consequence of atmospheric nuclear tests, nuclear weapons production and industrial releases over the past 50 years. To study temporal trends, a high resolution Pu record was obtained by analyzing 52 discrete samples of an alpine firn/ice core from Colle Gnifetti (Monte Rosa, 4450 m a.s.l.), dating from 1945 to 1990. The 239Pu signal was recorded directly, without decontamination or preconcentration steps, using an Inductively Coupled Plasma - Sector Field Mass Spectrometer (ICP-SFMS) equipped with an high efficiency sample introduction system, thus requiring much less sample preparation than previously reported methods. The 239Pu profile reflects the three main periods of atmospheric nuclear weapons testing: the earliest peak lasted from 1954/55 to 1958 and was caused by the first testing period reaching a maximum in 1958. Despite a temporary halt of testing in 1959/60, the Pu concentration decreased only by half with respect to the 1958 peak due to long atmospheric residence times. In 1961/62 Pu concentrations rapidly increased reaching a maximum in 1963, which was about 40% more intense than the 1958 peak. After the signing of the "Limited Test Ban Treaty" between USA and USSR in 1964, Pu deposition decreased very sharply reaching a minimum in 1967. The third period (1967-1975) is characterized by irregular Pu concentrations with smaller peaks (about 20-30% of the 1964 peak) which might be related to the deposition of Saharan dust contaminated by the French nuclear tests of the 1960s. The data presented are in very good agreement with Pu profiles previously obtained from the Col du Dome ice core (by multi-collector ICP-MS) and Belukha ice core (by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, AMS). Although a semi-quantitative method was employed here, the results are quantitatively comparable to previously published results.