394 resultados para Pluralism.


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A diversidade religiosa brasileira na segunda metade do século XX tornou-se progressiva e tomou enorme velocidade. Com isso, o processo de diversificação e pluralização do campo religioso brasileiro começava a ganhar o contorno atual, abrindo espaço para novas formas de crer e de expressar a fé religiosa. Nessa mesma época, entre os batistas de Belo Horizonte, no bairro da Lagoinha, surgia uma nova organização religiosa, a Igreja Batista da Lagoinha (IBL). Já em seus primeiros dias essa nova igreja assumiu um dinamismo próprio de igrejas conhecidas como avivadas ou carismáticas , cuja mensagem e prática religiosa reforçavam, por meio de dons espirituais e de experiências extáticas , a evidência do batismo no Espírito Santo . Houve reações por parte dos batistas tradicionais, pois a IBL manifestava-se, por um lado, mais próxima de uma religiosidade em processo de pentecostalização e, por outro, mais distante daquela adotada pelos batistas mineiros, identificados como históricos. Esta nova igreja, devido ao seu engajamento no avivalismo e nas práticas carismáticas, alcançou independência teológica, organizacional e administrativa, pois foi excluída do rol das igrejas batistas cooperadoras da Convenção Batista Mineira e Brasileira. É essa igreja que assumiu uma forma religiosa avivada e que desenvolveu o processo de pentecostalização entre os batistas que escolhemos analisar neste trabalho. Entretanto, a análise que realizamos e que se embasou nos estudos da sociologia da religião, nas teorizações da cultura e na simbologia sociocultural, mostrou que as modificações ocorridas na trajetória e na identidade IBL, são correlatas aos processos de urbanização e modernização da sociedade e ao surgimento de formas religiosas, mais flexíveis, adaptáveis e em constante reconfiguração. Portanto, a partir dessa correlação é que podemos afirmar que a IBL é uma organização religiosa híbrida, mutacional, midiática e com uma identidade que se faz e refaz, já que ela está se ajustando a um tipo de cultura que é, ao mesmo tempo, urbana, gospel, tecnológica, mercadológica e comunicacional.


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A pesquisa aqui desenvolvida trata da crise de sentido presente em uma sociedade em processo de transformação, com o propósito de apontar os desafios e possibilidades de uma ressignificação da práxis metodista no contexto urbano. Esse processo de transformação é caracterizado por vários elementos que constituem a formação de um novo cenário cultural religioso, como a hibridização de práticas religiosas, espiritualidade sem religião, a privatização da fé, o pluralismo religioso, a secularização, o trânsito religioso, a urbanização, o surgimento de novas propostas religiosas, a perda da autonomia de diversas mediações institucionais tradicionais. A hipótese é de que os fenômenos presentes, que caracterizam este tempo de mudanças, têm afetado as igrejas protestantes de missão, entre elas a Igreja Metodista. A investigação desses fenômenos, a partir de fundamentos teóricos, visa analisar o impacto das transformações socioculturais no contexto da Igreja Metodista e algumas das suas consequências no campo religioso, especialmente na realidade urbana da Igreja Metodista em Belo Horizonte, no período de 1982 a 2006. A cultura característica desse tempo de transformações demandava novos paradigmas de ação pastoral do metodismo para o contexto urbano em Belo Horizonte, no entanto, a Igreja Metodista não foi capaz de construir, nos documentos Plano Para Vida e Missão (1982) e Dons e Ministérios (1987), uma resposta que contemplasse os complexos desafios demandados por esse tempo de transformações. Portanto, em que pesem os esforços da Igreja Metodista em procurar formas novas de organização de sua estrutura e alterações em seus documentos Planos Quadrienais, Quinquenais, Plano para a Vida e Missão da Igreja, Dons e Ministérios, com o passar do tempo, tais documentos demonstraram carecer de atualização e reconstrução. Dessa maneira, as ações pastorais do metodismo em Belo Horizonte não resultaram em práxis pastorais que respondessem às transformações da sociedade. Não houve, por parte da Igreja Metodista em Belo Horizonte, a percepção dessas mudanças e, consequentemente, da necessidade de alterar as funções tradicionais de pastoreio diante dos novos desafios socioculturais. O objetivo específico desta pesquisa, portanto, é compreender de que maneira o novo paradigma cultural, na perspectiva da presença pública, tem afetado a Igreja Metodista em Belo Horizonte e como ela tem respondido aos desafios de suas práticas pastorais de evangelização, ação social e educação, na realidade urbana e em sua dimensão pública. Para fundamentar respostas que atendam a tais desafios, serão analisadas as práticas pastorais da Igreja Metodista em Belo Horizonte, as transformações socioculturais e como elas afetaram o modo de ação pastoral do metodismo, obrigando-o a reinterpretar-se e assumir uma posição crítica e transformadora diante da sociedade, para ressignificação da sua práxis no contexto urbano.


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A cidade se desenvolve a partir de um núcleo denominado centro, na direção de círculos periféricos. As populações instaladas nestas zonas de fronteiras vivenciam e estabelecem relações próprias com o espaço que ocupam e com o núcleo denominado centro. Em São Paulo, é plausível que se reconheça não há uma uniformidade na população urbana, mas populações urbanas, marcadas por características plurais e significativos contrastes entre si, inclusive nas manifestações de fenômenos religiosos.A zona leste da cidade de São Paulo é objeto da análise desta pesquisa apresentada em quatro capítulos, observada em seus diferentes aspectos, identificando-se inclusive, que há na própria região geográfica marcada como ZL, duas disposições, a saber: ZL 1 e ZL 2, que por si só evidenciam o contraste na zona de fronteira. O olhar específico para este espaço é delimitado pelo tempo, entre 1990-2000 e pela referência da pesquisa que se propõe identificar e analisar as Práticas Pastorais das Igrejas Batistas residentes nesta Zona. Na análise das Práticas Pastorais no viés da evangelização e expansão missionária, elabora-se a pesquisa especificamente sobre três comunidades, a saber: Primeira Igreja Batista da Penha, Igreja Batista em Vila Salete e Primeira Igreja Evangélica Batista em Guaianases.Parte-se não de um referencial externo à comunidade como instrumental de análise, mas suas respectivas propostas de Práticas Pastorais registradas em seus documentos oficiais como atas, anuários e informativos dominicais, os quais serviram como fonte documental. As fronteiras urbanas são, por natureza, inovadoras e caóticas, sendo exatamente por isso o espaço mais adequado para igrejas criarem e desenvolverem Práticas Pastorais próprias e conseqüentes, sem delimitadores à inovação de toda a ordem, configurando-se como Igreja sem Fronteiras. Em caso contrário à motivação inovadora, rompendo-se o diálogo e a vivência com o meio urbano fronteiriço, excluindo-se o ambiente de contraste que se oferece à igreja, dá-se a gênese ao vazio, à desesperança, a Fronteiras sem Igreja.(AU)


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Em diversas ocasiões, os líderes da Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil revelaram o desejo de uma eqüidistância teológica dos extremos liberais e fundamentalistas. Entretanto, os dis-cursos e as práticas dessa instituição eclesiástica contrastam com esse posicionamento ofici-al. Além disso, essa pretensa posição de eqüidistância dos extremos liberais e fundamenta-listas não denota fronteiras rígidas, mas é um instrumento eficaz de legitimação do poder nos momentos de reconfiguração do campo religioso, principalmente em situações de crises internas. Outrossim, após a redemocratização do Brasil e o conseqüente aumento de plura-lismo religioso, houve a transformação do campo social brasileiro, provocando dificuldades em setores mais conservadores dessa instituição. Atualmente, procura-se revitalizar a pró-pria tradição religiosa diante das ameaças de sua dissolução impostas pelos processos e-mancipatórios modernos e pela influência das concepções seculares e supostamente atéias da vida (como o feminismo, a luta em defesa dos direitos reprodutivos, a união civil entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, o chamado ―movimento de lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, travestis e transgêneros‖ etc.). No campo religioso, os resultados imediatos dessa postura de reação em face das transformações sociais impostas pela modernidade são: (1) misoginia; (2) aquela manifestação de ativismo político-religioso de caráter conservador os protestantes de pen-dor fundamentalista, cuja expansão no Brasil se vem processando há muitas décadas, em ritmo sabidamente veloz, com base em um modelo de proselitismo muito bem-sucedido entre as camadas mais pobres da população brasileira, por todo território nacional.(AU)


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Este trabalho analisa a fragmentação que vem ocorrendo no neopentecostalismo, procurando investigar as relações entre as causas dessa fragmentação e a forma específica como os grupos neopentecostais se colocam na Modernidade, sobretudo em seus conceitos de poder e nas formas de sua estruturação. Essa investigação é feita em diálogo com as teorias da secularização, da modernidade e do poder moderno e é fundamentada empiricamente em pesquisa de campo qualitativa realizada através de entrevistas com líderes de igrejas neopentecostais na cidade de Sorocaba. Ao desenvolver essa análise, demonstramos como essas expressões religiosas representam uma adaptação ao ambiente da modernidade brasileira e à cultura moderna, especialmente pela assimilação de crenças e práticas populares e da adoção da lógica e da cultura de mercado. É nessa vinculação entre as formas de exercício do poder e o contexto cultural, político e econômico modernos que explica-se a acentuada fragmentação neopentecostal.(AU)


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In this article, the concept of pluralism is used to expose variations in the relationship between organizing and strategizing and the consequences of these variations for managerial practice. Pluralistic contexts are those that are shaped by the divergent goals and interests of different groups inside and outside the organization. Internally, these divergent interests result in multiple organizing processes, while the interests of external stakeholders lead to multiple strategic goals and objectives. Despite the Fact that innate pluralism and the consequent complexity of strategizing and organizing processes are experienced by many organizations in the 21st century, pluralism has been inadequately examined in organisation studies and virtually ignored in the strategy literature. Having defined pluralism and explained its implications for strategizing and organizing practices and processes within organizations, three relevant questions are posed for investigating the nature of organizing and strategizing in pluralistic contexts. Case examples from the public sector, professional services and regulated industries are utilized to provide insights into these questions, and derive a framework that enables the drivers and potential problems of the interdependence between strategizing and organizing to be better understood. Practical implications for managing this interdependence are drawn.


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This text is concerned with the intellectual and social alienation experienced by a twentieth century German writer (1906 - ).·the alienation begins in the context of German society, but this context is later globalised. The thesis first discusses the social and· intellectual origins and the salient features of this alienated stance, before proceeding to a detailed analysis of its recurring symptoms and later intensification in each of the author's main works, chronologically surveyed, supported by reference to minor writings. From the novels of the thirties' showing the burgher-artist conflict, and its symbolic dichotomies, the renunciation of traditional German values, and the ambiguous confrontation with new disruptive socio-political forces, we move to the post-war trilogy (1951-54), with its roots in the German social and political experience of the thirties' onwards. The latter, however, is merely a background for the presentation of a much more comprehensive view of the human condition:- a pessimistic vision of the repetitiveness and incorrigibility of this condition, the possibility of the apocalypse, the bankruptcy and ineffectiveness of European religion and culture, the 'absurd' meaninglessness of history, the intellectual artist's position and role(s) in mass-culture and an abstract, technologised mass-society, the central theme of fragmentation - of the structure of reality, society and personality, the artist's relation to this fragmentation, intensified in the twentieth,century. Style and language are consonant with this world-picture. Many of these features recur in the travel-books (1958-61); diachronic as well as synchronic approaches characterise the presentation of various modes of contemporary society in America, Russia, France and other European countries. Important features of intellectual alienation are:- the changelessness of historical motifs (e.g. tyranny, aggression), the conventions of burgher society, both old and new forms, the qualitative depreciation and standardisation of living, industrialisation and technology in complex, vulnerable and concemtrated urban societies, ambiguities of fragmented pluralism. Reference is made .to other travel-writers.


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There has been a resurgence of interest in values in recent public administration research, based on two distinct arguments. For different reasons, neither approach is likely to secure a robust normative basis for public endeavours. These reasons are assessed, using an alternative body of theory rooted in contemporary social theory that we term, 'new pragmatism'. New pragmatic ideas are deployed to critique the divorce of values from facts; the abstraction of values from concrete situations; the anthropocentric foundation to social choice; the poorly developed understanding of the process of governance, with its inherent pluralism; and the seeming reluctance to articulate principles of political discourse. © 2010 The Authors. Public Administration © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Public values are moving from a research concern to policy discourse and management practice. There are, though, different readings of what public values actually mean. Reflection suggests two distinct strands of thinking: a generative strand that sees public value emerging from processes of public debate; and an institutional interpretation that views public values as the attributes of government producers. Neither perspective seems to offer a persuasive account of how the public gains from strengthened public values. Key propositions on values are generated from comparison of influential texts. A provisional framework is presented of the values base of public institutions and the loosely coupled public propositions flowing from these values. Value propositions issue from different governing contexts, which are grouped into policy frames that then compete with other problem frames for citizens’ cognitive resources. Vital democratic commitments to pluralism require public values to be distributed in competition with other, respected, frames.


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Determining an appropriate research methodology is considered as an important element in a research study; especially in a doctoral research study. It involves approach to the entire process of a research study, starting from theoretical underpinnings and spanning to data collection and analysis, and extending to developing the solutions for the problems investigated. Research methodology in essence is focused around the problems to be investigated in a research study and therefore varies according to the problems investigated. Thus, identifying the research methodology that best suits a research in hand is important, not only as it will benefit achieving the set objectives of a research, but also as it will serve establishing the credibility of the work. Research philosophy, approach, strategy, choice, and techniques are inherent components of the methodology. Research strategy provides the overall direction of the research including the process by which the research is conducted. Case study, experiment, survey, action research, grounded theory and ethnography are examples for such research strategies. Case study is documented as an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context, especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident. Case study was adopted as the overarching research strategy, in a doctoral study developed to investigate the resilience of construction Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the UK to extreme weather events. The research sought to investigate how construction SMEs are affected by EWEs, respond to the risk of EWEs, and means of enhancing their resilience to future EWEs. It is argued that utilising case study strategy will benefit the research study, in achieving the set objectives of the research and answering the research questions raised, by comparing and contrasting with the alternative strategies available. It is also claimed that the selected strategy will contribute towards addressing the call for improved methodological pluralism in construction management research, enhancing the understanding of complex network of relationships pertinent to the industry and the phenomenon being studied.


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This article explores the growth aspirations of owners and managers of young firms in a post-conflict economy by focusing on social capital. It treats social capital as a multidimensional, multilevel phenomenon, studying the effects of discussion network characteristics, trust in institutions, generalised trust in people and local ethnic pluralism. We argue that in a post-conflict country, ethnic pluralism is indicative of local norms of tolerance towards experimentation and risk taking which support growth aspirations. It also distinguishes between the aspirations of hired managers and owners-managers. The empirical counterpart and hypotheses testing rely on survey evidence drawn from young businesses in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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Determining an appropriate research methodology is considered as an important element in a research study; especially in a doctoral research study. It involves approach to the entire process of a research study, starting from theoretical underpinnings and spanning to data collection and analysis, and extending to developing the solutions for the problems investigated. Research methodology in essence is focused around the problems to be investigated in a research study and therefore varies according to the problems investigated. Thus, identifying the research methodology that best suits a research in hand is important, not only as it will benefit achieving the set objectives of a research, but also as it will serve establishing the credibility of the work. Research philosophy, approach, strategy, choice, and techniques are inherent components of the methodology. Research strategy provides the overall direction of the research including the process by which the research is conducted. Case study, experiment, survey, action research, grounded theory and ethnography are examples for such research strategies. Case study is documented as an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context, especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident. Case study was adopted as the overarching research strategy, in a doctoral study developed to investigate the resilience of construction Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the UK to extreme weather events. The research sought to investigate how construction SMEs are affected by EWEs, respond to the risk of EWEs, and means of enhancing their resilience to future EWEs. It is argued that utilising case study strategy will benefit the research study, in achieving the set objectives of the research and answering the research questions raised, by comparing and contrasting with the alternative strategies available. It is also claimed that the selected strategy will contribute towards addressing the call for improved methodological pluralism in construction management research, enhancing the understanding of complex network of relationships pertinent to the industry and the phenomenon being studied.


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BACKGROUND: Standardised packaging (SP) of tobacco products is an innovative tobacco control measure opposed by transnational tobacco companies (TTCs) whose responses to the UK government's public consultation on SP argued that evidence was inadequate to support implementing the measure. The government's initial decision, announced 11 months after the consultation closed, was to wait for 'more evidence', but four months later a second 'independent review' was launched. In view of the centrality of evidence to debates over SP and TTCs' history of denying harms and manufacturing uncertainty about scientific evidence, we analysed their submissions to examine how they used evidence to oppose SP. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We purposively selected and analysed two TTC submissions using a verification-oriented cross-documentary method to ascertain how published studies were used and interpretive analysis with a constructivist grounded theory approach to examine the conceptual significance of TTC critiques. The companies' overall argument was that the SP evidence base was seriously flawed and did not warrant the introduction of SP. However, this argument was underpinned by three complementary techniques that misrepresented the evidence base. First, published studies were repeatedly misquoted, distorting the main messages. Second, 'mimicked scientific critique' was used to undermine evidence; this form of critique insisted on methodological perfection, rejected methodological pluralism, adopted a litigation (not scientific) model, and was not rigorous. Third, TTCs engaged in 'evidential landscaping', promoting a parallel evidence base to deflect attention from SP and excluding company-held evidence relevant to SP. The study's sample was limited to sub-sections of two out of four submissions, but leaked industry documents suggest at least one other company used a similar approach. CONCLUSIONS: The TTCs' claim that SP will not lead to public health benefits is largely without foundation. The tools of Better Regulation, particularly stakeholder consultation, provide an opportunity for highly resourced corporations to slow, weaken, or prevent public health policies.


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Az akadémiai székfoglaló előadás a teljesség igénye nélkül arra a kérdésre keresi a választ, hogy a posztkommunista átalakulás tanulmányozása milyen hasznosítható tanulságokkal szolgált a közgazdasági elmélet művelőinek szélesebb köre számára. Megállapítja, hogy - a világ közgazdaságtanában folyó megújulással párhuzamosan - a módszertani pluralizmus, ezen belül a történeti, az intézményi és az összehasonlító gazdaságtani közelítés visszahelyezése jogaiba, valamint az egyoldalúan csak a matematikai formalizálást előtérbe állító megoldások visszaszorulása figyelhető meg. _____ This inaugural lecture delivered on receiving membership of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences seeks, without attempting completeness, to examine what useful lessons could be drawn from study of the post-communist transformation for practitioners in wider fields of economics. It establishes that methodological pluralism, including the rights of historical, institutional and comparative economic approaches, is being relegated by the renewal taking place in world economics. This can be seen to be constricting the approaches that place mathematical formalism to the fore.


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Political leaders in urban settings regularly confront difficult decisions over how to distribute public funds. Those decisions may be even more controversial when they involve public subsidies of professional sports facilities. Yet, state and local governments in the United States have granted billions of dollars in financial and land-based subsidies for professional sports facilities over the past two decades, raising questions about how these types of corporate welfare decisions are made by local leaders. Scholarship on urban politics and community power suggests a number of theories to explain political influence. They include elitism, pluralism, political economy and growth machines, urban regimes, coalition theory, and minority empowerment. My hypothesis is that coalition theory, a theory that argues that public policy decisions are made by shifting, ad hoc alliances within a community, best describes these subsidy decisions. ^ To test this hypothesis I employ a public policy process model and develop a framework of variables that is used to methodically examine four sports facilities funding decisions in two Florida counties between 1977 and 1998: Joe Robbie Stadium and the American Airlines Arena in Miami-Dade, and the Ice Palace Arena and the Raymond James Stadium in Hillsborough County. The framework includes six variables that permit a rigorous examination of the actors involved in the decision, their interactions, and the political environment within which they operate. The variables are formal political structure, informal sector, subsidy proponents, subsidy opponents, public policy options, and public opinion. ^ This research rests on qualitative data gathered from interviews of public and private officials involved in subsidy decisions, public records, and media reports Employing a case study analysis, I offer a rich description of the decision making process to publicly fund sports stadiums and arenas in Florida. My findings confirm that the best theory to explain decisions to subsidize sports facilities is one in which short-term, temporary coalitions are formed to accomplish policy goals. ^