514 resultados para Precarious


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This paper aims to present a study about the importance of Education as a public policy for the integral development of children and adolescents in street situation. As theoretical foundation, the authors used constructs from the National Policy of Special Education in the perspective of Inclusive Education, the Statute of the Child and Adolescent emphasizing the importance of family and social networks as a way to protect children and adolescents who left school and live under the precarious situation of street. In this sense, the National Policy of Special Education in the perspective of Inclusive Education has just pointed to the issues that pass by the inclusion of these children and adolescents to put them back to school. To do this, it is necessary to implement policies designed to the care of children and adolescents victimized by the living on the streets.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Urban Solid Residues are the rests of human activity, popularly known by trash and considered by population like useless, undesirable and disposable. On the other hand, for the waste pickers, solid residues are the beginning of a cycle: they see in the other's people trash the only income, an economic value. Currently, in brazilian cities, one million collectors act, alone or in cooperatives, socially excluded by the work they do. The National Policy of Solid Residues (PNRS), instituted in 2010, established guidelines to the execution of integrated residues management, with should be practiced by city halls and other governmental institutions. This policy has, besides other things, goals of residues reduction and inclusion of waste pickers in the mechanism of selective collect and recycling. However, this and other public policies created for residue management are benefic only for cooperated waste pickers. That could negatively affect most of this class, since 90% are waste pickers working in a precarious way on the country's streets. This study has for objective show that most of waste pickers that work in a precarious way on the brazilian territory has a huge potential for the solid residues recycling chain and how they should be valued for the environmental services they provide, so they can be included with dignity on the society, ensuring economic and social benefits for this workers. The methodology adopted was based on the amount of residue collected by the 44 cooperated members of the Rio Claro‟s waste pickers cooperative to estimate the potential of collect and recycling did by 210 autonomous waste pickers who are active on city streets. It was observed that the cooperative collects the equivalent of 10.2% of all recyclable residues generated by city population. However, with the potential that these autonomous waste pickers have, which together could contribute 465 tonnes of solid residues per month, or 5,570 tons a year...


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The Urban Solid Residues are the rests of human activity, popularly known by trash and considered by population like useless, undesirable and disposable. On the other hand, for the waste pickers, solid residues are the beginning of a cycle: they see in the other's people trash the only income, an economic value. Currently, in brazilian cities, one million collectors act, alone or in cooperatives, socially excluded by the work they do. The National Policy of Solid Residues (PNRS), instituted in 2010, established guidelines to the execution of integrated residues management, with should be practiced by city halls and other governmental institutions. This policy has, besides other things, goals of residues reduction and inclusion of waste pickers in the mechanism of selective collect and recycling. However, this and other public policies created for residue management are benefic only for cooperated waste pickers. That could negatively affect most of this class, since 90% are waste pickers working in a precarious way on the country's streets. This study has for objective show that most of waste pickers that work in a precarious way on the brazilian territory has a huge potential for the solid residues recycling chain and how they should be valued for the environmental services they provide, so they can be included with dignity on the society, ensuring economic and social benefits for this workers. The methodology adopted was based on the amount of residue collected by the 44 cooperated members of the Rio Claro‟s waste pickers cooperative to estimate the potential of collect and recycling did by 210 autonomous waste pickers who are active on city streets. It was observed that the cooperative collects the equivalent of 10.2% of all recyclable residues generated by city population. However, with the potential that these autonomous waste pickers have, which together could contribute 465 tonnes of solid residues per month, or 5,570 tons a year...


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The purposes of the study were to get to know conceptions on tuberculosis and health needs and to describe the care provided to people with tuberculosis, according to health professionals' perspective. Qualitative study developed at family health units in Capao Redondo, Sao Paulo. The data were collected through open interviews in January 2010 and submitted to discourse analysis, resulting in three categories: meanings attributed to tuberculosis and health needs and care characteristics. The conceptions regarding the disease are supported by the multi-causal theory of the health-disease process. The care is characterized by interventions that go beyond the biological dimension. The precarious living conditions define the needs of most people with tuberculosis, and can be more important to the ill than the very diagnosis of the disease, influencing treatment adherence, and should gain relevance in care.


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Overpopulation of urban areas results from constant migrations that cause disordered urban growth, constituting clusters defined as sets of people or activities concentrated in relatively small physical spaces that often involve precarious conditions. Aim. Using residential grouping, the aim was to identify possible clusters of individuals in São José do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil, who have or have had leprosy. Methods. A population-based, descriptive, ecological study using the MapInfo and CrimeStat techniques, geoprocessing, and space-time analysis evaluated the location of 425 people treated for leprosy between 1998 and 2010. Clusters were defined as concentrations of at least 8 people with leprosy; a distance of up to 300 meters between residences was adopted. Additionally, the year of starting treatment and the clinical forms of the disease were analyzed. Results. Ninety-eight (23.1%) of 425 geocoded cases were located within one of ten clusters identified in this study, and 129 cases (30.3%) were in the region of a second-order cluster, an area considered of high risk for the disease. Conclusion.This study identified ten clusters of leprosy cases in the city and identified an area of high risk for the appearance of new cases of the disease.


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This dissertation uses the concept of “precariousness” to analyze women’s labour conditions in Italian industry over the Fifties and Sixties, when the agricultural basis of the Italian economy was replaced by an industrial one. The present research studies the way in which female work has been employed on different and nearly always inferior terms to male work, whether quantitatively or qualitatively. In most cases wages have been lower, periods of qualification and dequalification more unfavourable, and contract terms generally less secure than for male workers. The combination of these aspects of women work conditions has resulted in what will be called job precariousness. Job precariousness is adopted as a paradigm for an in-depth analysis of women’s working conditions. Women (like immigrants) have always experienced considerably worse working conditions than men throughout the capitalist industrial age. Even in the “Golden Age” of the 20th century (1945-1975), considered by most sociologists and economists “the era of job stability”, women’s working conditions were worse than men’s and can be defined precarious. Women in Bolognese industry are not an exception. The dissertation will show how many women’s jobs in industry were the opposite of stable and therefore can be called precarious in the period of 1950s and 1960s, when the Italian economy experienced the most intense economic and industrial growth of the 20th century. The comparison between female and male work conditions will address several aspects related to job precariousness: duration and continuity of work, salary variability, forms of discrimination and the relation between contract and social rights. In addition, attention will be paid to the forms of contract, gender-specific forms of discrimination and material working conditions of women.


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L’elaborato, dopo una ricostruzione della disciplina normativa presente in materia di contratto a tempo determinato in Italia e nei principali ordinamenti europei (Spagna, Francia ed Inghilterra), affronta i più rilevanti nodi problematici dell’istituto, in riferimento al settore privato e pubblico, mettendo in luce le principali querelle dottrinali e giurisprudenziali. Particolare attenzione è dedicata alle questioni insorte a seguito delle ultime modifiche normative di cui al c.d. Collegato lavoro (legge n. 183/2010), sino al decisivo intervento della Corte Costituzionale, con pronuncia n. 303 del 9 novembre 2011, che ha dichiarato legittima la disposizione introduttiva dell’indennità risarcitoria forfetizzata, aggiuntiva rispetto alla conversione del contratto. Tutte le problematiche trattate hanno evidenziato le difficoltà per le Corti Superiori, così come per i giudici comunitari e nazionali, di trovare una linea univoca e condivisa nella risoluzione delle controversie presenti in materia. L’elaborato si chiude con alcune riflessioni sui temi della flessibilità e precarietà nel mondo del lavoro, attraverso una valutazione quantitativa e qualitativa dell’istituto, nell’intento di fornire una risposta ad alcuni interrogativi: la flessibilità è necessariamente precarietà o può essere letta quale forma speciale di occupazione? Quali sono i possibili antidoti alla precarietà? In conclusione, è emerso come la flessibilità possa rappresentare un problema per le imprese e per i lavoratori soltanto nel lungo periodo. La soluzione è stata individuata nell’opportunità di investire sulla formazione. Si è così ipotizzata una nuova «flessibilità socialmente ed economicamente sostenibile», da realizzarsi tramite l’ausilio delle Regioni e, quindi, dei contributi del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale: al lavoratore, in tal modo, potrà essere garantita la continuità con il lavoro tramite percorsi formativi mirati e, d’altro canto, il datore di lavoro non dovrà farsi carico dei costi per la formazione dei dipendenti a tempo determinato.


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At the time of writing, all three elements that are evoked in the title – emancipation and social inclusion of sexual minorities, labour and labour activism, and the idea and substance of “Europe” – are being invested by deep, long-term, and – to varied degrees – radical processes of social transformation. The meaning of words like “equality”, “rights”, “inclusion”, and even “democracy” is as precarious and uncertain as are the lives of those European citizens who are marginalised by intersecting conditions of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and class – in a constellation of precarities that is both unifying and fragmented (fragmenting). Conflicts are played, in hidden or explicit ways, over material processes of redistribution as well as discursive practices that revolve around these words. Against this backdrop, and roughly ten years after the European Union provided an input for institutional commitment to the protection of LGBT* workers' rights with the Council Directive 2000/78/EC, the dissertation contrasts discourses on workplace equality for LGBT* persons produced by a plurality of actors, seeking to identify values, semantics, and agendas framing and informing organisations’ views and showing how each actor has incorporated LGBT* rights into its own discourse, each time in a way that is functional to the construction and/or confirmation of its organisational identity: transnational union networks, by presenting LGBT* rights as a natural, neutral commitment within the framework of universal human rights protection; left-wing organisations, by collocating activism for LGBT* rights within a wider project of social emancipation that is for all the marginalised, yet is not neutral, but attached to specific values and opposed to specific political adversaries (the right-wing, the nationalists); business networks, by acknowledging diversity as a path to better performance and profits, thus encouraging inclusion and non-discrimination of “deserving” LGBT* workers.


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La tesi descrive e analizza la geografia delle moschee in Italia, un tema di grande attualità, in particolare per quanto riguardo il quadro degli studi geografici. La tesi ripercorre quello che è stato il processo di insediamento delle moschee in Italia, attraverso lo studio di casi esemplari, e analizza l’impatto che tale presenza ha esercitato sul territorio italiano, ed in particolare nel contesto urbano di Milano. Questo lavoro, infatti, permette di osservare il “processo di visibilizzazione” che una religione, assente fino a pochi decenni fa dal paesaggio italiano, imprime sul territorio, attraverso i luoghi di culto, le moschee. Il cuore di questo lavoro riflette sulla dimensione della “costruzione dello spazio” evidenziata dalla realizzazione di moschee. Infatti, i frequenti conflitti che accompagnano la proposta o la realizzazione di moschee dimostrano che non tutti hanno ugualmente “diritto alla città”, a un “posto” nello spazio. Le moschee non rappresentano solamente il simbolo della presenza di musulmani nello spazio europeo. Attraverso di esse è possibile leggere la posizione dei musulmani nella società italiana. Le sale di preghiera sorte inizialmente nelle città italiane, e in questo caso a Milano, in luoghi residuali e precari (cantine, garage, etc.) rappresentano una prima fase dell’insediamento dei musulmani nello spazio urbano. Un insediamento poco visibile e poco organizzato visto dalle istituzioni e dalla società senza grandi reazioni negative. I conflitti si innescano invece nel passaggio al tempo del riconoscimento, dell’istituzionalizzazione, in cui una presenza che si pensava temporanea o accidentale si fa stabile, organizzata, visibile e centrale. La realizzazione di moschee rappresenterebbe il passaggio da un’epoca di insediamento spontaneo di una minoranza religiosa arrivata recentemente al momento dell’istituzionalizzazione, dell’attribuzione di un “posto” riconosciuto e legittimo. Dunque, il passaggio dal tempo dell’ospitalità al “tempo del diritto alla città” e del riconoscimento.