972 resultados para Political action committees.


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In primates, the observation of meaningful, goaldirected actions engages a network of cortical areas located within the premotor and inferior parietal lobules. Current models suggest that activity within these regions arises relatively automatically during passive action observation without the need for topdown control. Here we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to determine whether cortical activit)' associated with action observation is modulated by the strategic allocation of selective attention. Normal observers viewed movie clips of reach-to-grasp actions while performing an easy or difficult visual discrimination at the fovea. A wholebrain analysis was performed to determine the effects of attentional load on neural responses to observed hand actions. Our results suggest that cortical areas involved in action observation are significantiy modulated by attentional load. These findings have important implications for recent attempts to link the human action-observation system to response properties of "mirror neurons" in monkeys.


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In this article we revisit a famous chapter of Brazilian history, yet to be properly analysed from an ethnological perspective: the `Tamoio confederation,` a coalition of 16th century coastal Tupian groups who threatened to undermine Portuguese colonization during the dispute between the French and Portuguese for the Guanabara region (now Rio de Janeiro). Was this `confederation` a new phenomenon in Tupian politics, engendered by the Conquest and inducing a shift towards political centralization? Or was it, on the contrary, the actualization of a possibility already (always) present in Tupian forms of political organization and action? These are the questions guiding our inquiry, which we seek to answer through the use of both historical sources and the in-depth ethnological knowledge of Tupi-Guarani peoples developed by various authors over recent decades.


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The aim of this article is to give an overview of the political situation of Brazil in 1810. It offers an opposed view to the traditional perspective, that presents a calm scenario, without great political challenges. In fact, although Brazil was in a different situation when compared with Spanish America, it was part of the same general context. It is true that Brazil had opportunities to learn its own ways to avoid revolutions, but, in the end, this goal was impossible to achieve.


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After discussing the meaning of the word politics, this paper shows that there are four possible approaches to the issue of the relationships between language, discourse and politics: a) the intrinsic political nature of language; b) the relations of power between discourses and their political dimension; c) the relations of power between languages and the political dimension of their usage and; d) linguistic policies. This paper addresses only the first two of these items. Languages have an intrinsically political nature because they subject their speakers to their order. The acts of silencing operationalized in discourse manifest a relation of power. The spread of discourses in the social space is also subject to the order of power. The use of language may be the space of pertinence, but is also that of exclusion, separation and even the elimination of the other. Therefore, language is not a neutral communication tool, but it is permeated by politics, by power. Because of the dislocations that it produces, literature is a form of swindling language, unveiling the powers that are imprinted on it.


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Based on a comprehensive study in research centers and libraries, a panorama of the critical response to Argentine rock in academic circles has been traced in various fields of knowledge. Research works including books, trade magazines, and academic papers on this musical movement spanning four decades have been consulted. The results show that the criticism has generated a ""developing tradition"" around the movement, mainly in the Social and Communication Sciences, and it has presented the following predominant traits: approaching rock essentially as a determinant of ""social identities""; periodization in the genre according to political regime: and analysis of the lyrics based solely on content. These traits contribute to a delimitation of rock as an exclusive phenomenon of the mass media, which relegates to secondary importance its aesthetic function and its relationship with other artistic series. Furthermore, we have observed a scarcity of approaches to rock lyrics as a linguistic-discursive surface.


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This article examines the relative importance of regional and national forces in shaping the behavior of Brazilian legislators at the national level. A widely held view is that national legislators respond to state pressures in making decisions, rather than pressures from the national government. Governors not only can influence national debates but also can determine outcomes by exerting control over their states` legislative delegations. This article examines a dataset of all roll-call votes in the Chamber of Deputies between 1989 and 2006 to isolate and evaluate the impact of local pressures on legislative voting. Spanning the terms of five presidents and five different congresses, the data show that the local influence is weaker than the national on the voting decisions of individual legislators and the voting cohesion of state delegations. Alternative institutional resources allow the central government to counteract the centrifugal pressures of federalism and other institutional influences.


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This article considers the impact of electoral quotas for women. Most studies have either focused on whether particular policies increase the numbers of women elected or assessed the extent to which a greater number of women in the legislature produces more gender-sensitive legislation. However, little attention has been paid to the cultural changes that can result from adopting gender quotas. This article argues that, although increasing the number of women in legislatures may improve the attention to gender issues, broader processes are involved. Latin American women`s activism and alliances have been critical in ensuring the expansion of women`s rights and increasing the number of women elected. Quotas, and the debate surrounding their adoption, have provided an incentive for women`s collective action and fostered the politicization of gender issues. An analysis of the impact of quotas, therefore, must recognize these broader impacts.


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Entre o verbete sobre economia política, de 1755, e o Contrato social, de 1762, a noção rousseauniana de lei passa de "voz celeste" para "declaração da vontade geral". Pretende-se defender aqui a proposição de que tal mudança na definição de lei de um escrito para o outro não implica contradição. Para tanto, será analisada a presença da imagem da "lei acima dos homens" em diversos textos do Cidadão de Genebra, sobretudo no capítulo "Do legislador" no livro II do Contrato, a fim de mostrar-se que ela corresponde a um mesmo princípio de oposição entre a liberdade, associada ao dever de obediência, e a escravidão, associada ao impulso das paixões, expressando-se de modos particulares nos diversos momentos da obra de Rousseau.


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The Strength of Weak Parties The aim of this article is to fill some gaps in research on the Brazilian electoral arena. The current literature, by neglecting the study of party organization, ends up overlooking fundamental questions for understanding how the electoral process works. This study addressed two questions: How do Brazilian parties work? What is the impact of party organization on a party`s decision to launch or withhold a candidate in a given election? We intend to show that the parties have more life than many studies on our political system tend to show. This partisan life helps understand one of the central aspects of the electoral arena, that is, how pre-election coordination occurs.


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The 1998 consensus guidelines on the management of gestational diabetes mellitus from the Australasian Diabetes in Pregnancy Society emphasised that, “due to a lack of good quality randomised controlled clinical trials in the area of [gestational diabetes mellitus], these guidelines are based on what is a reasonable consensus of informed opinion in Australasia”.1 The clear benefits of treating women with gestational diabetes according to these guidelines have now been demonstrated by the Australian Carbohydrate Intolerance Study in Pregnant Women (ACHOIS).2 This study randomised 1000 women with gestational diabetes to either routine antenatal care or to an intervention that comprised home glucose monitoring, review by a diabetes educator, dietitian and physician, and insulin therapy if glycaemic targets were not met. Serious adverse perinatal outcomes occurred in 1% of the intervention group versus 4% of the routine-care group (adjusted relative risk, 0.33 [95% CI, 0.14–0.75]). The percentage of infants who were large for gestational age was lower in the intervention group (13% v 22%), with no increase in those who were small for gestational age. Although induction of labour was more common in the intervention group (39% v 29%), rates of caesarean delivery were similar (around 31%). Measures of maternal quality of life were more favourable in the intervention group. To prevent one serious perinatal outcome, 34 women needed to be treated. The 1998 guidelines were equivocal in regard to screening for gestational diabetes, allowing either for universal screening or for selective screening based on clinical risk factors in relatively lowrisk populations. In the light of the findings of ACHOIS, we believe that universal screening should now be accepted and implemented.


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The supplementary motor area (SMA) is thought to play in important role in the preparation and organisation of voluntary movement. It has long been known that cortical activity begins to increase up to 2 s prior to voluntary self-initiated movement. This increasing premovement activity measured in EEG is known as the Bereitschaftspotential or readiness potential. Modern functional brain imaging methods, using event-related and time-resolved functional MRI techniques, are beginning to reveal the role of the SMA, and in particular the more anterior pre-SMA, in premovement activity associated with the readiness for action. In this paper we review recent studies using event-related time-resolved fMRI methods to examine the time-course of activation changes within the SMA throughout the preparation, readiness and execution of action. These studies suggest that the preSMA plays a common role in encoding or representing actions prior to our own voluntary self-initiated movements, during motor imagery, and from the observation of others' actions. We suggest that the pre-SMA generates and encodes motor representations which are then maintained in readiness for action. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Spinosad, applied as a jetting solution or dip is an efficacious, non-systemic treatment for the control of Bovicola ovis in sheep. This paper describes the effect of back-line treatment width and group housing of animals on the efficacy of spinosad for the control of lice. A 0.4 mg/kg liveweight dose was found to be the suboptimal dose of spinosad for the control of body lice in a dose titration study and was used to investigate application and housing effects in a second study. Lousy Merino sheep were treated with either a narrow 3-cm application of spinosad or with a wider 25-cm swathe. After treatment they were either kept alone or in groups of 6 sheep per pen. Lice were counted at day 0 and every 14 days to 70 days after treatment before estimation of the percentage of lice control and analysis of treatment effects. A much higher percentage of lice control was achieved with 0.4 mg/kg in the second study than in the first, possibly because of differences in formulation used. The wider application width gave significantly higher (P < 0.05) control of lice than the narrow application when sheep were either housed alone or in groups up to day 42 post-treatment. Greater control of lice was seen in group-housed sheep compared with sheep housed individually (P < 0.05) up to day 70. Using broader application widths combined with holding the animals together after treatment with pour-on formulations may optimise the delivery and efficacy of ectoparasiticides for livestock.


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We investigated the ability of S-nitroso-N-acetylcyseine (SNAC) to prevent structural and functional myocardial alterations in hypercholesterolemic mice. C57BL6 wild-type (WT) and LDL-R-/male mice (S) were fed a standard diet for 15 days. LDL-R-/- mice (S) showed an 11% increase in blood pressure, 62% decrease in left atrial contractility and lower CD40L and eNOS expression relative to WT. LDL-R-/- mice fed an atherogenic diet for 15 days (Chol) showed significant increased left ventricular mass compared to S, which was characterized by: (1) 1.25-fold increase in the LV weight/body weight ratio and cardiomyocyte diameter; (2) enhanced expression of the NOS isoforms, CD40L, and collagen amount; and (3) no alteration in the atrial contractile performance. Administration of SNAC to Chol mice (Choi + SNAC) (0.51 mu mol/kg/day for 15 day, IP) prevented increased left ventricular mass, collagen deposit, NOS isoforms, and CD40L overexpression, but it had no effect on the increased blood pressure or atrial basal hypocontractility. Deletion of the LDL receptor gene in mice resulted in hypertension and a marked left atrial contractile deficit, which may be related to eNOS under-expression. Our data show that SNAC treatment has an antiinflammatory action that might contribute to prevention of structural and functional myocardial alterations in atherosclerotic mice independently of changes in blood pressure.