586 resultados para Power transformers, partial discharges, UHF, detectors, antennas, design methodology
El interés de este análisis diagnóstico es examinar, dentro de la nueva ruralidad, los niveles de calidad de vida en un tipo particular de asentamiento denominado ecoaldea. Para ello se realiza una inmersión en campo por medio de la construcción de una bitácora –etnografía-, para luego describir y analizar como se satisfacen las necesidades humanas en la ecoaldea Aldeafeliz (2006-2013) a la luz del Paradigma del Desarrollo a Escala Humana y el concepto mismo de ecoaldea, entregando a la comunidad los resultados del análisis y una metodología diseñada para la priorización de las necesidades y co-creación de sus respectivas soluciones, además de una propuesta de mejoramiento del asentamiento. Abstrayendo igualmente las lecciones replicables de esta ecoaldea en el desarrollo rural.
La present tesi proposa una metodologia de disseny conceptual d'estacions depuradores d'aigües residuals (EDAR) mitjançant la combinació del procés de decisió jeràrquic i l'anàlisi de decisions multicriteri. El document s'inicia amb una breu introducció als principals camps abordats pel treball: el disseny dels processos químics en general, el disseny de les estacions depuradores d'aigües residuals en particular, i l'anàlisi de decisions multicriteri aplicada a la gestió ambiental. Seguidament, es fixen els objectius del treball i es descriuen tant la metodologia com el material de suport informàtic utilitzats. Per validar i contrastar la metodologia de disseny presentada, es desenvolupa un cas d'estudi on es porta a terme el disseny conceptual d'una EDAR que presenta els mateixos requeriments que l'EDAR que opera actualment al municipi de Granollers. Inicialment es presenta la informació de partida i tot seguit es defineixen els objectius de disseny, així com el conjunt de criteris que s'utilitzaran per avaluar en quina mesura es compleixen aquests objectius. Els objectius de disseny són de diferents tipus: ambientals, tècnics, socials i econòmics, i el conjunt de criteris utilitzats, concretament 33, també es classifica segons aquestes quatre categories. Cadascun dels criteris presenta un determinat pes d'importància relativa en la presa de decisions. Finalment, es desenvolupa tot el procés de decisió fins a obtenir el disseny complet de l'EDAR. El procés de decisió s'ha dividit en dues parts diferenciades però que alhora s'entrellacen: la línia d'aigua i la línia de fang. El procés de decisió presenta un total de divuit qüestions amb un màxim de quatre alternatives per pregunta (dotze qüestions corresponen a la línia d'aigua, i sis a la línia de fangs). Per solucionar cadascuna d'aquestes qüestions, s'avaluen les alternatives proposades respecte a un conjunt de criteris triats de la llista inicial. Aplicant el procés de decisió multicriteri anomenat SMART (simple multiattribute rating technique), es combinen els resultats de les alternatives respecte a cada criteri, tenint en compte la importància de cada criteri per obtenir un sol valor per alternativa. Per quantificar els criteris referents a l'operació del procés i les de tipus econòmic s'han utilitzat els programes GPS-X i CapdetWorks respectivament. Pel que fa als criteris no quantificats mitjançant aquests programes, s'han resolt de manera qualitativa i mitjançant manuals de disseny i també tenint en compte l'opinió d'experts en aquest camp. L'alternativa que obté un pes més elevat és la recomanada per al procés de decisió. El cas d'estudi finalitza un cop s'obté el disseny complet de l'EDAR. Per integrar tots aquests elements que hem esmentat i donar suport al desenvolupament del procés de decisió s'ha utilitzat el programa DRAMA (Design Rationale Management). A continuació, es fa una anàlisi comparativa entre l'EDAR que hi ha actualment al municipi de Granollers i l'EDAR resultat del cas d'estudi. Es descriu el diagrama de flux que conforma l'EDAR de Granollers i el diagrama de flux de l'EDAR resultat de l'estudi, se'n fa una anàlisi comparativa justificant cadascuna de les decisions preses en el cas d'estudi i, finalment, es fa una discussió de resultats on es reflecteixen els avantatges associats d'aplicar la metodologia de disseny conceptual proposada. Finalment, es presenten les conclusions de la tesi. Els principals resultats de la tesi es van publicar el 2002 a la revista internacional Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research (N. Vidal, R. Bañares-Alcántara, I. Rodríguez-Roda i M. Poch: "Design of wastewater treatment plants using a conceptual design methodology", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 41 (20), pàg. 4993-5005) i la continuació de la línia de recerca al Laboratori d'Enginyeria Química i Ambiental de la UdG ha comportat la presentació del treball de recerca de Xavi Flores "Procés de decisió jeràrquic combinat amb anàlisi multicriteri per al suport al disseny conceptual de sistemes de fangs actius d'una estació depuradora d'aigües residuals" i la presentació dels resultats parcials al congrés internacional de la 9th IWA Conference on Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment, que va tenir lloc el setembre passat a Praga ("Combining hierarchical decision process with multi-criteria analysis for conceptual design of WWTP", X. Flores, N. Vidal, A. Bonmatí, J. B. Copp i I. Rodríguez-Roda).
Numa escola que se encontra em transformação no sentido de se adaptar aos contextos sociais, culturais e políticos que a rodeiam, cabe aos professores serem agentes ativos na definição do caminho a percorrer, visando o aumento da qualidade educativa a proporcionar aos nossos jovens. O questionamento inerente à reflexão sobre o percurso profissional levou à identificação da situação problema e à formulação daquela que é a questão de partida deste trabalho: Como pode a supervisão pedagógica promover a troca de experiências e o trabalho colaborativo entre os docentes de Matemática e de Ciências Físico Químicas? Para dar resposta a esta questão, elaborámos o enquadramento teórico, orientado pelas palavras-chave e com recurso a autores de referência, no qual pretendemos salientar as principais investigações que conferem suporte às temáticas subjacentes: Cultura profissional docente, Supervisão pedagógica, Gestão curricular. Como o objetivo geral do trabalho de projeto é conceber um projeto de supervisão pedagógica que promova a troca de experiências e o trabalho colaborativo entre os professores de Matemática e de Ciências Físico Químicas, a terceira parte foi estruturada com base nos princípios subjacentes à metodologia de projeto. Recolhemos opiniões através de Inquéritos por Questionário, aplicados a todos os professores dos grupos disciplinares de Matemática e de Ciências Físico-Químicas. A análise dos questionários permitiu constatar que o que é prescrito na literatura especializada não parece ser posto em prática, verificando-se incongruências entre o que deve ser feito e o que é levado a cabo na prática, o que nos leva a salientar a necessidade de formação em supervisão e mais concretamente em trabalho colaborativo. É pois tendo por base o que aqui é referido que se propõe, como plano de intervenção, a realização de uma oficina de formação que, em primeiro lugar, seria destinada aos docentes de Matemática e de Ciências Físico Químicas, devendo posteriormente ser alargada a outros grupos disciplinares e a todos os departamentos.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to focus on the intellectual property (IP) aspects of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions. Design/methodology/approach – A holistic approach is proposed that embraces IP as an integral part of the M&A process in the form of a roadmap for the strategic and purposeful management of IP assets in M&A deals. Findings – Addressing IP issues in transactions in isolation can lead to undesirable consequences (e.g. considerable costs for unplanned purchases of rights). IP due diligence and IP integration project processes can be automated using collaborative software solutions. Thereby, risk can be reduced through the creation of a high level of transparency and predefined responsibilities. Practical implications – Although the proposed IP management framework is based on intellectual property matters relevant to German jurisdiction, conclusions derived and the proposed roadmap are transferable to other jurisdictions and hence have a broader relevance. Evidence for this is provided by the successful application of the roadmap in the context of the multinational transaction stated above. Originality/value – This paper is based on the authors' collective experience, insight and reflected observation of M&A practice gained in advisory M&A roles in management consultancies over a period of more than a decade. The paper summarizes the authors' reflections and observations and brings these into the context of the current management literature. Moreover, this paper builds on earlier published research.
The paper presents a design for a hardware genetic algorithm which uses a pipeline of systolic arrays. These arrays have been designed using systolic synthesis techniques which involve expressing the algorithm as a set of uniform recurrence relations. The final design divorces the fitness function evaluation from the hardware and can process chromosomes of different lengths, giving the design a generic quality. The paper demonstrates the design methodology by progressively re-writing a simple genetic algorithm, expressed in C code, into a form from which systolic structures can be deduced. This paper extends previous work by introducing a simplification to a previous systolic design for the genetic algorithm. The simplification results in the removal of 2N 2 + 4N cells and reduces the time complexity by 3N + 1 cycles.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate gym and non-gym users' use and understanding of nutrition labels. Design/methodology/approach – A consumer survey in the form of a questionnaire conducted in the Greater London area in February/March 2005. Subject recruitment process took place in both a gym and university setting. Frequency tables and ?2-test are used to assess relationships between variables (p=0.05). Findings – The resulting sample consisted of 187 subjects, with predominance of females and gym users. Of the subjects, 88 per cent reported to at least occasionally read nutrition labels, with higher reading rates amongst women, irrespective of gym user status. Total and saturated fats are the most often information viewed on labels, however the overall knowledge of the calorie content of fat is low, with 53 per cent of subjects responding saturated fat contains more calories per gram when compared with other types of fats. This paper does not find significant differences in the use and understanding of nutrition labels between gym and non-gym users, but highlights the publics' continued lack of understanding of nutrition labels. Originality/value – This paper is unique as it investigates whether there is any difference between gym/non-gym users' use and interpretation of use of nutrition labels. It finds gender impacted more on nutritional labels knowledge than gym user's status. This points to a gender issue and questions the quality of information available to the general public. This paper is valuable as it highlights and identifies an area that requires further research and assessment, and is therefore useful to key stakeholders responsible for public health nutrition.
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to offer an exploratory case study comparing one Brazilian beef processor's relationships supplying two different distribution channels, an EU importer and an EU retail chain operating in Brazil. Design/methodology/approach - The paper begins with a short review of global value chains and the recent literature on trust. It gives the background to the Brazilian beef chain and presents data obtained through in-depth interviews, annual reports and direct observation with the Brazilian beef processor, the EU importer and the retailer. The interviews were conducted with individual firms, but the analysis places them in a chain context, identifying the links and relationships between the agents of the chains and aiming to describe each distribution channel. Findings - Executive chain governance exercised by the domestic retailer stimulates technical upgrading and transferring of best practices to local. suppliers. Consequently, this kind of relationship results in more trust within the global value chain. Practical implications - There are difficulties and challenges facing this Brazilian beef processor that are party related to the need to comply with increasingly complex and demanding food safety and food quality standards. There is still a gap between practices adopted for the export market and practices adopted locally. The strategies of transnational retailers in offering differentiated beef should be taken in account. Originality/value - The research outlines an interdisciplinary framework able to explain chain relationships and the kind of trust that emerges in relationships between EU importer/retail and a developing country supplier.
Purpose – The main aim of this paper is to present the results of a study examining managers' attitudes towards the deployment and use of information and communications technology (ICT) in their organisations. The study comes at a time when ICT is being recognised as a major enabler of innovation and new business models, which have the potential to have major impact on western economies and jobs. Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire was specially designed to collect data relating to three research questions. The questionnaire also included a number of open-ended questions. A total of 181 managers from a wide range of industries across a number of countries participated in the electronic survey. The quantitative responses to the survey were analysed using SPSS. Exploratory factor analysis using Varimax rotation was used and ANOVA to compare responses by different groups. Findings – The survey showed that many of the respondents appeared equipped to work “any place, any time”. However, it also highlighted the challenges managers face in working in a connected operation. Also, the data suggested that many managers were less than confident about their companies' policies and practices in relation to information management. Originality/value – A next step from this exploratory research could be the development of a model exploring the impact of ICT on management and organisational performance in terms of personal characteristics of the manager, the role performed, the context and the ICT provision. Also, further research could focus on examining in more detail differences between management levels.
Purpose – This paper seeks to examine the nature of “service innovation” in the facilities management (FM) context. It reviews recent thinking on “service innovation” as distinct from “product innovation”. Applying these contemporary perspectives it describes UK case studies of 11 innovations in different FM organisations. These include both in-house client-based innovations and third-party innovations. Design/methodology/approach – The study described in the paper encompasses 11 different innovations that constitute a mix of process, product and practice innovations. All of the innovations stem from UK-based organisations that were subject to in-depth interviews regarding the identification, screening, commitment of resources and implementation of the selected innovations. Findings – The research suggested that service innovation is highly active in the UK FM sector. However, the process of innovation rarely followed a common formalized path. Generally, the innovations were one-shot commitments at the early stage. None of the innovations studied failed to proceed to full adoption stage. This was either due to the reluctance of participating organisations to volunteer “tested but unsuccessful” innovations or the absence of any trial methods that might have exposed an innovations shortcomings. Research limitations/implications – The selection of innovations was restricted to the UK context. Moreover, the choice of innovations was partly determined by the innovating organisation. This selection process appeared to emphasise “one-shot” high profile technological innovations, typically associated with software. This may have been at the expense of less resource intensive, bottom-up innovations. Practical implications – This paper suggests that there is a role for “research and innovation” teams within larger FM organisations, whether they are client-based or third-party. Central to this philosophy is an approach that is open to the possibility of failure. The innovations studied were risk averse with a firm commitment to proceed at the early stage. Originality/value – This paper introduces new thinking on the subject of “service innovation” to the context of FM. It presents research and development as a planned solution to innovation. This approach will enable service organisations to fully test and exploit service innovations.
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to provide a quantitative multicriteria decision-making approach to knowledge management in construction entrepreneurship education by means of an analytic knowledge network process (KANP) Design/methodology/approach- The KANP approach in the study integrates a standard industrial classification with the analytic network process (ANP). For the construction entrepreneurship education, a decision-making model named KANP.CEEM is built to apply the KANP method in the evaluation of teaching cases to facilitate the case method, which is widely adopted in entrepreneurship education at business schools. Findings- The study finds that there are eight clusters and 178 nodes in the KANP.CEEM model, and experimental research on the evaluation of teaching cases discloses that the KANP method is effective in conducting knowledge management to the entrepreneurship education. Research limitations/implications- As an experimental research, this paper ignores the concordance between a selected standard classification and others, which perhaps limits the usefulness of KANP.CEEM model elsewhere. Practical implications- As the KANP.CEEM model is built based on the standard classification codes and the embedded ANP, it is thus expected that the model has a wide potential in evaluating knowledge-based teaching materials for any education purpose with a background from the construction industry, and can be used by both faculty and students. Originality/value- This paper fulfils a knowledge management need and offers a practical tool for an academic starting out on the development of knowledge-based teaching cases and other teaching materials or for a student going through the case studies and other learning materials.
Purpose – To evaluate the control strategy for a hybrid natural ventilation wind catchers and air-conditioning system and to assess the contribution of wind catchers to indoor air environments and energy savings if any. Design/methodology/approach – Most of the modeling techniques for assessing wind catchers performance are theoretical. Post-occupancy evaluation studies of buildings will provide an insight into the operation of these building components and help to inform facilities managers. A case study for POE was presented in this paper. Findings – The monitoring of the summer and winter month operations showed that the indoor air quality parameters were kept within the design target range. The design control strategy failed to record data regarding the operation, opening time and position of wind catchers system. Though the implemented control strategy was working effectively in monitoring the operation of mechanical ventilation systems, i.e. AHU, did not integrate the wind catchers with the mechanical ventilation system. Research limitations/implications – Owing to short-falls in the control strategy implemented in this project, it was found difficult to quantify and verify the contribution of the wind catchers to the internal conditions and, hence, energy savings. Practical implications – Controlling the operation of the wind catchers via the AHU will lead to isolation of the wind catchers in the event of malfunctioning of the AHU. Wind catchers will contribute to the ventilation of space, particularly in the summer months. Originality/value – This paper demonstrates the value of POE as indispensable tool for FM professionals. It further provides insight into the application of natural ventilation systems in building for healthier indoor environments at lower energy cost. The design of the control strategy for natural ventilation and air-conditioning should be considered at the design stage involving the FM personnel.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the concepts of intelligent buildings (IBs), and the opportunities offered by the application of computer-aided facilities management (CAFM) systems. Design/methodology/approach – In this paper definitions of IBs are investigated, particularly definitions that are embracing open standards for effective operational change, using a questionnaire survey. The survey further investigated the extension of CAFM to IBs concepts and the opportunities that such integrated systems will provide to facilities management (FM) professionals. Findings – The results showed variation in the understanding of the concept of IBs and the application of CAFM. The survey showed that 46 per cent of respondents use a CAFM system with a majority agreeing on the potential of CAFM in delivery of effective facilities. Research limitations/implications – The questionnaire survey results are limited to the views of the respondents within the context of FM in the UK. Practical implications – Following on the many definitions of an IB does not necessarily lead to technologies of equipment that conform to an open standard. This open standard and documentation of systems produced by vendors is the key to integrating CAFM with other building management systems (BMS) and further harnessing the application of CAFM for IBs. Originality/value – The paper gives experience-based suggestions for both demand and supply sides of the service procurement to gain the feasible benefits and avoid the currently hindering obstacles, as the paper provides insight to the current and future tools for the mobile aspects of FM. The findings are relevant for service providers and operators as well.
Purpose – This paper proposes assessing the context within which integrated logistic support (ILS) can be implemented for whole life performance of building services systems. Design/methodology/approach – The use of ILS within a through-life business model (TLBM) is a better framework to achieve a well-designed, constructed and managed product. However, for ILS to be implemented in a TLBM for building services systems, the practices, tools and techniques need certain contextual prerequisites tailored to suit the construction industry. These contextual prerequisites are discussed. Findings – The case studies conducted reinforced the contextual importance of prime contracting, partnering and team collaboration for the application of ILS techniques. The lack of data was a major hindrance to the full realisation of ILS techniques within the case studies. Originality/value – The paper concludes with the recognition of the value of these contextual prerequisites for the use of ILS techniques within the building industry.
Purpose – For many academics in UK universities the nature and orientation of their research is overwhelmingly determined by considerations of how that work will be graded in research assessment exercises (RAEs). The grades awarded to work in a particular subject area can have a considerable impact on the individual and their university. There is a need to better understand those factors which may influence these grades. The paper seeks to address this issue. Design/methodology/approach – The paper considers relationships between the grades awarded and the quantitative information provided to the assessment panels for the 1996 and 2001 RAEs for two subject areas, built environment and town and country planning, and for three other subject areas, civil engineering, geography and archaeology, in the 2001 RAE. Findings – A simple model demonstrating strong and consistent relationships is established. RAE performance relates to numbers of research active staff, the production of books and journal papers, numbers of research studentships and graduations, and research income. Important differences between subject areas are identified. Research limitations/implications – Important issues are raised about the extent to which the new assessment methodology to be adopted for the 2008 RAE will capture the essence of good quality research in architecture and built environment. Originality/value – The findings provide a developmental perspective of RAEs and show how, despite a changed methodology, various research activities might be valued in the 2008 RAE. The basis for a methodology for reviewing the credibility of the judgements of panels is proposed.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to show the extent to which clients amend standard form contracts in practice, the locus of the amendments, and how contractors respond to the amendments when putting together a bid. Design/methodology/approach – Four live observational case studies were carried out in two of the top 20 UK construction firms. The whole process used to review the proposed terms and conditions of the contract was shadowed using participant observation, interview and documentary analysis. Findings – All four cases showed strong evidence of amendments relating mostly to payment and contractual aspects: 83 amendments in Case Study 1 (CS1), 80 in CS2, 15 in CS3 and 29 in CS4. This comprised clauses that were modified (37 per cent), substituted (23 per cent), deleted (7 per cent) and new additions (33 per cent). Risks inherent in the amendments were mostly addressed through contractual rather than price mechanisms, to reflect commercial imperatives. “Qualifications” and “clarifications” were included in the tender submissions for post-tender negotiations. Thus, the amendments did not necessarily influence price. There was no evidence of a “standard-form contract“ being used as such, although clients may draw on published “standard-form contracts” to derive the forms of contract actually used in practice. Practical implications – Contractors should pay attention to clauses relating to contractual and financial aspects when reviewing tender documents. Clients should draft equitable payment and contractual terms and conditions to reduce risk of dispute. Indeed, it is prudent for clients not to pass on inestimable risks. Originality/value – A better understanding of the extent and locus of amendments in standard form contracts, and how contractors respond, is provided.