992 resultados para Programming language semantics
NURBS are widely used parametric approximation curves or surfaces. NURBS can be applied to the many applications. Examples of these applications are some computeraided design applications and some medical applications. Use of NURBS is very intuitive. The objective of this work was to implement the NURBS toolbox in the Matlab environment. Matlab is a program for many kinds of computational purposes. Matlab is also a programming language. NURBS toolbox implemented in this work offers a user an opportunity to use functions of this toolbox as parts of the user’s own programs. Current version of NURBS toolbox includes functions for NURBS curve and surface evaluation. The toolbox is designed such, that it allows extensions and enhancements in the future.
Tässä työssä kehitetään yleiskäyttöinen palvelupyyntömalli, jonka avulla Lahden kaupungin Lahti Fenix –projektin Kuntalaistilijärjestelmän palveluväylän kautta voidaan kutsua järjestelmän tietokantatasoa tai muita palveluväylän avulla integroituja järjestelmiä. Työn tavoitteena oli suoraviivaistaa järjestelmäintegraatioihin liittyvien palveluiden kehittämistä suunnittelemalla sellainen palvelupyyntömuodostin, joka ei sisällä staattisia viittauksia jossakin tietyssä palvelussa käytettäviin luokkiin tai muihin ominaisuuksiin. Työssä hyödynnettiin Java-kielen kehittyneitä ominaisuuksia; reflektiivistä ohjelmointia, geneeristä ohjelmointia ja Java-virtuaalikoneen metodipinon lukemista. Tavoitteen saavuttamista mitattiin käyttäen avuksi McCaben syklomaattista kompleksisuutta ja metodeissa käytettyä rivimäärää. Työ aloitettiin joulukuussa 2008 ja saatiin valmiiksi helmikuussa 2009. Työn tuloksena syntyi toimiva, syklomaattiselta kompleksisuudeltaan matala ja helppokäyttöinen palvelukutsumuodostin.
Software integration is a stage in a software development process to assemble separate components to produce a single product. It is important to manage the risks involved and being able to integrate smoothly, because software cannot be released without integrating it first. Furthermore, it has been shown that the integration and testing phase can make up 40 % of the overall project costs. These issues can be mitigated by using a software engineering practice called continuous integration. This thesis work presents how continuous integration is introduced to the author's employer organisation. This includes studying how the continuous integration process works and creating the technical basis to start using the process on future projects. The implemented system supports software written in C and C++ programming languages on Linux platform, but the general concepts can be applied to any programming language and platform by selecting the appropriate tools. The results demonstrate in detail what issues need to be solved when the process is acquired in a corporate environment. Additionally, they provide an implementation and process description suitable to the organisation. The results show that continuous integration can reduce the risks involved in a software process and increase the quality of the product as well.
Matkustajainformaatio junassa koostuu vaunujen ulkopuolisilla kylkinäytöillä esitettävistä junan lähtö-, väli- ja määräasematiedoista yhdessä junan ja vaunujen myyntinumeroiden kanssa sekä vaunujen sisäpuolella automaattisista kuulutuksista ja matkustamon näytöillä esitettävästä staattisesta ja vaihtuvasta informaatiosta. Työssä toteutetaan matkustajainformaatiojärjestelmä käytettäväksi matkustajunissa. Järjestelmään syötetään ennen matkan alkua junan tiedot, jonka jälkeen se toimii automaattisesti ilman tarvetta junahenkilökunnan toimenpiteille. Poikkeustilanteissa junahenkilökunta voi estää järjestelmän toiminnan tai valita esiohjelmointuja erikoiskuulutuksia. Toteuttamismenetelmäksi valittiin C-ohjelmointikieli Linux-käyttöjärjestelmällä varustetulla sulautetulla rautatiekäyttöön suunnitellulla laitealustalla.
Web application performance testing is an emerging and important field of software engineering. As web applications become more commonplace and complex, the need for performance testing will only increase. This paper discusses common concepts, practices and tools that lie at the heart of web application performance testing. A pragmatic, hands-on approach is assumed where applicable; real-life examples of test tooling, execution and analysis are presented right next to the underpinning theory. At the client-side, web application performance is primarily driven by the amount of data transmitted over the wire. At the server-side, selection of programming language and platform, implementation complexity and configuration are the primary contributors to web application performance. Web application performance testing is an activity that requires delicate coordination between project stakeholders, developers, system administrators and testers in order to produce reliable and useful results. Proper test definition, execution, reporting and repeatable test results are of utmost importance. Open-source performance analysis tools such as Apache JMeter, Firebug and YSlow can be used to realise effective web application performance tests. A sample case study using these tools is presented in this paper. The sample application was found to perform poorly even under the moderate load incurred by the sample tests.
This study proposes an activity to introduce scientific programming. In particular, the multidisciplinary concepts of scientific programming, quantum mechanics, and spectroscopy are presented in the study of the electronic spectrum of the I2 molecule. We use Python programming language and the IPython command shell, in particular, for their user friendliness and versatility.
In this thesis, a computer software for defining the geometry for a centrifugal compressor impeller is designed and implemented. The project is done under the supervision of Laboratory of Fluid Dynamics in Lappeenranta University of Technology. This thesis is similar to the thesis written by Tomi Putus (2009) in which a centrifugal compressor impeller flow channel is researched and commonly used design practices are reviewed. Putus wrote a computer software which can be used to define impeller’s three-dimensional geometry based on the basic geometrical dimensions given by a preliminary design. The software designed in this thesis is almost similar but it uses a different programming language (C++) and a different way to define the shape of the impeller meridional projection.
The use of domain-specific languages (DSLs) has been proposed as an approach to cost-e ectively develop families of software systems in a restricted application domain. Domain-specific languages in combination with the accumulated knowledge and experience of previous implementations, can in turn be used to generate new applications with unique sets of requirements. For this reason, DSLs are considered to be an important approach for software reuse. However, the toolset supporting a particular domain-specific language is also domain-specific and is per definition not reusable. Therefore, creating and maintaining a DSL requires additional resources that could be even larger than the savings associated with using them. As a solution, di erent tool frameworks have been proposed to simplify and reduce the cost of developments of DSLs. Developers of tool support for DSLs need to instantiate, customize or configure the framework for a particular DSL. There are di erent approaches for this. An approach is to use an application programming interface (API) and to extend the basic framework using an imperative programming language. An example of a tools which is based on this approach is Eclipse GEF. Another approach is to configure the framework using declarative languages that are independent of the underlying framework implementation. We believe this second approach can bring important benefits as this brings focus to specifying what should the tool be like instead of writing a program specifying how the tool achieves this functionality. In this thesis we explore this second approach. We use graph transformation as the basic approach to customize a domain-specific modeling (DSM) tool framework. The contributions of this thesis includes a comparison of di erent approaches for defining, representing and interchanging software modeling languages and models and a tool architecture for an open domain-specific modeling framework that e ciently integrates several model transformation components and visual editors. We also present several specific algorithms and tool components for DSM framework. These include an approach for graph query based on region operators and the star operator and an approach for reconciling models and diagrams after executing model transformation programs. We exemplify our approach with two case studies MICAS and EFCO. In these studies we show how our experimental modeling tool framework has been used to define tool environments for domain-specific languages.
Työssä suunnitellaan kierrosnopeusmittauksen toteutus vanhaan Ford -teollisuusdieseliin käyttäen moottorin alkuperäistä kierrosnopeusanturia. Anturi kunnostetaan vaihtamalla vanha, palanut käämi uuteen digitaaliseen järjestelmään soveltuvaan käämiin. Sen toimin-ta halutulla kierrosnopeusalueella varmistetaan mittauksin ja tämän perusteella suunnitel-laan kytkentä sen liittämiseksi kierrosnopeuden laskevaan mikrokontrolleriin. Kytkennän toimivuutta testataan simuloimalla ennen prototyypin rakentamista. Erilaisia vaihtoehtoja analogisen näytön toteuttamiseksi tutkitaan ja niistä valitaan yksi ve-nekäyttöön soveltuva, joka toteutetaan järjestelmän näyttöratkaisuksi. Järjestelmälle suunnitellaan piirilevy, jolle prototyyppi kasataan. Mikrokontrollerille koodataan C -ohjelmointikielellä ohjelma, joka laskee dieselmoottorin kierrosnopeuden anturipulssien perusteella ja ohjaa näyttöä.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää opintojensa alussa olevien yliopisto-opiskelijoiden vaikeimpina pitämät käytännön ohjelmoinnin aihealueet sekä koostaa luentomoniste käytettäväksi seuraavalla alkavalla Käytännön ohjelmointi -kurssilla. Tutkimusmetodina käytettiin konstruktiivista tutkimusmetodia, jossa tavoitteen spesifioinnin jälkeen implementoitiin luentomoniste koostamalla määriteltyjen aihekokonaisuuksien lähdemateriaalia yhtenäiseksi, luettavaksi kokonaisuudeksi. Yliopistoissa ei yleisesti opeteta ohjelmistojen testausta ennen syventäviä ohjelmistotekniikan kursseja, mikä on kuitenkin puute työelämän kannalta. Tässä työssä esitetään perusteluja käytännönläheisten aihekokonaisuuksien painottamiselle ohjelmointikursseilla jo yliopisto-opintojen alkuvaiheessa. Työssä käsitellään Käytännön ohjelmointi -kurssin kurssipalautetta, missä havaittiin opiskelijoiden pitävän kurssin hankalimpina aihealueina linkitettyä listaa, osoittimia, dynaamista muistinhallintaa, tietorakenteita ja versionhallintaa. Työn avulla on pyritty kehittämään käytännön ohjelmoinnin yliopisto-opetusta Lappeenrannan teknillisessä yliopistossa luentomateriaalin avulla, jossa on muun muassa teoriaa, keskeisiä opiskelijoiden tarvitsemia komentoja, www-linkkejä sekä ohjelmoinnin tyyliopas.
Warning system based on theoretical-experimental study of dispersion of soluble pollutants in rivers
Information about capacity of transport and dispersion of soluble pollutants in natural streams are important in the management of water resources, especially in planning preventive measures to minimize the problems caused by accidental or intentional waste, in public health and economic activities that depend on the use of water. Considering this importance, this study aimed to develop a warning system for rivers, based on experimental techniques using tracers and analytical equations of one-dimensional transport of soluble pollutants conservative, to subsidizing the decision-making in the management of water resources. The system was development in JAVA programming language and MySQL database can predict the travel time of pollutants clouds from a point of eviction and graphically displays the temporal distribution of concentrations of passage clouds, in a particular location, downstream from the point of its launch.
It is presented a software developed with Delphi programming language to compute the reservoir's annual regulated active storage, based on the sequent-peak algorithm. Mathematical models used for that purpose generally require extended hydrological series. Usually, the analysis of those series is performed with spreadsheets or graphical representations. Based on that, it was developed a software for calculation of reservoir active capacity. An example calculation is shown by 30-years (from 1977 to 2009) monthly mean flow historical data, from Corrente River, located at São Francisco River Basin, Brazil. As an additional tool, an interface was developed to manage water resources, helping to manipulate data and to point out information that it would be of interest to the user. Moreover, with that interface irrigation districts where water consumption is higher can be analyzed as a function of specific seasonal water demands situations. From a practical application, it is possible to conclude that the program provides the calculation originally proposed. It was designed to keep information organized and retrievable at any time, and to show simulation on seasonal water demands throughout the year, contributing with the elements of study concerning reservoir projects. This program, with its functionality, is an important tool for decision making in the water resources management.
Sugarcane has a significant role on Brazilian agribusiness economy. The harvesting cane is considered as one of the most important operations of the process for it has to attend the raw material demanded by the sugar mill in quality and a competitive cost. The objective of this work it is it of analyzing, of systemic way, the variables influence on economical and operational performance in sugarcane mechanized harvesting process for sizing of machines. For this purpose a model called "ColheCana", was developed in a spreadsheet and in a programming language. The results showed that the field efficiency and harvester´s initial value are variables of great impact in the cost and that there is a maximum area that one equipment can attend and for this area the cost is minimum.
Katselmoinnit ja tarkastusmenettelyt ovat osa ohjelmistotuotantoprosessin laadunvarmistusta. Staattisella tarkastamisella tarkoitetaan ohjelmistotuotteen visuaalista tarkastamista ohjelmistovirheiden havaitsemiseksi ja korjaamiseksi. Ohjelmiston lähdekoodin tarkastaminen voidaan suorittaa automaattisesti tarkoitukseen sopivalla ohjelmistolla l. analyysityökalulla. Tässä työssä toteutettiin analyysityökalu C#-kielisten lähdekoodien tarkastamiseen. Työkalulla suoritetussa kenttätestauksessa havaittiin tarkastettavissa ohjelmistoissa ohjelmiston ylläpitoon vaikuttavia puutteita. Lisäksi työssä tarkasteltiin katselmointeja osana ohjelmistotuotantoprosessin laadunvarmistusta sekä erilaisia ohjelmistovirheitä ja niiden lähteitä.
Pumping systems account for over 20 % of all electricity consumption in European industry. Optimization and correct design of such systems is important and there is a reasonable amount of unrealized energy saving potential in old pumping systems. The energy efficiency and therefore also the energy consumption of a pumping system heavily depends on the correct dimensioning and selection of devices. In this work, a graphical optimization tool for pumping systems is developed in Matlab programming language. The tool selects optimal pump, electrical motor and frequency converter for existing pumping process and calculates the life cycle costs of the whole system. The tool could be used as an aid when choosing the machinery and to analyze the energy consumption of existing systems. Results given by the tool are compared to the results of laboratory tests. The selection of pump and motor works reasonably well, but the frequency converter selection still needs development